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yesman065 10-02-2006 08:41 AM

Wow, um yeah well OK Lemme think here. OH hell I need more time - thats an awful lot to absorb this early and without coffee.

bmwmcaw 10-02-2006 08:53 AM

Brianna, I’ll make this to your point.
The idea that sex in and of itself is isolated in a person psychology is self-delusional. As much as we would like to compartmentalize our life experiences our mental and emotion present is a tapestry of our past. You are no more than what has come before.

If sexual intimacy was so irrelevant then why is its exclusivity so prized? Why get married at all if sex is insignificant. Without sexual intimacy and exclusivity your partner is merely a friend. Would we think of marriage the same if our sexual choices didn’t matter?

Do you think soldiers that come back from the battlefield don’t suffer from post-traumatic stress? No matter what you do in life it stays with you and how you deal with it defines you. Things that have the greatest impact stay with you through out your life. Imagine if you will your future mate being materially and family wise great but as a lover poor. You will fantasies about some past lover and in doing so cheapen your bond with your current mate. Essentially, betraying them.

If you believe in marriage then you believe in sexual chastity. If you believe in sexual chastity then you are admitting that promiscuity is detrimental. I not saying that millions of promiscuous men and women can't eke out a relationship and marriage but look underneath and you will find bad relationships and broken families.

At first glance my position looks anti-female but it really isn’t. My point has been that women have a greater responsibility based on there biology. Women have been and continue to be the gatekeepers. I think every women who could choose (all things being equal) between a man that is a virgin and one that’s sleep around would rather take the virgin. Its called emotional investment. Are you all in or do you save some chips for another hand.

I’ll tell you from my own experience. I can tell if a girl has sleep around. The way she looks at you. The way she talks to you. The things she talks about and her body language. Most guys on the “prowl” can spot a slut in a bar from a mile away. You will never convince me that being a slut doesn’t carry over into any relationship they have.

Sundae 10-02-2006 09:03 AM

bmwmcaw - if you're still here and posting on different topics in a couple of weeks time I might bother taking your posts seriously and refuting them.

Too sleepy this afternoon to be baited.

bmwmcaw 10-02-2006 09:06 AM

One more tip-bit. Something women never seem to get.

Women will always know who's baby there having. Men will never truly know. Modern DNA testing aside (and see how well thats recieved upon request) men for thousands of years don't want to raise another mans child.

This is why one of the reasons being a slut has for thousands of years had such negitive social impact.

yesman065 10-02-2006 09:10 AM

Well I finally got my coffee! I think there is some merit to that which bmw speaks in that women are more in control of whether or not a sexual encounter occurs, but thats about where it ends. The fact that on average a woman has "x number of partners at age whatever" is a completely ficticious number. There are too any differences in our societies and cultures to paint all women, or men for that matter, with such a broad brush. He corroborates his information with an article/poll from cosmo. To me that is a much more telling issue. Dude, what the hell are you doing reading or even believing in cosmo????????? Get a clue and simply respect that we are all individuals with our own quirks pasts and beliefs.

bmwmcaw 10-02-2006 09:17 AM


I never said the numbers are written in stone. Cosmo has the largest circulation of any female oriented magazine. For women, written by women, about women. Would it have been more credible if it came from Maxim Magazine? What do your think Sex In The City story line was all about...rationalizing promiscuity in women.

My gal-pal has it lying around her place and when in the reading room one reads.

Got to go and makes some trades...CYA all later.

morethanpretty 10-02-2006 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by bmwmcaw

I never said the numbers are written in stone. Cosmo has the largest circulation of any female oriented magazine. For women, written by women, about women. Would it have been more credible if it came from Maxim Magazine? What do your think Sex In The City story line was all about...rationalizing promiscuity in women.

My gal-pal has it lying around her place and when in the reading room one reads.

Got to go and makes some trades...CYA all later.

I think porn mags/movies were started for the use of men...I might be wrong but I doubt it. Porn shows greater promiscuity in men then it does in women...yes in recent years (off and on since about the 20s in the US) there has been an increase in obvious female promiscuity, but that is just women execising a freedom they have been historically denied. Men have always been encouraged to "sleep around" which does have a biological bases since a woman can only be pregnant once every 11-12 months (lets give 'em a bit of a break) and is only to have so many before it wears her out. Men on the other hand can father an unfathomanble amount of children in their lifetime...even continuing into the 80s and 90s...women normally give out (if they've taken it easy) around 50.
So although I don't hold with promiscuity, I do support women in the right to share equal blame with men for their promiscuity...equal opprotunity :-P.

yesman065 10-02-2006 01:01 PM

Neither Cosmo nor Sex in the City would I refer to as credible sources. I have been in the print media for 15 years and know all too well the inner workings of mags. As far as their "data" I find it rather humorous that anyone would base anything on what they say. I equate it to that of the talking heads and their misinformation on politics. Not many people of any credibility would answer the questions put forth by those "pollsters" anyway. I find it better to live treat each person as they are, not what a poll or survey tells me they are apparently like. Then again, thats just me. and I personally wouldn't fit into any category you could try to squeeze me into.

Elspode 10-02-2006 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by bmwmcaw
I can tell if a girl has sleep around. The way she looks at you. The way she talks to you. The things she talks about and her body language. Most guys on the “prowl” can spot a slut in a bar from a mile away. You will never convince me that being a slut doesn’t carry over into any relationship they have.

I assume that this applies to frequently fucked males as well, right? Or is it only women who can be sluts?

footfootfoot 10-02-2006 09:23 PM

male sluts are called satyrs.

Originally Posted by bmwmcaw
Women will always know who's baby there having. Men will never truly know. Modern DNA testing aside (and see how well thats recieved upon request) men for thousands of years don't want to raise another mans child.

The reason babies look like their fathers is so the fathers don't eat them. True.

Pie 10-02-2006 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by P-Man
Where are the women that make you wait for sex? The ones that make you earn their respect before they give up their body? Those are the ones we want to settle down with.

So, just out of curiosity, how long is long enough?

footfootfoot 10-02-2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pie
So, just out of curiosity, how long is long enough?

five and three quarter inches?

morethanpretty 10-02-2006 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
five and three quarter inches?

aroused or not aroused? my boy's is about 3 pez sticks aroused...depends if he's cold and what not otherwise...

lumberjim 10-03-2006 12:52 AM

tha'ss an odd unit uv mayzure, to be sure. ay hoop i's no' an eendication uv 'is girth, lass. brings eemages uv troween a 'hot doog douwn a 'allway, it does.

xoxoxoBruce 10-03-2006 06:55 AM

I don't think bmwmcaw is yanking anyones chain. Although I think he makes some vadid points, experience, personal and observed, tells me other points are way off base.
Keep in mind his post was not a scientific disertation, just an opinion...the world acording to bmwmcaw.

I think if he truely believes what he posted, there are others, at least in his peer group, that feel the same way. It's evidently another valid scenario to put in your data bank of possibilities to be considered, when you're pondering....... "what the hell was that guy thinking". :whofart:

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