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Sundae 05-13-2011 01:49 PM

I'm prepared for the raptor.
I even changed my sig

As of 22 May, it goes back to my previous countdown - my birthday, Torchwood and pantomime. MY holy trinity.

Stormieweather 05-13-2011 01:59 PM

To be honest, I don't know. I think that whatever position I take a stand on is probably at least 50% erroneous.

I like to think there is a 'higher power', possibly so I don't feel so insignificant and forgettable, comparatively speaking. Maybe I think evolution and human intelligence are too slow and stupid to create the wonder and beauty I see in the world.

I don't rule out God, multiple deities, fate, reincarnation, heaven, hell, separate planes of existence, or none of the above. Yeah, I'm flexible.

I think anyone who is absolutely positive of their belief in the unknowable is a little presumptuous.

Rhianne 05-13-2011 02:11 PM

I don't believe in atheism.

I don't believe in God either but I'm willing to consider any evidence and I'll certainly accept proof. I'm not sure (most) religious folk are ready to do the same the other way though.

Beest 05-13-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 733803)
God is like most people over 70 - they are still using aol and dial-up.
It'll take about that long just for them to get online, let alone use that devil program google.

HungLikeJesus 05-13-2011 03:59 PM

I think that that god only reads Aramaic.

Griff 05-13-2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 733606)
I don't define "God" as the bearded man in the sky, and many religious people I know don't either. If anything, my concept of a God is of a more scientific, concept-of-infinity, origin-of-energy-in-the-system kind of thing. God's not remotely human-like, and I don't think he's watching, doing, changing, or caring about us in the sense that we use those words. Kind of a "oneness of the whole" is the farthest I'll go, I guess.

This is pretty close to where I am on the subject.

I have two self-described atheistic daughters in Catholic school and an atheistic woman in my bed, so Imma cool with atheism. The girls are probably less sympathetic to religion, since they deal with it daily.

SamIam 05-13-2011 04:47 PM

There's no personal god. If there was, he'd be the devil for allowing stuff like the holocaust, wars in general, and little innocent kids getting cancer, etc.etc.etc., ad nauseum.

On the other hand, I have difficulty with the thought that the universe is just "here." Something must have set the whole thing going. I can imagine god being just like a little kid who just set off a pop bottle rocket when he got the big bang going.

But if god started it all, who started god? I run into a dead end of logic either way.

I think we are all forms of energy who can trace our ancestry back to the beginning of the universe. And since energy is neither created or destroyed, we'll all continue to be around in one form or another.

I also like the Eight Fold Noble Path.

And I don't care what the rest of you are as long as you leave me out of it.

ZenGum 05-13-2011 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 733831)
This is pretty close to where I am on the subject.

I have two self-described atheistic daughters in Catholic school and an atheistic woman in my bed, so Imma cool with atheism. The girls are probably less sympathetic to religion, since they deal with it daily.

The most emphatic anti-theists I know attended Catholic schools. I know one atheist who is sending her kids to a Catholic school just to make sure they come out atheists.

ETA: Be hilarious if it backfires.

monster 05-13-2011 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 733805)
I'm prepared for the raptor.
I even changed my sig


morethanpretty 05-13-2011 08:56 PM

I don't really feel "wishy-washy" or uncertain. Which is what a lot of people equate agnosticism with, and which I'm sure some are. I am completely certain I don't know, and thats cool with me. I did question for a long time, but I think most of us did, especially if we were raised religiously. I now think that if there is a god or gods, that they aren't really involved, or if they are they can't be all powerful AND all good, so why bother? If god/gods exist, it really isn't going to change how I live my life, I'll still try to be the best person I can be. If I die and there is a god who judges me poorly for just not being certain in his existence when he wasn't very clear about himself obviously, then fuck him. I'd rather spend eternity in hell than with such an asswipe of a god.

DanaC 05-14-2011 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Stormieweather (Post 733807)
I think anyone who is absolutely positive of their belief in the unknowable is a little presumptuous.

I am absolutely positive that there are no unicorns. Does that make me a little presumptuous?

sexobon 05-14-2011 04:00 AM


footfootfoot 05-14-2011 08:14 AM

Stormieweather 05-14-2011 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 733910)
I am absolutely positive that there are no unicorns. Does that make me a little presumptuous?

There may be none NOW, but that doesn't mean they were never in existence. History suggests that there were creatures or aberrations that were similar to the legendary unicorn, giving rise to their tale.

Why does it seem unbelievable that there was once a goat-type animal with one horn? Particularly since it was mentioned in natural history writings repeatedly?

Now Pegasus defies physics and biology, so I'd agree that it is probably purely legend. But again, I believe anything is possible. Our (human) limited sphere of knowledge is no where close to ALL of what there is to see and know.

Sundae 05-14-2011 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 733879)
I don't really feel "wishy-washy"

Not aimed at you. Aimed at those who call themselves Christian but do nothing about it in word or deed. People I have met IRL and not here.

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