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Adak 10-02-2013 08:26 PM

80,000 vets and friends have volunteered to come forward and shove those "Barrycades" up Obama's arse. ;)

xoxoxoBruce 10-02-2013 09:56 PM

Have they also volunteered to provide security and clean up the mess the visitors leave behind? How about clean and stock the toilets?

Adak 10-03-2013 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 878208)
Have they also volunteered to provide security and clean up the mess the visitors leave behind? How about clean and stock the toilets?

These are open-air memorial sites. There are no restrooms at these sites, because there ARE NO ROOMS, at all.

It's just being mean spirited.

I get it. It's more of the political game they play in Washington. What I don't get, and I never will, is why they play it with Honor Flight vets.

It's their last time (and sometimes their only time), for these vets of WWII and Korea, etc., to visit these memorials.

Erect barricades around them? Wow! That will win your party no friends, and no votes, I can assure you. :(

Griff 10-03-2013 05:25 AM

DanaC 10-03-2013 05:27 AM

Well, clearly those things are more important than children being able to eat eh?

xoxoxoBruce 10-03-2013 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 878244)
These are open-air memorial sites. There are no restrooms at these sites, because there ARE NO ROOMS, at all.

Once again you have proven yourself to be ignorant of the facts, running around yelling the sky is falling because FOX said so, and generally full of shit.

By the way, the WW II Memorial... I'm a card carrying, Lifetime Charter Member. You know, one of the people that actually put up money to build those toilets.

Griff 10-03-2013 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 878256)
Well, clearly those things are more important than children being able to eat eh?

You're not from around here are you?

glatt 10-03-2013 08:11 AM

I'd be curious to know the arrangement for Franklin Square park. It's really just a one block city park with meandering foot paths and an occasional dirt shortcut. But it's technically part of the National Park system, and it hasn't been barricaded. No bathrooms, but somebody has been emptying the trash cans. Maybe it's a private trash company and the account has been paid in advance for the next month or something.

Perry Winkle 10-03-2013 08:27 AM

I seriously doubt the president ordered the barricades specifically. It's probably SOP when the Parks service closes certain things indefinitely.


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 878282)
I'd be curious to know the arrangement for Franklin Square park. It's really just a one block city park with meandering foot paths and an occasional dirt shortcut. But it's technically part of the National Park system, and it hasn't been barricaded. No bathrooms, but somebody has been emptying the trash cans. Maybe it's a private trash company and the account has been paid in advance for the next month or something.

I have this fantasy that if the trash started overflowing and there was no pickup service in sight then the community would step up and clean up. I know that's not likely.

infinite monkey 10-03-2013 08:55 AM

I thought about that too, Perry. Then I thought of all the people who leave used tissues in the shopping carts and don't push the carts together in the cart corrals. It's always someone else's job. (this is a known pet peeve of can fit 8 carts in the corral if you just push them in there, and even less when the more likely action is to shove them in there and let them go all sideways. I estimate you can fit 20 or 30 carts in there when they're all mated up and even like they should be. I think these folks think they are doing the good societal thing. NOT helpful, folks. Whew. Glad I got that off my chest. ;) )

Is Adak seriously saying that President Obama ordered the barricades, and did so to SPITE?
Good lawd in heaven. I think he thinks that posting such rot here, it will get picked up by folks who are googling and therefore his agenda will get to more of the masses. Maybe he's on Faux News' payroll?

glatt 10-03-2013 09:57 AM

It's very interesting to me how this veterans turned away at the WW2 memorial site has resounded with Republicans. It's not just Adak, it's all over Facebook too.

At first I was like WTF? This is trivial. But then it struck me. Republicans (and conservatives) are all about symbolism. This is a perfect confluence of symbols. You have the veterans. You have a memorial, which is just some bricks and stones and fountains and stuff, but is the ultimate symbol, and you have the jackbooted thugs trying to stop the brave vets from paying their respects. It's a perfect confluence of symbolism for conservatives.

You might think that they would be upset over new cancer patients not getting into NIH studies, or social security payments being put in jeopardy in a couple weeks, or any of the thousands of other concrete things. But it's the symbolic stuff that speaks to them.

A handful of people were disappointed when their plans got messed up, so they made a fuss and got their plans straightened out. It's a non story. But the symbolism, man. The symbolism!

Datalyss 10-03-2013 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 876911)
Do you think there will be a government shut down? I'm very worried. All of my income is based upon the Feds. Currently, I draw:

VA Disability
Post 9/11 GI Bill
Nation Guard pay while awaiting my med board

I'm worried. I don't want to go back to being homeless

I don't know if all 'at falls under social securiy benefits, but if so, your checks should arrive on time. My RSDI check was auto-deposited into my bank account today.

xoxoxoBruce 10-03-2013 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 878322)
It's very interesting to me how this veterans turned away at the WW2 memorial site has resounded with Republicans.

I wonder why this large group of WW II vets happen to pick that day to visit?
Smells like teaparty to me.

Lamplighter 10-03-2013 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 878472)
I wonder why this large group of WW II vets happen to pick that day to visit?
Smells like teaparty to me.

I don't think it's (all) due to the TeaParty... My wife has been taking
physical therapy for knee surgery, and several weeks ago she told me
that a elderly man in her PT group had been offered an "honor flight" to
DC (i.e., $ free) to visit the Memorial.

Besides, the TP'ers don't strike me as being that public spirited.
I think they are just taking advantage of a coincidental situation.

xoxoxoBruce 10-03-2013 06:27 PM

Looks like you're right, they're just opportunists, using the vets.

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