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BigV 08-31-2012 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 827638)
There's an impromptu drinks night tonite for work.

I really, really want to go...because the new big boss has tickled my fancy, I like my fellow workers...and because I need a night out...but - I have to work aaaaalllll day tomorrow (11 hours on Sunday) and I have to be pleasant and not hungover to do my I dont want to *waste* a babysitting night when I can only go out for a few hours and will have to drive home.


could be an impromptu nightcap at an undisclosed location that doesn't require a babysitter, eh?

monster 08-31-2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 827650)
we really do need a sarcasm font

scuse me?

monster 08-31-2012 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 827638)
There's an impromptu drinks night tonite for work.

I really, really want to go...because the new big boss has tickled my fancy, I like my fellow workers...and because I need a night out...but - I have to work aaaaalllll day tomorrow (11 hours on Sunday) and I have to be pleasant and not hungover to do my I dont want to *waste* a babysitting night when I can only go out for a few hours and will have to drive home.



Originally Posted by monster (Post 827639)
oh that sucks


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 827650)
we really do need a sarcasm font


Originally Posted by monster (Post 827662)
scuse me?

I mean really.. i must've missed something.

You described a situation that sucks donkey's balls and I comment appropriately. It does suck. I have kids, I like to drink, it totally sucks when you can't party when you want and when you have to "waste" babysitting nights, so it's not a thing to be done lightly. How in the fucking hell is that sarcastic?

DucksNuts 08-31-2012 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 827655)
could be an impromptu nightcap at an undisclosed location that doesn't require a babysitter, eh?

There's going to be about 60 people going tonite to a pub, then a I will just stay home, as I would have to arrange someone for the boys for a quick drink anyway.

I'll just invite him over for dinner if it goes that one resists my Lamb Roast.


Originally Posted by monster (Post 827662)
scuse me?

Was that a sincere "oh that sucks"?

Sorry if it was, I thought you were poking shit at my firstworldtartyissues :P

monster 08-31-2012 09:05 PM

FSM no, I drink and have kids and early morning commitments. I get it, it sucks.

monster 08-31-2012 09:09 PM

I don't do sarcasm here any more -it's too full of yanks.

DucksNuts 08-31-2012 09:18 PM

See, if we had a sarcastic font - there would have been no misunderstanding!!!

It does suck, all the partnered parents and single youngens at work are like "Come on, just come out and get drunk, dont worry about work tomorrow"

Oh yeah... I struggle not to cuntpunt some of the rude customers that come in when I am sober and happy.

You know what I have noticed more and more lately? Most people have no manners...

"I want to return this!!" - I have to bite my tongue not to raise an eyebrow and say "What's the magic word?".. like I do to the little kids that come up and say "Can I have a stamp?"

My big-big boss gives me evil looks when kids are being ferel to their parents at the checkout or just generally naughty and then wander over to me and demand a stamp, or a ball or a colour-in competition....because at times I have said "No, sorry, we only give those to little boys/girls that have been good". [/endsiderant]

BigV 08-31-2012 09:22 PM

I bet.


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 827668)

no one resists my Lamb Roast.


"Shaaaaanks for the mammaries"

monster 08-31-2012 09:31 PM

well I could have been sneaky and not used it... or are we going for an auto-detect sarky font? that could be fun....

So the manners thing is especially hard for me because Brits and Yanks have totally different rules on this. i guess it was a side-eect of making tea with seawater instead of boiling hot fresh.....

Daughter's BF was here today, generally very overly polite young man. I asked if he wanted a bacon buttie, he said "sure". That's polite/acceptable here, but rude in UK

infinite monkey 08-31-2012 09:35 PM

What would it be in brit? "Oh yes please thank you I am ever so hungry"?

Just messin' ;l

DucksNuts 08-31-2012 09:43 PM

My inlaws gave me weird looks constantly when I was over there.

My family is VERY big on manners, so they were amazed how overly pleasant and polite I was to people in shops, restaurants, and random people on the street.

Also, my goodbye to people serving me - "Thanks so much. See ya later", used to get raised eyebrows. When I asked my Mother In Law about it she said ..."but you wont see them later, will you?"

"Sure" is not acceptable in my house. Neither is "What?" when you dont hear or didnt understand.....Although, Tyler saying "Pardon?" seven times in a row because he didnt get it, is still very annoying.

limey 09-01-2012 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 827673)
I don't do sarcasm here any more -it's too full of yanks.


Sundae 09-01-2012 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 827687)
"Sure" is not acceptable in my house. Neither is "What?" when you dont hear or didnt understand.....Although, Tyler saying "Pardon?" seven times in a row because he didnt get it, is still very annoying.

I don't say Pardon. It's common. Or so I was taught by the nuns.
I say, "Sorry?" because obviously it's my fault that I didn't hear/ understand.

Mum and Dad say Pardon. I come from common stock.
In fact Mum doesn't realise she is also losing some of her vaunted hearing, and blames it on Dad's mumbling. She will say Wha?! when she's cross. Or even A?! (short a as in actress) to show she can't even be bothered to use a full word.

Infi, if someone offers you something in the UK the standard polite answers are Yes please or No thank you. Between mates, Cheers is a good stand in, or No, I'm okay thanks.

Aliantha 09-01-2012 06:42 AM

I've been complaining about how kids are rude lately. Mainly just because they don't use please and thankyou anywhere nearly often enough.

If I offer something to the kids that visit our house, I expect them to say either yes please or no thanks (if they can't manage no thankyou). If they don't, I definitely stand there and look at them till they either realise their lapse or start looking back at me like I've gone slightly soft in the head. Usually at that point, one of my boys will just tell them to use their manners.

The thing that shits me most are the teenagers in customer service type rolls though. Most of them seem to have no clue, and don't intend to ever get one.

At least I now know who to blame for this all pervasive passivity to manners.

The bloody yanks again!

Aliantha 09-01-2012 06:47 AM

Oh yeah, and I came here to tell you all that our 'little car' which Dazza uses for going to work and back and fishing etc, shat itself yesterday. Blew a head gasket (I suspect) on the highway, dumped all it's oil (which may have been slightly low already), and the engine seized.

Not much point replacing the engine cause it'll cost almost as much as the car did in the first place.

So now we have to get a new car. it wont be new. It'll just be something similar to the one we've just lost.

Anyway, that's really scorching my groove, cause it's an extra expense we really don't need right now. We are just about back on track after a pretty tight period financially, so this will set us back another couple of months at least. :(

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