The Cellar

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monster 09-11-2008 03:20 PM


Sundae 09-14-2008 08:32 AM

Good news - we had an unexpectedly large turnout at the Board Meeting today (yes, Sunday) and on a day where we weren't able to use the much larger meeting room in our neighbour's office. I set up our teeny-tiny meeting room as I'd only had 4 confirmations. As 8 turned up (8!) I agreed with the Chairman of the Board that I could get on with other work in the office and let the dictaphone handle the minutes. To be honest I've only taken minor notes in previous Board Meetings - the dictaphone has always been the main way of minute taking.

So ho, ho, ho I am sat here doing a bit of work, but also in the Cellar. None of the people in the meeting are of the generation that would consider if they hear me typing I might not be doing work! As a get-out clause for any guilt, I was at the supermarket at 10.45 buying the Board lunch, and I won't finish here until gone 17.00 clearing up. Me sitting in the meeting is neither here nor there, I'm still at work and I'll still have catered to the meeting on a Sunday.

The bad news? I provided what I think Americans would call a kick-ass lunch. And I can smell it from here. And I bet the greedy pigs scoff the lot.

morethanpretty 09-16-2008 12:07 AM

Good News: My nanny is moving back into town! She owns the house next to my parents and will be moving back into that. I've hardly gotten to see her over the past couple of years b/c of her husband's health issues they've had to stay mostly at their coastal house. I'm really happy to have her close again, especially since she has her own health issues. You just never know when its gonna be your last time to see a person, you know?

Bad News: Our neighbors who have rented that house will have to move. They are really sweet mom and daughter and we love 'em like family. They've rented that house for 13 or 14 years now. I've watched the daughter grow from a tiny tyke in kindergarten to a girl who towers over me, a sophomore in high school this year. She even chose her band instrument after my older sis, french horn. We'll miss them being next door, they are family to us like any of our blood relatives.

BigV 09-18-2008 05:41 PM

The good news is that the dentist is still giving me the *good shit*.

The bad news is that he scored a perfect bullseye with the first needle. I felt electrocuted in my jaw, half my tongue and zapped in my neck. I was instantly numb. "Oh" he said, "the nerve comes out of a little hole about 1/8" across and I hit the nerve directly about one time in twenty." Holy crap, give the man a kewpie doll.

The good news is it's still working hours later, and as it slowly fades, there's just ... mouth and teeth and tongue--no pain. Yay!

The bad news is it's not all gone yet and I have an itch on my lip. I can clearly feel the itch, no question. But all my attempts to scratch it are impotent. I can't feel my fingers touching my lips. Or my fingernails. Or a piece of velcro. Or a paper towel. It still itches!! I have resorted to going to the men's room and wetting a handful of paper towels with HOT water and pressing that on my lip. I *think* my lip is getting the message. It's not as good as scratching but there is some distraction value in sensing the warmth. God it itches.

HungLikeJesus 09-18-2008 05:59 PM

Have you tried scratching it with a straight razor?

BigV 09-19-2008 05:54 PM

The bad news was that I tried scratching it with my pocket knife. I tried it in a scraping posture, and in a poking/scratching posture. Neither was effective. I could tell that I'd bloody myself before I'd felt any relief from the itch, so I quit before I'd disfigured myself further.

The good news is I'm ok now. (disfigured as ever, but no more so and itch free).

eta: I don't actually have a straight razor, but I've often thought about having one. I've studied about them and they're beautiful tools. I have a weakness for tools (and beauty) and I would like to try shaving with one someday. Any straightedgers out there (of the shaving kind that is)?

footfootfoot 09-19-2008 09:06 PM

"The itching is a sign that it is getting better." -- my dad

I often tell the inch about the woman who got poison ivy on her brain and the only way she could scratch it was to think about sandpaper.

Another thing to be happy about: I'm not your dad!


BrianR 09-19-2008 11:17 PM

I've used a straight razor.

It's not as easy as it looks in the movies.

Buy a quality one plus all the accessories (strop, cup, brush etc), no cheating if you want the full experience.

I'd suggest you tap the oldest barber you can find for advice. The barbers today don't shave like they used to due to health concerns but the older ones still know how. Mine gave me invaluable advice before I carved up my face. The old "shave a balloon" before you try your face is good advice. Wear goggles though, he didn't tell me that part and I had to rinse thoroughly the first time I made a slip.

You feel much smoother after though. A safety razor, no matter how many blades it has, does not do as good a job.

classicman 09-20-2008 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by BrianR (Post 485504)
The old "shave a balloon" before you try your face is good advice. Wear goggles though, he didn't tell me that part and I had to rinse thoroughly the first time I made a slip.

I thin they intentionally DON"T tell you. Its an inside joke.

Ibby 09-23-2008 10:20 AM

Good news: i think i'm a little bit in love.

Bad news? ...i think i'm a little bit in love.


BigV 09-23-2008 10:43 AM

wtg Ibram!

It's way better than the alternative. good luck.

Sundae 09-23-2008 11:53 AM

The good news - it's nearly the end of the day and I can go and elevate my throbbing foot again.

The bad news - since seeing that artery clogging block of cheese fries I've been madly craving some sort of fried potato product. And I might even make the walk home in two stages - from here to the kebab shop, sit down, eat - from the kebab shop to home! Naughty naughty.

SteveDallas 09-23-2008 04:36 PM

Good news: I've successfully migrated my email and web services to a new server

Bad news: The "migration" happened under duress after the old server went south about 9PM last night. 10:00PM to 4, then some sleep, then 9 to 4:30.

BigV 09-23-2008 04:39 PM

Way to go SD!!!

Awesome work, man!

I'd shake your hand, but you might be contagious.

:air five: w00t!!11

SteveDallas 09-23-2008 05:37 PM

If you work in IT get the hell away from me. You don't want to get infected.

What I don't understand is what actually happened. At first it looked like a very straightforwad case of shutdown due to overheating after a fan failed. But the CPU coolwas partly off its bracket, snd there was a second heat sink for something else that was off--apparently the hook that keeps it pinned down actually broke off. Bizarre.

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