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Griff 03-15-2016 06:58 AM

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It looks like we want divisive candidates.

glatt 03-15-2016 08:01 AM

Seems like the favorable/unfavorable lines should be mirror images of each other. Hillary's are not, especially years ago. I wonder if previous polls had a lot of "I don't know who she is" answers, and now everyone knows who she is.

tw 03-15-2016 10:50 AM

Learn from history. Observe Silvio Berlusconi to fear what these types can do if elected ... and reelected. When convicted of crimes, he simply had laws changed.

Another example was Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Also popular when emotions prove a presidential candidate superior.

Undertoad 03-15-2016 11:04 AM

This is America. In America you can't even pull off a two-bit burglary of DC office space without losing all of your POTUS power and having to resign in deep disgrace.

tw 03-15-2016 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 955538)
This is America. In America you can't even pull off a two-bit burglary of DC office space without losing all of your POTUS power and having to resign in deep disgrace.

That POTUS did so many things that even his supporters finally had enough. Watergate was simply a straw that broke the camel's back. How many tens of thousands of American servicemen did he massacre on a war that he and Henry Kissinger agreed could not be won? Done only for one reason. He did not want to be the first American president to lose a war. A Watergate burglary was minuscule by comparison.

We know that Trump can promote violence and mayhem even in his pep rallies. Clearly a crime. And nobody will prosecute him. So that must make him presidential material.

Undertoad 03-15-2016 12:17 PM

OK, well, I think everyone else got my point.

Elspode 03-15-2016 05:36 PM

You know what's scary? What's scary is the millions of Trump supporters who don't even realize they've been co opted by an unreal Reality show that might very well affect their actual Reality.

Happy Monkey 03-15-2016 06:17 PM

What gets me is how the #1 explanation given for supporting him is that he "tells it like it is", when he is the poster child for this book (warning - potentially NSFW book title).

Bullshitting, as he notes, is not exactly lying, and bullshit remains bullshit whether it's true or false. The difference lies in the bullshitter's complete disregard for whether what he's saying corresponds to facts in the physical world: he "does not reject the authority of the truth, as the liar does, and oppose himself to it. He pays no attention to it at all. By virtue of this, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are."

Elspode 03-15-2016 06:35 PM

He tells it like simple minded people who cannot be bothered to do more than vote from their gullets, absent of facts, insight or any rational thought process, want to hear. He's "a chicken in every pot" candidate for the new Millenium. A wall in front of every Mexican. Permission to just go crazy and kick the shit of out of anyone who doesn't agree with you. He's a crazy SOB.

Aliantha 03-15-2016 06:52 PM

You know, there's one other outcome of Trump being president that has just occured to me, and that is that there could well be a military coup or uprising of the people if the liberal minded people were pushed far enough into a corner.

That would be interesting to see (not in a blood and guts way. I just mean in how it might play out).

Still glad I'm not an American at the moment though. None of the options are good.

Elspode 03-15-2016 07:00 PM

Liberals are, as a rule, rather laid back and such. It's the Right Wing NeoCon folks who are more likely to spawn a revolution, at least, in this country.

Now, back to my drink and bong.

Aliantha 03-15-2016 07:11 PM

Yes I know Els, but if things get bad enough, people will fight. Maybe it wont be the liberals. Maybe it'll be a faction of the conservatives. Or the minority groups that will be marginalised (at the least). Who knows. My point is you lot might be planting the seeds for another civil war if you elect Trump.

xoxoxoBruce 03-15-2016 07:49 PM

Trump has proved everything we've claimed about America's freedoms was delusion. He's exposed the ugly underbelly we've always denied.

footfootfoot 03-24-2016 12:12 AM

I was trying to imagine Trump as president and him dealing with the glacial pace of bureaucracy and wondered if, like in the Apprentice, he would start screaming at senators, congressmen, other staffers, "You're fired!"

Then I imagined that he would eventually fire the house, senate, and cabinet and restock the vacant positions with bright eyed apprentices with no political connections what so ever and for a brief moment I fantasized that America might just survive its oligarchic faux democracy.

Then I realized I was driving and had dozed off.

Griff 03-24-2016 06:32 AM

gotta have a dream

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