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Chocolatl 12-21-2012 02:14 AM

Yabbut... I never said I wasn't filing a complaint. Just clarifying what happened. It was still majorly uncalled for and I'll make sure it's logged.

limey 12-21-2012 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Chocolatl (Post 844687)
Yabbut... I never said I wasn't filing a complaint. Just clarifying what happened. It was still majorly uncalled for and I'll make sure it's logged.


Sundae 12-21-2012 02:57 AM

I don't know how the word "pissed" is viewed over there, but here it's definitely swearing.
A doctor who swears at any patient, let alone a baby, is a cunt.

Glad not lasting harm was done, Choc.
And glad there was no infection.

Aliantha 12-21-2012 07:34 PM

Doctors can be dickheads just like any other person. When I was pregnant with Eva, the local doc put me on a medication for hypertension which in some cases can cause depression. This was for me, who had suffered from PND and had been on Zoloft - which was prescribed by the same clinic - and the problem wasn't picked up till the hospital realised and were horrified. Unfortunately, by the time it was picked up, I was already having great trouble with my emotional state so it took a while to get back to normal.

Rest assured, I've had words with the head doctor at the clinic about it, but in the end, they're not doing anything about it. That's fine. I now know to be very sure to do my own research on anything they ever prescribe again. Fortunately, as a family we don't do the whole prescription thing much at all, so it's mostly just me.

I'm glad Beans is ok. Teething can be a yuck time for everyone. I hope Eva has an easy time of it like the rest of mine did. :) I'll let you know how it's going in a couple of months. ;)

Clodfobble 12-22-2012 09:39 PM

They'll try to give nursing moms meds that are not safe for breastmilk, too. Happened to me all the time.

Sundae 01-02-2013 05:01 AM

My sore belly just got more and more sore over the past few days, until I was crying out every time I moved. So off to the Doctors today - only appointment I could get clashed with one my Dad had (different practice) so I had to get a taxi there.

Turns out it's actually a urinary infection, which has caused painful constipation. I was right not to use laxatives, but he prescribed me something "to keep things moving" and agreed I could take some painkillers ot get through the first few days. I also got antibiotics for the infection.

Still in pain, but not quite as sharp after necking some pills.

The real pain though, is that the Doctor prescribed me an over the counter item for my colon. Thanks Doc. That wasted approx £4 which on top of the taxi and other prescription charges made it an expensive day out. The pharmacist said nothing either. Witch.

Anyway, I got the bus home (it only runs in this direction) which was only £1.
So that at least was a consolation.

DanaC 01-02-2013 05:17 AM

*hugs* Oh honey, that totally sucks. At least your getting treatment now. Those antibiotics should get to work fast.

Feel better soon chika.

limey 01-02-2013 06:07 AM

Ouch, Sundae. But hopefully things'll start to improve from here on in! X

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Chocolatl 01-02-2013 06:32 AM

Yeouch -- hope the pills kick in and kick out that infection! Cranberry juice is supposed to help with urinary infections, too.

orthodoc 01-02-2013 07:05 AM

That's one of the most miserable things ... feel better soon, Sundae!

Chocolatl 01-04-2013 09:00 PM

Some imbecile is setting off fireworks in my neighborhood. This wouldn't be a problem but for the fact that one of my dogs, Pepper, suffers from acute sound-induced anxiety. He has prescription meds that we give him for the Fourth of July and New Year's Eve. I hate seeing him suffer and being helpless to comfort him. :(

Clodfobble 01-05-2013 03:34 PM

Crappy couple of days. First, the pipe snaps on the water filter unit as I'm trying to change the once-a-year filter (as opposed to the every-three-months filter on the left.) About three gallons of water spray onto me and the garage floor, and I have to make an emergency trip to Home Depot for parts before the water can be turned back on. But wait, what's this? The water is still on in the house, somehow. We realize, now, that for the last year the filtration system has only been filtering the hot water, not the cold. So we've called the guy who installed it, to get it hooked into the correct damn pipe...

And then today, I back into a stupid pole in a parking lot, in the new car that I hadn't even called to get put on our insurance yet. It looks like they're going to cover it anyway, but it's the first car accident that's been my fault since I was in high school. I feel like an idiot.

Also, on Thursday I got the kids up and dressed and packed lunches and drove them to school... except it turns out I looked at the wrong calender, and school doesn't start again until Monday. I swear I'm losing my mind.

Pete Zicato 01-07-2013 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 846617)
I swear I'm losing my mind.

You have young kids. This is a well known side-effect. It wears off as your kids get older.

In the mean time, try to remember where you left it last.

Jaydaan 01-07-2013 03:37 PM

2013 has not been good for me so far...
Lost my job Jan 2. Long story, but fired for something I didn't do.
Jan 3 my dogs eat a mouse poison block, got them to throw up within 15 min of eating it.. vet figures we are ok, but wont know for sure until Jan 10-13.
Today, Jan 7th my Loki dog needed out super fast, so I let him out without leash. Whats the little shit do, runs up the road. Out I go leash in hand, tromping out into the 2 feet of fresh snow we just got. I was standing in the middle of the road, leash in hand, with my hand up in a stop gesture. A car keeps going, and hits my dog, tossing him like a rag doll, and keeps driving. I scrambled to get to my dog, slipping on the road, the car almost hits me. AND STILL DOES NOT STOP! I got an older man, grey hair, black jacket, and a passanger, in a smaller black car. No plate # because of the snow.

Now, my dog seems ok, fine in fact. He might have some muscle pain and bruising tomorrow, but that might be it. ( here's another stresser... the mouse poison will cause bleeding, hemoraging is how it kills. Loki did not injest enough to kill him, but now I am worried that the bump with the car will be more dangerous) The vet said with no whimpering, no limping and no actual cuts/bruises, He is a very lucky dog. Thinks the snow made him not have any grip to stop the hit, he bounced off the car similar to how he bounces off his "sister" and landed in the soft snow. He got up right away. The vet figures we got very lucky, and even thinks the poison was not in his system long enough to even affect him. But that does not make me feel any better.

I made a mistake, I let him out, knowing full well he likes to run up the road and play in the snow. I watched him get hit. And now... I am in so much pain I can hardly breath. I can't look for a job in this much pain, I can file a police report, but they have very little to go on, and I am not sure I would be able to file medical EI or an ICBC claim without a driver. For that matter, I was not actually hit, just slipped and twisted my hip/back.
The first week of this new year has not been a very good start. I am sure we will bounce back, but right now I am going to go curl up on the couch with my dorky Loki dog, and cry myself to sleep. After a nap, hopefully I will have some idea what to do or what direction to take.

limey 01-07-2013 03:58 PM

Crikey, Jaydaan, I hope you and Loki are OK.

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