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elSicomoro 05-02-2008 03:48 PM

I love unsweet tea...the only problem with it is that almost all iced tea at restaurants, gas stations, etc. is caffeinated...moreso than soda.

elSicomoro 05-02-2008 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 450455)
I have in past years given up alcohol for Lent, and I've given up soda. Soda was a million times harder. (I've mostly kicked the habit. I was down to not drinking it any except at lunch, and now I've replaced my lunch Pepsi with seltzer.)

There's this little old lady that I deliver to...she orders a lunch special (sandwich, salad and a drink) every Friday around 2pm. During Lent, she only ordered the fish sandwich and gave up soda for Lent...she's too cute!

Cloud 05-02-2008 03:54 PM

well, of course tea is caffeinated. (scratches head).

if you're going to establish a new habit, drink water!

elSicomoro 05-02-2008 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 450581)
well, of course tea is caffeinated. (scratches head).

if you're going to establish a new habit, drink water!

What I should have said is...I didn't realize that tea had as much caffeine as it does.

12oz Dr Pepper: 41 mg
12oz Iced Tea: 71 mg
12oz coffee: 150 mg

I actually drink about 4-8 glasses a water a day...sometimes more.

Ibby 05-02-2008 11:49 PM

Nestea for the win!
i drink like, three bottles a day

Cloud 05-03-2008 12:20 AM

but tea is a Superfood! it has antioxidants or crap like that. Sugar is Bad though.

Griff 05-03-2008 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by sycamore (Post 450399)
I think I have an addiction to soda. It's like that Simpsons episode where they grow don't like the shit, but you can't stop drinking it. Seriously...I don't really enjoy the taste of regular soda just doesn't taste that good. And yet, I keep fucking drinking I might find the golden can of Dr Pepper that actually tastes like I remember it.

Jesus H. Christ...this shit drives me nuts!

I took a behavior modification class one summer. It seemed like half the class tried to break the soda habit. Soda is a real health threat man, good luck on that habit.

skysidhe 05-04-2008 12:37 PM

I love sweetened lipton tea. If I am going to die. I am going to die happy.

Sundae 05-04-2008 01:18 PM

Syc - try fizzy water.
It will still be like going cold turkey, but the fizz helps, especially if you have it ice-cold.

If you're not really tasing your soda anyway, the mouth-feel is similar enough to fool you.

You will need a couple of weeks (I suggest a month) with NO soda though. Otherwise it will taste like what it is - a flavourless substitute. After a month, if you go back to soda it will taste like what it is, sugary crap.

skysidhe 05-04-2008 06:01 PM

me and my blasted picture posting...getting on me own nerves

lol I guess that means I'm done

DucksNuts 05-13-2008 10:12 PM

My boss is a cunt.

I dont say cunt

so... yeah, he's one.

Aliantha 05-13-2008 10:38 PM

I don't have a boss, but I can understand your sentiments mate. Sometimes bosses take you for granted and treat you like shit, just because they can...till you quit. Then you just get someone else to take you for granted and treat you like shit.

I suggest a lotto ticket. Maybe you can give them all the big A.

Cloud 05-13-2008 10:41 PM

besides posters overcompensating for their with small-title complex? ;) TV shows that start just before the top of the hour, so you miss the first, crucial minute.

DanaC 05-14-2008 04:34 AM

Oh yes that's definately a mildly irritating habit, Cloud.

Flint 05-14-2008 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 453439)
besides posters overcompensating for their with small-title complex? ;) TV shows that start just before the top of the hour, so you miss the first, crucial minute.

DVR software compensates for this by allowing you to begin recording a specified amount before the scheduled start time. Or, after the sheduled end time. For instance, I kept getting the last gag in Futurama cut off, so I set it to record until 5 minutes after the end time. Then, I started getting five minutes of Southpark. So...then I set it to record for 30 minutes after. Now, I get Southpark recorded without taking up a slot in the queue! So, you see, when life hands you lemons, get a Tivo and you can kill two mockingbirds with one lemonade.

Shawnee123 05-14-2008 12:35 PM

Today has been a comedy of errors.

My work computer is in the hospital. So, I find another computer to work on. It does not have any of my DOE software. I find something else to work on. The online connection to the Department goes down. I find something else to work on. There is an error in the letters. This computer does not link to the drive I need. I find something else to work does not end. The details of these problems are often minute and hit you at submachine gun rate.

But we smile smile smile and laugh laugh laugh after each process breakdown because that is what robots get paid to do.


Sundae 05-14-2008 01:52 PM

I can't find my tweezers and I want to do my eyebrows
My room is a mess
I am too slack to do any tidying

The above are all connected

Keep smiling Shawnee!

Shawnee123 05-14-2008 03:10 PM


DanaC 05-14-2008 04:43 PM

I've been back in the job (ie. re elected) five minutes and I am already in trouble :P Watch this space, I could be facing disciplinary action lol....they may even withdraw the whip!

Trilby 05-14-2008 05:07 PM

what's wrong, Dana? Late to the orgy were you? AGAIN? No wonder you'll get the whip!


Sundae 05-14-2008 05:20 PM

Fingers crossed for you chicken.
I understand if you can't post what you did, but I'm impressed the brown envelopes got to you so quickly.

Aliantha 05-14-2008 05:48 PM

She was caught being honest with her constituents. ;)

Clodfobble 05-14-2008 11:15 PM

Ugh. The Father and the Husband cannot have a 5-minute conversation about the weather without getting bitchy at each other. Literally, my dad called to warn us about a big storm coming our way tonight, and somehow this turned into a pissing match about how our digital cable (and its accompanying weather channel) works. Fucking alpha males, I swear to God...

Sundae 05-15-2008 04:17 AM

My personal as was removed from Craigslist :mad:
Only mildly irritating because I had as many responses as a girl could need, I'm just annoyed that someone saw fit to flag it.

I hope their random clicking deletes something they really need today - gah!

DucksNuts 05-15-2008 05:45 AM

Why did they pull it. Sundae?

DanaC 05-15-2008 06:02 AM


I understand if you can't post what you did, but I'm impressed the brown envelopes got to you so quickly.
lol. Got 'em, opened 'em, spent 'em :P

Put simply, I voted against the group line in Full Council. Myself and one other group member. It was a three line whip, so voting contrary to the group line is a disciplinary matter :P

TheMercenary 05-15-2008 06:51 AM

We are leaving for 3.5 days and are leaving our 18yr old and 16yr old home alone. I wonder if they will let the dogs out and feed them? I wonder if they will drink all the beer? I wonder if they will have a big assed party? I wonder if they will burn the house down?

I will try not to think about these things.

classicman 05-15-2008 07:36 AM

Ahh, Merc - the memories are flooding back - those truly were the best of times. The drinking, the drugs, the partying, the girls, the sex..... Just make sure they know your room is off limits.

Undertoad 05-15-2008 09:26 AM

The biggest events were always in May. You still had the school network available to get the world out, people were getting ready for the big summer break, relationships were getting fully realized, and it was the last chance to get everybody together and get this done.

A good idea is to make sure all bookcases, china cabinets, etc. are bolted securely to the wall with a molly bolt or other secure method. Some homeowners assume that nobody is going to put undue stress on them, and never bother to attach it to the wall. But a big heavy structure can tip and cause very serious injury.

It's a good idea to have fire extinguishers located on every floor of the house, and an additional one in the garage. They are not that expensive. Instruct everyone in the household on how to calmly use the device.

BigV 05-15-2008 10:03 AM

youse guys are mean.

that's why we're taking our teenagers with us on vacation.

Cloud 05-15-2008 11:02 AM

You're leaving them beer? What a good dad you are!


Shawnee123 05-15-2008 11:07 AM

There was a big "breaking news" story on the local news the other night about a bunch of teenagers who were...wait for it....DRINKING BEER!

Man, I know things are different than when I was a kid but this is breaking news? I'm surprised they didn't call in the damn SWAT team.

Flint 05-15-2008 12:00 PM

Install plenty of hidden cameras. This could be a goldmine.

elSicomoro 05-15-2008 12:24 PM


Shawnee123 05-15-2008 12:25 PM


elSicomoro 05-15-2008 12:27 PM

You don't like Yoo-hoo? That's good stuff!

Shawnee123 05-15-2008 12:27 PM

THAT's what you should drink! :)

SteveDallas 05-15-2008 02:36 PM

Maybe they will have a huge party that gets lots of news coverage while you're gone.

Cloud 05-15-2008 02:48 PM

I apparently cannot each lunch without exercising that hole in my lip. So now I have to go through the rest of the day at work with a dirty shirt.


Shawnee123 05-15-2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 454001)
Maybe they will have a huge party that gets lots of news coverage while you're gone.

My friends and I would drive around with Mountain Dew bottles (I don't even do the dew) hoping they would get mistaken for Genessee or Little Kings (pop came in real bottles those days, kids.) It's just kids getting a giggle.

Man, people make mountains out of molekegs! Root beer, folks! Teenagers, folks! Sheesh!

elSicomoro 05-15-2008 03:43 PM

There were times when I would drink one liter bottles of soda out of a brown paper bag back in the's always good to test your local law enforcement anyway.

SteveDallas 05-15-2008 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 454013)
Man, people make mountains out of molekegs! Root beer, folks! Teenagers, folks! Sheesh!

I've had a theory that's gotten more and more evidence as time passes... some people simply don't possess a sense of humor. They've apparently had it beaten into them that Real Adults(tm) are always. . . and I mean ALWAYS . . . Serious(tm) . . . because any reaction to any situation other than Complete And Total Seriousness(tm) will result in the kids running wild and getting all kinds of crazy notions that they otherwise wouldn't come up with.

Shawnee123 05-15-2008 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 454037)
I've had a theory that's gotten more and more evidence as time passes... some people simply don't possess a sense of humor. They've apparently had it beaten into them that Real Adults(tm) are always. . . and I mean ALWAYS . . . Serious(tm) . . . because any reaction to any situation other than Complete And Total Seriousness(tm) will result in the kids running wild and getting all kinds of crazy notions that they otherwise wouldn't come up with.

Damn, man. I think you hit the nail on the head. Fortunately, I never got that memo.

Sure kids need guidance and discipline...but they also need to be kids and do stupid kid things.

Now I have to go call SteveDallas and ask him if he has Prince Albert in a can. :D Please alert the FBI.

Cloud 05-15-2008 05:28 PM

if they only knew how goofy real adults actually are

BigV 05-15-2008 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 454037)
I've had a theory that's gotten more and more evidence as time passes... some people simply don't possess a sense of humor. They've apparently had it beaten into them that Real Adults(tm) are always. . . and I mean ALWAYS . . . Serious(tm) . . . because any reaction to any situation other than Complete And Total Seriousness(tm) will result in the kids running wild and getting all kinds of crazy notions that they otherwise wouldn't come up with.

You're mocking me, aren't you? [/buzz lightyear]

jinx 05-15-2008 08:13 PM

I had a tick on me at dinner. On my neck. I'll be skeeved for days...

Cloud 05-15-2008 08:45 PM


I don't know what "skeeved" means, but I'm sure I would be too. I still have nightmares about my one tick encounter.

SteveDallas 05-15-2008 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 454039)
Now I have to go call SteveDallas and ask him if he has Prince Albert in a can. :D Please alert the FBI.

You haven't asked for my number yet.... anyway, sorry, I don't have a Prince Albert, in the can or in any other body part.

DanaC 05-16-2008 06:33 AM


You're mocking me, aren't you? [/buzz lightyear]
Oh! Thankyou BigV! *hugs BigV* my friends and I use that a lot and I had completely forgotten where it came from.

DanaC 05-16-2008 06:43 AM

What's mildly irritating me today?

Well.....I lost my temper last night. I don't often lose my temper. I lost my temper with the wife of the guy I lodged a complaint against *winces*. Fortunately there were only a handful of people present, as it was a small exec meeting and the meeting had closed, with some people having already left.

She was just really, really, getting on my tits. I mean really.

Background: the Chair of the party, D, my recent-ex, chose two people to act as counting agents for him at the elections, who had just been refused re-entry into the party (long story, ex-members and ex-councillors who'd had a big and public fall-out with the local party) though had been told they could re apply in a year and it would help their case if they did some work in the elections., in they go as counting agents for D, and then allegedly, they cheered rather noisily when one of our councillors lost his seat.

In the meeting it was brought up and used as a way of attacking D. In order to justify why they'd been chosen as counting agents, it was explained to them how much work the two of them had done in D's and in my election. We then went on to say that if they had cheered, then we would no longer wish to support their re-entry into the party. But....the other side have already written to region about it, and we were saying that the laws of natural justice dictate that we at least offer the couple a chance to explain themselves before taking any action to block future membership.

As the meeting closed, I and another member got into a discussion about this and the lemon-sucking-bitch, that other guy's wife, grabs the arm of the member I'm talking to and starts to pull him away saying "Oh, forget it they're just making excuses for it"

Now...I don't know why this got under my skin so badly, but my response was to mutter "oh fuck off" and then say very loudly "You're talking shite, A", I could feel D's hand grab my arm and as I continued to tell her what I thought of her argument, he squeezed, but I carried on regardless and ended up in an argument with her and her pop-eyed, mental hubby. Basically, the carefully worded, carefully delivered performance gave way to Bolton Girl!

Not so good.

Shawnee123 05-16-2008 07:56 AM

You darn human!

You're an intelligent, thoughtful, and well-spoken individual. Having an instance of anger only illustrates your passion for what you are doing.

Sometimes people need to be called on the carpet.

SteveDallas 05-16-2008 10:03 AM

I stayed up too late last night, mostly debating with Mrs. Dallas about the best steps to deal with our daughter, not to mention our summer schedule or lack thereof.

As a result I overslept. When I got to work everything was parked in with visitors here for a big event. There were also 3-4 construction trucks, a garbage truck, and a truck trying to deliver the big tent for Sunday's graduation, all trying to get in and out at the same time I was.

The database upgrade I started this morning got stalled due to picky compatibility details that had not been made known to me previously.

I'm now off across the street for a donut or three for breakfast. I'm afraid to imagine what troubles I'll find.

Shawnee123 05-16-2008 10:05 AM


Dragon Devil Evil Lady

Oh, and left my house without my purse and had to head back after getting halfway here.

And, we have a "retreat" this afternoon, guaranteed to be chock full of lip service and the sound of phonies jumping on board...the board being painted with flowers and love but underneath it is rotten and maggoty.

Oh, and my attitude. ;)

BigV 05-16-2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 454063)
You're mocking me, aren't you? [/buzz lightyear]


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 454225)
Oh! Thankyou BigV! *hugs BigV* my friends and I use that a lot and I had completely forgotten where it came from.


Oh. Well. You are quite welcome. One is glad to be of service. I, too, sadly, find myself in need too often.

For those who have aged out of the animation-as-entertainment demographic, here is a sample of what I'm talking about. I leave the context to you to discover. It is one of my favorite lines.

SteveDallas 05-16-2008 10:30 AM

I crossed the street an back successfully without injuringmyself or anyone else.

Shawnee123 05-16-2008 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 454292)
I crossed the street an back successfully without injuringmyself or anyone else.

That's irritating me, too. Go try again, will ya?

Here's to a better day.

SteveDallas 05-16-2008 12:49 PM

It's raining heavily and the treads on my wingtips are worn. Odds of slippage are good. I'll give it another shot after I finish lunch.

DucksNuts 05-17-2008 06:39 AM

Your daughter? Have I not been stalking you properly SD?

Griff 05-17-2008 08:49 AM

Our fencing coach has to move away in the interest of keeping a healthy marriage. We knew we had it good, the man coached high profile college programs and had great influence on my daughter's development. <sigh> Now we have to piece together a program for the kids. I hope we can keep it together.

SteveDallas 05-17-2008 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 454481)
Your daughter? Have I not been stalking you properly SD?

Maybe you need more practice . . .

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