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DucksNuts 10-19-2007 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 396925)

I think this should be aimed at a few people.

Seriously....double standards much guys?

This IS like fucking high school.

Oh sure, its annoying n shit when RK bangs on about the same things, but when some of the *cool kids* do it...its funny n cute and is basically encouraged.

monster 10-19-2007 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 397013)
I think this should be aimed at a few people.

And what gave you the impression it wasn't?


Seriously....double standards much guys?
back atcha

(these pics are from RKs "thread bombs" thread...... ah forget it :rolleyes: )

usarmydoctor 10-19-2007 09:21 AM

Making Enemies

Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 396777)
I object to the idea that a woman who makes a decision to have an abortion is not being accountable for her actions.
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French acunter, from a- (from Latin ad-) + cunter to count
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1: to think of as : consider <accounts himself lucky>
2: to probe into : analyze
intransitive verb
1: to furnish a justifying analysis or explanation —used with for<couldn't account for the loss>
2 a: to be the sole or primary factor —used with for<the pitcher accounted for all three putouts> b: to bring about the capture, death, or destruction of something —used with for<accounted for two rabbits>

So - intransitive verb 2b: used with for <accounted for my baby>

I believe the unborn child is the one being held accountable...

I cannot seem to find just the right Smilie or icon to put at the end of this post. Do they make an animated one that shows a smiling face (you pick your favorite color) that is sucked apart by a little vacuum? Or one that is ripped to pieces by a surgical instrument? Or perhaps one that dies from poisoning?

Oh well -- I will settle for this one: :sniff: .

bluecuracao 10-19-2007 09:41 AM

So, what's your talent?

monster 10-19-2007 09:42 AM


DanaC 10-19-2007 09:49 AM


2: to probe into : analyze
intransitive verb
1: to furnish a justifying analysis or explanation —used with for<couldn't account for the loss>
In what way has a woman who makes a decision to abort her baby not accounted for her actions? In what way has that woman not engaged in analysis and decision making?

monster 10-19-2007 10:21 AM

I believe this thread is becoming my curse.....

Cicero 10-19-2007 10:27 AM

Hey Doctor, Dana, and anyone else who is interested in that topic: Let's go to the Men, Abortion, and Choice thread! It's a fun place full of very dark things. You'll love it.

I should have not let that "sexist" comment hang there for months anyway.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming, sorry for the interruption.

DanaC 10-19-2007 10:50 AM

*chuckles* oh Cic, I'm well aware of the darkness that lurks in the Abortion thread. :P

Cicero 10-19-2007 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 397131)
*chuckles* oh Cic, I'm well aware of the darkness that lurks in the Abortion thread. :P

No that was for army, I noticed that he has never posted in that thread. Or anywhere that real issues are being discussed for that matter.

I sometimes wonder about people that use their job descriptions as their title in chat rooms and message boards. Especially ones that need to have security clearance.
Army doctors would know that anonymity is very important in social circles like message boards and civilian haunts. It's comparable to wearing your uniform to the movies or out to a pub off duty......on base it is appropriate sometimes, but off base...not so much.

Hopefully he isn't using the gov. computer my tax dollars paid for to post anti-abortion fundamentalist hooey here on the cellar.

I'm only saying that because if he's going to come on here as an army doctor and not preserve his professional anonymity (security)- well anything can happen from there. Not really a smart move.

Welcome to the Cellar army...but you might want to wear some plain clothes here if you are going to speak on highly political and social topics that are famed for controversy.

If you are a Doctor then you are probably an officer and know that what you are doing is against your own protocol.

lookout123 10-19-2007 11:15 AM

he/she is still anonymous and hasn't broken any regulation. he/she hasn't stated if they are a past/current/future doc, active/guard/reserve, rank, specialty, location, assignment.

if he/she wore their uniform and gave a television interview preaching the horrors of abortion and why it should be against the law, then that would be completely inappropriate. as it is, they've created a screen name in a faceless internet community and given their opinion. just like all of us.

Cicero 10-19-2007 11:32 AM

My guess by their profile is that they are active and working in the emergency rooms.

I did not say regulations I said protocol. This person also has security regs. to worry about that I know nothing of. There I said Regs.

Well if he/she is going to be usarmy I hope they represent it well. I'm not about to broadcast my company. I would have to put a disclaimer at the bottom of every one of my posts.

DanaC 10-19-2007 11:48 AM

I think we putting a little too much weight into someone's username here :P

jester 10-19-2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 396920)
Circ's special talent... killin' a party.

Way harsh - C - isn't a "Party Pooper"

Cicero 10-19-2007 12:24 PM does RK know about that night?!? I'm innocent!!!

And when was I named Circ? That only makes since if you are dyslexic. Which I am. Sometimes....

Back to the topic!!!

My other special talent is procrastination. There is a subtle art to not doing something...and not doing that thing well. In fact, I can be doing many great things in avoidance of doing what I am supposed to be doing, which makes what I'm supposed to be doing seem trivial, less fulfilling, and downright less productive. My quality of life even seems to be enhanced while I'm running from the priority, but I seem to do it just in time, and it is usually ends up being awesome....I am great at doing just a little more than expected, just all at once. And my superiors still seemed to be impressed. The art of procrastination is just art. You have to look like you are doing what you are supposed to, be good at what you are actually doing, and deliver the final product, that is impressive, in the nick of time. If you are really good, you just look like you are multi-tasking but you are really procrastinating!

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