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Fair&Balanced 05-04-2011 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 730409)
From your link...
"we’re looking at destroying his legacy, not being fair and balanced."

So apparently he doesn't want to be you.

So you think it would have been ok to desecrate the body?

And I agree, Frank Gafney and Bret Beitbart are not fair and balanced on any subject. :)

Fair&Balanced 05-04-2011 11:59 AM

Another perspective from an Obama hater and Islamophobe:

A reluctant American president who was ultimately overridden by senior military and intelligence officials to finally take out terrorist Osama Bin Laden…
Overridden by senior military and intel officials?

They staged a coup and we missed it. :eek:

But my favorite is Judson Phililps, head of the Tea Party Nation:

he made his announcement right in the middle of Donald Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice” show. Of course, that was just a coincidence.
I can picture Obama and the national security team in the WH situation room. "Hmmmm, should we screw Trump just for the hell of it?"

infinite monkey 05-04-2011 12:07 PM

I hate this stupid fooking two-thread thing. I have to try to remember which is in what. Are we mad in this one, or funny?

Fair&Balanced 05-04-2011 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 730427)
I hate this stupid fooking two-thread thing. I have to try to remember which is in what. Are we mad in this one, or funny?

I just want to know who Trump fired, dammit. :mad:

classicman 05-04-2011 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Fair&Balanced (Post 730410)
So you think it would have been ok to desecrate the body?

WTF? Where is that coming from. I read the link, noticed YOUR username in it & made a joke reference to it.
Nothing more. Paranoid much?

infinite monkey 05-04-2011 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Fair&Balanced (Post 730429)
I just want to know who Trump fired, dammit. :mad:

You couldn't pay me to even look at that megalomaniac freak of nature. Pictures of him, unavoidable, make me barf. :p:

HungLikeJesus 05-04-2011 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 730427)
I hate this stupid fooking two-thread thing. I have to try to remember which is in what. Are we mad in this one, or funny?

You're funny when you're mad.

infinite monkey 05-04-2011 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 730433)
You're funny when you're mad.

I know. ;)

Fair&Balanced 05-04-2011 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 730432)
You couldn't pay me to even look at that megalomaniac freak of nature. Pictures of him, unavoidable, make me barf. :p:

Never watch it either.

I prefer Iron Chef America and I root the feriner, Morimoto, when he battles.

Jill 05-04-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by richlevy (Post 730324)

Getting back on topic, I was talking to a conservative acquaintance and we both agreed that 'dancing in the streets' is a disturbing response. I was shocked and appalled when the bodies of American servicemen were dragged through the streets in Somalia. I had always hoped that we would not be like that. Killing an enemy is necessary in war. Feeling resolution, relief, and even satisfaction is reasonable. Expressing joyful exuberance in the taking of a life or lives is an attitude I would like to leave to our enemies as one of the differences between us that we are fighting to uphold.


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 730379)

Now as far as the dancing in the streets business, for me it isn't a moral issue so much as an intelligence issue. He's dead. Someone else was put in danger to accomplish the mission and they succeeded. Good on them. Dipshits dancing in Times Square is about the same as sports fans running through the streets like they had scored the championship winning point themselves. Fuck off, enjoy the moment and act like adults.

Anyone remember the story of Esther from the Old Testament?
"The villain of the story is Haman, an arrogant, egotistical advisor to the king. Haman hated Mordecai because Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman, so Haman plotted to destroy the Jewish people. In a speech that is all too familiar to Jews, Haman told the king, "There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your realm. Their laws are different from those of every other people's, and they do not observe the king's laws; therefore it is not befitting the king to tolerate them." (Esther 3:8). The king gave the fate of the Jewish people to Haman, to do as he pleased to them. Haman planned to exterminate all of the Jews."
Sound a little familiar? Kind of like Bin Laden wanting to destroy the "infidel" Westerners because they do not obey the laws of Islam?
"[Ester's cousin] Mordecai, [who had raised her as if she were his daughter], persuaded Esther to speak to the king on behalf of the Jewish people. This was a dangerous thing for Esther to do, because anyone who came into the king's presence without being summoned could be put to death, and she had not been summoned. Esther fasted for three days to prepare herself, then went into the king. He welcomed her. Later, she told him of Haman's plot against her people. The Jewish people were saved, and Haman and his ten sons were hanged on the gallows that had been prepared for Mordecai."
Any guesses what happened next?
"19Therefore the Jews of the villages, that dwelt in the unwalled towns, made the fourteenth day of the month Adar a day of gladness and feasting, and a good day, and of sending portions one to another.

20And Mordecai wrote these things, and sent letters unto all the Jews that were in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, both nigh and far,

21To establish this among them, that they should keep the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day of the same, yearly,
And every year for thousands of years, Jews have celebrated; not the demise of Haman, but the saving of our People. We are commanded to drink until we can no longer tell the difference between "cursed be Haman" and "blessed be Mordechai", not to create debauchery, but "to dissolve the differences between us and encourage unity." "In addition to good food and lots of alcohol, the meal is characterized by its zany raucous atmosphere - trombones blare, silly string flies, and grown men dance together for hours on end."

If the events of the last 20+ years occurred during biblical times, the stories about which were passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, to later be inscribed in a book, there is little doubt that it would be told very similarly. Good triumphed over evil. A mighty "King/Nation" took down the enemy to save the People who were the targets of said evil. And the People rejoiced at their salvation.

Thus is human nature. Perhaps because I've been celebrating in such a way for my entire life, based on a very similar story in history, I view the celebratory atmosphere through a different lens than others. I don't find it offensive, I find it cathartic.


Sheldonrs 05-04-2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Fair&Balanced (Post 730408)
I get it now. :rolleyes:

How about hanging his body at Ground Zero and allowing those who choose to spit on him.

Here's a sure-fire best seller. Put pictures of bin Laden on those men's room urinal deodorizer cakes. Guaranteed to sell out.

TheMercenary 05-04-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Fair&Balanced (Post 730410)
So you think it would have been ok to desecrate the body?

Yes. Chop it up and drop bits of it for shark bait. But a single big bit of shark bait works equally well.

Nirvana 05-04-2011 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 730405)
However, I WOULD like it if you would slather me in bacon and send ME on tour. Sans the dead part, of course.

How about the peeing on you part? ;)

glatt 05-04-2011 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sheldonrs (Post 730441)
Here's a sure-fire best seller. Put pictures of bin Laden on those men's room urinal deodorizer cakes. Guaranteed to sell out.,161/

Fair&Balanced 05-04-2011 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sheldonrs (Post 730441)
Here's a sure-fire best seller. Put pictures of bin Laden on those men's room urinal deodorizer cakes. Guaranteed to sell out.

I get the humor in the posts here.

What I was trying to address, albeit w/o acknowledging the humor that I didnt find all that funny, was the real hate expressed by the likes of Gafney, Geller, Breitbart, etc., the Mercenary's guys and gal.

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