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classicman 03-02-2012 02:51 PM

great, now ...
How many people are killed or hurt by cars vs. guns?

Big Sarge 03-02-2012 03:16 PM

I can atest to using guns for food. Many nights my protein comes from what I have hunted. Plus I think it is far more humane for the animal than the slaughterhouse route.

Lamplighter 03-02-2012 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 799062)
great, now ...
How many people are killed or hurt by cars vs. guns?

What is the point of such a question ?
How about airplanes and swimming pools ?
But if you must...

How many laws are there about the safety and operations of cars vs. guns ?

These are the points of my arguments:
- cars are pretty close to being a necessity in our society, guns are not
- cars have laws written about their safety and operations, guns do not
- cars require a driver's license to be operated legally, guns do not

Now ask yourself why do we have more effective legislation for cars, but not for guns.

My answer is there is a hysteria over guns in the US, that has been
created and promoted by the NRA via Grover Norquist and fellow Board members.

As such, those who support the NRA positions on gun control
also share the responsibility for all it's consequences.

lookout123 03-02-2012 05:29 PM

You're assuming we all agree that more legislation in regards to cars, pools, airplanes, and just about any damn thing is a good thing.

I've got guns. My kids know I've got guns. My kids know not to touch my guns but I still keep them secured when I'm not carrying them because kids are people and people do dumb shit. If my kid gets his hands on my gun and hurts or kills someone, I will be responsible for that. Morally, criminally, and financially. I'm fine with that.

xoxoxoBruce 03-02-2012 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 799091)
These are the points of my arguments:
- cars are pretty close to being a necessity in our society, guns are not
- cars have laws written about their safety and operations, guns do not
- cars require a driver's license to be operated legally, guns do not

-I don't need a lawnmower, you shouldn't be allowed to have one.
-There's a shitload of laws on safety (manufacture/sale) and operation (use) of guns.

Now ask yourself why do we have more effective legislation for cars, but not for guns.
The difference is not in legislation, but enforcement, so why is that?
-Cars are an order of magnitude bigger threat to the public.
-Revenue potential in the enforcement of car laws... much, much higher.

According to Sarah Brady, the Brady bill stopped 23,000 felons from buying handguns in the first month. I don't have the figures but I'm sure the total is in the hundreds of thousands to date. The Brady bill makes it a federal felony to attempt to buy a gun, if you aren't eligible. So how come of those hundreds of thousands of people that have blocked, not one has been procecuted... not one. Because there's no revenue to be made?


My answer is there is a hysteria over guns in the US, that has been
created and promoted by the NRA via Grover Norquist and fellow Board members.
Oh there's a hysteria all right, you can see it in your mirror.
The hysteria of anti-gun zealots proclaiming guns to be the equivalent of the Black Plague/cancer/halitosis combined.
While gun owners are merely stalwart. :haha:

Seriously though, Norquist & company are using the contentious issue of guns as a political tool. More of the divide and conquer strategy, the us vs them, making as many single issue splinter groups as possible, so they can control the government.

And you're playing into it as much as NRA members, with...

As such, those who support the NRA positions on gun control
also share the responsibility for all it's consequences.
Yeah well take that back or I'll shoot you. :p: You see the problem with your manifesto, is you're holding every NRA member personally responsible for that kid killing his tormentors. C'mon, that's so irrational nobody will take you seriously but the choir.

Kids have been killing kids forever. He could have run them down with a stolen car, and you're sadly mistaken if you think one person can't kill two with a knife, in a surprise attack.

Finally, all the laws in the world won't stop the urban gang-bangers, they don't have a lot of concern for rules. They are already breaking the law by possessing and carrying, before they ever use it.

Now I agree there are many people acting irresponsibly. They carelessly allow access to guns by people that shouldn't. They also burn down buildings, leave pets & children in hot cars, OD on their prescriptions, and text while driving. You can't keep people from being stupid by legislation.

Aliantha 03-02-2012 08:14 PM

Yes, but natural selection is obviously not working.

I think Darwin's theory is wrong.

xoxoxoBruce 03-02-2012 08:24 PM

Maybe natural selection can be overwhelmed by overbreeding. Or we have too many laws protecting fools from themselves already.

Lamplighter 03-22-2012 09:16 AM

Trayvon Martin

Go, go, go NRA

Stormieweather 03-22-2012 09:30 AM

"Justified" homicides have tripled in Florida since the 'stand your ground' law went into effect.

Just think...without that law, many of those people might still be alive.

I am not anti-gun. I know how to shoot and we have a gun at home (safely stored). I am anti-allowing idiots to have dead-making capabilities.

infinite monkey 03-22-2012 09:34 AM

The problem is the idiots don't just shoot each other. Let the idiots kill the hell out of each other. hell, I'd sell tickets.

It's us innocent bystanders who pay the cost for their ego-boosts. Can't they just masturbate or something?


wolf 03-22-2012 10:27 AM

"Stand Your Ground" does not mean "Give Chase." The articles I've read seem to indicate that Zimmerman followed Martin, but a lot of what happened is unclear, although Zimmerman did look beaten up when the cops got there.

What I haven't seen is a map showing the convenience store and the locations of Martin's and Zimmerman's homes. May or not make a difference in an understanding of what happened.

I heard the 911 tape on the radio yesterday, want to listen to it again.

xoxoxoBruce 03-22-2012 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 802913)
Trayvon Martin

Go, go, go NRA

Abortions increase.

Go, go, go, Democrats.

footfootfoot 03-22-2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 799127)
You can't keep people from being stupid by legislation.

How about if we made being stupid a felony, or is that just a stupid idea?

xoxoxoBruce 03-22-2012 02:40 PM

The cost of prisons would bankrupt the few taxpayers left.

Happy Monkey 03-22-2012 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 802969)
Abortions increase.

Do they? I think they're at record lows. But the latest data I could find was from 2008, so that may have changed.

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