The Cellar

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squirell nutkin 06-17-2010 09:49 AM

I think World Clique is one of the all time great albums/discs. Certainly top 100.

zippyt 06-20-2010 02:19 PM

Dads day started of Just fine , slept In , had a Fantastic breakfast , Then some Killer Food , Carol started a Wash load , I was Headed out to run the tractor , and I Noticed there was Bubbles comeing up Under the Walk , FUUUUCCCKKK !!
so a Bit of digging , a quick trip to Lowes and The Stinking Drain Pipe is Fixed ,

xoxoxoBruce 06-20-2010 02:49 PM

You're lucky your drain lines are shallow, good job. :thumb:

Undertoad 06-20-2010 02:54 PM

Well a-one day Zip was a-shootin at some food
And up from the ground come a bubblin' poo

shit that is
texas dookie

Shawnee123 06-20-2010 02:57 PM

Well the next thing you know ol' zip's a millionaire
The Cellar folk said "ZIP, move away from there."
They said Pennsylvania is the place you oughta be
So he loaded up his pool and he moved right to Philly.

Undertoad 06-20-2010 03:01 PM

Burbs, that is
Dumb neighbors... bad traffic...

Shawnee123 06-20-2010 03:02 PM


We should be songwriters.

zippyt 06-20-2010 05:57 PM

HAR HAR HAR !! That Made my day !!!

morethanpretty 06-20-2010 10:14 PM

Awesome UT and Shaw!

Made y'all famous even.

monster 07-09-2010 01:41 PM

Fucking Insurance companies, agents and the whole incompetant damn lot of them. Wasted A WHOLE DAY dealing with someomne else's shit and can't even pinpoint who to blame it on. bastards. mighta closed the pool. luckily the shit hit the fan today, which turned out to be the very last day the situation was salvageable. But it took me 4 hours. Including one hour trying to call the wrong 1-800 number that I was given by the Insurance agent. :mad2:

classicman 07-09-2010 01:57 PM

Wow Sorry Monster, that sucks. I thought I was the only one.
Yesterday cost me $4300 trying to fix someone else's mistake. Good luck on them getting that outta me.

Nirvana 07-09-2010 02:10 PM

Yesterday the storm here ate my flat screen TV and one of my phone lines. All were plugged into surge protectors. My TV was 2 years old and just out of warranty. WTF good are surge protectors? :eyebrow:

Undertoad 07-09-2010 02:54 PM

Not very much good I'm afraid. The only possible benefit is - some of them offer insurance on any gear damaged while plugged in. You might want to check on that...

Nirvana 07-09-2010 04:00 PM

Well my computer and my other phone line were plugged into the same surge protector. They are fine, go figure :neutral:

Jaydaan 07-11-2010 09:36 PM

Its my birthday... the kids had no clue what to cook for dinner... hubby is sleeping off a possible heat stroke ( 36 C+ company all afternoon outside+ some.. not that much really, booze= nap)He is burning, I can see it from here... I put aloe on, but now I just have to wait until he wakes and hit the whole back, shoulders, arms, head and chest! So the lobster dinner, and crab stuffed mushrooms, I *really* wanted, ends up being perogies and sausages, since its too hot to cook much, and without the romantic side of it.... whats the point?
Pouting as we speak, the kids went to their rooms to be in air condioning, company is gone, hubby is sleeping.... and I am FREAKING BORED. Guess I will work on my business, at least the will give me sense of accomplishment on my 40th Birthday. :)

squirell nutkin 07-11-2010 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Nirvana (Post 669784)
Well my computer and my other phone line were plugged into the same surge protector. They are fine, go figure :neutral:

sometimes the surge can come through the cable rather than the plug, if your surge protector doesn't have cable ports, but is sounds like it may have.

Nirvana 07-11-2010 10:23 PM

Awhile ago I posted an areal photo of where I live. I live in the "black hole" of technology, no cable, no dial up, and right now my home phone line does not function and that storm happened Tuesday. :eyebrow:

xoxoxoBruce 07-11-2010 10:26 PM

You're gonna have to launch your own satellite. ;)

wanderer 07-12-2010 01:48 AM

A new no wait. Let me start over, a damn new f!@$ing project (thats better :)) has been assigned to me. And God! haven't i been working hard. Still idiots are not happy. And then out of nowhere they decide to outsource me to train the off-shore team. I was hellbent on not going. But they made me go to embassy for visa application interview. And I, being me, forgot to take my invitation letter, that was required. So I was not granted visa. Now the leaders are pissed off. And I am pissed off. I have to show them that I am pissed off for not getting Visa which I never actually intended to have.
Ah! Life!
Thanks to cellar. I am already feeling better :)

classicman 07-12-2010 07:36 AM

Wow - what do you do, wanderer? If you can tell us without being shot ;)

wanderer 07-12-2010 09:10 AM

Hey Classicman, thanks for asking.

What do I do?
There are banks around the states. They try to use the softwares to process their data with speed. Such softwares often explode with a big bang! :)
......I fix them
(and they also say I am something called software engineer:nuts:)

xoxoxoBruce 07-12-2010 09:43 AM

So they want you to go offshore coughindiacough and train your replacements?

wanderer 07-12-2010 12:34 PM

Thankfully, they will not be our replacements. They will be be working on just one module. Rest stays with us...................for now.

wanderer 07-12-2010 12:35 PM

coughindiacough......hahahahahaha, thanks Bruce. I loved this:D

Pete Zicato 07-15-2010 11:54 AM

Not really today but Tuesday evening. I had Zlet #2 out in the Honda - teaching her how to drive a manual transmission. So she stalls the engine at a light. No biggie. Except this asshole a couple of cars back starts honking his horn. The Zlet gets the engine going again, but the impatient asshat has pulled up alongside us ON THE RIGHT SIDE SHOULDER and yells "If you don't know how to drive, then get off the fucking road", then takes off.

Some people are a waste of space. I wish I'd been quick enough to get his license number.

Shawnee123 07-15-2010 11:58 AM

People are the sux. That doesn't help a young driver. :(

glatt 07-15-2010 12:00 PM

I'm sorry Pete. That really sucks. I hope Zlet was able to shrug it off.

classicman 07-15-2010 12:07 PM

Did she get to see Dad do this?


xoxoxoBruce 07-15-2010 08:01 PM

Teach her in a parking lot.

squirell nutkin 07-15-2010 08:47 PM

Big, snow filled lots are where I practice my drifts and power slides. When I lived on Lake Champlain (back in the day) people would drive on the lake at about 80 and then reef on the E brake and crank the wheel.

Probably vomited in their cars too.

Shawnee123 07-16-2010 07:04 AM

My friends and I would cruise out to the HS parking lot at night with no one there, and do "doughnuts" in the snow. I drove a big 73 that was fun!

skysidhe 07-16-2010 09:37 PM

Lucky is he who has a grove left to scorch.

Lamplighter 07-18-2010 09:36 AM

I want to revoke the licenses of today's movie and TV sound-editors...

Whoever thought it was good editing to raise the "background music" levels higher than the conversations of the actors. Maybe it was the same TV ad gurus who decided to raise the sound on commercials way above the program level.

I know young people think "music" never too loud enough.
But when my wife and I simultaneously ask "What did he say ?" enough is enough.

classicman 07-18-2010 09:51 AM

I agree - I find myself watching movies with the subtitles on lately.

SamIam 07-18-2010 10:24 AM

Me, too. I thought it was just because I'm growing old. I like Lamplighter's explanation better. ;)

xoxoxoBruce 07-18-2010 11:46 AM

I find this especially annoying on PBS shows, when people like David Attenborough are explaining something interesting. I mean that's why I'm watching the damn show, ferchrissakes.:mad:

Clodfobble 07-18-2010 02:10 PM

Some small points of order in defense of audio folks:

1.) You're talking about a mixing problem, not an editing problem. On any reasonably-sized production these two jobs are done entirely separately, by different people. It's still an audio person's fault, but if you're going through the credits looking for your nemesis, it's the mixer, not the editor.

2.) Mixing is actually a very difficult job these days, because everyone has such a different speaker setup in their homes. You've got standard left-right, surround sound (with and without a subwoofer,) fancy left-right speakers that claim they can imitate surround sound (they can't really, it's a lie, though there are some headphones that can do a decent job,) and fancy all-in-one tuners with a dozen presets that take the audio signals from your TV and alter them in any number of ways the sound mixer never intended.

So for example, in a typical surround-sound setup, the traditional thing to do is put all speech coming out of the center channel, and background music would be split between the right and left channels. But depending on the budget and disc space, they may only be able to put one audio track on the DVD (as opposed to the instances where, in the setup menu, you see the option to choose Dolby 5.1 versus stereo.) So the question then becomes, do you put a surround mix on the disc, and let the stereo systems out there in the world squash the multiple signals into just two channels, thus throwing your mix off to a certain degree (if your speech audio is now getting split to either side of the room, it will need to be louder than when it was coming directly at you from the middle.) Or, do you put a stereo mix on the disc, and let the surround systems artificially duplicate the same signal coming out of multiple speakers? Well, which is going to piss off more people? Typically, the people who sprung for more expensive sound systems are the ones who care more about what it sounds like, so they're going to be disproportionately pissed off by improperly-mixed audio. And you won't be able to put "surround sound" on the box, which marketing won't like. What's more, a good portion of the stereo-crowd are going to be listening on inherently sucktacular internal speakers, and it's going to sound bad for them no matter what you do. As time passes, more and more people have surround systems anyway, so it's easy to see how it's the default choice if you only get one.

I can't tell you how many times I had developers/testers/producers/executives tell me the audio sounded inadequate in some fashion or another, and I told them to come up to my office and show me where the problem was... and every single one would realize it was actually because their sound system sucked, not the game audio.

squirell nutkin 07-18-2010 04:03 PM

That is fascinating, Clodfobble.

I read somewhere, possibly here, that Berry Gordy would listen to audition tapes on a crappy car radio set up in his office, reasoning that that would be how the song would ultimately be heard so it had better sound great on shitty equipment.

There is a parallel problem in photography. When printing (in the old days) or adjusting an image for newsprint you end up with an image that looks like ass until it is printed on newsprint. And if you adjust it for your screen, it will look like ass in newsprint.

bluecuracao 07-18-2010 06:29 PM

I've been on a cholesterol-lowering diet for over a month now, and I'm starving...need cheesesteak please...and macaroni and cheese...with extra cheese...

Shawnee123 07-18-2010 06:56 PM

OMG wow.

SamIam 07-19-2010 01:23 PM

Too little car, too much heat
Oh, grrrrrrrr! I am currently without a car, but normally that's not a big deal since I can easily walk to most places around here. So, today my doctor gave me a new prescription, and I walked down to the nearest pharmacy to get it filled. Its like 96 degrees here at the moment, btw. So, I walk down there, panting in the heat. Whoops! That pharmacy doesn't carry my new med. The nearest one that does is 2 miles away, and its only going to get hotter. I do NOT want to walk 4 miles round trip in 100 degree temps. Call me, wimpy, I don't care. Damn it all, anyway. :mad:

SamIam 07-19-2010 04:54 PM

Oh, it gets better. I found a friend who gave me a ride and waited around a half hour for me at the pharmacy. Guess what? Medicaid wouldn't cover it! I need to get a prior authorization. The doctor obviously authorized the prescription - it was written in her own little hand. Now I have to get the pharmacy to fax the clinic, and then the clinic will send this prior authorization thing. So, IF THIS WORKS, I get to still either walk back down there or impose once more on my long suffering friend.

If this is what national health insurance is going to be like, they can keep it!

classicman 07-19-2010 05:30 PM

<bites tongue>

SamIam 07-19-2010 06:10 PM

Oh, I know! I'm still in favor of universal health care, but government health care in the form of medicare/medicaid does leave much to be desired. I'm just frustrated today. And the heat just makes dealing with it all worse. (big sigh)

classicman 07-19-2010 08:15 PM

Been dealing with it for awhile now. I hope to all the tentacles of FSM that what I am dealing with is NOTHING like what is to come. I think it will be worse, but I'm praying its not. What I have seen so far is the utmost incompetence and lack of caring by 95% of the people I have dealt with in the system. The vast majority of the Govt. employees would not make it a week in a private company with the attitudes they have. The other 5% are friggin stars and I tell them so. I've made a list of them and try to get to them every time I need to deal with the system.

SamIam 07-19-2010 08:31 PM

Everytime I start to get fed up, sooner or later I remember what I went through when I had zero health insurance. Even medicaid is better than that. At least now, I'm getting SOME treatment. I'm sure with some perserverance, I'll get it all untangled. But without my brain meds its very, very hard. To be fair, the pharmacies contributed to my problems today, as well as my clinic. It was one big cluster fuck, and medicaid was only one part of it.

I think I'm going to bed with a good detective novel tonight and forget about earlier today.

monster 07-19-2010 08:56 PM

Well now my groove is scorched by the insinuation that such up-fucks ar due to universal healthcare. Since i moved to the US I have been mind-boggled by the amount of red-tape and money wasteage and -most irritatingly cliqueism/monopoly shit that goes on in the private health insurance world here. Sure, there's no waiting list for your life-saving surgery, but the surgeons will only take referrals from specialists within their "network" and the insurance companies will only approve surgeons and specialists within their network, and you can't go strqaight to the specialist, you need to be referred by your regular doctor, who would rather observe you for a while and have you come back for regular visits..... and when they finally refer you to the specialist who refers you to the sugeon, there's no waiting list per se, but they only operate when there's an X in the day. And then you have to pay a co-pay for the surgeon and another for the anaesthetist, and the bed, and the nurse, and the drugs, and the OR and the dressings, and the TP and......

You know why people in private healthcare are so nice and want to deal with you even though you're being an asshole? They're being paid a shitload more than they need to be. By you. Americans need to learn that sucking up X= great service. I won't hold my breath.

/oops political/xenophobic ranting shit

glatt 07-20-2010 07:36 AM

monster, you're awesome

Shawnee123 07-20-2010 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 671545)
monster, you're awesome


Trilby 07-20-2010 07:48 AM

my kitty loves me only when I am at teh computer.

Shawnee123 07-20-2010 07:51 AM

I'm selling my kittehs.

350 bucks apiece, or two for a dollar fifty.

If I have posted this before, I apologize.

I love them, I really do, I'll never let them go...but GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR they are making me crazy.

Trilby 07-20-2010 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 671551)
...two for a dollar fifty.

you shore you don't mean "tree fiddy," -?

Shawnee123 07-20-2010 07:53 AM

I don't know, do ya think? They're like hotcakes, I can't keep 'em on the shelves. Why are hotcakes on the shelves, anyway?

glatt 07-20-2010 08:11 AM

to keep the cats out of them?

SamIam 07-20-2010 03:11 PM

My one kitty is sitting in my lap, trying to help me with my post. OK, here are her words of wisdom, letting her go now:

saioum,l32 fewteqy

I don't know what this means. Perhaps its a secret message to other cellar kitties? Or maybe its cat for "I want hotcakes!"

Shawnee123 07-20-2010 03:15 PM

I will give the message to my kittehs, and see what their reaction is.

I believe the kittehs are uniting and there will be a coup!

lookout123 07-25-2010 12:55 AM

Mrs L is not a movie person, but she was in the mood for a romantic comedy tonight. She went by the Redbox and grabbed Up in the Air, because anything with George Clooney on the cover is a romantic comedy, right? Selfish guy finds the girl, changes life, gets the girl... yeah, that's the ticket.

Fuck no. That movie was complete dogshit depressing. I want those two hours back.

casimendocina 07-25-2010 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 672515)

That movie was complete dogshit depressing. I want those two hours back.

Know what you mean. Went to see a French movie The Hedgehog the other night. I went in thinking it was going to be a French farce, but no. Came out feeling very bleak....not nearly as much as after something like Breaking the Waves (mid 1990s, Emily Watson), but still towards the 100% bleak end of the scale...

squirell nutkin 07-25-2010 08:54 AM

OMG did you have to mention Breaking the Waves?

Thanks. Not.

Pico and ME 07-26-2010 04:53 PM

My husband. That is all. At least for now.

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