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Clodfobble 06-21-2012 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
He kept saying, "you're a master's level clinician."

Is that like a Level 50 Clinician with +20 charisma and unlimited healing potions? Because that's how I'm imagining it. With a tasteful brown robe.

BrianR 06-22-2012 11:56 AM

Well played, Wolf. That was the correct response.


wolf 06-28-2012 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 816191)
Awesome! Do I need to call you Ms. Master's Level Clinician now? ;)

Mistress will do. Just like always.

wolf 06-28-2012 11:45 PM

More kudos, and from an unsolicited source ...

There are a couple of insurance companies that we deal with a lot, know the care managers by name, and often their personality quirks. So, anyway, I was doing a review to get our payment started, and this fellow says, "I recognize your voice, weren't you wolf from the nuthouse before you were wolf from the rehab?"


"We were wondering what happened, all of a sudden you weren't calling any more."

yeah, well, it's a long story, but now I'm here and I'm not there.

"We're glad your back. I saw your name on the level of care evals and I was excited for you. You are highly regarded by us."

Damn. I'm just basking in this.

Oh, and I talked to a buddy from the nuthouse. He's a good guy, and totally not a political animal, even though he plays the game pretty well. He confirmed that the shrink's protected category trumped my protected category, and that the order came from on high for my summary execution.

This is doing wonders for my self esteem, I tell you.

wolf 06-28-2012 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 816261)
Is that like a Level 50 Clinician with +20 charisma and unlimited healing potions? Because that's how I'm imagining it. With a tasteful brown robe.

I was thinking something more flowy, in jet black, but with that iridescent coating, you know? And a hood with purple and gold trim. I am an Olden Ram.

classicman 06-29-2012 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by wolf (Post 817638)
Mistress will do. Just like always.

Yes mistress Wolf. :notworthy

wolf 07-05-2012 11:59 AM

And so, being low wolf on the totem pole, I worked Independence Day.

Now, having nearly 20 years of mental health experience, I know what holidays are supposed to be like. Kick back, answer a couple of phones, maybe see a drunken walk-in or two.

I was wrong.

An "enthusiastic" cow orker worked Tuesday and scheduled seven freaking people!

When I got in the day shift person was pulling her hair out, because most of them had shown up, and some guy walked in shortly after I arrived.

No problem. We worked through the overlap, had mostly everybody ready to see the doctor, and she left.


Me and a room full of mainly junkies.

Just kind of coasted through it, at least I was ahead of the doctor as far as having things ready to just bang into the computer and call the unit.

Then later, this dude shows up, and he's so unconscious he can't fill out the paperwork. Tried to get the doctor to see him, but he wouldn't see people out of order, and every time I got the doc up front to at least eyeball the dude to maybe send him to the ER ... he would rouse just enough to show he wasn't dead yet.

Doc, come on here, I learned medicine by watching ER ... I couldn't wake him up without a ton of yelling and shaking ...

So I texted boss-dude for guidance.

What happens? boss-dude texts back ... "I'll be in shortly."

I wasn't drowning or panicking, just wanting some leverage with the doc, boss-dude.

Oh, and to top it all off, the CEO called me ... she was on grounds?! What CEO comes in on a holiday???? She asked me a couple of questions on the phone, stuff that she probably had, not sure if she was testing me or what.

So, boss-dude did come in, made a couple of insurance company phone calls, and noted that I wasn't overwhelmed by the activity. He told me to clean up what I was working on, and then I could go (so I got overtime on my holiday time).

He also asked me if i could work Friday.

I was supposed to be off on Friday and Saturday, I already agreed to work on Sunday, which was also supposed to be an off day. So I told him, "Well, I'm still waiting for you to complete my 90-day probation review, so suck-up mode is still in effect. I was going to go camping, but if you really need me ..."

He said he'd figure something else out, because I deserved to go camping.

Now, he doesn't know how I feel about camping. And bugs. And the wilderness. So I MAY go in there today and tell him how I've seen the weather report, and if I HAVE to work, that could provide a graceful out for me. I especially don't like camping in over 100 degree temperatures. It's not like I can just go down to the hotel-on-wheels and stay in the air conditioning. I would actually have to tend fire and be out in the heat and everything.

So, I get the last guy out of the lobby, and I'm all ready to leave, and ... seriously drunk chick and boyfriend stumble in.

Seriously drunk chick has a bottle of beer, which I took from her. She spent the rest of our time together saying, "You took my beer."

yes, I did.

"Can i have my beer back?"

No, nice try, though.

It never got old for her. We must have done that same routine another six or seven times before I got her far enough along in the process to be able to hand her off to the nursing supervisor. I then beat feet out of there.

Lamplighter 07-05-2012 12:30 PM


Doc, come on here, I learned medicine by watching ER ...
Maybe you need to make Doc a night's reservation at the nearest Holiday Inn.

Pete Zicato 07-07-2012 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by wolf (Post 817639)
Damn. I'm just basking in this.

This is doing wonders for my self esteem, I tell you.

Not too many things in life feel better than vindication.

Pete Zicato 07-07-2012 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by wolf (Post 818598)
Seriously drunk chick has a bottle of beer, which I took from her. She spent the rest of our time together saying, "You took my beer."

yes, I did.

"Can i have my beer back?"

No, nice try, though.

It never got old for her. We must have done that same routine another six or seven times before I got her far enough along in the process to be able to hand her off to the nursing supervisor. I then beat feet out of there.

I can totally see the fun in doing that dialog multiple times.

I might've been tempted to switch it up, though, and start responding in nonsense from time to time.

wolf 07-10-2012 12:09 AM

I promised to use my superpowers only for the forces of goodness.

SamIam 07-10-2012 01:37 PM

Oh, hell. You can tell a drunk anything and 5 minutes later they've forgotten it. When I was still at the Bates a drunk would come in and I'd tell him, "Sorry, we don't rent out rooms to anyone who is intoxicated." 15 minutes later he'd be back hoping I'd changed my mind or that someone else would be out front. Or he just forgot that he tried there already.

I couldn't do your job in a million years, Wolf. I'd go postal by time I'd encountered the 10th or 11th drunk. Having been one myself, I have no patience with active drinkers.

wolf 07-11-2012 12:22 PM

The drunks, unless they are angry drunks, are always better than the junkies.

You can leave a drunk alone at your desk for thirty seconds.

So, I went into boss-dude's office yesterday evening, and said, "So, about my 90 day eval ... you see, I really need new eyeglasses and I haven't gotten an email from HR about filling out all the forms for the insurance coverage and stuff, and, well, i was worried ..."

Boss-dude laughed and said, "You're off probation. I just haven't gotten around to the eval. You don't have to worry. I'm not firing you."


He immediately sent an email to HR to ask about by benefits stuff, and I had an answer back in less than ten minutes. How about that?

You can't blame me for being gun-shy here. I did my last job perfectly for 19 years and got shit-canned for something I didn't do, after all.

BigV 07-11-2012 01:01 PM


that just means you have 18.75 years to go, right?

wolf 07-12-2012 01:00 PM

I have promised to teach quietgirl how I work my magick with insurance companies. I don't actually know how I manage to get them to agree to pay for some of the most awfully poor clinically supported admissions, but I usually do. I know at least some of it has to do with what I call "the shmooze."

I rarely get full-out denials of care. Sometimes, you can't help it, because most care managers won't or aren't allowed to see past the criteria they work with, but some of them become more willing to do so if they like you. Most of the time if I can get a giggle out of them, I can get money out of them.

I shall teach the young padawan-learner, if I can figure out how I do it.

She was also talking about her embarrassment related to the usual insurance company question of "and what are your creditials?" She has a high school diploma, and, despite being very good at her job, gets thrown by this question because she hasn't got an advanced degree.

I am making her a certificate. It is very fancy, and declares that she is to be entitled to and accorded all of the rights and privileges of having conferred upon her the status of "NOOAI."

A presenter at a conference I went to had this after his name on his title card of his powerpoint. He was a cop. A good cop, but a cop. Academy graduate, but not a college guy.

He clued us in to the meaning near the end of the conference ... "No One Of Any Importance." Everybody else presenting was a PhD or LCSW or MD, and he wanted to have some letters too.

I hope that this does not backfire and hit her right in her self-esteem issues. She does have a pretty good sense of humor, though. She carries a Spongebob messenger bag and on dress-down days has been known to wear Spongebob flannel jammie pants and UGG-like slippers, because they are comfy.

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