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monster 02-28-2010 06:02 PM

Birds have started tweeting here ...probably bitching about how I look upside down.....

skysidhe 02-28-2010 06:21 PM

I'm sure your hair looks just as awesome upside down though. You got that spikey thing going on.

err well the last time I saw a photo anyway.

Gravdigr 03-01-2010 10:18 AM

Mildly amusing me today (last couple of weeks rly) is the Old Spice commercial with 'The Man Your Man Could Smell Like'. At the end he says "I'm on a horse.". I'm ashamed at how funny I find that commercial.

glatt 03-01-2010 10:28 AM

Yeah, that was funny the first couple times I saw it.

Happy Monkey 03-02-2010 03:00 PM

He's riding it backwards now.

lumberjim 03-02-2010 03:37 PM

I'm afraid that jinx might want me to smell like that.

Gravdigr 03-02-2010 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 638705)
He's riding it backwards now.


lumberjim 03-02-2010 05:20 PM

sexobon 03-20-2010 03:08 AM

While driving to work the other day, I ended up behind a black Mercedes SL 550 with license plate number 69.

Tulip 03-22-2010 03:14 PM

While waiting in line at the check-out counter, this little boy, probably 7 or 8 yrs. old, gave me this big grin and said hi. I smiled back and said hi, thinking how friendly this little boy was. He had freckles and some missing teeth. He then put up his hand to his face, thumb and pinky sticking out and mouthed "call me." My sister who was standing next to me found it so hilarious that she gave out a big laugh. I think he was happy with that reaction. :rolleyes: He then said, "This is my brother, this is my father," pointing to them. I wonder why he didn't point to his mom. Anyways, as we were walking over to the next counter because it had less people, he mouthed "call me" again. I've always thought it would be flattering to be hit on by a younger man, but this was not what I had in mind. :eyebrow: :lol:

xoxoxoBruce 03-22-2010 03:43 PM

Tulip, that would make the greatest youtube video ever. :lol2:

Tulip 03-22-2010 07:16 PM

I'm glad I made you laugh. :neutral: ...hehe. My sister said I should've taken a picture with the kid. Uh....I don't think so. :rolleyes:

squirell nutkin 03-22-2010 08:05 PM

Yeah, he'd think you were going steady and would start stalking you when you didn't call him.

elSicomoro 03-22-2010 10:11 PM

I knew the right-wing talkers would be crapping themselves today...Glenn Beck definitely didn't let me down. Sadly, I didn't get to hear Mark Levin...he probably screamed the entire 3 hours.

classicman 03-23-2010 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by sycamore (Post 642509)
I knew the right-wing extremists would be crapping themselves today...Glenn Beck ... Mark Levin...

fixed that for ya.

elSicomoro 03-23-2010 07:28 AM


I also didn't get to listen to much of Mike Malloy (who is probably the left's version of Levin)...I heard him rip on Beck a little and that didn't disappoint me either.

elSicomoro 03-23-2010 07:34 AM

Just to clarify, I know not all right-wing talkers are off the deep end...but when I think of right-wing talkers, the first ones that come to mind are the usual suspects (Rush, Hannity, Beck, etc.).

Pico and ME 03-23-2010 01:15 PM

I think thats the general consenus nowadays, syc.

monster 03-23-2010 04:25 PM

Whoa! Foul! 5 minutes for politicking in nothingland called on Syc.

elSicomoro 03-23-2010 09:13 PM

Shut up before I buttfuck you in the mouth and list you as mildly irritating! ;)

monster 03-23-2010 09:29 PM

And the team is full strength.....

Shawnee123 03-24-2010 03:21 PM

""Government is a dangerous servant and a terrible master."George Washington

"Most bad government results from too much government."Thomas Jefferson

Hall of Fame Post

C's sig line.

Last part, hall of fame post, is invisible. If you want to see what it refers to, you'll have to find his actual sig lines.

Come on man. I thought we were all trying to do better. Making it 'passive' doesn't lessen its 'aggressive'.

classicman 03-25-2010 09:25 AM

I found it looking through some old threads.

I thought it was well written, well articulated and accurate post. If I could have taken the names out to protect the guilty, I would have.
I found it funny, especially when reading the reply to it.

:p:What the hell are you doing looking so close at my sig anyway? Sig stalker?:p:

Shawnee123 03-25-2010 10:12 AM

A post about integrity. That's what I find ironic. :rolleyes:

skysidhe 03-25-2010 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 643006)
A post about integrity. That's what I find ironic. :rolleyes:

I posted about integrity. Why would that be ironic?
Should I not aspire to be better than I am?

Shawnee123 03-25-2010 10:22 AM

I wasn't referring to you, sky.


skysidhe 03-25-2010 10:30 AM


Shawnee123 03-25-2010 05:44 PM

I'm laughing that it's just now hitting the nightly news about the student loan provisions in the health bill.

Well, it's funny to me because we (those of us employed in FA) have seen this coming for a few years now, but I don't think anyone noticed it was happening "out there" however some people are now really pissed!

I've worked with private lenders and I currently work with direct lending. Direct lending isn't new, it was just up to the schools before. I see good things and bad things about both ways, really.

And with the increased loan volume and now even more public scrutiny, you're going to be hearing a lot about default rates (something we address as part of strategy and procedure in our normal work dealings.) I love this job: things are always changing and it's never, ever, boring. :)

skysidhe 03-26-2010 01:35 PM

It always amuses me when I see maintenance people using the blower in the rain and as it was yesterday, rain and wind!

I would be one of those annoying employees who would ask if there was some better use for my time considering there isn't any debris that is going to be blown away today.

oh and the other thing is to leave bits of paper. I would pick the paper up and maybe use a rake if the blower wasn't effective.

geez and these people have a job!

This could slide into annoyance if I thought about it too much. :)

Cloud 04-01-2010 10:50 AM

Google is "Topeka" today:

Shawnee123 04-01-2010 11:32 AM

Oh that is funny! :)

jinx 04-01-2010 11:47 AM

I think the funniest thing is the search timer results, ie.


Results 1 - 10 of about 125,000,000 for april fool [definition]. (1.02 times the velocity of an unladen swallow)

jinx 04-01-2010 01:42 PM

Still amused by these...


(0.05 nanocenturies)
(11.90 parsecs)
(0.21 microfortnights)
(0.28e+43 Planck times)
(2.00 shakes of a lamb's tail)
(at warp 9.28)
(at 6.47 hertz)
(0.04 nanocenturies)
(23.00 skidoo)

Carruthers 04-02-2010 08:06 AM

Actually, this happened last weekend but it has been amusing me today.:)

Last Sunday, the nation finally advanced its clocks by an hour at 2am.
Having sauntered down the road for a newspaper and some milk I was on my way back when I heard the town clock strike six at 9.32am precisely. As far as I am aware, it remained silent for the rest of the day.
It was the sort of thing you might have seen or heard in the background of an early Peter Sellers film.

The offending time piece.



I hate having to go through the wretched caper of putting the clock forward as it always knackers my body clock. I can get jet-lag without leaving the parish. Due to the differing dates the US and UK change their clocks, for about three weeks we're only four hours ahead of Eastern Time. No real problem but I listen to NPR on the web and it throws my schedule out of the window.
Look, these things matter to a chap.OK? :eyebrow:

Nirvana 04-02-2010 12:03 PM

Pie and CM being pissed off in the "What's making you happy?",thread ;)

jinx 04-02-2010 12:59 PM

The Onion


Increasing Number Of Parents Opting To Have Children School-Homed

WASHINGTON—According to a report released Monday by the U.S. Department of Education, an increasing number of American parents are choosing to have their children raised at school rather than at home.
Deputy Education Secretary Anthony W. Miller said that many parents who school-home find U.S. households to be frightening, overwhelming environments for their children, and feel that they are just not conducive to producing well-rounded members of society.
Thousands of mothers and fathers polled in the study also believe that those running American homes cannot be trusted to keep their kids safe.
"Every year more parents are finding that their homes are not equipped to instill the right values in their children," Miller said. "When it comes to important life skills such as proper nutrition, safe sex, and even basic socialization, a growing number of mothers and fathers think it's better to rely on educators to guide and nurture their kids."

classicman 04-02-2010 01:16 PM


and kinda true

Clodfobble 04-02-2010 01:52 PM

Check out the photo caption:


Parents of school-homed children say they relish the extra time they are able to spend away from their kids.

monster 04-02-2010 04:18 PM

that's fucking hysterical.

SteveDallas 04-02-2010 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 645370)
that's fucking hysterical.

It's funny because it's true.

monster 04-02-2010 08:47 PM

yup. The further you get into the article the truer it gets.


"It's really a matter of who has more experience in dealing with my child," Cincinnati- resident Kevin Dufrense said of his decision to have his 10-year-old son Jake, who suffers from ADHD and dyslexia, school-homed. "These teachers are dealing with upwards of 40 students in their classrooms at a time, so obviously they know a lot more about children than someone like me, who only has one son and doesn't know where he is half the time anyway."

TheMercenary 04-16-2010 08:13 PM

The Graham Norton Show...

The guy is an absoulte hoot.

monster 04-21-2010 10:05 PM

Tonight's hockey game.

It's the first season after aging up into a level where they can check. Unbeknown to us parents, the coach told the team he'd give the boy with the most checks a Gatorade. My friend and I watched in amusement and surprise as her large but sweet and placid son started "bringing it on" with a few players -an elbow here, a slam there, at one point we thought he was about to start a fight.... and then he slammed a player into the boards so hard they stopped the game while they picked him up (player was ok). Naughty Kevin went to the penatly box, up he went on the board, then the ref stopped the game again to declare that it was actually two penalties to run one consecutively so 4 minutes in the box.... and then we saw the coach patting Naughty Kevin on the back, and then after the game the coach gave him his reward, multiple fist bumps and was all over how much his game had improved.... My poor friend was proud and mad at the same time. And very conflicted. I just find it funny. Amusing me no end. Probably not so much when it's my kid, although given he's literally half the weight of his buddy Kevin, it probably ain gonna happen.....

classicman 04-22-2010 08:27 AM

lol - Seen that a time or two around here as well.

One note of caution, YOUR kid, being smaller, will be the target of the other teams players. Keep him working on his skating and agility. There is nothing better for your boy to see the big kid coming, move quickly and seeing the big kid end up checking himself into the boards.

xoxoxoBruce 04-22-2010 09:59 AM

Get the boy a switchblade hockey stick.;)

squirell nutkin 04-23-2010 12:18 PM

The MIL is arriving today for her birthday visit and she just called to say she was leaving. She called just as "Lucifer" by the Alan Parsons Project began playing.

Talk about an "At Bat" song!

ZenGum 04-23-2010 07:31 PM

Mildly amusing me today (although I suspect it will wear thin over the next few weeks) is the media hysteria surrounding the Melbourne Storm.
The Storm are a rugby league club, founded in the mid-1990s as part of the superleague shennanigans.
Turns out they have been deliberately cheating the salary cap. Careful, calculated, deliberate cheating; two sets of books, hidden in a secret file in the secret safe, kind of cheating. Been at it for years.
Now that it has come out, they have been thoroughly spanked: stripped of two premierships, three minor premierships, all associated prize money (well over $1 mil), fined $500,000, stripped of all this years points, and not eligible to win any points for the rest of this year.
Ouch. But still, they were deliberately cheating. It is quite possible that the club will collapse under this and never rise again.
I find it amusing for two reasons. The whole club was born when aggressive business muscled its way into sport. Now folks seem startled that they were doing business just like, well, business. No kiddin?
The other source of amusement is how the media are in a tizz about it all as if it really mattered. The Biggest Scandal in Australian Sport Evah!!!
Given what rugby league players get up to (steroids, drugs, drunkenness, public violence, rape, gang rape ...) this is really quite mild.

xoxoxoBruce 04-25-2010 12:30 AM

That's because you're not a fan. Imagine what LJ would do if it happened to the Cowboys.

Griff 04-25-2010 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 651143)
Given what rugby league players get up to (steroids, drugs, drunkenness, public violence, rape, gang rape ...) this is really quite mild.

American football has similar problems. I find the disconnects startling. The team I follow got rid of a guy for smoking dope but have so far hung on to a guy who is an unproven but obvious serial rapist.

DanaC 04-25-2010 07:15 AM

Yehbut....drugs are bad, mmmkay?

It never ceases to amaze me that people (by which I of course mean the media :P) seem regularly to be, as Zen suggests, surprised when a business enters a previously unbusinesslike area and then that area starts to become businesslike. With all that this implies.

We recently had a media storm of our own that, frankly, surprised me somewhat. The captain of the England team (football) was found to have serially cheated on his wife. And in particular that one of the women he cheated with was the partner of a team member. Reaching absurd proportions when people (by which I mean the press and a few particularly vocal individuals) began calling for his removal or resignation as Captain, not on the grounds of poor captaincy (arguably fucking a team mate's girl could be considered at the very least an unforgivable faux pas); but, rather on the grounds of immorality. He ended up stepping down from the role.

Quite aside from the irritation of various public figures waxing lyrical about the moral role of a captain and footballer; having every red top paper salivating over the details of the affairs, as aided by helpful ex-conquests in shag-and-tell exclusives, was unpleasant. The exclusives I'd have expected; but the moral panic seemed a little over the top:P

ZenGum 04-25-2010 07:43 PM

Wait, Tiger Woods plays football for England too? Or should England be "En-gland"?

Yeah, the star player and Captain of an Aussie rules team had a similar situation, being sprung bonking the vice-captain's wife in the toilet at a pre-season party. Had to resign, but came back the next year for a different team.

Shawnee123 04-26-2010 07:16 AM

I just found out I will be supervising the new position we are interviewing for today.

Ha! I said, when I took this job, yeah I don't want to be in charge of anyone anymore.

It won't be bad. I feel like I should ask for more cash.

HungLikeJesus 04-26-2010 07:37 AM

Just make sure you teach them wrong - for your own amusement.

Shawnee123 04-26-2010 07:39 AM

I shall teach them to drape their countenances in the finest of pancakes.

Shawnee123 04-26-2010 10:04 AM

We could skip this afternoon's interview: this first woman was awesome! The director and asst director thought so too. The afternoon interview is with a current employee from another office on campus. She will really need to BRING IT.

TheMercenary 04-27-2010 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 651143)
Mildly amusing me today (although I suspect it will wear thin over the next few weeks) is the media hysteria surrounding the Melbourne Storm.
The Storm are a rugby league club, founded in the mid-1990s as part of the superleague shennanigans.
Turns out they have been deliberately cheating the salary cap. Careful, calculated, deliberate cheating; two sets of books, hidden in a secret file in the secret safe, kind of cheating. Been at it for years.
Now that it has come out, they have been thoroughly spanked: stripped of two premierships, three minor premierships, all associated prize money (well over $1 mil), fined $500,000, stripped of all this years points, and not eligible to win any points for the rest of this year.
Ouch. But still, they were deliberately cheating. It is quite possible that the club will collapse under this and never rise again.
I find it amusing for two reasons. The whole club was born when aggressive business muscled its way into sport. Now folks seem startled that they were doing business just like, well, business. No kiddin?
The other source of amusement is how the media are in a tizz about it all as if it really mattered. The Biggest Scandal in Australian Sport Evah!!!
Given what rugby league players get up to (steroids, drugs, drunkenness, public violence, rape, gang rape ...) this is really quite mild.

That'll teach you to follow or care about League...

Should have been following Union. ;)

ZenGum 04-28-2010 08:05 AM

Hey, I never said I cared about it. It was just in the news.

But yes, Union clubs are much better scandal-wise. I wouldn't be surprised if they are cheating in some way, but they'll be clever and discrete enough to not get caught.

Shawnee123 05-03-2010 01:22 PM


I'm amused.

Clodfobble 05-15-2010 06:07 PM

One of my corporate contracts has picked up a client that has offices in the UK, and would like their voiceover audio for those modules to be done with a British accent.

But they really don't want to deal with finding new voicetalent if they don't have to. So they told me to go ahead and record a sample and see if the client is convinced.

I have absolutely no idea if it'll fly. I haven't practiced a serious accent since high school theatre. It's gonna be nuts if I get recurring work off this.

HungLikeJesus 05-15-2010 06:20 PM

I hope you'll post a sample.

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