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elSicomoro 05-31-2005 09:11 PM


wolf 06-01-2005 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by mrnoodle
he traded his soul for a soiled paperback copy of Das Kapital he found in a dumpster behind a coffeehouse.

Shame that's too long for a user title. Maybe he could use it as a sig?

wolf 06-01-2005 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Lady Sidhe
Sycamore: fuck, quack, bitch, quack, fucker, quack, fuck you, quack....

Somebody been rereading 1984?

Lady Sidhe 06-01-2005 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
Somebody been rereading 1984?

Not was just the first thing that came to mind after reading all his posts...

elSicomoro 06-01-2005 08:11 PM

You must have Tourette's, then...or you're just plain stupid. Neither would surprise me.

lumberjim 06-01-2005 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by sycamore
I suspect that LJ might see this later and attempt to jump in. So, LJ, if you do see this, and are considering entering this, let me remind you of your last 2 scraps with me:

--You were issued verbal beatdowns.
--You shot yourself in the mouth by attacking my physical appearance.

So, I don't think it's really in your best interest to join this...really.

in so saying, you hope to lure me into the fray? reverse psychology? ok, i'll bite. but only because you're an unmitigated cunt, and your attempts to draw attention to yourself and your loser saga that is the 'ciberbust' are so transparent that it's funny. people SHOULD go read it. it will make them feel better about themselves. and they can get valuable reviews about what kind of bologna tastes the best and other gems you post in there. tit.

so here goes:

this is how you remember that? perhaps you should re-read those threads. i'm pretty sure you came out looking like a tool. i'm smarter than you, funnier than you, better looking, taller, stronger, sexier, wiser, happier than you (obviously) and i'm apparently more sane, too. you want to be me. i would jump in front of a train if, one day I woke up as you.

i was issued a verbal beatdown? you're a very sad person. is all of this new bitterness coming from the humiliation of having to move back to your mommy's place? you're what? 28, 29 years old, and still don't have your shit together?
gave up your job as a secretary, didja? where ya gonna work now? Subway? maybe you could get on assistance again, you sad fucking slacker. maybe a temp service? you lisping shifty fat little fuck. you attempt to come off like a tough guy, but i've met you. you're not fooling me.

for those of you that haven't met dycamore, his bark is far far worse than his bite.

candy ass

elSicomoro 06-01-2005 10:23 PM

It's good to see that you're still as stupid as usual. And predictable. And useless.

Strike three!

wolf 06-02-2005 12:42 AM

Would everybody please just put it back in yer pants?


cowhead 06-02-2005 03:30 AM

no shit.. speaking as low cow on the pecking order of things, and have long been reading about how nasty things can get around here.. wow.. I thought the local boards were bad. anyway! the poem!

I'm not a big fan of that rhyme scheme.. (then again mine is to try to rhyme every third line.. I don't know why, but it's that way) but you managed to work it out in an almost dylanesque style in parts, which I really like.

kinda dark, and hopeless.. then again it is meant to be an expression of emotional turmoil. so my main question is.. did you feel better once you wrote it? (and other than this bru-ha-ha that erupted around it) did it ease some of the pain or only make that moment freeze in time? (to be re-lived over and over? )

elSicomoro 06-02-2005 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
Would everybody please just put it back in yer pants?


Wolf, dear, I think you know that the chances of Jim and I agreeing to a truce are about as likely as you selling all your guns and going to work for

Let that stupid nigger keep talking...I could use some more laughs. :)

mrnoodle 06-02-2005 01:01 PM

Invocation of "nigger" usually signals end-of-thread, but in this case provided suitable counterpoint to limp-wristed "working at Subway" line. I'm having a hard time calling this one. Have to see whether or not Syc is biding his time and waiting for a clear shot, or if LJ's impressive fusillade has sunk the USS Whale Penis.

WHO WILL WIN?????????????????

Lady Sidhe 06-02-2005 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by cowhead
no shit.. speaking as low cow on the pecking order of things, and have long been reading about how nasty things can get around here.. wow.. I thought the local boards were bad. anyway! the poem!

I'm not a big fan of that rhyme scheme.. (then again mine is to try to rhyme every third line.. I don't know why, but it's that way) but you managed to work it out in an almost dylanesque style in parts, which I really like.

kinda dark, and hopeless.. then again it is meant to be an expression of emotional turmoil. so my main question is.. did you feel better once you wrote it? (and other than this bru-ha-ha that erupted around it) did it ease some of the pain or only make that moment freeze in time? (to be re-lived over and over? )

Interesting--I don't think I've ever been described as writing in a "dylan-esque" fashion. I'll take it as a compliment.

Did I feel better? I don't really know. Kind of...It got it out of my system for a while, made it stop running round and round in my head, and didn't take as long as writing in a diary, with all the little details, would have. I'm more of a feeling-type person, which, I guess is why I can write poetry and not stories.

I don't really re-live it over and over, no. It was just that, at the time, I had to get it out somehow, and writing poetry is how I do that. I only write when I'm depressed....maybe it's that early Poe influence *grin*

I've tried several types of writing. It all depends on what rhymes well, and how, I guess. I went through a prose-poetry spell once...some of my favorites are from that time. But like Frost said, "poetry without rhyme is like tennis without a net." I think it was Frost, anyway. The whole idea of it being harder to create a good, flowing rhyme than to just write, appealed to me at that point. So I laid aside my "gotta be different" tendency and started rhyming more.

Thanks for the critique! :biggrin:


elSicomoro 06-02-2005 01:22 PM

Noodle, as far I'm concerned, it ended the minute he attacked my physical appearance. He's done it twice I said, he's predictable.

Jim doesn't get to me...hell, none of you folks really get to me. I only went after Sidhe because I find her to be annoying and because she opened her mouth when she probably shouldn't have. Same with UT, except change the pronouns. My history here will clearly show that I only go after people when I am attacked or when it is truly warranted (of course, people's opinions will vary on that one). But it's not like you folks really make me angry...the idiots make me laugh more than anything, but they can be annoying and take away from the place. There aren't many of them, though, so it's all good. And there are some people whose thoughts and opinions I truly admire and respect. Hence why I'm still here after 4 years.

Jim mentioned "bitterness" and TS mentioned "animosity" earlier in this thread...seriously, you guys think that I'm better and animous? Seriously? Believe me...not even close. In the past, shit here definitely bothered me...not anymore. Wolf can probably back me up on this...we chatted about this thread the other night on the phone. I have far more important things to worry about than a handful of people on a bulletin board that are afflicted with "net courage."

Lady Sidhe 06-02-2005 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by mrnoodle
Invocation of "nigger" usually signals end-of-thread, but in this case provided suitable counterpoint to limp-wristed "working at Subway" line. I'm having a hard time calling this one. Have to see whether or not Syc is biding his time and waiting for a clear shot, or if LJ's impressive fusillade has sunk the USS Whale Penis.

WHO WILL WIN?????????????????

Invocation of "nigger" usually signals that the person using the word is at the end of his intellectual tether. I'm surprised it took him this long. He must be reading the dictionary...

And my money's on LJ, mainly because he knows sycamore, but also because I've been to his site, and also because sycamore has done nothing except curse people out, insult people, and has yet to give a decent reason as to why he's being such an ass in the first place. Absolutely no reason for his behavior at all. I made a joke in the very beginning, in an attempt to show that I wasn't trying to take it all too too seriously, and apparantly he took it as an invitation to make insulting comments about someone he doesn't even know. Anyone who disagreed with him became fair game for his insults, and BAM! Here we are.

Gotta love the Cellar, where people are so comfortable with each other. Maybe we should start selling tickets and taking bets....

This could end up being the biggest thing on the net. And I thought this place couldn't get any better....silly me!

Place yer bets! Place yer bets!



elSicomoro 06-02-2005 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Lady Sidhe
Invocation of "nigger" usually signals that the person using the word is at the end of his intellectual tether. I'm surprised it took him this long. He must be reading the dictionary...

Still running your mouth, eh? I only use the term "nigger" on people that, in my opinion, deserved to be referred to as such. To my knowledge, I have only used it on Radar and Lumberjim in a serious manner here.

See, I wouldn't call you a nigger..."stupid cunt" works better for you.


And my money's on LJ, mainly because he knows sycamore, but also because I've been to his site, and also because sycamore has done nothing except curse people out, insult people, and has yet to give a decent reason as to why he's being such an ass in the first place.
Based on Jim's last post in this thread, it's clear to me that he doesn't know me.

You've been given a reason...twice now. You probably just didn't like it.


I made a joke in the very beginning, in an attempt to show that I wasn't trying to take it all too too seriously, and apparantly he took it as an invitation to make insulting comments about someone he doesn't even know. Anyone who disagreed with him became fair game for his insults, and BAM! Here we are.
Based on the tone in your original post (which you have edited since originally posting it), you sounded quite serious. Plus, I do find you to be annoying in general. *shrugs* Now, maybe I should have asked about your second post in the thread. And if you were indeed joking, then I sincerely apologize. Really. See...I'm not such an asshole. But I suspect that you actually were miffed that I asked about TS, and didn't say anything about your poem.

I don't think any of us really know each other that well in the end. But based on your history here and your website, I think I know you well enough to know that you ARE a drama queen, and that you DO have a hard time taking back what is dished out at you. And you HAVE disrespected your husband on this board.

I only gave back what was dished out to me. You opened your mouth did Jim, so did UT, so did Buster. Sure, I could have just let it roll off me, but I thought it better to go after the people. And maybe that's my bad...Lord knows that I'm not perfect. But as I said in a previous post, I only go after people when warranted or when attacked first. 4 years and almost 9000 posts won't lie.

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