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xoxoxoBruce 05-03-2009 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 562558)
Electrical problems.
My washer quit today in the middle of a cycle. Along with my water heater and my range. The clock and all the lights work on the range, but the elements will not heat up. When I turn the burner on, the washer 'tries' to work but doesn't. (can hear it kinda humming).
I went out and googled the meter and it looks fine except for one's not turning. Nary a bit. Hasn't turned in hours and I am running a crockpot, two window air conditioners, lights, 'puter, and ceiling fans.
'Splain that one for me please. I'm thinking poltergeist.

Sounds like you've lost one of the 110v legs, probably coming into the house.
The stove burners are 220v so when you turn them on the 110v from one leg is feeding over to the other (dead) leg and giving power to the washer, but not enough to run it. TURN IT OFF, you'll burn out the motor.

capnhowdy 05-03-2009 08:13 PM

Yep. I did. Got an electrician coming tomorrow.

Then I can get upset about the bill.

I wonder if an exorcist would be cheaper?

ZenGum 05-03-2009 11:43 PM

One of my colleagues.

I need to show the kiddies the DVD of An Inconvenient Truth (which is in dire need of editing, IMHO).

To do this I collected a laptop, powerpoint projector, mini speakers, power board, extension cord, etc, and lugged these about half a K to the classroom, set it all up ... where I found that SOMEONE has CHANGED THE GOD DAMN PASSWORD ON THE LAPTOP and neither I nor our IT specialist can override it.

My lesson plan crashed and burned, I was able to review the first half of the movie which we watched last week and discuss the questions with them. Still I was NOT HAPPY.

Then in a meeting with the other critical thinking teachers and the college director I managed to spill moccha on my pants, only about a tablespoon worth, but that is plenty enough to leave a mark. They are fleecy woolen pants and will be difficult to clean.

Today involved one lesson, three meetings and next, a big bucket of marking.
Good thing they pay me for this.

xoxoxoBruce 05-03-2009 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 562590)
Yep. I did. Got an electrician coming tomorrow.

Then I can get upset about the bill.

I wonder if an exorcist would be cheaper?

Don't turn on anything 220 volt.

If you have and old house with fuses, there is a pull out module with two cartridge fuses in it for the main. One of them could have fried.

A friend of mine called me with the same symptoms, 3 minutes before the Superbowl kickoff, a few years ago. A squirrel had committed suicide on the transformer and blown one leg of the input to the house.

It may not cost you that much. :thumbsup:

capnhowdy 05-04-2009 06:34 AM

Oddly enough, Everything is working fine this morning and the meter is spinning to beat the band. Again.

I'm still having the electrician over to find out once and for all where the gremlin hides.

Update later, But I think you are right, Bruce. But how does it 'fix itself'? I hate mystery/suspense.

Aliantha 05-04-2009 07:03 AM

A blowout with Dazza is what's upsetting me RFN. Max tends to carry on in the evenings which is fairly common for babies anyway, and tonight he topped it off with two vomits. He's got the cold I've had for the last few days, so that's probably why. So after the second vomit Dazza says, "do you want me to get a bath ready for him" to which I respond, "he doesn't need a bath after every vomit" and then he says "don't snap at me please" and I say "I'm not perfect. I'm frustrated too you know". So he goes off to bed and so do Aden and Mav and I'm left literally holding the baby. I called out to the three of them "Did anyone bother to put Dolly (cat) out?" and Dazza yelled "YES!". He never yells. Neither of us do. I must have really pissed him off, but I'm pissed off too.

In fact, if the truth be told, I'm exhausted even though Max is a good baby. This cold has knocked me about, but I still haven't asked D to do any night time feeds or anything. I've stuck to the routine because that's best for Max, and also I've realized that I'm resentful towards Daryl because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be so tired and all. It's not that I don't love Max, and I certainly can't imagine my life without him now that he's here...but I'm too old for all this.

I think I'm losing it.

That is all.

classicman 05-04-2009 07:45 AM

PPD - Keep an eye on yourself Ali. Talk to Dazza - better safe than sorry. Hang in there - we're here as you wish to vent.

xoxoxoBruce 05-04-2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 562651)
Oddly enough, Everything is working fine this morning and the meter is spinning to beat the band. Again.

I'm still having the electrician over to find out once and for all where the gremlin hides.

Update later, But I think you are right, Bruce. But how does it 'fix itself'? I hate mystery/suspense.

It was a problem with the power company and they fixed it. Hopefully nothing of yours got damaged.

Queen of the Ryche 05-04-2009 11:06 AM

So the cut on my elbow from Tuesday went into full blown infection yesterday - started with a ltitle redness and swelling around noon - was miserable by about four. Went to urgent care, they pumped with IV antibiotics - get to go back fo rround two today. If this doesnt' do it they will check me in to teh hospital for major antibiotics, and cut the wound open so they can clean around the bursis. This sucks. God bless Vicodin or I'd be curled up in the corner like a little baby.

Ali - hang in there. Don't let the stress get between you and D. Cold + Baby = ask for more help. You're allowed.

Trilby 05-04-2009 11:22 AM

oh, Queen! Take good care of yourself and watch that elbow!!! Be vigilant!

healing power your way....

Queen of the Ryche 05-04-2009 11:29 AM

Thanks. It feels better already! Let's send some ju ju Ali's way too.

TheMercenary 05-04-2009 11:37 AM

Remember to unplug the stove from the 220v before removing the coil in the oven. I forgot. Thank God for breaker switches. I still have a blue spot in my vision after an hour.

capnhowdy 05-04-2009 03:48 PM

Not a word from the goddam electrician yet. I'm headed to the Lodge at 1700 and if he calls me then, he'll just have to wait till 1900 or try again tomorrow. Nothing interferes with my scotch. Nothing.

Everything's working fine but I still want to know what's causing it. After I have three scotches.

Aliantha 05-04-2009 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 562657)
PPD - Keep an eye on yourself Ali. Talk to Dazza - better safe than sorry. Hang in there - we're here as you wish to vent.

I don't think I have anything going on that serious classic. I'm just tired. Between not having a decent sleep for months, then a severe earache followed up by a nasty cold, and now a sick baby combined with a partner who although he means well, he's still on his L plates as a parent and sometimes makes things harder rather than easier.


Originally Posted by Queen of the Ryche (Post 562676)
So the cut on my elbow from Tuesday went into full blown infection yesterday - started with a ltitle redness and swelling around noon - was miserable by about four. Went to urgent care, they pumped with IV antibiotics - get to go back fo rround two today. If this doesnt' do it they will check me in to teh hospital for major antibiotics, and cut the wound open so they can clean around the bursis. This sucks. God bless Vicodin or I'd be curled up in the corner like a little baby.

Ali - hang in there. Don't let the stress get between you and D. Cold + Baby = ask for more help. You're allowed.

I'll just soldier on matey. That's usually the best way anyway. Push through the pain and all that right? ;) At least I'm feeling reasonably healthy again now, so with any luck, Max will be better in a few days and all this will seem like a bad dream.

First I'll have to make amends with Dazza though. Even though in my logical mind I know the best thing is to just talk it over, but emotionally, I think I need/want him to be my punching bag at the moment.

I'm such a bitch. I need to suck it up.

I hope things are better with your arm today. Sounds pretty nasty. Lucky you have good drugs. ;)

DucksNuts 05-04-2009 10:21 PM

Good girl, Ali. I was hoping you'd be in a better frame of mind this morning. Arsenic hour/s when you are 100% healthy is enough to bring a strong women youre excused for being a tired, cranky cow and unreasonable occasionally. We still love you.

Aliantha 05-04-2009 10:34 PM

Thanks mate. It means a lot to know that someone somewhere still loves me. ;)

classicman 05-04-2009 10:38 PM

but but but - she called you a cranky cow. not just a regular ole cow, but a cranky cow!

monster 05-04-2009 10:43 PM

hey Ali, I wouldn't go so far as to say I love you, but hang in there and don't rule out PPD either. You Aussies share the Brit "Stiff upper lip" thing, and tend to avoid labelling and help. Not saying you need to seek help, but just be aware of PPD lurking n the shadows. It's not a black and white thing.

Aliantha 05-04-2009 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 562859)
but but but - she called you a cranky cow. not just a regular ole cow, but a cranky cow!

Yes, but she said it with love. ;)


Originally Posted by monster (Post 562861)
hey Ali, I wouldn't go so far as to say I love you, but hang in there and don't rule out PPD either. You Aussies share the Brit "Stiff upper lip" thing, and tend to avoid labelling and help. Not saying you need to seek help, but just be aware of PPD lurking n the shadows. It's not a black and white thing.

That's true monster, and I did wonder last night if I might need help, but things were much better with the light of day upon them, so I'm just going to put it down to being tired and out of patience. I'm sure if I do it again Dazza will probably try and have me committed anyway. :D

Juniper 05-05-2009 01:11 PM

So sorry Ali. I hope you get some good rest, and it all seems better, as so often happens.

Those first few months with a new baby are SO hard. I might have more than two kids if I hadn't felt like those first few months was a living hell. Dunno if it was PPD or just a husband who would rather remodel a bathroom than help with the baby (true story...with the first baby, he gutted our ONLY bathroom the week after she was born).

And then it gets better.

And then they become teenagers.

BigV 05-05-2009 01:50 PM

Nothing at all.


TheMercenary 05-05-2009 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Juniper (Post 563014)
And then they become teenagers.

And then it become harder to deal with them, again. Only different problems, bigger, more complex. And then they move out.

DanaC 05-05-2009 03:25 PM

Oh Ali, honey, you sound like you've had a really exhausting time. No wonder you're on a short fuse. Pat yourself on the back for not actually killing anyone :P

capnhowdy 05-05-2009 03:56 PM

Nothing but excuses from the electrician.....I told him if he wasn't here by tomorrow afternoon FUGGITABADDIT. Bastard.

Aliantha 05-05-2009 06:06 PM

I should put this in the happy thread, but I just wanted to respond to you lovely people. :)

Thanks for your kind words. Things are much better today although the dogs did wake Max up about half an hour after his morning nap started. It was all forgotten when I went in to try and pat him back off to sleep and he greeted me with a big cheesey smile. Maybe he'd been awake the whole time. I don't know, but he sure didn't seem upset at all, and now he's happily flapping away under his tinkly toys on his little baby play gym thingy.

So, I just thought I'd tell you all that I feel better both physically and emotionally. I got a good sleep in last night with only one brief feed to contend with. Coupled with the fact that my apology to my darling husband was well recieved and I'd say it's all coming up roses today. :)

classicman 05-05-2009 08:40 PM

Good to hear!

xoxoxoBruce 05-06-2009 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 563050)
Nothing but excuses from the electrician.....I told him if he wasn't here by tomorrow afternoon FUGGITABADDIT. Bastard.

Call the electric company and ask them what the hell happened... they know.

capnhowdy 05-06-2009 07:14 AM

Cum, bleed or blister, I WILL resolve the problem on THIS day.

glatt 05-06-2009 07:44 AM

what problem? I though it was working again?

If so, Bruce is right, it was a power company screw up. An electrician will probably be a waste of money. He will find nothing wrong with your wiring.

Trilby 05-06-2009 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 563180)
Cum, bleed or blister, I WILL resolve the problem on THIS day.

You sound very resolute on this issue. I like that.

Queen of the Ryche 05-06-2009 12:44 PM

Go get 'em CapN! And Hooray Ali! Glad there was an up after the down

(After three trips to the ER my elbow is FINALLY on the mend. Guess I should be in the happy thread too!)

DanaC 05-06-2009 01:13 PM

Sounds verrry nasty Queeny, You on the mend now, then?

Queen of the Ryche 05-06-2009 01:45 PM

Yes, thanks, after three IV antibiotics. Now I'm on two oral antibiotics for the week. It was so swollen and red and.....I won't go into the details. It was nasty, but definitely getting better now. Still aches though. Kind of odd.

DanaC 05-06-2009 02:00 PM

Keep an eye on it, honey. If it went to cellulitis there's a risk of reoccurence if it's not been thoroughly thwarted. Probably has given the amount of anti-biotics you've had. Chances are it's aching because the soft tissues have been traumatised through swelling. If it doesn't fade go see your doc.

Queen of the Ryche 05-06-2009 02:09 PM

Went to my doc yesterday - he's of the opinion that i am beating it. They marked the original redness/swelling in the ER - It has definitely receded. It hasn't drained for a couple of days now, but it's not hard where it's swollen anymore. Pretty sure I'm on the mend, but going back to my doc tomorrow just to be sure.

Aliantha 05-06-2009 04:24 PM

I had a bad infection in my foot once and they did that. They gave me gentamicin to clear it up. That's good stuff! I had to go to the doc for about a week afterwards and get injections in my butt as well. Are they doing that to you too? If so, aren't you just the lucky one! ;)

capnhowdy 05-06-2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 563162)
Call the electric company and ask them what the hell happened... they know.

Yep. It's (was) a come/go thing. Got it today,tho. As sworn.

Electrician was here this AM, said inside panel was fine, call Ga. Power. Did it.
Ga. Pwr shows up soon, pulls meter. Looks at service entrance cable. SMOKED. Disconnects pwr at pole, tells me I need to replace SE cable. And lugs in meter base. Called 'trician back. Did it. He tells me I must have city inspector out to google & approve. Did it.
Ga. power came back soon after I called, ran load test thingie, Reconnected, and VOILA!

Oh... gotta come up w/ subin' that's upsetting to maintain thread....
It upsets me that I didn't do this a long time ago instead of believing the problem would fix itself. Fuck me running. And again when I stop. IF I stop.:right::headshake

capnhowdy 05-06-2009 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 563188)
what problem? I though it was working again?

If so, Bruce is right, it was a power company screw up. An electrician will probably be a waste of money. He will find nothing wrong with your wiring.

This is the post I meant to quote.

...keeps runnin'............:D

Sundae 05-07-2009 04:41 AM

Everything, sadly.
I've been down for a few days - I mean feeling like there is a hand round my throat kinda down. I couldn't sleep last night, couldn't cry, couldn't scream - just lay there in despair.

I have a regular appointment scheduled with my GP today, but I know she won't be able to do anything. It's basically just me being desperately unhappy, so what can anyone else do?

Then I go to my alcohol counsellor. She gives me more time and is generally more upbeat (which is why I haven't gone for two weeks, because I hate to moan in the face of her positivity).

Maybe I'll drop in for acupuncture tomorrow.
Then again, making any decision right now is hard. I've get to get into the shower or clean my teeth today (10.40 at time of typing this). I've told myself that I will when the post comes. No, damnit, writing that I am ashamed. Am going to do it now. And change my bedclothes.

You're good for me, I don't care what the others say.

Trilby 05-07-2009 04:47 AM


Sundae 05-07-2009 05:52 AM

Glad I got going when I did - I'd just come out of the shower and Mum & Dad turn up.
Luckily I don't think there was anything amiss downstairs (I'm down, but I'm behaving after all) and I think Mum would have been pleased to hear the hairdryer.

They've gone again now, and I do feel better for havnig taken action.
Still waiting on the damned post though!

Aliantha 05-07-2009 06:46 AM

I had a pj day yesterday...and half of today. It is good to brush your teeth though. It always makes me feel better.

I guess me wearing my pj's all day isn't for the same reason, but I think it's ok to do it sometimes, especially when you're feeling down.

Do you think part of the reason you feel down is because you feel pressured to behave in a certain manner because you live at your parents? That's kind of what I get when I read a lot of your posts. That their influence makes you do things you might not otherwise do, which in a way is a good thing obviously, but it seems to be a bit negative a lot of the time. I get the impression that they don't acknowledge the fact that you're an adult and need help, and more that they treat you like a naughty child sometimes.

If I'm out of line just say so, but I just don't think it's really fair that's all.

monster 05-07-2009 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 563486)
Then I go to my alcohol counsellor. She gives me more time and is generally more upbeat (which is why I haven't gone for two weeks, because I hate to moan in the face of her positivity).

Don't do this. you gotta go. It's her job. Don't give yourself excuses not to go. You're off the sauce, but not out of the woods yet. Use all of the resources available to you. It's like lying to your doctor -the only person it hurts is you.

Sundae 05-07-2009 07:26 AM

Sadly, I think part of me is feeling this low because they are away. I don't have the same pressures, therefore I dwell on things more. Mum is trying to push me to run before I can walk though. She's mentioned volunteering at least once a day, every day this week (we talk on the phone even when she's away).

She was only here for about 7 minutes this morning and still managed to ask whether I;d gone to the Volunteer Agency yesterday. No Mum, yesterday I wanted to either get ridiculously drunk, or die, or both. I will have to go of course. Partly because she will wear me down, partly because I know it's a step back to normality. I'll talk to my CPN first though.

Monster I know I should have gone to Oasis sooner, but it all seems so pointless. It's just a chat, I'm still on the waiting list for actual sessions. And I have the same chat with my Doctor every week, and my CPN (although she's on holiday right now). It's just telling another person how miserable I feel and it gets me down. None of the people I speak to at present are able to offer a solution, something to work on or anything steps I can take to help resolve the situation.

Sorry, it's all going to be negative from me in this mood.
Maybe I'll pick up a bit this afternoon.

I'll go to the Volunteer Bureau tomorrow, so what't available at least. It's a walk into town, so it will occupy me and get me out of the house.

monster 05-07-2009 07:30 AM

Hey, I just thought I haven't nagged you for a while, you might be missing it ;)

Go for a long brisk walk rfn. work up a really good tireness to help you sleep this evening.

Sundae 05-07-2009 08:44 AM

Don't worry, walked to the Drs & back, walking to Oasis at 16.00 and then on into town (and back) because the postman came in the 40 minutes I was out of the house. Of course! Still, it means I will get about 3 miles in all told. And I will probably get the secondhand boots I bought from eBay two weeks ago. If I do, I'll post a pic of me with them on in the Happy thread (their non-appearance has been a daily disappointment).

Shawnee123 05-07-2009 09:48 AM

Another friend has passed away seemingly suddenly, at the age of 55. He had cancer, but it must have come quickly...I saw him just a few months ago. Former mayor of my town, and reportedly the first libertarian ever elected as a mayor in Ohio.


"He was principled and he wasn't afraid to fight the system," Martin said. "His concern was always doing the right thing and making sure the minority was represented."

classicman 05-07-2009 10:17 AM

:( sorry to hear that S123.

Keep on it SG - Now is the time to maintain and not let it get to you. The closer you get, the more it tries to trick you.

ZenGum 05-08-2009 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 562632)
One of my colleagues.

I need to show the kiddies the DVD of An Inconvenient Truth (which is in dire need of editing, IMHO).

To do this I collected a laptop, powerpoint projector, mini speakers, power board, extension cord, etc, and lugged these about half a K to the classroom, set it all up ... where I found that SOMEONE has CHANGED THE GOD DAMN PASSWORD ON THE LAPTOP and neither I nor our IT specialist can override it.

My lesson plan crashed and burned, I was able to review the first half of the movie which we watched last week and discuss the questions with them. Still I was NOT HAPPY.

Then in a meeting with the other critical thinking teachers and the college director I managed to spill moccha on my pants, only about a tablespoon worth, but that is plenty enough to leave a mark. They are fleecy woolen pants and will be difficult to clean.

Today involved one lesson, three meetings and next, a big bucket of marking.
Good thing they pay me for this.

So, the next time I get the same group together, I am prepared. On Tuesday I went to the store room and checked that all the laptops worked properly, and was careful to book one which I was happy with.

On Thursday morning I had the class. Got the laptop, projector, spekers, cables etc and took them about 1/2 a kilometre to the teaching room and got everthing fired up only to hit a problem. One of the start up files has somehow gone missing or been corrupted in the 40 hours since I checked it!!!! Total failure. Plan B was already used in the previous class.
So I dash back 1/2 a K to the main building, grab another laptop, start it, check it is working (it is) and dash back to the classroom.
I plug everything in, insert the DVD .... and watch as the DVD playing software crashes. Repeatedly. Goddamn mother#&%*er.

By this time the class is half over anyway so I wrote the whole lesson off and sent the kids away. I've never had to cancel a class like that before and I was NOT amused.


Then I had to carry all that gear back, too.

capnhowdy 05-08-2009 07:09 AM

Gas jumped up 30 cents/gal since last weekend. Fucking gouging goddam thieves. Just in time for folks traveling to see their dear old Mom. I'd like to personally choke the motherfuckers that are responsible. And then piss on them. It is a crime. Sumbitches.

classicman 05-08-2009 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 563712)
Then I had to carry all that gear back, too.

You are too kind, I'd have probably burst a blood vessel by then and called someone, anyone and told them what happened and where their worthless equipment was if they wanted it.

Oh and get their billing address so you can send them an invoice to refund your time and the time of all the kids who got nothing for their tuition attributed to that class.

classicman 05-08-2009 08:08 AM

College tuition, I will be paying over $60,000 next year.

morethanpretty 05-08-2009 10:21 AM

Parent's dog peed on my floor again last night because they didn't put her in her cage.
First thing I did this AM was step in it. I was already 30min late waking up.
So I told them and asked them to please clean it up, their dog, their responsibilty. Makes sense to me. Not to them, aparently its my fault mom forgets to put her dog away. Its my fault because I'm awake, so she can't turn off the lights, if she can't turn off the lights she can't remember to put the dog in her crate. Then my parents tell me to stop blaming others for my mistakes.
I'm being blamed for their mistakes!

BTW: unlike other people's children on this forum, please remember I pay for everything. I pay rent, I bought my car, I pay my insurance, I pay my tuition, I pay for food, I pay for electricity...need I go on?

Shawnee123 05-08-2009 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 563767)
College tuition, I will be paying over $60,000 next year.

Good on you...I know it's not easy but educating your children is a very good thing.

Are you going to make them offset some of the costs through college work-study? You should, if they are not currently working, or don't plan to while at college. Some of my best times in college were working in the cafeteria.

TheMercenary 05-08-2009 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 563767)
College tuition, I will be paying over $60,000 next year.

I'll be with you. I am supporting 2 college aged kids now.

lookout123 05-08-2009 11:22 AM

shoulda killed 'em when they was pups.

Sundae 05-08-2009 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 563807)
Parent's dog peed on my floor again last night because they didn't put her in her cage...
So I told them and asked them to please clean it up, their dog, their responsibilty.

I know you support yourself, but the bottom line is you're still family.
The rule is first one to see it cleans it. That's the rule here anyway - if I see Mia has had an accident, I clean it up. If Mum sees Diz-puke on the stairs she cleans it up.

I get that it was a direct result of your Mum's action (or lack of it) and I guess you don't have a dog yourself. And I feel for you stepping in dog wee.

Chin up - you'll get your own place one day.

classicman 05-08-2009 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 563808)
Are you going to make them offset some of the costs through college work-study? You should, if they are not currently working, or don't plan to while at college.

One is, the other I have to look into. His speed is something less than that of a snail in sand.

Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 563820)
shoulda killed 'em when they was pups.

I'm rethinkin this at this very moment. Just add that to my long list of regrets. :yelsick:

Tiki 05-08-2009 01:50 PM

Deedle is home sick with hives. :( This may make working today challenging, to say the least.

classicman 05-08-2009 02:05 PM


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