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xoxoxoBruce 04-28-2018 03:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I don't think there's much chance of reasoning with this guy.

tw 04-28-2018 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1007661)
Learn about the weapons and focus on what you (and many of us) believe makes them inappropriate for civilian use like semi-automatic fire, high capacity magazines, and ammunition appropriate for war and targets but not for big game hunting.

So you also believe military armaments need not be in civilian hands. For the same reason grenade launchers and 155 mm howitzer also are not needed. IOW we are saying a same thing.

Military weapons are designed to kill people - despite those silly denials. Killing is their purpose. Those large caliber rounds fired from large magazines on semi and fully automatic weapons are not useful (ie have no purpose in hunting). Those are only widely available because the NRA's purpose is to increase industry profits.

What was this week's mass murder?

I don't need no stink'in airline ticket. I have an AR-15. Next stop: Cuba.

sexobon 04-28-2018 10:41 PM

Irrelevant, the Constitution doesn't limit the right to bear arms to hunting purposes; or, to self defense for that matter. Nor does it restrict arms to use for a singular purpose. Many have done Close Quarters Battle with carbines. A wide variety of ammunition is available that makes rifles and especially carbines acceptable in many different self protection situations. This has been demonstrated by the US Army issuing the M4 carbine as a standard personal weapon which is used in CQB. Even a carbine converted pistol is treated as a standard rifle under Title I of the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA).

The developmentally impaired tw still chooses to remain ignorant by refusing to get facts. He's not well grounded in reality and it seems he suffers from barrel length envy.

Tw is so ignorant that in a discussion about 223 Remington/5.56mm NATO ammunition he says "Those large caliber rounds" when that ammunition is small caliber. It's just lie after lie ... ad infinitum with tw.

Pathetic are those debarred from owning firearms who try to take them away from everyone else because they can't be trusted with firearms themselves.

xoxoxoBruce 04-29-2018 08:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
There is too many people who would be shocked at this picture of a mere lad with an arsenal of killing machines.
The boy has poor trigger discipline however.

sexobon 04-29-2018 08:08 PM

That's Timmy. Lassie had gotten old and he was getting ready to put her down; but, he knew she wouldn't go easily.

xoxoxoBruce 04-29-2018 08:45 PM

Yeah, he told that bitch to go get help and she went to a psychiatrist.

BigV 04-30-2018 12:09 AM

Trump administration says to make schools safe, more guns are needed.

But to keep Vice President Pence safe, guns are prohibited.

Which position is more plausible?

sexobon 04-30-2018 01:08 AM

They're both plausible. Security specialists do a front end analysis looking at how many principals (people to be protected) there are, the threat level against them, and the efficiency of the screening process for armed personnel at the venue. Some situations may benefit from more armed personnel, others less. The nature of the threat against controversial individual celebrities at a large venue is generally better served with less since the security they bring with them is sufficient and too many cooks spoil the pot. OTOH, when are many principals to be protected, who don't bring their own security, in a small venue where the screening process can be more efficient, more armed personnel may be of benefit. A front end analysis needs to be done for each situation. There's no one size fits all.

xoxoxoBruce 05-08-2018 10:16 AM

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Some have more compact frames...

Griff 05-18-2018 02:08 PM


monster 05-18-2018 03:50 PM

School superintendent Dr Leigh Wall said in a statement: "We experienced an unthinkable tragedy at our high school this morning."


(from BBC article)

monster 05-18-2018 03:53 PM

Ya know, maybe we should control the ammo not the guns?

Seems like this is another thing that is everywhere but everyone thinks won't happen to them. Like teenage pregnancy. But controlling the ammo (via condoms and the pill) has been proven effective there whereas trying to stop them having sex was not, so.... ???

sexobon 05-18-2018 05:11 PM

That's been tried, on and off, for a couple decades now. Everything from banning its manufacture to taxing it out of the reach of most people. The courts have decided that it's protected to the same extent as the firearms. The same goes for going after any other components that would make the firearms unserviceable.

monster 05-18-2018 05:50 PM

maybe it's time to try again. or not. perhaps we won't need to worry about teenage pregnancy if they're getting shot first :(

sexobon 05-18-2018 06:29 PM

Maybe it's time to take away parental rights and make children wards of the State. That way they can be segregated and locked down so they don't get pregnant or shot.

People have the option of doing it the American way and changing the Constitution. It's been changed before; but, I guess they don't think their kids are worth the effort. After all, it's only other people's kids that will have these problems; so, why go through all that trouble. If the kids' own parents won't do what it takes, why should anyone else jump on some other bandwagon with them?

monster 05-18-2018 07:49 PM

bullet-proof shrink-wrap?

sexobon 05-18-2018 08:30 PM

Soft body armor (bullet proof vest) works by dispersing the energy of sudden impacts. The lighter ones, with lower level ratings, which are comfortable enough for all day wear can be defeated by slower moving projectiles like certain tips on arrows fired from a bow. They can also be penetrated by knife blades of proper design by working the blade through them. Kinda like this:

tw 05-18-2018 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 1008682)
maybe it's time to try again.

Putting a big sexy gun with large ammo in his hands changes his mindset. Suddenly he is entitled. People kill people once inspired by the power and righteousness that an assault weapon creates.

Restrict those completely unnecessary weapons to the fewer who are responsible and massacre rates go down. But that means the so many who are now so 'entitled' must first admit why those big guns so make them feel better.

So this is the school shooting of the week. The 'entitled' get angry when we discuss this new reality.

What was last weeks 'shooting of the week'?

sexobon 05-18-2018 09:53 PM

Sexy gun shooting.

xoxoxoBruce 05-18-2018 11:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)

anonymous 05-19-2018 11:57 AM

Meanwhile, a perspective from the other side:

If he were addicted to something, lots of places would take him. If we physically abused him, lots of places would take him. If he were 18, lots of places would take him. As it is, no one wants a middle class, clean cut, straight-A student who hears voices and thinks people are secretly filled with smoke and openly states his plans to mass murder them. It would be extremely easy for this child to purchase an automatic weapon out of the back of someone's car right now, and completely legal--DESPITE all the diagnoses--for him to purchase one from a store on his 18th birthday.

If you don't acknowledge that the NRA has helped make the above situation possible, you're as fucked in the head as he is. Normal, law-abiding citizens want to believe that surely, surely the law wouldn't allow what I'm describing. It does, and will, until you vote every one of the NRA-funded politicians out.

sexobon 05-19-2018 12:53 PM

A perspective from NORMAL law abiding citizens.
The NRA has become a mirror organization. It wasn't always that way; but, leftist extremists forced it to change. What I have personally seen in some municipalities is an extreme left asking for just reasonable concessions; but, only as a prelude to more concessions and then even more concessions until all privately owned firearms are gone. That extreme faction inserted itself into every compromise reached by typical leftists, moderates, and right leaning people of reason. When the extreme left inserted itself into every situation where an inch was given and tried to take a mile, the typical left did nothing to try to preserve the compromises.

Moderates and right leaning people had their backs forced up against a wall of indifference. They learned not to give an inch and developed their own extreme right organization to fight fire with fire. Those who stood by and did nothing to preserve the earlier compromises, while the extreme left became aggressive through deceptive practices, are now caught up in the back burning. Their indifference backfired on them.

No one deserves the atrocities that are happening; but, they got what they bargained for. The victims are the collateral damage. Of course the NRA is part of the status quo. It wouldn't exist in its present form though if not for the uncompromising and the apathetic who renege on their compromises the moment they think they can get away with it. Those are the low-lives who believe the end justifies the means.

The low-lives not only got what they bargained for, the got what they deserved: Trump and the NRA. If you're still pursuing this agenda by the means that brought Trump and the NRA into power when you should have been doing it the American way by changing the Constitution, you're fucked in the head and your children are paying the price for it with their lives.

xoxoxoBruce 05-19-2018 08:29 PM

I live less than half a mile from a 3,000 plus member gun club so I hear outdoor shooting practice all the time. A couple afternoons ago when I came home it sounded like the were shooting very large caliber cannons. Most unusual. :eyebrow:

sexobon 05-19-2018 09:02 PM

Well, you know, skeet shooting with shotguns is becoming passé. Shooting drones with anti-aircraft guns is all the rage.

Griff 05-21-2018 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1008736)
I live less than half a mile from a 3,000 plus member gun club so I hear outdoor shooting practice all the time. A couple afternoons ago when I came home it sounded like the were shooting very large caliber cannons. Most unusual. :eyebrow:

I guess they want howitzers for when the Democrats take the House?

xoxoxoBruce 05-21-2018 08:39 AM

That's it, that's the secret, we'll drive them into bankruptcy buying that ammo to practice! :smack:

Happy Monkey 05-21-2018 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1008703)
No one deserves the atrocities that are happening; but, they got what they bargained for. The victims are the collateral damage. Of course the NRA is part of the status quo. It wouldn't exist in its present form though if not for the uncompromising and the apathetic who renege on their compromises the moment they think they can get away with it. Those are the low-lives who believe the end justifies the means.

This seems to be a common thread these days. You can't blame conservatives for behaving poorly because the "elites" disrespected them.

"Look what you made me do!" "Why do you make me hit you?"

The soft bigotry of low expectations.

Happy Monkey 05-21-2018 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1008783)
That's it, that's the secret, we'll drive them into bankruptcy buying that ammo to practice! :smack:

I believe Chris Rock proposed bullet control.

Pete Zicato 05-21-2018 01:25 PM

Saw an interesting idea from a talking head Sunday morning. >>

If the guns used in a shooting belonged to a parent, then the parent be held equally culpable.

I bet that a lot more people would keep their guns locked in a gun safe.

xoxoxoBruce 05-21-2018 01:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 1008790)
I believe Chris Rock proposed bullet control.

That's been used some what successfully in some colonies, but wouldn't work here. We have enough reloading equipment in the hands of civilians to supply a sizable army with a steady supply of ammo.

sexobon 05-21-2018 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 1008789)

Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1008703)
No one deserves the atrocities that are happening; but, they got what they bargained for. The victims are the collateral damage. Of course the NRA is part of the status quo. It wouldn't exist in its present form though if not for the uncompromising and the apathetic who renege on their compromises the moment they think they can get away with it. Those are the low-lives who believe the end justifies the means.

This seems to be a common thread these days. You can't blame conservatives for behaving poorly because the "elites" disrespected them.

"Look what you made me do!" "Why do you make me hit you?"

The soft bigotry of low expectations.

If you're going to quote me, I'd appreciate it if you'd address what I said instead of just using me as an attention grabber for some tangent idea you have because you don't draw much of an audience on your own.

I talked about everyday people holding leftist extremist views, not "elites."

I talked about people who reneged on agreements, those who incite them to do so and those who engage in deceitful practices in matters of grave importance, not people who simply diss others.

When people are hit, they have a Constitutional right to hit back to protect themselves. To categorize that as poor behavior you'd have to demonstrate that they willfully used excessive force. That the initial aggressor simply got hurt doesn't constitute excessive force. Any innocent bystanders hurt are the responsibility of the initial aggressor who is the one that chose the venue.

You're nowhere near knowledgeable enough to grasp these concepts which is why I must point out, as I have done before, reading comprehension HM.

I've seen things like leftist extremists standing just outside the property line of a county fairgrounds, video recording the license plates of cars turning onto the fairgrounds where a sportsman's show was being held; because, firearms were also being sold there. They intended to post the images on any public media that would let them in addition to circulating them among other leftist extremist groups. That wasn't just dissing people, that was criminal conduct and they were arrested.

The underhanded practices of some leftist extremist low-lives (notice I've been saying low-lives and not "elites") may not fall to the level of criminal conduct; but, it still has consequences. Those consequences were to alienate the people who might have been able to help save school children's lives. Now we'll never know. Stupid is as stupid does.

xoxoxoBruce 05-21-2018 06:38 PM

There was a game show from about 1974 on this afternoon. They said they polled 100 people if they thought citizens should be able to arm themselves for protection in dangerous areas. They didn't say where the 100 people were polled. Hollywood Studio audience? Native Californians? Tourists? Who knows?

But the answer was 52 out of 100 felt citizens should have the right to arm themselves. Methinks that's askew for 1974. :eyebrow:

henry quirk 05-21-2018 06:47 PM

nope, nobody wants to take my coach gun...

tw 05-21-2018 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1008817)

Only one who famous for his profanity would take cheapshots at the Parkland students. But that is the type of person who needs an assault weapon to enlarge his penis. No profanity and no insult. That is where this need for big guns comes from. Same emotions justify attacking the victims.

This is not about a second amendment. Anyone is protected by a .22 six shooter. Nobody needs military weapons to defend himself. Otherwise we have also justified the need for 155 mm howitzers and grenade launchers. But a .22 that no longer inspires sexual emotions with the usual henry quick insults.

sexobon 05-21-2018 08:29 PM

henry quirk 05-21-2018 09:28 PM

"Only one who famous for his profanity..."

Yeah, I'm pretty fuckin' good at cussin'.


"...would take cheapshots at the Parkland students."

Don't know how pointin' out the true agenda of cocksuckers like youself is a shot at the kids (who incidentally 'are' kids...they should be tended to, not catered to).


"But that is the type of person who needs an assault weapon to enlarge his penis."

My dick is just the right size, thank you very much, and I see you've expanded 'assault weapon' to include double-barreled shotguns (which is what a coach gun is). That's how it goes with you shits.


"No profanity and no insult."

Fuck you, nimrod (two birds, one sentence).


"That is where this need for big guns comes from."

No. Currently the 'need' for my coach gun is to shoot assholes who come lookin' to take my coach gun.


"Same emotions justify attacking the victims."

Yeah, I didn't attack the victims.


"This is not about a second amendment."

You're right about that. My gun is mine cuz 'I' say it is, not cuz of words on paper, or someone's interpretation of those words.


"Anyone is protected by a .22 six shooter."

Till like-minded pussies like yourself decide to classify them as 'assault weapons'.


"Nobody needs military weapons to defend himself."

Not your fuckin' call.

Anywho, my coach gun is not a millitary weapon, so: fuck you.


"Otherwise we have also justified the need for 155 mm howitzers and grenade launchers. But a .22 that no longer inspires sexual emotions with the usual henry quick insults."

Buddy, if I wanted a bazooka, and I could find one, and I could meet the price, then absolutely I would have a bazooka. Thing is: all I need is my nice lil coach gun, a thing even Smokin' Joe Biden approves of, so...

Fuck you, tw...fuck you hard and long...with a red, foot-long strap-on...worn by whatever fellow traveller you like.

xoxoxoBruce 05-21-2018 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1008829)

My dick is just the right size, thank you very much, and I see you've expanded 'assault weapon' to include double-barreled shotguns (which is what a coach gun is). That's how it goes with you shits.

Fuck you, tw...fuck you hard and long...with a red, foot-long strap-on...worn by whatever fellow traveller you like.

Wait a minute... why do you need a strap-on? :lol:

henry quirk 05-22-2018 04:59 AM

Cuz I'm not fuckin' him, but one of his comrades might.

You interested in the job?

xoxoxoBruce 05-22-2018 07:08 AM

Kind of you to offer, but no thank you. ;)

Pete Zicato 05-22-2018 09:07 AM

I can only guess, henry quirk, that you are a liberal in disguise. Your strange and illogical arguments seemed designed to drive people away from your point of view.

henry quirk 05-22-2018 09:40 AM


Just call me Henry.

Now, what's illogical about my arguments (which aren't really arguments but just an extended fuck you to that dumbass, tw)?

henry quirk 05-22-2018 09:42 AM

"Kind of you to offer, but no thank you."
Meh...suit yourself.

Happy Monkey 05-22-2018 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1008814)
Those consequences were to alienate the people who might have been able to help save school children's lives.

That is the poor behavior I referred to. If someone might have been able to save schools children's lives, but didn't because they were just SOOOO annoyed at liberals, it's not the liberals who are the problem.

Pete Zicato 05-22-2018 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1008843)

Just call me Henry.

Now, what's illogical about my arguments (which aren't really arguments but just an extended fuck you to that dumbass, tw)?

I don't have enough free time for that. >>

Brandolini's Law AKA The Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.

henry quirk 05-22-2018 10:38 AM

"I don't have enough free time for that."
Yeah, sure.

Wanna sell me the Golden Gate too?


"If someone might have been able to save schools children's lives, but didn't because they were just SOOOO annoyed at gun owners, it's not the gun owners who are the problem."

There...reads better now...reads 'true'.

henry quirk 05-22-2018 10:43 AM

C'mon, Pete...I see you there...gimme your best shot.

Flint 05-22-2018 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1008853)
C'mon, Pete...I see you there...gimme your best shot.

Could you not say "shot"? Because I just got...








tw 05-22-2018 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Pete Zicato (Post 1008842)
I can only guess, henry quirk, that you are a liberal in disguise.

A curious and interesting take. Although the conclusion is unlikely, the reasoning does make sense.

Something that Col Hogan (Hogan's Heroes) would successfully pull off.

tw 05-22-2018 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1008829)
Fuck you, nimrod (two birds, one sentence).

Defines a fanatic NRA and White Power supporter.

henry quirk 05-22-2018 01:18 PM

shot! shot! shooting! shot! shot! shot!
"a fanatic NRA and White Power supporter."

Not an NRA member, and I'm misanthropic (an equal opportunity hater).

So: fuck you, tw.

xoxoxoBruce 05-22-2018 02:12 PM

Henry has expressed in the past he doesn't like to part with money which will not return an immediate personal desire, be it government or private organizations. Hence the smothering by trees of all stripes regardless of their differences.

tw 05-22-2018 03:53 PM

We should start a weekly cellar pool for the number of kid killed each week. Since this massive increase in guns has made killing kids another sport. Its not even news anymore. And since internet gambling is now legal.

Problem is that nobody will want to put money down on zero, one, or two. Those are losing numbers.

Maybe another one for the 'profane word of the day' from Henry. Frequency means that also is not news.

sexobon 05-22-2018 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 1008846)

Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1008814)
Those consequences were to alienate the people who might have been able to help save school children's lives. Now we'll never know. Stupid is as stupid does.

That is the poor behavior I referred to. If someone might have been able to save schools children's lives, but didn't because they were just SOOOO annoyed at liberals, it's not the liberals who are the problem.

Obviously it wasn't "just" an annoyance. You trying to trivialize the situation because you're incapable of understanding it and have nothing significant to say is an annoyance.

Liberals tried to subvert a Constitutional right instead of changing the Constitution. That alienated other people. Liberals tried to negate a Constitutional right even though there was no guarantee it would save school children's (or anyone else's) lives and many believed it was a long shot that it would. That also alienated other people. Evidently, liberals now don't care because they're desperate to create a scapegoat for their failings to protect school children. They're doing what they've always done and going for all or nothing instead of compromising on the chance that it might save lives. They get nothing; because, that's what subversives deserve. People make poor decisions that get children killed all the time. The low-lives among them try to blame someone else. Liberals who fall into this category are the problem (they don't want you to think that; so, they've brainwashed you). Those who are weak of mind can't see it.

Pete Zicato 05-22-2018 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1008853)
C'mon, Pete...I see you there...gimme your best shot.

I don't have the free time you seem to have, Henry. But I can tell a hawk from a handsaw. Time to go make dinner.

sexobon 05-22-2018 06:48 PM

Of course, a hawk is used for plastering ...



You just did something from Shakespeare's Hamlet!

You bastard, my handsaw was killed by a hawk in the WTC on 9/11.

Happy Monkey 05-22-2018 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1008814)
Those consequences were to alienate the people who might have been able to help save school children's lives.


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1008893)
People make poor decisions that get children killed all the time. The low-lives among them try to blame someone else.

Indeed. For example, people who might have been able to help save school children's lives, but didn't, and blamed it on liberals for being SOOOOOO alienating.


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1008814)
They're doing what they've always done and going for all or nothing instead of compromising on the chance that it might save lives.

The NRA actually is all-or-nothing, no compromise. This is apparently a behavior you find poor, as you are excoriating liberals for it. But you are blaming liberals for the NRA behaving this way.

Can you find people who want to ban all guns? Sure. Probably some of those random people who were taking pictures you mentioned. The guy on the bulletin board henry found. Probably even a few politicians. But there's no anti-NRA that liberals are in lockstep to. It is ridiculous to claim that liberals refuse compromise, when all they do on the gun front is propose compromise, and don't even go that far with anything close to unanimity. They even have to compromise between each other, before proposing the compromise to the NRA.

sexobon 05-22-2018 07:29 PM

Yeah, no. I pity the fool who's nothing more than a contrarian. The kind of low-life who says "It is ridiculous to claim that liberals refuse compromise, when all they do on the gun front is propose compromise..." after I've already said that some of their so-called compromises are just stepping stones to a goal that is no compromise at all and most liberals are fine with that. The best you can muster is the equivalent of I know you are but what am I followed by demonstrated ignorance.

I'm happy to see your judgement isn't clouded by any knowledge on the subject. You help keep the NRA strong.

Happy Monkey 05-22-2018 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1008898)
"It is ridiculous to claim that liberals refuse compromise, when all they do on the gun front is propose compromise..." after I've already said that some of their so-called compromises are just stepping stones to a goal that is no compromise at all and most liberals are fine with that.

So the fear that at some point in the future the liberals will, among themselves, agree on a nebulous "no-compromise" goal, and also have the power to enact that goal is equivalent to "liberals refuse to compromise". And justification for the NRA actually not compromising in real life.

sexobon 05-22-2018 08:16 PM

I'm not a member of the NRA; but, I'm thinking of joining because of you.

Well, not just you. It may also be for Clodfobble's grandchildren ... so she'll have some. Liberal parents aren't doing such a good job of safeguarding their children in schools these days and there's probably oodles of liberal parents there. I think they need some outside help and I'm sure I know what's best for them.

I may need to recruit some others to join the NRA too; so, there's enough help to go around.

xoxoxoBruce 05-22-2018 08:34 PM

As the liberals and conservatives swirl, the moderates get flushed down the middle.:smack:

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