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classicman 12-29-2009 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 621528)
I'd never hit a lady, but I'll beat the shit out of any man or woman who hits me first.


Radar 12-29-2009 03:32 PM

I'm all for equality classicman. I try to avoid physical confrontation with everyone, but if if someone hits me with bad intentions, I'll hit them back without regard to their religion, age above that of a child, gender, race, etc.

DanaC 12-29-2009 03:32 PM

I don't think adults should be hitting each other at all. I do think men need to be aware of their potential for greater strength and therefore higher levels of harm. That said, if a woman punches a man I see no reason why the man shouldnt punch her right back. There's a big difference between two people having a fist-fight on more or less equal terms (as defined by the protaganists), and a strong man beating up a woman.

Radar 12-29-2009 03:35 PM

I am against any man or woman beating their spouse, and as I said, I'm against fighting in general. As a libertarian, I'm against the initiation of physical force, but not against the use of physical force in my defense.

I never start physical fights, but I always finish them.

I'm not the kind of guy who will stand by as a woman punches him or pounds on him even if I'm physically stronger than her. I've had friends who got black eyes that way. I don't see that as chivalry. I see it as stupidity. If a man is physically stronger than a woman, it's all the more reason for a woman not to start a physical fight she can't win.

classicman 12-29-2009 03:46 PM

I must be an antique. I would never never ever hit a woman - under any circumstances. If attacked by one I will attempt to defend myself (been there done that) or restrain her without hitting her. At worst I would leave.

Trilby 12-29-2009 03:49 PM

this whole thing strikes me as ridiculous.

DanaC 12-29-2009 03:50 PM

What whole thing?

Shawnee123 12-29-2009 03:54 PM

I don't believe in abuse, whether it's hitting, or name-calling (hey, I'm not in a relationship with classicman) ;) or whatever. Women don't get to beat the crap out of a guy and he just stands there taking it. Women don't get to belittle a guy and call him all sorts of horrible things, make him feel ashamed, hurt him.

It hurts men as much as it hurts women. A long time hurt...does horrible things to a psyche.

And, I think it's harder for a man, even, to justify leaving...due to the shame society puts on him, making him feel not a man (or so he fears.) Here's an article I ran across, which I was reminded of when reading these posts:


classicman 12-29-2009 03:58 PM

I cannot read that - Knowing you and what that article most likely is - It's probably what I lived through for 20 years. No thanks, I'd like to leave that psycho shit firmly behind me. well, as much as possible anyway.

Oh and you are so right shaw - "A long time hurt...does horrible things to a psyche." Even now, years later, I still have to catch myself.

Radar 12-29-2009 04:52 PM

Thanks for that article Shawnee. I can identify with a lot of that, especially the "Nobody will Believe Him" section. My wife has gotten a full plastic soda bottle and started smacking herself in the face with it and said she would call the cops, start crying and say I hit her. Luckily someone else was in the car to see it. My father has seen her smack her own head into the wall when she's upset. She's 115 and I'm more than double her weight and taller than her.

xoxoxoBruce 12-29-2009 04:54 PM

I read it for you, it says kick her in the cunt.

No seriously, it says women use men's chauvinism against them.

Shawnee123 12-29-2009 05:06 PM

C-man. I know, too, what it does to a person.

Radar, that's effed up man. I'm sorry, I feel that women who fake being abused are abusers themselves, and it's a slap in the face for women who really deal with the shit, or have dealt with the shit. It undermines the credibility of everyone who has ever been abused. :mad2:

Urbane Guerrilla 12-31-2009 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 620657)
Hahahaha...radar is not a libertarian because he thinks Ann Coulters looks rode hard and put away wet? Wow...this is the logic you possess that we are supposed to strive for, to be a better person, a person like you?

No, Shawnee, that is not why Radar is not a libertarian. He is not a libertarian because he is a tyrannical narcissist, and libertarianism does not suit him as well as he thought it might when he started.

And no, Coulter does not look rode hard nor put away wet. Striking, yes. Probably just as striking, if a lot darker, in her natural hair color. Why I am a better man than Radar is seen in my posts -- and his. As for the mannishness he sees -- tosh. Contralto is not a masculine voice register, but with Coulter's long frame you're not going to pitch like Betty Boop. She is a tough gal, granted. Would you expect a shrinking violet to do as she does?


Though this "good taste" of which you speak is partially in the eye of the beholder, it takes a lot of squinting and a real need to sound refined to call a pile of shit "good mental hygiene."

Seriously, um...ew.
Speaking of "eye of the beholder," do you really think yours is open? If so, why? I'm not seeing that you can see. When assessing comparative mental hygiene, I suggest you take a look at who does the raving and wildeyed ranting when I tell him he's full of shit, and who does not respond in kind after being treated to such a first-grader's exhibition.

Shawnee123 12-31-2009 01:46 PM


Speaking of "eye of the beholder," do you really think yours is open?

*checks my 'eye'*

Seems fine to me. :lol:

Radar 12-31-2009 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 621886)
No, Shawnee, that is not why Radar is not a libertarian. He is not a libertarian because he is a tyrannical narcissist, and libertarianism does not suit him as well as he thought it might when he started.

Except that I am a libertarian because unlike UG, I adhere to the 2 core principles of libertarianism; namely self-ownership/self-determination and the non-aggression principle...and nothing I support is even close to tyrannical. UG supports neither of the core libertarian principles. I love how in UG's weak and pathetic little mind, when any of the billions of people on the planet earth who dwarfs his intellect (like myself), mentions it, they are exhibiting narcissistic behavior, while all the while he's tooting his own horn. Oh sweet irony. UG is a perfect example of how stupid people are too dumb to actually know they're stupid. His mental disorders are too great to mention, but one of them is transference. He loves to accuse others of having his own failings, such as narcissism.


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 621886)
And no, Coulter does not look rode hard nor put away wet. Striking, yes. Probably just as striking, if a lot darker, in her natural hair color. Why I am a better man than Radar is seen in my posts -- and his. As for the mannishness he sees -- tosh. Contralto is not a masculine voice register, but with Coulter's long frame you're not going to pitch like Betty Boop. She is a tough gal, granted. Would you expect a shrinking violet to do as she does?

Of course you find her striking. She's very masculine looking and you're turned on by foul-mouthed, ignorant, trannies.


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 621886)
Speaking of "eye of the beholder," do you really think yours is open? If so, why? I'm not seeing that you can see. When assessing comparative mental hygiene, I suggest you take a look at who does the raving and wildeyed ranting when I tell him he's full of shit, and who does not respond in kind after being treated to such a first-grader's exhibition.

Yes, by all means compare the articulate, well-reasoned, factual, honest, posts I've written to the nonsensical, lunatic, rants of a mental midget like UG. Most here in the Cellar, and in the world in general would say I'm heads and shoulders above you in intellect, class, honor, integrity, honesty, education, and above all sanity. Some in here would vote against me in such a poll out of spite, but if they were honest, I doubt you'd have a single vote in an honest assessment of any of those areas, let alone have you actually beat me in them.

If you were to hire 100 unbiased psychiatrists, all 100 of them would vote for me in the sanity department over you.

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