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infinite monkey 05-04-2011 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 730495)
Ooooooohhhhhh Looooooorrrrrdddd......Kummmmbbbaaaaayyyaaaa.

(baritone) Someone's postin' here
Someone's postin' here
Someone's postin' here
Ohhhh looooo-oooord, Kumbaya

Jill 05-04-2011 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 730495)

Ooooooohhhhhh Looooooorrrrrdddd......Kummmmbbbaaaaayyyaaaa.


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 730498)

(baritone) Someone's postin' here
Someone's postin' here
Someone's postin' here
Ohhhh looooo-oooord, Kumbaya

Nice harmony!

TheMercenary 05-04-2011 01:30 PM

PC out of control


WASHINGTON — The top staffer for the Senate Indian Affairs Committee is objecting to the U.S. military's use of the code name "Geronimo" for Osama bin Laden during the raid that killed the al-Qaida leader.

infinite monkey 05-04-2011 01:32 PM

They could have just called it Operation Kill Sand N*****. :eyebrow:

TheMercenary 05-04-2011 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 730516)
They could have just called it Operation Kill Sand N*****. :eyebrow:

Or they could have just nick named him Obama... I am sure no one would have cared about that one! Not!

TheMercenary 05-04-2011 01:50 PM

Sy Hersh, Abetted by Olbermann, Slandered SEALs That Later Killed Bin Laden as Cheney's Personal Assassins


The Navy SEALs who killed bin Laden are being widely hailed as heroes -- in stark contrast to previous descriptions of them from liberals in the media.
Read more:

TheMercenary 05-04-2011 01:51 PM

Hipster Irony Alert!: Watch Stephen Colbert Celebrate Results of Cheney’s ‘Secret, Lawless Assassination Squad’ and ‘Torture’

TheMercenary 05-04-2011 01:53 PM


Nearly flawlessly executing the operation in Pakistan to raid the compound where Osama bin Laden was living – among the military and police leadership of Pakistan by the way – the U.S. Navy’s SEAL Team Six along with elements of other U.S. government assets killed America’s most wanted man. This is a victory for all of us – no doubt. A tremendous Bravo Zulu to the men and women who made it possible and gave the operation the best chance of success. Bin Laden is dead. What I am hearing from the media, the government, and our President, however, is making me queezy...

Fair&Balanced 05-04-2011 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 730522)

From the same article, the Muslim Brotherhood is insidiously infiltrating American society and the federal government through some nefarious connections to every major Islamic organization in the country as well as a Muslim appointee to a DHS advisory committee:

From the overwhelming evidence (link?) entered at the US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development trial (HLF) it was revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in the United States has significant infrastructure here and that the most prominent Islamic Organizations in the U.S. are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood to include the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Fiqh Council of North America, and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Hamas entity.

We know from the MB itself and from a large amount of evidence (link?), to include the US v Sabri Benkhala case, that the Muslim American Society (MAS) is a significant MB organization founded by three key MB leaders.
They cite evidence in lawsuits, documents, etc, but never provide links. Mostly they just link to each other as evidence or expect readers to take them at their word.

Mercenary, maybe you have links to the source documents?

As I said in another discussion, it is reminiscent of the McCarthy red-baiting era of the past.

The extremists making the allegations dont have to prove it, but rather those they charge with ties to terrorist organization must prove they do not have such ties.

Jill 05-04-2011 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 730520)

Sy Hersh, Abetted by Olbermann, Slandered SEALs That Later Killed Bin Laden as Cheney's Personal Assassins

Read more:

I'm sure it will come as no surprise to you, but do you know who I blame for this misunderstanding?

George W. Bush & Dick Cheney.

The manner in which they executed the entire Afghanistan/Iraq/"War on Terror" debacle was deceitful from the start. It was done with subterfuge and coverups. We had the outing of a CIA agent's identity because her husband dared expose the "yellow cake" lie. We had Blackwater. We had a diversion from the real enemy -- the Taliban and Al Qaeda -- to an act of sheer vengeance against a sovereign leader who they knew posed no real risk, nor were they harboring Al Qaeda, let alone "Enemy Number 1", Osama bin Laden. We had Abu Gharib. We had "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," aka torture -- orders that were kept secret from even Congress.

When you have leadership that acts sneaky and underhanded, is there any surprise that they are viewed as sneaky and underhanded?

Why was there no explanation by the Administration as to who these "assassins" were? Why were we not informed as to who they were targeting and/or "taking out" in our name?

Therein lies the difference between the Obama Administration and the Bush Administration with regard to opinion about JSOC. President Obama utilized them with the full awareness of pertinent members of Congress, the CIA, and every one of his top Security Advisers. And when the act was carried out, the American public was informed.

Not so with Bush/Cheney.

They reaped what they sowed. Unfortunately, as in many other circumstances, they didn't care who became "collateral damage," even if that meant it was JSOC.

TheMercenary 05-04-2011 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jill (Post 730536)
I'm sure it will come as no surprise to you, but do you know who I blame for this misunderstanding?

George W. Bush & Dick Cheney.


We had "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," aka torture -- orders that were kept secret from even Congress.
BS. Pelosi even admitted they were briefed.


Why was there no explanation by the Administration as to who these "assassins" were? Why were we not informed as to who they were targeting and/or "taking out" in our name?
Need to know. You didn't need to know.


Therein lies the difference between the Obama Administration and the Bush Administration with regard to opinion about JSOC. President Obama utilized them with the full awareness of pertinent members of Congress, the CIA, and every one of his top Security Advisers. And when the act was carried out, the American public was informed.
More bs, the American public does not need to know.


They reaped what they sowed. Unfortunately, as in many other circumstances, they didn't care who became "collateral damage," even if that meant it was JSOC.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Where is the liberal outcry over the drone attacks authorized continually by Obama, and in fact, significantly increased in frequency, and the "collateral damage they have caused?

TheMercenary 05-04-2011 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Fair&Balanced (Post 730530)
..... but rather those they charge with ties to terrorist organization must prove they do not have such ties.

The burden is on the Muslim Brotherhood, they have a long history of support and birth as a terrorist organization.

Jill 05-04-2011 03:48 PM

Nice set of excuses to brush off the constant lies, deceit and subterfuge associated with the Bush Administration, as if their behavior had nothing whatsoever to do with how the public perceived things then, in comparison to how we're perceiving things now.

My post wasn't intended as an opportunity for you to pick it apart with your snotty "need to know" bullshit, implying that I'm stupid about how things work with secret ops. It was meant as an illustration as to why Keith Olbermann and "the Left" would hear about a secret group of men going out and doing "hits" at the bequest of Dick Cheney, and call them "assassins", as opposed to hearing about an operation to take out the world's most wanted terrorist under Barack Obama and hailing those same men as heroes.

You're the one who made the post suggesting that Liberals are hypocrites for hailing Team 6 as heroes today, but having called them assassins in the past. I'm attempting to explain to you WHY that might be. Do you want to understand or do you just want to demonize your political opponents?

Fair&Balanced 05-04-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 730577)
The burden is on the Muslim Brotherhood, they have a long history of support and birth as a terrorist organization.

Thats how it works in an oppressive state. The person/organization charged has to prove innocence.

In America, we do things differently. If one makes allegations against another person/organization, the burden of proof rests with the one making the charge.

Gafney/Geller/Breitbart have the obligation to offer more than the undocumented court "evidence" or innuendo.

CAIR or other Islamic organizations or Kareem Shora (appointed to the DHS advisory committee) do not have to prove their innocence.

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence

TheMercenary 05-04-2011 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jill (Post 730586)
Nice set of excuses to brush off the constant lies, deceit and subterfuge associated with the Bush Administration, as if their behavior had nothing whatsoever to do with how the public perceived things then, in comparison to how we're perceiving things now.

My post wasn't intended as an opportunity for you to pick it apart with your snotty "need to know" bullshit, implying that I'm stupid about how things work with secret ops. It was meant as an illustration as to why Keith Olbermann and "the Left" would hear about a secret group of men going out and doing "hits" at the bequest of Dick Cheney, and call them "assassins", as opposed to hearing about an operation to take out the world's most wanted terrorist under Barack Obama and hailing those same men as heroes.

You're the one who made the post suggesting that Liberals are hypocrites for hailing Team 6 as heroes today, but having called them assassins in the past. I'm attempting to explain to you WHY that might be. Do you want to understand or do you just want to demonize your political opponents?

You missed the point. You have no need to know.

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