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Happy Monkey 04-02-2005 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
I really like Spam!
Spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam, and spam ...

I guess that means you like Spam alot.

gingerdumbandproud 04-08-2005 07:16 AM

Ne1 ever tried chocolate and chips (or fries to the americano's)
Over here in wales we also had mars bars in batter. im still a bit :eyebrow: over those though

chainsaw 04-08-2005 12:43 PM

My favoritest thing in the world is salty stuff covered in chocolate. Every December we have a fondue party and I load up on the salty snacks to dip/drown in the chocolate fondue: potato chips, pretzels, Ritz cracker peanut butter sandwiches, etc. :drool:

wolf 04-08-2005 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by chainsaw
Ritz cracker peanut butter sandwiches, etc. :drool:


Elspode 04-08-2005 06:29 PM

I would die without peanut butter...seriously.

Lunaephiliac 04-09-2005 09:14 AM

Personally, I can't stand spaghetti or potato chips. And beef jerky makes me naseous. But I can eat anything else. Weird, eh?:gray: :)

zippyt 04-09-2005 11:05 PM

cranberrys are the devils nuts as far as i am concerned !!!!!
EVIL EVIL little red berrys !!!!!

mrnoodle 04-11-2005 01:27 PM

my mom used to make a "salad" when we were poor. She found the recipe in one of those horrid 50's-style cookbooks a la Lileks Gallery of Regrettable Food. This unholy concoction was composed of a leaf of iceberg lettuce, atop which was a pineapple ring, a dollop of Miracle Whip (R) brand pig semen, and shredded cheddar cheese.

Miracle Whip. Even the words bring ugly thoughts to mind.

For those of you keeping track, dill pickles rule. Particularly fried.

monicakat 04-11-2005 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by mrnoodle

For those of you keeping track, dill pickles rule. Particularly fried.

I just recently tried deep fried pickles and LOVED THEM SO MUCH! I never woulda thought....

My mom used to make a wilted-lettuce salad by pouring bacon grease over leaf lettuce and adding onions and, I think, sugar and vinegar. Interesting.

BigV 04-11-2005 06:34 PM

Was in a new (to me) store this weekend and saw something so surprising. In this day of lite this and free that, there was jar of mayonaise. Heavy Duty Mayonaise. I don't mean a 55 gal drum, I mean a regular home scale jar of the white stuff, only this was "Heavy Duty".

Yes, I made a spectacle (auracle) of myself by laughing out loud in the aisle.

monicakat 04-11-2005 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by chainsaw
My favoritest thing in the world is salty stuff covered in chocolate. Every December we have a fondue party and I load up on the salty snacks to dip/drown in the chocolate fondue: potato chips, pretzels, Ritz cracker peanut butter sandwiches, etc. :drool:

Definitely with you on that one... salty and sweet is SO delicious. sometimes I'll grab a Hershey bar and a bag of pretzels and just toss one of each in my mouth (or peanuts instead of pretzels).

Trilby 04-12-2005 09:35 AM

The great big Enourmous Omelet Sandwich at Burger King? DON'T DO IT.

wolf 04-12-2005 09:38 AM

Sycamore digs it.

Trilby 04-12-2005 09:43 AM

I can't explain Sycamore's infatuation. Bacon was limp and tasteless, same for the sausage and the "toasted roll" was the same bun they use for that lame chicken sandwhich they used to have. Sucked. For my money and calories I'll go to McDonalds.

wolf 04-12-2005 09:57 AM

I have always preferred the BK Breakfasts, particularly the ones involving sausage. I avoid fast food bacon even more than I typically avoid fast food ... (I have a FFbreakfast a couple of times a year, usually when I'm doing a stretch of dayshifts to cover for the boss, otherwise, I don't eat that crap. Even if I really like it). The Egg McMuffin is just too boring, although a coworker told me the griddle sandwiches are tasty.

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