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limey 06-24-2009 08:25 AM

Buster, thanks for all the updates on Hobo. He does look cute as all-get-out, but he'll lead you a merry dance. But you know that already ;). Please keep posting pics and reports!

DanaC 06-24-2009 10:27 AM

most terriers are stubborn little buggers with their own ideas on when and how to do things *chuckles* Jacks more so than most, but westies are almost as bad :P

capnhowdy 06-24-2009 06:58 PM

Sometimes Frank and Trixie get a little too close to the road while they do potty biz, or fuck up some way like wandering too far in the woods, etc. I have a designated "puppy swatter" that I use to enforce commands. I rarely touch them with it and when I do I lightly 'spank'". When they screw up I yell at them and start toward them with the puppy swatter. Trixie disappears like a ghost. No way to get near her at that time. The times I have tapped her with the swatter she screamed as if I were killing her. Took hours for her to stop sulking.
Frank, (JRT) on the other hand... you go at him and he just sits there..staring in your eyes and waiting. You can spank him all you want and he'll never make any effort to run away or never utter a whimper. When your done, and he's damn ready he does what you want. Acts as if you never even talked to him, like he doesn't recall any of it.
If he's lying next to you in bed or on the sofa, when you need to get up and he's in your way you can tell him to move all day and he ignores you. You have to physically pick him up and move him. Trixie jumps out of the way every time you flinch.
What a pair. I love 'em.

busterb 06-25-2009 01:48 PM

Cap. You tell Hobo something and you can see the wheels turning. Hobo. "Right, I'll get back to that later." I move a twin bed into living, junk, computer room in summer and close off rest of house.
On mantel is a Tiger whatnot. So Hobo sneaks and jumps on my bed, barks a few times and back in kitchen before I can catch him.
A mouse trap under paper works for some dogs, he came dragging the paper and trap to kitchen. Oh for a shocking collar.

busterb 07-01-2009 09:25 PM

I've realized that the Vet cut the wrong thing off, should have cut his flappin head off.
Monday I had to go for an endoscopy. Let the dogs out, got a call, Hobo was at Chevron. Crossed 2 highways to get there. Today I had to go to VA for new leg brace.
SOB was at Shortstop after I let them out this am.
Tonight when I got home I turned them loose. Lady called from park, another from video store. I found the little shit in parking lot between Wards and Shortstop. Took 4 or 5 liver treats before I could catch him. No one will pick him up because they can't catch him.
But a log truck or something will leave a spot in road.
A damn street dog is what he is, and I know of no way to brake him?

xoxoxoBruce 07-02-2009 12:36 AM

How about tying the dogs to each other?

Undertoad 07-02-2009 08:13 AM

A Jack may need obedience training before he gives a crap what you say, B. :)

Trilby 07-02-2009 08:27 AM

Buster, I know how you feel. Autumn will take off like a shot and she is impossible to catch. To her, it's all a game. When I turn around and quit chasing her, she comes back but you're right about being a spot on the road - these Jack's just don't pay any mind to anything but their noses. I'm going to take her to obedience class - I'm fed up with it. Good luck!

sugarpop 07-02-2009 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by busterb (Post 571154)
This goat roping started out at $77 bucks and ended at $93.
Anyway I don't like, changed the whole character of dog.
Before and after.

WOW. They really butchered him. Was he supposed to be naked like that, or just clipped?

My mom and sister used to take their dogs (a chow and a silky) to Petsmart to be groomed. The last time they took them, they both came out naked like that. I told them I would have refused to pay, because it is CLEARLY not what they ordered. And as I said, the overcoat on the chow still hasn't grown back, to this day. She just has the wooly undercoat on one side.

I adopted a husky over the weekend, and you can bet she won't be getting trimmed. The coat helps keep them cool as much as it keeps them warm. I think I want to learn how to groom her and do it myself. Some groomers are just too unpredictable.

She went in today to be spayed, and when they opened her up they found an abcess in the bellybutton area, so they removed it and she is on antibiotics for 10 days. She is so damn sweet though, and SMART! She smart as hell, and stubborn too. HA! Reminds me of me. :D

*edit to add* shaving a dog down to the skin also makes them vulnerable to sunburn.

sugarpop 07-02-2009 03:49 PM

The dog needs training. He needs to know YOU are the pack leader. Maybe you should write to Cesar Milan, you could end up on TV. :D Here is a link to his website...

Seriously though. I've been watching the Dog Whisperer a lot lately, and when it comes to dog psychology, that man is a GENIUS. I swear I think he was a dog in a past life.

capnhowdy 07-02-2009 07:24 PM

Until you've raised a JRT you really can't understand. Srsly.

My Frank would eat Cesar's lunch for breafast. I took him to a pre-screen thingie to apply for obedience training. He was like the church of god/holiness kid at gym class or at the pool. Just sat on the sidelines and refused to interact. He picked out a female from the crowd and instantly fell in love. After that he was focusing ENTIRELY on the bitch and all else was irrelevant.

I think you're just gonna have to do some serious fencing. Maximum security type.

busterb 07-02-2009 10:38 PM

Cap. I'm looking at my bank book and thinking a shock collar. I had one before for Dotty, it worked. Only if they'll let me return if he gets ran over before I get it.
Then I'll have to get dressed before I let them out, so I can keep an eye on his fast moving ass.
I kinda wish I had popped him in butt with BB gun and got his tail away from here first time I saw him in yard.

busterb 07-02-2009 10:42 PM

Bruce I've given that some thought. Along with turning Shelia loose and sticking his butt on the wire. Shelia comes when I call and lets me hook her up again.

xoxoxoBruce 07-02-2009 11:25 PM

There was a guy with a VW garage on a real busy main drag near here, that kept the old dog and the young dog tied together with about 2 feet of rope.
The old dog kept the youngster out of traffic

capnhowdy 07-03-2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 579314)
There was a guy with a VW garage on a real busy main drag near here, that kept the old dog and the young dog tied together with about 2 feet of rope.
The old dog kept the youngster out of traffic

I thought you were joking about this. But it really does make good sense.:)

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