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xoxoxoBruce 07-09-2010 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 669647)
No shit, how'd that happen? :)

Andy and Aunt Bea drug him up proper.


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 669741)
Most addicts (including myself) have never forgiven themselves and are their own worst enemy/critic/hater which makes it hard to recover AND the addicted brain LOVES to use this as an excuse.

LiLo is afraid - and who wouldn't be? - and it doesn't seem like she has any internal coping mechanisms or reserve (ha! hence the addiction!) so it makes perfect sense for her to throw a tantrum. I can only hope she turns it around the way Robert Downey Jr. did - coz that man was effed up before he cleaned it up.

She's been "somebody special" her whole life... the paparazzi, the money, the A list parties. Her addiction isn't a problem for me, plenty of addicts go through life without hurting anyone else, functioning and paying their way. But when they think they are above worrying about hurting others, it's time to slap them down. The court allowed her to keep taking the 5 prescriptions because they don't care what she does to herself, the court is trying to keep her from hurting others.

classicman 07-14-2010 02:20 PM

Lesbian Prison Gangs Waiting to Get Hands on Lindsay Lohan, Inmate Says

Inmates of the jail where Lindsay Lohan is set to spend up to 90 days have warned of gangs out to attack the starlet, saying "everyone will want a piece of her," one inmate said in an interview with The Sun.

They actually took the time to write this story?

squirell nutkin 07-14-2010 02:22 PM

that woudl explain why the tabloids want to get her exclusive post prison story. They know something LiLo don't

xoxoxoBruce 07-14-2010 04:04 PM

She won't be in jail more than two dozen days, and won't have contact with Lesbian prison gangs.:rolleyes:

squirell nutkin 07-14-2010 07:58 PM

So there's no justice?

classicman 07-14-2010 08:21 PM

We should ask whip what the over/under is.

Leah 07-15-2010 01:19 AM

I can't stand her, I hope she gets locked away for a long time. Maybe it will fix her head up being behind bars. I bet she gets treated like a queen in there. :mad2:

glatt 07-15-2010 07:48 AM

Martha Stewart got treated like a queen because she was nice to her fellow inmates. They liked her. I can't picture Lindsay making friends.

wolf 07-15-2010 12:38 PM

The only difference between Ms. Lohan and my own entitled, miserable, demanding drunks and junkies is the level of income.

I have a quote from PK Dick that I keep taped to the desk.

"Drug use is not a disease, it is a decision, much like the decision to step out in front of a moving. car."

The disease model has screwed up effective treatment for years ... "Oooh, cool, it's NOT my fault. It's my genes, it's my alcoholic dad, it's my spoiled and pampered upbringing." None of those things forced your arm to go up and down to your mouth.

And she needs a new shrink ... no responsible doctor should be prescribing benzos or amphetamines to someone who already has an addictions diagnosis. That's another thing I see far too often. Adderall handed out like candy to speedfreaks.

She's got a whole new career in front of her, anyway ... next season on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. I look forward to seeing her argue with Tom Sizemore around the pool.

classicman 07-15-2010 12:42 PM

Oh wolf. What the hell do you know about it?
Whats that? You've been working in this field for decades.. .. ..
<crickets chirping>

wolf 07-15-2010 12:50 PM

Yer funny.

Undertoad 07-15-2010 01:56 PM

We can figure this out.

Points that support the disease model:

Points that support the decision model:

Undertoad 07-15-2010 01:59 PM

Some races are immune to alcoholism because of different reactions it causes in them.

Anyone who successfully follows a lifelong abstinence policy will not be affected.

Shawnee123 07-15-2010 02:05 PM

Wait, what? Are you trying to say that alcohol and drugs cause some kind of "chemical" reaction? The HELL you say! You've got some farfetched ideas young man. Now pull yourself up by your bootstraps and put that crack away, you cuckoo bird! ;)

Trilby 07-15-2010 02:08 PM

[quote=wolf;670813]None of those things forced your arm to go up and down to your mouth.[/wolf]

Yeah. The same to fucking fat people, too, who whine about how expensive fresh food is. NOBODY FUCKING FORCED THEM TO EAT AT McDonalds and Wendys and stuff chocolate in their pie holes, did they?? No body forced them to overeat like gluttons - fuck 'em! Let 'em all die of high trigylcerides and HTN, cancer and cholesterol!

Why FFS should insurance co. pay fucking MONEY to have their fucking stomachs stapled????



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