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kaleidoscopic ziggurat 09-14-2001 10:53 AM

Re: For the record

Originally posted by sycamore

From the Urban Legends Reference Page, this editorial is indeed TRUE. However, it was done by radio commentator Gordon Sinclair in 1973, not recently. The text that Urban Legends uses is from the Congressional Record, which would explain why the words are Americanized.

ah yes, i later got to the bottom of this... and now i know why much of the commentary simply DIDNT ADD UP... it's old, that's why :)

it was mostly the reference to moon landings and railroad building that ticked me off... it's a real tragedy that america has abandoned space because it serves little political purpose now... and i suppose that with current events there's even less of a chance of us ever getting off this rock.

*hoping for the best for everyone*

jaguar 09-15-2001 12:10 AM

Lisa, yea it owuld on one level - then iinstead of about half a milion fanatics wed have the entire world hating the US.

CharlieG: Yes i agree, it applies both ways. Better yet we should dig a big, big hole and dump both sides of the fanatical front down it.

elSicomoro 09-16-2001 07:50 PM

I just returned from New York City...
For some reason, I felt compelled to go there. Like everyone else, I've watched the images on television. Being so close to NYC though, I wanted to see it in person.

We (Rhoda and I) took an NJ Transit train from Trenton up to Penn Station. When we got to the train station in Trenton, several police officers were out in front of the station. However, inside the station, things seemed relatively normal. (A question for someone that can answer: Is the extra security strictly for the airports, or is the US government tightening security for ALL methods for transportation.)

As the train headed through Newark, we could see the NYC skyline. It looked strange without the twin towers. The skies were clear and blue, except for a massive gray cloud that still hangs over the southern end of Manhattan.

Once we got to Penn Station, we paused momentarily in front of Madison Square Garden. Although there were quite a few people out, Rho noted that it seemed much quieter than normal. There were some passenger cars out, but we mostly saw only taxis and a few trucks taking heavy equipment south. We headed south on the 1 train, which normally goes to the southern tip of the island, but is currently terminating at 14th St. The subways were occupied, but the volume seemed light. The only thing that seemed normal was Penn Station--lots of people going to various places across the region.

On every street corner, every bus stop, and on lots of windows, you saw the photos of the missing...their faces, a description of them, a contact number...

After we got off the subway, we walked down 7th Ave. in the Village. People were out and about, but again, it was relatively quiet. From what I understood, we would be able to go as far south as Canal St. What we did not expect to run into was St. Vincent's Hospital, which was as far south as we went. Countless people were lined up alongside the hospital, and a large group of people were gathered at the nearby square. Several candlelight memorials were set up, adorned with flowers. Members of the Big Apple Chorus had gathered at one corner, singing what sounded like inspirational songs. Small groups were gathered at all the memorials, and at every location where missing flyers had been posted.

In the end, today was a sobering experience. I may not be able to completely understand how New Yorkers feel about the destruction in their city, but I definitely felt their sadness and concern.

I should have some photos to post later in the week.

elSicomoro 09-16-2001 08:03 PM

Some good news
One of my friends lives in Midtown, and works for Goldman-Sachs in the financial district. When I found out where she worked (6 blocks away from the WTC), I was extremely concerned. Fortunately, she e-mailed me today and is fine.

For anyone else with friends and loved ones that were at or near the area, I hope that they are okay as well.

Joe 09-17-2001 03:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My parents visited the WTC a few years ago, and stayed at the Marriott Hotel. It was located between the 2 towers. From their room they could look down on the plaza below. Above the lobby there was a mezzanine which featured another lobby and a hotel restaurant on the 2nd floor. Mom took the photo through the skylight just outside the restaurant. They changed the name
of the hotel after the 1993 car bombing in the basement. I don't know the prior name but
I guess people were more willing to stay at the "Marriott" than whatever the other name was.

tw 09-17-2001 04:46 PM

[quote]Originally posted by Joe
They changed the name of the hotel after the 1993 car bombing in the basement. I don't know the prior name but

Vista Hotel. It also should have collapsed immediately when the 1993 bomb exploded.

Rather curious how strong that basement was. AT&T's switching computer located in the basement kept handling calls until batteries eventually died. Today, they finally got into the subway station - but I don't know which one - PATH or the MTA's 1, 2 and 3 line or the MTAs A, AA, CC, and E line station. Much of the WTC basement is still intact. That basement may have only been 6 stories, but that is 6 floors that were much deeper than 6 stories. It saw WTC 1 when it was just a hole in the ground.

CharlieG 09-19-2001 08:41 AM


Originally posted by Joe
<snip>. Mom took the photo through the skylight just outside the restaurant. <snip>
The hotel WAS the Vista, and became the Marriot World Trade Center (It's the silver building you see them ripping down). I used to belong to the gym that was on the 22nd floor when I worked for BT across the street. I can't tell you how many time I walked under that skylight.

I'm starting to get strange thoughts besides the anger - I was thinking last night that I'll never get to take my daughter to the WTC. I was thinking about places I'll never get to visit again. Then I got depressed, and then ANGRY again

"It is in vain, Sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry,
Peace, Peace! -- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!
Patrick Henry, March, 1775

elSicomoro 10-07-2001 10:03 PM

On purpose, or forgotten?
Look at the pic in the upper left of the NBC 4 New York website. You'll notice the two large buildings on the right hand side of the pic. I don't know if this was forgotten, or left up for a reason. But given that "Zoolander" had the WTC buildings removed, and the Spider Man preview was pulled, it's kinda nice to see what was.

kisrael 10-11-2001 03:33 PM

Is it just me or did they now blot out that side?

elSicomoro 10-11-2001 11:19 PM

Nah, they're both still there...just checked it.

kisrael 10-12-2001 07:47 AM

Oh you're right...guess I wasn't looking closely enough. Seems like the easiest thing for them to do would be to do if they felt the need to chage would be just extend the gray a little bit.

elSicomoro 11-17-2001 01:07 AM

I finally got the pictures I took in NYC developed today. They are posted here.

kleinshelley 09-17-2006 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by sycamore
I finally got the pictures I took in NYC developed today. They are posted here.

seeing those flyers for the missing people freaks me out even five years later

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