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DanaC 02-27-2009 07:55 PM

Limey, Sundae got your cookies and they were delicious! She thanks you most heartily :)

Chocolatl 02-27-2009 08:33 PM

I'm glad they got there without crumbling! I was worried that the padded envelope wouldn't be enough -- especially when the mail guy just THREW the envelope onto a pile. I was like "Hello?! What part of FRAGILE COOKIES did you not understand?!"

I am sad to report that we were not able to get pictures of Jim's chocolate chip cookies because we have already eaten them all. Seriously, best damned chocolate chip cookies I have ever had.

lumberjim 02-27-2009 08:35 PM

that gives me pleasure

classicman 02-27-2009 10:18 PM

How'd you take the picture with the camera IN the picture. Damn you are gooood!.

lumberjim 02-27-2009 10:27 PM

she's fast!


limey 02-28-2009 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 539440)
Limey, Sundae got your cookies and they were delicious! She thanks you most heartily :)

Jollly good. I was beginning to worry that I'd poisoned her :greenface or that they'd not arrived. Is she deprived of innernets at the moment?

DanaC 02-28-2009 03:23 AM

Not deprived no. She's just taking a little break, 'cause she feels the need to. She'll be back about soon.

Beestie 02-28-2009 06:01 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Ohhhhh my - Jinx' cookies arrived today. Man, they were tasteeeeeeeeeee! House of Beestie was very pleased!

Here are some pics of the kids enjoying the cookies.

Mind you, these pictures were taken 8.13 seconds apart.

jinx 02-28-2009 06:06 PM

Awesome! I love the single crumb left on the platter....

Beestie 02-28-2009 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 539647)
I love the single crumb left on the platter....

They fought over that crumb. Sophia won with a reverse figure-four arm lock.

lumberjim 02-28-2009 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by dwellar kids
cellar cookie exchange is WIN

i like to see kids grinning like that.

.....worth it

LabRat 03-01-2009 09:54 PM

Recieved Choco's lemon heaven's on Friday, and jim and jinx's Sat. The lemon ones remind me of my favorite bakery's lemon bars. Deeeelish!! Chocolate chip and the other ones, with the swirl chips were awesome too. Thankee!!!

Good thing I didn't put my 'fat pants' too high in the closet... :yum:

Sundae 03-02-2009 06:43 AM

Limey I am so sorry.
If ever "cookies" needed to be photographed for posterity it was yours.
But I was not organised enough to sort it out before they went. Please bear in mind that I was troubled in mind and spirit when they arrived, so the joy they occasioned was extraordinary for me at the time.

Mum & I came home from our walk, all hot and sweaty and tired feet and all. And there on the stairs was a Zazzle box - the same Zazzle box which came from America with my mug in. The same Zazzle box which went to Scotland with Limey's cookies in. I love it when things are reused, so much better than recycling imo.

Dads was already excited - he loves anything through the post. Mum would have been too, but she seemed to think she had just been on some form of Death Walk, so when she heard it was cookies she groaned at the idea of walking them off. Dads on the other hand was even more excited that it was cookies and immediately put the kettle on.

Lo and behold, a recipe sheet, with the disingenuous "ingredients warning" as if it might contain bleurgh things. I ran into my parents with the news immediately, before even opening the cookies - look! Blue cheese and poppy seed!

It's true.

Bless Limey, she took my savoury tooth seriously and sent me savoury cookies. The ingredients made me blanch somewhat, due to their perceived fat content, but what the hell, they were small enough for a treat. Each cookie was a pale tan, a slight oval, with the edge rolled in poppy seeds. I'm horrid at estimating size - they were approx the length of my thumb across. And there were LOADS! I was really tight sending mine - I chose 6 of the best. Limey sent the whole batch (20+) apart from 2 snaffled from the ends because they were offcuts.

Anyway, the kettle was boiled, but sadly I had to remind my parents that it was Ash Wednesday - a day of fasting - and they couldn't have none. Hahaha, I sneaked one in while I was "putting them away for tomorrow". Lovely! Not cookies really of course. But with the taste and texture of a gourmet biscuit (in the UK meaning of the word) and really, really good. Crumbly, but not so much that they were dry. The cheese was an aftertaste and the poppy seeds (round the edge of each biscuit) gave a really lovely crunch. I had worried that they would be too rich and overpowering, but in fact they were subtle and very moreish. I'm not being a brown noser when I say I would expect to see those in an upmarket deli.

Anyway, next day, both my parents figured they were lovely on their own but even better with low fat soft cheese (Mum) or Extra Mature Canadian Cheddar (Dad). I ate a ration of two, with sliced apple. I am a good girl.

They were gone by Friday, without enough time for me to get organised enough to photograph them. Okay, enough time, not enough manners.

I feel a bit William Carlos Williams about it.

This Is Just To Say

I have eaten
the biscuits
that were in
the Roses tin

and which
I should probably
for photos.

Forgive me
they were delicious
so crumby
and such cheese.

limey 03-02-2009 08:33 AM

Absolutely no apologies necessary, SG. I got your message via Dana in this thread. I'm just glad you and you're family enjoyed them: I was afraid I'd poisoned you when I posted them to you and you fell silent :eek: ...
True, the ingredients list is a little scary but they're dead easy to make.
(Din't your grandpa get any?)

Trilby 03-02-2009 09:11 AM

Sundae is channelling William Carlos William there ;)

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