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JayMcGee 04-17-2007 09:18 PM

The gun laws debate has been done to death, and emprical research in other cultures shows up the wrongness of the mercs and freshones idealogy. The real issue is the lack of value that the american culture places on the life of the individual.

TheMercenary 04-17-2007 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by JayMcGee (Post 334482)
The gun laws debate has been done to death, and emprical research in other cultures shows up the wrongness of the mercs and freshones idealogy.

Great, debate it.

You are right about one thing, I care more about my individual rights as provided by the Consitution and the Bill of Rights than anyone elses.:p

JayMcGee 04-17-2007 09:24 PM

mmmmmm........ Guess just how much I care for your so-called bill of rights, yank.

TheMercenary 04-17-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by JayMcGee (Post 334489)
mmmmmm........ Guess just how much I care for your so-called bill of rights, yank.

Ooops sorry, I don't give a fuck what you think.

That is why you live where you do.:D

JayMcGee 04-17-2007 09:33 PM


TheMercenary 04-17-2007 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by JayMcGee (Post 334496)

Well thanks for sharing, I got up early this morning worrying what you might think about the US....

NOT! :beer:


freshnesschronic 04-17-2007 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by duck_duck (Post 334480)
But it's rampant in america. You can't watch the news without reports of somebody being robbed at gunpoint or shot for their car etc.

That is full of bias and bullshit. I strongly disagree. It's getting to the point where I'm almost offended as an American. Where do you hail from that is so much better than the USA?

freshnesschronic 04-17-2007 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by JayMcGee (Post 334482)
The gun laws debate has been done to death, and emprical research in other cultures shows up the wrongness of the mercs and freshones idealogy. The real issue is the lack of value that the american culture places on the life of the individual.

Wait so you are placing everyone American in the same boat as me and Merc? I don't even think we agree about the same gun laws specifically. And the second part you just said....What the fuck? I just don't understand what that is supposed to mean.

Listen to me, I'm 19 and go to the University of Illinois. I'm from the suburbs of Chicago, I feel I'm a responsible kid. But I plan to own a gun or two when I have my own apartment in the metropolis that I move to. So that makes me a horrible person, for wanting to have the protection for people out there looking to hurt me or my family? And you're telling me I'm a bad person for not caring if I kill the person I shoot at in self defense, because I cared more for the members of my family who were at risk?

jinx 04-17-2007 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by duck_duck (Post 334480)
But it's rampant in america. You can't watch the news without reports of somebody being robbed at gunpoint or shot for their car etc.

But you realize that US violent crime rates have been falling for your whole life, right?

Cloud 04-17-2007 09:57 PM

When I hear stuff like this at a party . . .

I leave.


duck_duck 04-17-2007 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by freshnesschronic (Post 334499)
That is full of bias and bullshit. I strongly disagree. It's getting to the point where I'm almost offended as an American. Where do you hail from that is so much better than the USA?

There is nothing biased about it at all. It's just reality. I'm from hong kong and when I moved to america I could see right away how bad the crime is. All one has to do is sit and watch the local and national news.

duck_duck 04-17-2007 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 334501)
But you realize that US violent crime rates have been falling for your whole life, right?

So? It still doesn't change the fact that crime is rampant in america.

freshnesschronic 04-17-2007 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by duck_duck (Post 334512)
There is nothing biased about it at all. It's just reality. I'm from hong kong and when I moved to america I could see right away how bad the crime is. All one has to do is sit and watch the local and national news.

You obviously don't know how American news works. These stories make networks. It's not like China where the government HIDES all their scandals and dirty laundered money. Not to mention communist gov't and how they "intervene" with people who don't believe in what they want. You want to talk about violence? How many police beatings happen A DAY in China, to civilians? I have mannnnnny Chinese friends. I know what happens there. They visit China so I get the stories. Maybe in your utopia of Hong Kong there is no violence (shyeah right, Triads anyone?) but here in America there is freedom of PRESS where stories are heard, especially the BAD ones that make networks get coverage. Please keep your American bashing to yourself before you know the whole deal with this country.

freshnesschronic 04-17-2007 11:12 PM

By the way, before you pull the race card, I'm Asian too, like yourself. Filipino to be exact. But I know your opinions are full of holes and I have a lot of respect for my country, it's outrageous that you can come to this forum and just blantantly say America is a dangerous crime ridden country.

piercehawkeye45 04-17-2007 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by JayMcGee (Post 334441)
Of course it is. And I'm sure the mothers in your country grieve that much harder than the mothers in Bagdhad.

I agree Jay, just because our "standards" are higher does not make any loss of life an more or less important. We are all human beings and all our lives are worth the same and it is pathetic to think otherwise.

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