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Lamplighter 11-24-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 688779)
In my OP, I essentially said that Sec Gates is a closeted homophobe.

Now, even though I understand (and predicted) that the Obama Administration
would be required to appeal Judge Phillips' decision and subsequent directive to stop
enforcing DADT, it is apparent that Gates is having his homophobic way.

First he requires a new study by the military with yet another another report due Dec 1st 2010.
Oh by coincidence, that will to be after the midterm elections when hopes there will be more homophobes in congress.

I take back a tiny little bit of what I said last October about Sec Defense Gates.
Somewhere I heard it was Gates that ordered his Report one day earlier than Dec 1st, and that
could make a difference in allowing DADT to be voted on in the current legislative session.

NY Times Editorial
No Time to Wait for Justice
Published: November 23, 2010


It is only a day’s difference, but the Pentagon’s decision to release its report on gays in the military next Tuesday
instead of Wednesday lends a significant sense of urgency to a Congressional vote on the verge of collapse.

The incoming Republican leaders of the House have made it clear that allowing
gay men and lesbians the justice of serving openly in the military is not a priority for them,
meaning that the chances of repeal in the next Congress are very slim or none.

That vote, then, must take place in the current lame-duck session of Congress, where Democrats still predominate.
The House has already approved repeal as an amendment to the overall defense bill,
and Senate Democrats say they have lined up enough Republicans to get past the 60-vote threshold.

Getting the report on Tuesday means that the Senate Armed Services Committee
might be able to begin hearings on the issue next week.
It also sends a message from the military to Congress that justice is a matter that cannot wait.

classicman 11-24-2010 03:08 PM

Sounds like it should be more than a "tiny little bit" - seems like he did what he could to enact the change you agree with. Or am I missing something?

Lamplighter 11-24-2010 03:14 PM

Well Classic, that goes back to my previous (OP) postings in this thread.

classicman 11-24-2010 04:30 PM

I know - I know. I think it would be more of a virtual 180 instead of the tiny bit.
I also think Obama should incessantly & repeatedly voice his opinion about this issue.
Leave no stone unturned. This is the most basic slam dunk there is. Stop it ASAP.

Lamplighter 12-03-2010 08:01 PM

Yesterday the Joint Chiefs of Staff and today the Generals in Hearings,
all responded that they can and will implement repeal of DADT
when it is passed and (I think) all agreed it should be repealed.

But Army and Marine Generals want to wait "until the War is over".

Senator John McCain says "he and 42(?) other Republicans will not allow
repeal of DADT because the economy is in the tank"

We will check with Johnny after the weekend to get his "Monday-reason"
for opposing DADT will be,
and if he can remember what was his "Friday-reason"

tw 12-03-2010 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 698256)
Yesterday the Joint Chiefs of Staff and today the Generals in Hearings,
all responded that they can and will implement repeal of DADT
when it is passed and (I think) all agreed it should be repealed.

That was never the issue. The real issue is about bogging Congress down with irrelevant issues so that the lame duck Congress cannot pass other 'critical' legislation. This is a perfect issue to be obstructionist.

Lamplighter 12-09-2010 04:33 PM

NY Times
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal Falls Short in Senate
By MICHAEL D. SHEAR 3 minutes ago


A military spending bill that included a repeal of the policy banning gays from serving openly
was blocked by the failure of a procedural motion to get the needed 60 yes votes.

Added from another NY Times article:

Senate Republicans blocked the attempt to move ahead with the bill
that would have repealed the ban on gay troops serving openly in the military.
The vote was 57-40, almost entirely along party lines, and three short of the 60 needed.

Lamplighter 12-17-2010 07:34 PM

The talking heads on TV are saying that the repeal of DADT will happen tomorrow (Sat, Dec 18).

So we'll either see the Republicans vote again for filibuster,
or a few from the New England states cross over that line.

Or maybe, the Republicans will do another of their flip-flops,
and all 40 vote for repeal.
Then they will claim they are the ones who repealed DADT.

Hopefully, we'll see the repeal of DADT, no matter what the tally.

TheMercenary 12-17-2010 09:36 PM

Bravo. It is time for a change. I hope it passes, without demoncratic or republickin earmarks or riders.

Lamplighter 12-18-2010 11:13 AM

Maybe this thread will be dead in the next 30 hours.

The Senate's procedural vote (against filibuster) passed 63 to 33.
Now for 30 hours of Senate debate, unless the Republicans wish to shorten that time.

And yes, McCain is still doing his thing of warning against dire consequences to come from repeal.

Just came across this list of Republicans voting Yea:


Voting with the majority of Democrats were Republicans Scott Brown (MA),
Mark Kirk (IL) George Voinovich (OH), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Susan Collins (ME),
and Olympia Snowe (ME).

Jim Bunning (R-KY), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Orrin Hatch (R-UT),
and Joe Manchin (D-WV) were absent.

Lamplighter 12-18-2010 03:18 PM

The Senate moved the final vote on repeal of DADT to this afternoon, and it passed !

Here is a blog write-up of what happened during the day:


By a vote of 65 to 31 this afternoon, the Senate voted to repeal the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.
Republican Senators Scott Brown, Richard Burr, Susan Collins, John Ensign, Mark Kirk,
Lisa Murkowski, Olympia Snowe and George Voinovich joined Democrats
in the final vote to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Burr and Ensign did not vote with the Democrats earlier in the day
when the GOP filibuster was broken, but signed on for the final vote.

What happens next: Obama has promised to sign the bill next week, making repeal a true legal reality.
Then the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Obama must work out an implementation plan
and officially certify that the military is ready to allow its gay and lesbian
service members to come out of the closet.
Sixty days after that, DADT is "officially" repealed.
Such is the language of the bill the Senate passed today and the House passed earlier in the week.

But repeal could effectively be in place far earlier than that.
Following the cloture vote today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
called on the Pentagon to suspend all DADT discharges and investigations immediately,
something gay rights advocates say Defense Secretary Robert Gates can order whenever he wants.
Here are some post-vote remarks by Senators:

Lamplighter 12-18-2010 03:24 PM

And to Merc...

Although we've disagreed on many issues over the past few months,
I'm very pleased that you and I have been in agreement on this issue.
It was originally your words that prompted me to start this thread
I'm very pleased, indeed.

Griff 12-18-2010 03:32 PM


xoxoxoBruce 12-18-2010 04:06 PM

Does this mean those that have been booted out, sadly legally, can be reinstated, or at least re-up?

TheMercenary 12-18-2010 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 700790)
Does this mean those that have been booted out, sadly legally, can be reinstated, or at least re-up?

I am pretty sure they will all be able to rejoin if that was the only reason they were booted and it was not for sexual misconduct or something else.

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