The Cellar

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jimhelm 07-28-2012 06:33 PM

So, how hard did he hit you? was it just a swat? or did he hurt you?

monster 07-28-2012 09:13 PM

irrelevant. One person's swat is another's broken arm.

zippyt 07-28-2012 09:36 PM

Exactly what mon said , Bri was driving the family at high way speeds ,
Dip shit could have killed them all ,
He needs a Reality check , Upside his Head !!!

footfootfoot 07-28-2012 09:44 PM

First song is great, but start at 2:40 for your song, Brianna

Trilby 07-29-2012 07:18 AM

thanks for the song, footfootfoot. My father's apology was somewhat less heart-felt.

the next day he said, "We got off to a rough start," and that was it! The "apology"

and jimhelm - he didn't hurt me; he was in the back seat and he sort of karate-chopped me where my neck and shoulder meet. It's just, as zippy said, I was driving 75 mph on a turnpike and it was a pretty unexpected karate-chop. I could've wrecked the car. He's such a tool.

I'm better today. No more whining! Not today anyway.

monster 07-29-2012 07:34 AM

Duck Tape

classicman 07-30-2012 10:25 PM

I'm with Jim & Zip... Drop his ass harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd!

Aliantha 08-17-2012 01:15 AM

ok, this is just a big bitch from me, so please feel free to ignore it because there's really no advice I need. I just want to smack some bitches in the face.

One of the local ladies here had her birthday on Wednesday, and I was going to arrange a facial for her for her birthday (now I'd like to give her something less pleasant than the original facial of course) because I don't really go in for the group gift thing that the other ladies were planning. Along with that, there was meant to be a dinner at the local pub on Sat night to celebrate which I wasn't keen on going to, mostly because the kids have footy in the arvo and I'm going to be tired, so I asked her last week if she'd like to have lunch today (friday) instead. She said she was busy today, so I figured I'd just make an appearance on Sat night and come home early. In the mean time, I've been trying to get her to commit to a time to come over on Sunday for her facial (she'd better not show up now) but she's been worried about being hung over blah blah.

In the mean time, I was talking to another mutual friend yesterday and suggested we have lunch and a catch up today since I had the day free, and she's not going to be there on Sat night either. She said she was too busy today so that was fine. I just hung around home and it was probably better anyway.

So, I'm sitting in the car checking facebook whilst waiting for Mav from school, and there's a lovely status from one to the other thanking them for the lovely lunch.

Fuck them bitches!

Facial is off and so is anything else they have in mind. They're going on a cruise in a month or so with a group of locals. I hope the fucking boat sinks.

Anyway, I sent a text to the one I'm closest to saying how she could have just said she was having lunch with the other rather than just saying she was busy, and she told me to 'grow up'. I wonder if she's forgotten I'm the one who's taking her son to footy and home again tomorrow cause she's going away with her b/f for the weekend.

Dumb fucking cunts. They can all kiss my fucking arse.

sexobon 08-17-2012 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 824824)
... just want to smack some bitches in the face.

I prefer to spank their derrieres myself.

Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 824824)
... Fuck them bitches!

Now you're talkin'!

Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 824824)
... Dumb fucking cunts.

The best kind.

Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 824824)
... They can all kiss my fucking arse.

Pics please!

Keep the information coming: you can always seek asylum in Ecuador.

Trilby 08-18-2012 04:43 AM

Here we go! driving maniacs to pennsylvania! spending weekend with said maniacs! Good thing I've got 15mg of Enya and a WHOLE boatload of people sending me good vibes. If there's a shooting in a park in western PA it's probably my family that's involved.

wish me luck.

Sundae 08-18-2012 05:32 AM

Good luck Bri, good aim x

Oh Ali, do grow up.
So that when you kick those bitches in the cunt you can do more damage.

orthodoc 08-18-2012 01:11 PM

Hang in there Bri!! And remember the Duck Tape ... comes in handy in all sorts of situations ...

glatt 08-18-2012 04:02 PM

Hitting the road myself in one hour. So long, beautiful Maine. Hello, RT 95 gridlock.

morethanpretty 08-19-2012 06:29 AM

Wow Ali, they sound like they need to grow up themselves. They can't be honest with you that they have plans to have lunch with each other? Plus, I don't see why you couldn't be invited along. That hurts.

orthodoc 08-19-2012 07:39 AM

Are you still with us, Bri? Or is the drive home today? Remember the Duck Tape ... and there's always the car roof ;)

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