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zippyt 10-30-2004 04:49 AM

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i know the color is messed up but still , DAMN !!!!!

hollyoake 10-30-2004 08:53 AM

i didn't see that with joshua...

footfootfoot 10-30-2004 09:17 PM

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OK well you've all seen this right? maybe not in person. I think a bunch of the cameras work.

jinx 11-02-2004 06:58 PM

A French lesson. :eek:

Elspode 11-02-2004 09:35 PM

This is about the only reasonable thing that I can think of to do with old Polaroids and 126 Instamatics....

Elspode 11-02-2004 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by jinx
A French lesson. :eek:

What's the French word for Onanism? :eyebrow:

Elspode 11-02-2004 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by hollyoake
i didn't see that with joshua...

Does this remind anyone besides me of "The Prisoner"? You know...when the big bouncy white ball catches people?

Nothing But Net 11-02-2004 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by jinx
A French lesson.

Funny, there was no mention of hairy palms in there. At 14 I was mainlining Nair.

404Error 11-02-2004 09:56 PM

This is just plain strange, a flying lawnmower? :eyebrow:

Kitsune 11-02-2004 10:28 PM

Whoa. Thanks, 404 -- that is extremely awesome! Had me wondering on how they pulled it off, so I dug up this picture of a similar craft.

wolf 11-03-2004 01:20 AM

My friend's dad built his own lawnmower. I don't recall it every flying (intentionally), but it had it's own charm. No photos survive. They may have lost a dog and some squirrels to it also.

We fondly called it the Killer Baby Carriage™.

It was built on a piece of plywood that had baby carriage wheels attached to it.

The lawnmower blade was mounted below the plywood. The blade was powered by what legend held was a washing machine motor, but we later learned was an 18" attic fan motor. We figured this out when the attic fan did not work and we went checking to see why. The blade was regularly honed to razor sharpness.

Power was supplied to the motor by a series of household (not heavy duty) extension cords. They were not plugged into each other. Rather they were spliced together. For the most part. There was one plug connection on it, which we shall address later.

A handle from an actual electric lawnmower was bolted to the plywood. There was an on-off switch on the handle. This switch was not connected to anything, but would have been too much trouble to remove, or even wrap some duct tape around to conceal it. If you didn't know that this switch didn't do anything, you shouldn't be operating the Killer Baby Carriage.

The single remaining matched plug set on the extension cord was the "emergency stop".

Well, not quite.

When you unplugged it, it took a while for the blade to spin down. So you better have enough time to deal with the emergency before then.

Non-emergency stops were not unusual. As one mowed the lawn it was necessary to be very careful about paying out the electrical cord, which was worn bandolier style over one's shoulder. Running over the cord with the Killer Baby Carriage required that the cord be respliced to restart the mower. This was typically done without disconnecting from the power source.

There were no skirts, sides, or other attempts at safety devices to protect the operator or passers-by from things flying out around the sides, front, and back of the blade. A strip of old tire was eventually stapled to the back of the plywood because my friend's dad got tired of having halves of rocks strike his calves and ankles.

Yes, the blade was fast enough and sharp enough to cut rocks.

The dog would hear it start up and go hide. Several trees around the yard bore the scars of an encounter with the Killer Baby Carriage.

Hearing it start up was also an experience. It was very quiet. And lethal. Kind of like a poisonous viper. At full power it merely emitted a soft whirring sound. All you really heard was the *spang* of small to mid-sized rocks and sticks hitting the blade.

However, it cut grass like you wouldn't believe.

Like a golf green.

Even, short, manicured.


My friend's father loved the Killer Baby Carriage, and forsook all commercial mowing devices, despite his family's best efforts to replace it, and keep dad upon this earth. I once assisted in returning the Killer Baby Carriage to the shed, where I discovered not one, or two, BUT THREE pristine and gleaming commercial lawnmowers that had been given as presents for birthday, Father's Day, and Christmas of various years.

The Killer Baby Carriage was unfortunately taken out of service some years ago because the plywood finally rotted through, but it live on in our hearts and stories.

None of this tale is exaggerated. Okay, the part about losing a dog to it isn't true. She was smart enough to hide. Independent confirmation of the Tale of the Killer Baby Carriage is available.

There are more "My Friend's Dad" stories. He liked to tinker with things. Some that he understood, some that he didn't.

Nothing But Net 11-03-2004 10:55 PM

<b>wolf</b>, that's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

The *spang* of a rock hit is a dead-on perfect description of the sound.

Elspode 11-04-2004 12:10 AM

More! More!!! More psychotic neighbor's tinkering Dad stories!

I have a friend whose dad was like that. He was engineer, and anything you might imagine about an engineer and his home projects is probably not too far off.

Elspode 11-04-2004 12:12 AM

[quote=Kitsune]Whoa. Thanks, 404 -- that is extremely awesome! Had me wondering on how they pulled it off, so I dug up this picture of a similar craft.

Flying lawnmowers are a great tradition of RC airplane clubs. We have a few of them in the KC area, in fact. And yes, they do look weird.

wolf 11-04-2004 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Nothing But Net
<b>wolf</b>, that's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

The *spang* of a rock hit is a dead-on perfect description of the sound.

I heard the actual sound often enough. The neighborhood learned to fear lawn mowing day.

Thank you all for your accolades! I will indeed pursue more of My Friend's Father stories!

404Error 11-04-2004 12:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Another one of those trash strewn vans like Bruce posted. Just one question: why?

Pi 11-04-2004 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
Running over the cord with the Killer Baby Carriage required that the cord be respliced to restart the mower. This was typically done without disconnecting from the power source.

This happened to me a few times while mowing. But it seems unpossible to me to repair without disconnecting. First the fuse would turn power off and second if there's still power in the line the man will be electrocuted, not to death but enough to never tuch any blank cable again. Believe me, I know. Hurts a lot.

Troubleshooter 11-04-2004 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Pi
This happened to me a few times while mowing. But it seems unpossible to me to repair without disconnecting. First the fuse would turn power off and second if there's still power in the line the man will be electrocuted, not to death but enough to never tuch any blank cable again. Believe me, I know. Hurts a lot.

The idea is to only touch one wire at a time. I've wired plenty of light switches and sockets hot and I've only been bitten twuh...twuh...twice or so.

404Error 11-04-2004 10:03 PM

Ah, I stand corrected. It's an ART strewn van. ;)

zippyt 11-06-2004 08:16 PM

Bruse , is that an actual tree or did they construct it ????

York 11-07-2004 04:11 AM

is it somewhere in Wonderland?

Pi 11-07-2004 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
The idea is to only touch one wire at a time. I've wired plenty of light switches and sockets hot and I've only been bitten twuh...twuh...twice or so.

Depends on AC or DC power line

busterb 11-07-2004 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pi
Depends on AC or DC power line

Why? You still need a minimum of 2 wires.

zippyt 11-07-2004 11:10 AM

not nessarly Buster , i can show you a few places that use building as nutral .
It totaly freaks out microprosser based instrumentation .

404Error 11-10-2004 07:13 AM

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"Doh!!! Kerry lost, now WTF do I do?"

wolf 11-10-2004 11:31 AM

The Bush stickers were advertised on the campaign website as "easy to remove." I don't know if the Kerry crowd thought to use a light adhesive.

Sandblasting might be an option, after the guy's tired of being pointed at by people shouting, "Hey, it's that guy from the internet photo."

This could be his 15 minutes. He might even get to be one of those warm and/or wacky stories that run after the sports and before the credits.

Clodfobble 11-10-2004 11:47 AM

Eh, I bet he'll just cover it up with something else wacky. Art cars are like tattoos--once you do one, you inevitably want more.

wolf 11-10-2004 11:50 AM

A friend of a friend had a Gold Duster that he used to paint with tempera paints.

He redid it after every rainstorm.

And yes, this is a friend of my friend whose father made the Killer Baby Carriage.

Elspode 11-10-2004 12:37 PM

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Elspode 11-10-2004 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
The Bush stickers were advertised on the campaign website as "easy to remove." I don't know if the Kerry crowd thought to use a light adhesive.

Sandblasting might be an option, after the guy's tired of being pointed at by people shouting, "Hey, it's that guy from the internet photo."

This could be his 15 minutes. He might even get to be one of those warm and/or wacky stories that run after the sports and before the credits.

...or another one of those Ground Zero suicides.

flippant 11-10-2004 01:34 PM

I lost the humour in's not funny...

wolf 11-10-2004 01:36 PM

I got an email from


Just a quick automated reminder that Philadelphia Psychics
Meetup Group has an event tomorrow. You didn't RSVP but if you
can make it, here are the details:

See who's coming and RSVP (it's not too late!):

What: Philadelphia Psychics November Meetup

When: Thursday, November 11 at 7:00PM
Where: To Be Determined
Bet they all show up at different channelled locations.

Its hard to get psychics together when their spirit guides all work for different unions ...

Happy Monkey 11-17-2004 05:33 PM

I think that's from that movie where someone cheats death, and it keeps trying to even the score.

Bullitt 11-17-2004 07:19 PM

"Final Destination" I do believe... i think that log truck is from the second one though.

Elspode 11-17-2004 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
Its hard to get psychics together when their spirit guides all work for different unions ...

Really good psychics don't need announcements of gatherings...they just know where and when things are going to occur.

Troubleshooter 11-18-2004 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Elspode
Really good psychics don't need announcements of gatherings...they just know where and when things are going to occur.

Too bad there aren't any that we've seen.

Nothing But Net 11-20-2004 09:12 PM

Jet-powered Port-o-Potty
<img src="">

<a href=",20967,783909,00.html">Story here</a>

zippyt 11-20-2004 09:30 PM

Damn , i knew i shouldn't have tried that habenyero hot sauce on that taco last nite !!!!

elSicomoro 11-20-2004 09:31 PM

Shit fire and save the matches!

flippant 11-20-2004 09:38 PM

Final Destination 2 log...good movie

jaguar 11-26-2004 10:29 AM

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awe inspiring stupidity

zippyt 11-26-2004 10:41 AM

So Jag how long befor yoy could sit down again ??

Elspode 11-26-2004 08:01 PM

Chalk up another one for Jackass - The Movie.

I don't really think I could *get* that drunk.

jaguar 11-27-2004 04:37 AM


So Jag how long befor yoy could sit down again ??
Should've seen that coming..

plthijinx 12-01-2004 05:30 PM

that is just plain wrong!

ok, back to studying multi-engine aerodynamics. erf.

busterb 12-08-2004 06:35 PM

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Instead of starting a new thread, will pitch this in here.
Game camera. Mike who does the anvil shooting, buys all the latest junk. Then expects me to teach him how to use it.:smack:

wolf 12-08-2004 10:05 PM

You have been unusually successful in playing with that one. What gives, did you let everybody in the neighborhood know there's a party going on? What a Disney moment!! 3 'coon, 2 deer, a fox, and something that's too shy to photograph well, but he's looking right at the camera ...

Elspode 12-08-2004 10:40 PM

That's a fox? Looks like a treestump to me. But what do I know?

Zip. Great pic, though!

wolf 12-08-2004 10:54 PM

It was reddish. I thought it was a fox. Looking back over it's shoulder.

Please, someone else agree with me.

Maybe it was the chianti ...

404Error 12-08-2004 11:59 PM

It does kinda look like it could be a fox...or a stump, I don't know. :o

I would of thought a fox would be too wary of being so close to the other animals. Are red fox common in your area, Buster?

busterb 12-09-2004 09:54 AM

I think it's a stump. Maybe the set of eyes are another coon. We have red fox here. The coons will eat the corn, but not sure it's on a fox menue?

busterb 12-09-2004 10:16 AM

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After looking at original photo, there is something else in back ground & I don't think the eyes belong to the body. I still think the eyes are a coon.

Elspode 12-09-2004 08:04 PM

Definitely a coon with glowing eyes on the tree to the left. Or an alien.

I guess I wouldn't bet my life that the other thing is a stump. Fun to speculate, though.

Kitsune 12-09-2004 10:18 PM

The coons will eat the corn, but not sure it's on a fox menue?

Yeah, it is. Foxes eat most anything.

Rakarin 12-10-2004 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by busterb
After looking at original photo, there is something else in back ground & I don't think the eyes belong to the body. I still think the eyes are a coon.

Yep, Racoon.
It's possible it's an opossum, but the broad face and pointy nose looks like a racoon, and possums have beady eyes. It's not a fox, though. Foxes don't climb trees like that.


404Error 12-11-2004 01:50 PM

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You almost have to look at this thread when you see this on the home page. :eek:

wolf 12-11-2004 01:59 PM

Christmas as Celebrated by Other Cultures

Cyber Wolf 12-13-2004 06:31 AM

The cougar looks good and dead to me from just the first picture. Its side appears to have a considerable hole from decomposition and the cat's head and limbs are quite limp and freemoving for a cougar being held by the base of the tail by what it would consider a 4-course meal.

wolf 12-13-2004 12:49 PM

I've heard stories of equines going after snakes, but never a cougar. I'd have to agree on the "already dead" part.

wolf 12-14-2004 01:19 AM

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I actually considered several increasingly horrible puns to introduce this, but I couldn't handle using any of them.

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