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sexobon 03-16-2017 05:07 PM



Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 984364)
Far from it, tw. But my commrnts say why tw has hypocritical presentation. He routinely applies double standards and fallacies.

Loser - just like Hillary.


Originally Posted by tw (Post 984379)
Cheapshots and insults based in emotion. An extremist with a Donald Trump, Geert Wilder, Marine Le Pen, and Boris Johnson temperament.

Hypocritical turnabout and fallacies based in the delusions of a developmentally impaired loser (whose candidate lost to DONALD TRUMP!).

Cause that loser's gonna whine, whine, whine, whine, whine
And he's gonna pine, pine, pine, pine, pine
So we're just gonna write, write, write, write, write
We'll write him off, we'll write him off

tw 03-16-2017 05:31 PM

Learn to stop admiring yourself in a mirror.

sexobon 03-16-2017 05:37 PM

tw - 0, sexobon - ∞ and beyond

Flint 03-17-2017 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 984423)
In 8 years she will be the same age as when Bernie ran.

Oh, yeah?


Shut up!!

classicman 03-17-2017 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mountain Mule (Post 984177)
You can remain in denial for as long as you want but: A) Hillary won the popular vote.

There is no popular vote. Thats not the way this works. There are 50 individual state elections where by the electors are chosen to represent the people in those states in voting for the president.

BigV 03-17-2017 04:55 PM

Come on, you sound like you don't understand what the popular vote is. Saying there is no popular vote is just wrong. We don't elect the President and the Vice President from the result of the popular vote, but that doesn't mean there is no popular vote. Come on.

sexobon 03-17-2017 05:27 PM

I don't know that it's right to say anyone won the popular vote these days when so many people feel they're simply choosing the lesser of two evils.

It's like asking people if they'd rather be locked in a room with a rattlesnake; or, a king cobra. If more people say a rattlesnake, do you say the rattlesnake won a popular vote even though rattlesnakes aren't particularly popular?

Seems to be a rather meaningless statistic.

Flint 03-17-2017 05:51 PM

And if you tallied up the meaningless votes from each state, wouldn't each state's vote totals be equally meaningless, thus each state's electoral votes also meaningless? Dividing it into states, or not, doesn't make it any more or less meaningful if we're speaking to whether people have valid motivations for voting in a two-party system.

Couldn't it be considered MORE meaningless, by state, whereas people are aware that they are gaming the electoral college system, not voting their individual conscience?

sexobon 03-17-2017 06:05 PM

Within the present system, electoral votes have intrinsic value. There's a known consequence. Not so with the popular vote. Its outcome is too variable to be meaningful in a timely manner.

classicman 03-18-2017 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 984498)
Come on, you sound like you don't understand what the popular vote is.


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 984501)
Dividing it into states, or not, doesn't make it any more or less meaningful....

Remember, I didn't vote for him. But both of you clinging to this popular vote myth is ludicrous. It worthless - Its nothing at all - zero, zilch - nada.
You are simply hanging on to the "but she won the popular vote" as if it had some value.
She lost TO DONALD FUCKING TRUMP! She IS that AWFUL. It happened. Its real and whining about a meaningless, irrelevant, worthless nothing isn't going to change it.
One reason the popular vote is meaningless is because the candidates elections aren't run to win the popular vote. C'mon, you both know this. This isn't hard. You guys sound like children with the "But most of the other kids did it too." excuse. Trump is a douche - we all get that, but please leave this popular vote bullshit alone.

Happy Monkey 03-20-2017 10:47 AM

The popular vote is meaningless when it comes to who won. However, politicians often try to claim that they have a mandate, or that the people support them. Usually, the popular vote and the electoral college are aligned, so this shorthand is valid. In this case it is not.

You might well say that whether they have a mandate or whether the people support them is also irrelevant. Superficially that's true - they're in power either way - but they wouldn't try to claim the mandate if there wasn't some value in having it.

Flint 03-20-2017 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 984499)
I don't know that it's right to say anyone won the popular vote these days when so many people feel they're simply choosing the lesser of two evils.
Seems to be a rather meaningless statistic.


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 984501)
And if you tallied up the meaningless votes from each state, wouldn't each state's vote totals be equally meaningless, thus each state's electoral votes also meaningless?

Turns out, if you read the thread, I wasn't even talking to classicman. But, please, classicman, do show me how smart and superior and mature you are by projecting your image of a big, bad liberal boogeyman on me, telling me what "I'm clinging" to, that I'm "whining," and using d!ckhead statements like, "this isn't hard."

You know what? F U C K YOU, buddy. Keep your temper tantrums to yourself.

Your political philosophy has empowered the most garbage presidency in US history--it must be embarrassing, and I feel sorry for conservatives whose party has been hijacked, but... you guys did it to yourself. Try to pick up another hobby besides still bitching about how much you hate Clinton.

xoxoxoBruce 03-20-2017 07:31 PM

I found this to be a good read.


There were, of course, many other culprits in the election’s outcome. Comey, the Kremlin, the cable-news networks that beamed Trump 24/7, Jill Stein, a Clinton campaign that (among other blunders) ignored frantic on-the-ground pleas for help in Wisconsin and Michigan, and the candidate herself have all come in for deserved public flogging. But the attitude among some liberals toward the actual voters who pulled the trigger on Election Day has been more indulgent, equivocal, and forgiving. Perhaps those white voters without a college degree who preferred Trump by 39 percentage points — the most lopsided margin in the sector pollsters define as “white working class” since the 1980 Ronald Reagan landslide — are not “deplorables” who “cling to guns and religion” after all. Perhaps, as Joe Biden enthused, “these are good people, man!” who “aren’t racist” and “aren’t sexist.” Perhaps, as Mark Lilla argued in an influential essay in the New York Times, they were turned off mostly by the Democrats’ identity politics and rightfully felt excluded from Clinton’s stump strategy of name-checking every ethnicity, race, and gender in the party’s coalition except garden-variety whites. Perhaps they should hate us.

BigV 03-20-2017 09:05 PM


These voters are so adamantly opposed to government programs that in some cases they refuse to accept the fact that aid they already receive comes from Washington — witness the “Keep Government Out of My Medicare!” placards at the early tea-party protests.


xoxoxoBruce 03-20-2017 09:57 PM

They're angry, pissed off at the government because of the bullshit they've been hearing about crooked politicians, about government waste, about congressional ownership by lobbyists, about millions to study the sex life of some fucking African frog, about Maplethorpe pissing on Christ and calling it "art". I don't blame them, I am too.
They don't have time to fuck around on the internet finding nuances, they want someone to clean the whole fucking house. That's why they voted for Trump, that's what he promised to do. Sure he promised 76 trombones but at least he was addressing them, and not the east/west coast pansies. They're not bad people, they are fed up.

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