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marichiko 11-30-2005 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by deimos420

p.s. I adore watching darkies drown on the evening news 1 5.26%
He's put the terror back in the word "terrorism!" 4 21.05%
It's about time someone got rid of that stupid bill of rights! 6 31.58%
I love my country, but I love my SUV more

damn, how selfish and evil can you get with a poll like this. i love my suv more? all of you cocksuckers need to be brutally murdered along with bush. see all of you in hell, you fucking racist, cracker ass bitches!!!!

Gee, and I thought my sarcasm on this one was a little heavy handed. Good thing he hasn't read anything where I used irony or made use of my dry sense of humor.

By the way, deimos, my pals around here just call me an "ass" without the other perjoratives. It saves on typing time. :rolleyes:

Happy Monkey 11-30-2005 11:59 AM

Deimos has probably spent too much time on sites where people say stuff like that seriously. On the web it's hard to say anything to outrageously sarcastic that there isn't someone saying it seriously somewhere else.

Sundae 11-30-2005 12:18 PM

I like the way he fixates on everyone's weight.

Nothing like an original insult to grab people's attention. Oh, sorry - I meant that was nothing like..... etc etc

Sundae 11-30-2005 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
I'm touched. :blush: After he edited his rant, he PMed me.

Doesn't matter who you are, you're always someone's bitch I guess :)

Elspode 11-30-2005 01:36 PM

This year, I am proud to say that I am donating a portion of all proceeds from my Xmas panhandling to my local chapter of the Society to Help Humor Impaired Twits (SHHIT). Funds so gathered will go toward the purchase of classic issues of National Lampoon, Mad Magazine and a collection of George Carlin videos to be distributed to people like Deimos. In this way, even the most socially stagnated and politically correct among us can learn the valuable tension-relieving tools of sarcasm, gross exaggeration and comedic hyperbole, thus becoming useful, contributing members of semi-intellectual venues such as The Cellar.

Won't you please help with a donation?

Trilby 11-30-2005 03:52 PM

Well, to be fair, I guess he DID totally figure out that I use big words to make myself feel loved and important. Obviously he's a keen, sensitive, Mensa member who is kindly trying (mostly in vain) to illuminate our dark, primitive psyches. And I simply MUST start with the daily aerobics. I mean it. He can tell I'm fat from waaaaay over there. How embarrassing for me!

Griff 11-30-2005 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
Funds so gathered will go toward the purchase of classic issues of National Lampoon, Mad Magazine...

[primitive]What's the deal with Mad Magazine sucking ass now? I loved that mag once upon a time.[highjacking]

wolf 11-30-2005 07:23 PM

Dude clearly didn't read the board before posting.

If he had he would have easily identified me as the fat racist cracker ass bitch, Brianna as the strong and courageous heroine who is making a better life for herself, and Marichiko as the liberal weenie.

deimos420 12-01-2005 06:15 AM

america sucks. you all are boring and lame. GO IRAQ!!!

p.s. you guys really are the lamest of lame

deimos420 12-01-2005 06:18 AM

i won't ever come back cuz you guys just don't know how to throw in good come backs, or give me a challenge. YAWN! oh, and i don't have a son, either. so whoever believed me, HA! now if you boring people will excuse me, i'm going to play half-life 2. i just can't believe i grabbed the attention and anger of a bunch of middle-aged losers like i did, and i'm only 15! hahaha!

Beestie 12-01-2005 07:52 AM

Googling around, I found a pic of deimos420. Just wanted to put a face to the name. You're up early for a pothead - it must suck having your dad wake you up on his way out the door.

And people wonder why Wal Mart hires so many illegal aliens.

glatt 12-01-2005 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by deimos420
and i'm only 15! hahaha!

I, for one, am shocked. Shocked!

Sundae 12-01-2005 09:39 AM

I'm back to being impressed with his punctuation - and people think teenagers these days are all text-maniacs?

marichiko 12-01-2005 10:49 AM

I, for one, am extremely unimpressed. At 15, I was already writing for my school's satirical paper, THE FULCRUM (the official school paper was called THE LEVER). Hey, anyone remember Tomas R.? He was 15, also, I think, and actually brighter than this kid. Tomas! Come back!

Hey, deimos, sorry the witty comebacks around here aren't up to YOUR standards. Er, "you are all boring and lame"? :rolleyes:

Elspode 12-01-2005 12:14 PM

I think perhaps something more direct and less filled with difficult references such as Mad Magazine. Perhaps something like, "Deimos totally sucks ass. Like, dude is a lamer, y'know? Totally."

Deimos, repeat after me..."Paper or Plastic? Would you like to supersize that for only 59 cents more? Which shovel should I use in the ditch? Where'dya want me to dump this manure load again?"

Now you can't say you didn't get any preparation for your eventual career choices while you were here at The Cellar.

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