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henry quirk 04-27-2019 09:42 AM

"I wonder what she tastes like."
She appears to be spicy, but is probably bitter (or just bland).

tw 05-03-2019 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1031264)
These are Democratic Trump voters. It appears Democratic Trump voters are most likely to be Bernie voters in the Primary.

An irrelevant argument is 'liberal' verses 'conservative'. This game keeps extremists in line and emotionally focused on what they are ordered to believe.

Trump or Sanders supporters; neither are moderates. Actual contest is moderate verses extremist. Of course they see less difference between Trump and Sanders. Extremists are driven by (make decisions using) emotion.

henry quirk 05-03-2019 08:38 AM

"Actual contest is moderate verses extremist."
I think the long-haul contest is between 'libertarianism' and 'communitarianism', but I'm just an emotion-driven extremist, so: what do I know... :crazy:

BigV 07-30-2019 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1031271)
nobody notices they're all just tubes of meat, almost identical

the politicians, i mean

You, sir have not lost a single fucking step.

BigV 07-30-2019 10:29 PM

first time reader, second time poster

BigV 07-30-2019 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1028417)
I like Pete Buttigieg.

Me too.

Having just finished watching the first half of the second round of (almost half of) the Democratic candidates for the nomination for President... jeeeeeeze.

Honestly, sincerely, bottom of the heart, etc., etc. You could throw a dart. Three darts. Any of them that bounced into the dirt.. they're included. *Any* of them would select a better choice than Trump.

HAVING SAID THAT, and restricting my conversation to the members of the most recent debate....

Any/all/wet paper bag could execute the responsibilities of the Office of the President of the United States better than the squatter-in-residence. Sorry, my partisanship is showing. Let me tuck in my U-S-A fervor for the duration of this one post, at least.

BigV 07-30-2019 10:55 PM

As I said, almost half of the current crop of candidates for the nomination for the Democratic candidate for President just finished their collective turn on the CNN stage in Detroit.


Warren / Buttigieg

My new bumpersticker.

Elizabeth Warren's display of actual facts and details and the NOTABLE absence of populist/racist pandering (Cf. Trump) is a breath of pure oxygen to my asphyxiated sense of democratic responsibilities. I do still have hope for America, I do still feel patriotic, I am (slightly) surprised and (inexpressibly) relieved to find the nation still *singular*, despite Trump's narcissistic spasms to the contrary.

He's loud, he's amplified, he's wrong and deafeningly and blindingly so, so, so wrong...

Tears to my eyes, from the optimism expressed by *every* *single* *one* of these people exhorting me to choose *them* to be the candidate for the Democratic Party candidate for President.

Every one stunningly overqualified compared to Trump.

But what about in the Charisma dept? We'll see.

What about in the media narrative domination department. We'll see.

These things matter in an election and much less so in governance. But of course, one must be elected before one can govern. Hmmm?

Griff 07-31-2019 05:46 AM

Liz kicked ass last night. Of the center right group, only Ryan seemed in touch with reality the other ones were just rolling GOP talking points which no longer hold up.

Clodfobble 07-31-2019 07:39 AM

I don't know anything about Ryan except he's getting wasted on Twitter this morning for one particular interaction with Bernie:

Ryan: Bernie, you don't know that--
Bernie: I DO know that, I wrote the damn bill!

Griff 08-01-2019 06:15 AM


Biden seemed more with it last night. Neither he nor Harris seemed to do all that well. CNN seemed a lot more fair than the train wreck on MSNBC. Although, at times, they seemed locked into the Joe / Kamala show, air time and their questions showed that they actually were familiar with the other candidates policy positions. Jay Inslee may have moved into a legit progressive contender slot. Yang did okay, drawing some lines between UBI and and various issues it would actually address. I thought the MLK link was well timed. He would still likely do better in the general than the primary.

xoxoxoBruce 08-02-2019 02:07 AM

Likely he'd capture the anybody but Trump vote. ;)

Griff 08-02-2019 06:12 AM

That's the interesting part, on reddit he seems to have a fair amount of support from Trump voters who've gone soft on Trump.

Yang called out the debate process in his closing remarks.

He does better in longer formats.

Clodfobble 08-02-2019 06:51 AM

Here's my unhelpful hot take on Andrew Yang: everyone's all, "ooh, he won't wear ties, he's hip and an independent thinker"... Bullshit. He won't wear ties because he has an insanely thick neck and would look ridiculous, assuming he could get the top button closed at all.

Griff 08-02-2019 07:48 AM


Urbane Guerrilla 08-02-2019 06:11 PM

BigV's assessment of "who's better" is most exceedingly poor, with a nice radioactive dust of cobalt-60 sterility sprinkled on top.

Trump's trump card is he knows how an economy works -- better than the total sum of all the anti-trumpkins taken together in a dumptruckload. He knows the worth of our would-be ruling/political club class -- and sets it at its correct value, to their hourly discomfiture.

They ain't worth much, and certainly not worth what they say they are.

This pack of primarians, if I may coin a term, hasn't any idea of economics, and they are between them not worth a vote consequently. The ones that aren't fascists are fantasists.

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