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DanaC 01-23-2013 07:32 AM

Oh, bloodyhell, Limes, that looks delightful.

limey 01-23-2013 08:31 AM

The last boat from the mainland is 6pm. If you're quick you might make it ...

DanaC 01-23-2013 08:51 AM


Sundae 01-23-2013 09:46 AM

Hang on - where you getting Velveeta Cheese from?
I want some!

The octopus is neither chewy nor rubbery really.
Just... seafoody. And your mouth does not recognise the suckers. Or at least mine hasn't, and I believe it to be as sensitive as anyone else's.

I picked up some salmon fillets today - 50p each.
Straight in the freezer, defrost and eat at my pleasure.
I'm sure they were marked up wrong (the member of staff could not have been less interested in what he was doing and the reduced tag identified them as seafood sauce originally £1.

Meh - who am I to point out his mistake and potentially ruin his afternoon...

Chocolatl 01-23-2013 10:01 AM

If it's done right, octopus isn't chewy -- like calamari, really. I had it once and it was yum.

Limey -- that casserole sounds delicious!

limey 01-23-2013 10:12 AM

No velveeta cheese, just using cheesey cheese. Also, adding fried onions and red peppers ...

limey 01-23-2013 10:18 AM

Oh, and Sundae. you can make your own Velveeta cheese, apparently!

Clodfobble 01-26-2013 07:58 AM

Sundae, you can send me all the extra calimari those philistines don't want. I love eating things with tentacles (much to the delight of Japanese businessmen, no doubt.)

Sundae 01-26-2013 11:20 AM

Oh no Clod. I'm eating it myself!
Thanks for the recipe, Limes. Looks too much for me at the mo, but I will bear it in mind it in mind next time Mum has the girls round. It's supposed to be the perfect cheese for nachos.

Tonight I think I am having baked salmon with a chilli and balsamic glaze, roasted white sweet potatoes, peppers and red onion and roasted carros with honey and mustard.

However I can't hear the 'rents making their usual "getting reading for Mass" racket. I fear I will not have the place to myself as usual. So it might be just a handful of lychees.

Clodfobble 01-26-2013 12:25 PM

Last night was supposed to be pulled pork. Then I remembered at 3:00, "Oh no! I haven't thawed it yet!" I rush home to start the process, dropping all the kids' school stuff on the floor and berating myself for making such a mistake, start filling the sink with hot water... until I discovered that actually, there was nothing in the freezer; I didn't even buy the pork when I went to the grocery store.

Somehow the bigger mistake made me happier. My screwup was so thorough, nothing I did yesterday could have fixed it, so I was off the hook. Plus, instead of having dinner late, we had Chipotle.

Griff 01-26-2013 12:41 PM


monster 01-26-2013 11:16 PM

Dinner was pancakes/crepes. filled with meat and cheese sauces. All three components were made from scratch by my own scabby hand, Furthermore, it turned out that my stroke-weakened left hand/arm would not co-operate with the plan to flip the large pancakes with a spatula, so all were flipped traditional style using my good arm -but in a large heavy pan with s wobbly handle. No pancakes or fingers were harmed in my making of dinner.

Sundae 01-27-2013 03:29 AM

I'd forgotten that my psrentd are now going to a different service, as their church is being completely reburbished. So I was able to have my dinner anyway. Trouble is, I couldn't get the lid off the new olive oil. I tried to compensate using my oil spray, but none of the veggies turned out particularly well.

Ate them all anyway.

The salmon was good.
Back on soup today.

DanaC 01-27-2013 05:27 AM

Last night I went to my fridge and cupboard a few times looking for inspiration. Nothing in there that I fancied. Vaguely considered throwing some potatoes onto boil and having them with lamb chops, but a) seemed a bit heavy and b) couldn't quite be arsed.

I wasn't really that hungry. I needed food, but having been grazing on toast and cereal during the day I wasn't really hungry.

Eventually, I forced myself to stick a readymeal in the oven. Lamb Moussaka from Asda (rarely shop at Asda, on account of them being owned by Walmart). Still wasn't that hungry when I served it out. It didn't look at all appetising.

It was really nice! Nicest moussaka I've had in ages!

Sundae 01-27-2013 07:47 AM

Every time I look at pre-made moussaka it looks really oily.
And I'm not all that fond of lamb.

Yet I'd eat a gosht curry with a film of oil on top.
Maybe I am aubergine-prejudiced.
Glad it was good.

You will be pleased to hear I am fighting slightly with my appetite now.
It's more about eating healthily rather than forcing myself to eat these days.
I'm still not worth taking to an all-you-can-eat-buffet, but I do have to keep myself from grazing on snacks after 20.00, given that I have eaten a reasonable, balanced and healthy dinner.

And I am eating clementines, apples and lychees daily. Fruit. Finally.
Carrots, sugar snap peas, onions, tomatoes and peppers make up the veggie complement.
Might not be quite 5 a day even so. But it's far better than it was.

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