The Cellar

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infinite monkey 10-19-2012 08:07 AM

I've heard this song a lot on the radio lately, but I never really caught the lyrics, or what he was talking about. I just kept hearing 'mudslide' and I knew the title was 50 Ways To Say Goodbye.

But the lyrics are heelarious!

50 Ways To Say Goodbye
by Train

My heart is paralyzed
My head was oversized
I'll take the high road like I should
You said it's meant to be
That it's not you, it's me
You're leaving now for my own good

That's cool, but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say

She went down in an airplane
Fried getting suntan
Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand
Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!
She met a shark under water
Fell and no one caught her
I returned everything I ever bought her
Help me, help me, I'm all out of lies
And ways to say you died

My pride still feels the sting
You were my everything
Some day I'll find a love like yours (a love like yours)
She'll think I'm Superman
Not super minivan
How could you leave on Yom Kippur?

That's cool, but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say
She was caught in a mudslide
Eaten by a lion
Got run over by a crappy purple Scion
Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!
She dried up in the desert
Drown in a hot tub
Danced to death at an east side night club
Help me, help me, I'm all out of lies
And ways to say you died

I wanna live a thousand lives with you
I wanna be the one you're dying to
Love... but you don't want to

That's cool, but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say
That's cool, but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say

She went down in an airplane
Fried getting suntan
Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand
Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!
She met a shark under water
Fell and no one caught her
I returned everything I ever bought her
Help me, help me, I'm all out of lies

She was caught in a mudslide
Eaten by a lion
Got run over by a crappy purple Scion
Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!
She dried up in the desert
Drown in a hot tub
Danced to death at an east side night club
Help me, help me, I'm all out of lies
And ways to say you died

Gravdigr 10-19-2012 03:40 PM

"When I die put my bones in the Dixie dirt
Look down on me smilin, I don't want no feelins hurt
All I'll leave behind me is a ragged old guitar
I may not change the world, but I'm gonna leave a scar"

~ Blackberry Smoke "Leave A Scar"

Crimson Ghost 11-14-2012 03:18 AM

Fear Is Our Tradition - Ignite

The deformation of this land

That I hold dear
The fornication of our rights
Fit the mold or at odds be damned

Fear is our tradition
Rise from the sheep we are
Face your destination
Or be predetermined
We'll find our own way out

Trust the plain and simple minds
So moronic
Feel the knife inside our backs
Still thrusting
Sheltered eyes
See blind

Fear is our tradition
Rise from the sheep we are
Face your destination
Or be predetermined
We'll find our own way out

Seek the truth
Or pay the price
Turn off the box
Think for yourself
Hang from your mind
Within your cell
Remember what it's like to care
Bring about change

Fear is our tradition
Fear is our tradition
Rise from the sheep we are
Face your destination
Or be predetermined
We'll find our own way out

Lamplighter 11-23-2012 11:20 AM

I had not even heard of Yip Harburg
... but have seen the movie "Over the Rainbow" (several times !)

Have you wondered about the political background of the characters or lyrics ?
Yarburg was a 1940's black-listed socialist whose lyrics are in everyday language .

" Come out, Come out wherever you are ?" (gay rights)
" Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead." (capitalism)
" We gotta be free " (slavery)
" Happiness is a thing called Joe" (miscegenation)
" ...we're not in Kansas anymore." (too many to list)

The video is almost 1 hr long, but jumping to the 20-min mark gives the flavor
... then go back and watch it all for the history of a remarkably talented man.

Democracy Now
Amy Goodman

A Tribute to Blacklisted Lyricist Yip Harburg:
The Man Who Put the Rainbow in The Wizard of Oz


xoxoxoBruce 11-29-2012 12:42 PM

Thanks, Lamp, that was a most excellent link. :thumb:
I also read the transcript further down the page, for some of the stuff I couldn't catch on the clip.

BigV 11-29-2012 05:02 PM


Everything turns grey -- Agent Orange

Things don't seem to be as easy
As they used to be
It's getting harder every day
To think of better things to say
About what's going on around you
And what's happening inside you
When it's time to change you won't know how
It won't matter years from now

No matter what you think or do or say
Everything turns grey

This is it, the darkest hour
Isn't it depressing how our
Minds create an atmosphere
That won't happen here
Unless we make some new demands
To grasp the future in our hands
You know I wish I could but it's too late
For senseless minds that love to hate

No matter what they think or do or say
Everything turns grey

No matter what they think or do or say
Everything turns grey

infinite monkey 12-04-2012 10:22 AM

I Need You To Turn To
--Elton John and Bernie Taupin

You’re not a ship to carry my life
You are nailed to my love in many lonely nights.
I’ve strayed from the cottages and found myself here
For I need your love, your love protests my fears.

And I wonder sometimes and I know I’m unkind
But I need you to turn to when I act so blind
And I need you to turn to when I lose control
You’re my guardian angel who keeps out the cold.

Did you paint your smile on? well, I said I knew
That my reason for living was for loving you.
We’re related in feeling but you’re high above
You’re pure and you’re gentle with the grace of a dove.

infinite monkey 12-05-2012 02:26 PM

Starry Starry Night
--Don McLean

Starry starry night
Paint your palette blue and grey
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colours on the snowy linen land

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now.

Starry starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue
Colours changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now

For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left inside
On that starry starry night
You took your life as lovers often do

But I could have told you,
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you

Starry starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget
Like the strangers that you've met

The ragged men in ragged clothes
A silver thorn
A bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow
Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen
They're not listening still

Perhaps they never will

footfootfoot 12-05-2012 04:43 PM

Always good for a tear.

infinite monkey 12-06-2012 12:34 PM

I know. I'm listening to it right now.

If there is any kind of afterlife, I hope Vincent can hear this song, and knows how loved he is. If there is a heaven, in it I will be married to Vincent. ;)

Did I tell you my ex's roommate painted me a Starry Night? It's amazing! He just knows I've always loved Van Gogh, and he had taken up painting, and one day handed it to the ex and said "give this to your ex-wife." I treasure it.

Sundae 12-06-2012 01:20 PM

I heard that song in a tent in the early hours of the morning.
I had no idea it was about that Vincent at the time. I was a bit double-rainbowed.

That festival was the one where I had a shocking case of laryngitis and was told off by the doctor when I got home for leaving it so long to go and see him. What? I left with a sore throat - we'd planned it for a year! I croaked along to Vincent though.

As opposed to the festival where I got my first coldsore and my friends tried to convince me (a virgin) it was an STD.

Or the one when I genuinely thought I had an STD but it was a marshmallow jammed up my hoo-ha (inserted by bf, not a stranger!).

Or the one where they steri-stripped the ridiculously deep cut in my hand and my doctor (different one) was really cross that I hadn't had it stitched.

Don't take me to a festival, people.
I'm not safe.

BigV 12-06-2012 06:33 PM

I heard the singer/writer interviewed on the radio today, and he's quite articulate. This song, which I'd not heard before, was talked about, though they only played a brief excerpt. When I came back into the house, I looked it up. It's a beautiful song, and it has a beautiful video to go along with its beautiful message. Enjoy.


"Same Love" by MACKLEMORE

(with Ryan Lewis)
(feat. Mary Lambert)

When I was in the third grade I thought that I was gay
‘Cause I could draw, and my uncle was, and I kept my room straight
I told my mom tears rushing down my face
She’s like “Ben you've loved girls since before pre-k shrimp”
Trippin’, yeah, I guess she had a point, didn’t she?
Bunch of stereotypes all in my head.
I remember doing the math like, “yea I’m good at little league”
A preconceived idea of what it all meant
For those that liked the same sex
Had the characteristics
The right wing conservatives think it’s a decision
And you can be cured with some treatment and religion
Man made rewiring of a predisposition
Playing god, aw nah here we go
America the brave still fears what we don’t know
And god loves all his children, is somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five-hundred years ago
I don’t know

And I can’t change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
I can't change
Even if I try
Even if I wanted to
My love
My love
My love
She keeps me warm
She keeps me warm
She keeps me warm
She keeps me warm

If I was gay, I would think hip-hop hates me
Have you read the YouTube comments lately
"Man, that’s gay" gets dropped on the daily
We become so numb to what we’re saying
A culture founded from oppression
Yet we don’t have acceptance for ‘em
Call each other faggots behind the keys of a message board
A word rooted in hate, yet our genre still ignores it
Gay is synonymous with the lesser
It’s the same hate that’s caused wars from religion
Gender to skin color, the complexion of your pigment
The same fight that led people to walk outs and sit ins
It’s human rights for everybody, there is no difference!
Live on and be yourself
When I was at church they taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service those words aren’t anointed
That holy water that you soak in is then poisoned
When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same, but that’s not important
No freedom till we’re equal, damn right I support it

And I can’t change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love
My love
My love
She keeps me warm
She keeps me warm
She keeps me warm
She keeps me warm

We press play, don’t press pause
Progress, march on
With the veil over our eyes
We turn our back on the cause
Till the day that my uncles can be united by law
When kids are walking ‘round the hallway plagued by pain in their heart
A world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are
And a certificate on paper isn’t gonna solve it all
But it’s a damn good place to start
No law is gonna change us
We have to change us
Whatever god we believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear
Underneath it’s all the same love
About time that we raised up

And I can’t change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
I can't change
Even if I try
Even if I wanted to
My love
My love
My love
She keeps me warm
She keeps me warm
She keeps me warm
She keeps me warm
Love is patient
Love is kind
Love is patient
Love is kind
(I‘m not crying on Sundays)
Love is patient
(I‘m not crying on Sundays)
Love is kind
(I‘m not crying on Sundays)
Love is patient
(I‘m not crying on Sundays)
Love is kind
(I‘m not crying on Sundays)
Love is patient
(I‘m not crying on Sundays)
Love is kind
(I‘m not crying on Sundays)
Love is patient
Love is kind

footfootfoot 12-11-2012 12:18 PM

In German
Lied Vom Kindsein – Peter Handke

Als das Kind Kind war,
ging es mit hängenden Armen,
wollte der Bach sei ein Fluß,
der Fluß sei ein Strom,
und diese Pfütze das Meer.

Als das Kind Kind war,
wußte es nicht, daß es Kind war,
alles war ihm beseelt,
und alle Seelen waren eins.

Als das Kind Kind war,
hatte es von nichts eine Meinung,
hatte keine Gewohnheit,
saß oft im Schneidersitz,
lief aus dem Stand,
hatte einen Wirbel im Haar
und machte kein Gesicht beim fotografieren.

Als das Kind Kind war,
war es die Zeit der folgenden Fragen:
Warum bin ich ich und warum nicht du?
Warum bin ich hier und warum nicht dort?
Wann begann die Zeit und wo endet der Raum?
Ist das Leben unter der Sonne nicht bloß ein Traum?
Ist was ich sehe und höre und rieche
nicht bloß der Schein einer Welt vor der Welt?
Gibt es tatsächlich das Böse und Leute,
die wirklich die Bösen sind?
Wie kann es sein, daß ich, der ich bin,
bevor ich wurde, nicht war,
und daß einmal ich, der ich bin,
nicht mehr der ich bin, sein werde?

Als das Kind Kind war,
würgte es am Spinat, an den Erbsen, am Milchreis,
und am gedünsteten Blumenkohl.
und ißt jetzt das alles und nicht nur zur Not.

Als das Kind Kind war,
erwachte es einmal in einem fremden Bett
und jetzt immer wieder,
erschienen ihm viele Menschen schön
und jetzt nur noch im Glücksfall,
stellte es sich klar ein Paradies vor
und kann es jetzt höchstens ahnen,
konnte es sich Nichts nicht denken
und schaudert heute davor.

Als das Kind Kind war,
spielte es mit Begeisterung
und jetzt, so ganz bei der Sache wie damals, nur noch,
wenn diese Sache seine Arbeit ist.

Als das Kind Kind war,
genügten ihm als Nahrung Apfel, Brot,
und so ist es immer noch.

Als das Kind Kind war,
fielen ihm die Beeren wie nur Beeren in die Hand
und jetzt immer noch,
machten ihm die frischen Walnüsse eine rauhe Zunge
und jetzt immer noch,
hatte es auf jedem Berg
die Sehnsucht nach dem immer höheren Berg,
und in jeder Stadt
die Sehnsucht nach der noch größeren Stadt,
und das ist immer noch so,
griff im Wipfel eines Baums nach dem Kirschen in einemHochgefühl
wie auch heute noch,
eine Scheu vor jedem Fremden
und hat sie immer noch,
wartete es auf den ersten Schnee,
und wartet so immer noch.

Als das Kind Kind war,
warf es einen Stock als Lanze gegen den Baum,
und sie zittert da heute noch.

[edit]In English
Song of Childhood – Peter Handke

When the child was a child
It walked with its arms swinging,
wanted the brook to be a river,
the river to be a torrent,
and this puddle to be the sea.

When the child was a child,
it didn’t know that it was a child,
everything was soulful,
and all souls were one.

When the child was a child,
it had no opinion about anything,
had no habits,
it often sat cross-legged,
took off running,
had a cowlick in its hair,
and made no faces when photographed.

When the child was a child,
It was the time for these questions:
Why am I me, and why not you?
Why am I here, and why not there?
When did time begin, and where does space end?
Is life under the sun not just a dream?
Is what I see and hear and smell
not just an illusion of a world before the world?
Given the facts of evil and people.
does evil really exist?
How can it be that I, who I am,
didn’t exist before I came to be,
and that, someday, I, who I am,
will no longer be who I am?

When the child was a child,
It choked on spinach, on peas, on rice pudding,
and on steamed cauliflower,
and eats all of those now, and not just because it has to.

When the child was a child,
it awoke once in a strange bed,
and now does so again and again.
Many people, then, seemed beautiful,
and now only a few do, by sheer luck.

It had visualized a clear image of Paradise,
and now can at most guess,
could not conceive of nothingness,
and shudders today at the thought.

When the child was a child,
It played with enthusiasm,
and, now, has just as much excitement as then,
but only when it concerns its work.

When the child was a child,
It was enough for it to eat an apple, … bread,
And so it is even now.

When the child was a child,
Berries filled its hand as only berries do,
and do even now,
Fresh walnuts made its tongue raw,
and do even now,
it had, on every mountaintop,
the longing for a higher mountain yet,
and in every city,
the longing for an even greater city,
and that is still so,
It reached for cherries in topmost branches of trees
with an elation it still has today,
has a shyness in front of strangers,
and has that even now.
It awaited the first snow,
And waits that way even now.

When the child was a child,
It threw a stick like a lance against a tree,
And it quivers there still today.

infinite monkey 12-11-2012 02:13 PM

Both Sides Now
--Joni Mitchell

Bows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere
I've looked at clouds that way

But now they only block the sun
They rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all

Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels
The dizzy dancing way you feel
As every fairy tale comes real
I've looked at love that way

But now it's just another show
You leave 'em laughing when you go
And if you care, don't let them know
Don't give yourself away

I've looked at love from both sides now
From give and take, and still somehow
It's love's illusions I recall
I really don't know love at all

Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say "I love you" right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I've looked at life that way

Oh but now old friends are acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I've changed
Well something's lost but something's gained
In living every day

I've looked at life from both sides now
From WIN and LOSE and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all

I've looked at life from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all

footfootfoot 12-11-2012 03:40 PM

I love to sing-a
About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a,
I love to sing-a,
About a sky of blue-a, or a tea for two-a,
Anything-a with a swing-a to an "I love you-a,"
I love to, I love to sing!
Give me a song-a
About a son-a gun that went and done her wrong-a.
But keep it clean-a,
With a cottage small-a by a waterfall-a,
Any sob-a that will throb-a to a bluebird's call-a,
I love, I love to sing!
I was born a singin' fool-a,
Ol' Major Bowes is gonna spot me,
Got through Yale with boula-boula,
Old microphone's got me!
I love to sing-a,
I love to wake up with the south-a in my mouth-a,
And wave a flag-a,
With a cheer for Uncle Sammy and another for my mammy,
I love to sing!
The swingin'est,
Hot singin'est,
Song singin'est
High tootin'est,
Sky tootin'est,
I love to sing!

infinite monkey 01-07-2013 09:47 AM

I need your arms around me, I need to feel your touch
I need your understanding, I need your love so much
You tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you care
But when I need you baby, you're never there

On the phone long, long distance
Always through such strong resistance
First you say you're too busy
I wonder if you even miss me

Never there
You're never there
You're never, ever, ever, ever there

A golden bird that flies away, a candles fickle flame
To think I held you yesterday, your love was just a game
A golden bird that flies away, a candles fickle flame
To think I held you yesterday, your love was just a game

You tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you care
But when I need you baby
Take the time to get to know me
If you want me why can't you just show me
We're always on this roller coaster
If you want me why can't you get closer?

Never there
You're never there
You're never ever ever ever there


footfootfoot 01-07-2013 04:29 PM

She Came Along to Me
Words by Woody Guthrie, Music by Billy Bragg / Jeff Tweedy / Jay Bennett

Ten hundred books could I write you about her
Because I felt if I could know her
I would know all women
And they've not been any too well known
For brains and planning and organized thinking
But I'm sure the women are equal
And they may be ahead of the men

Yet I wouldn't spread such a rumor around
Because one organizes the other
And some times the most lost and wasted
Attract the most balanced and sane
And the wild and the reckless take up
With the clocked and the timed
And the mixture is all of us
And we're still mixing

But never, never, never
Never could have it been done
If the women hadn't entered into the deal
Like she came along to me

And all creeds and kinds and colors
Of us are blending
Till I suppose ten million years from now
We'll all be just alike
Same color, same size, working together
And maybe we'll have all the fascists
Out of the way by then
Maybe so.

infinite monkey 01-09-2013 08:43 AM

Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you're not alone
Cause I'm going to make this place your home

Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you're not alone
Cause I'm going to make this place your home

--Phillip Phillips

Gravdigr 01-10-2013 04:28 PM

♪ ♫...the summers and winters
scattered like splinters
and 4 or 5 years slipped away...♪ ♫

from "He Went To Paris" by Jimmy Buffett

That phrase enters my thoughts at the oddest moments.

infinite monkey 01-10-2013 04:47 PM

Besides Peanut Butter Conspiracy, this is my favorite Buffett song:

Half fast and seldom seen
He don't blip the radar screen
On the deck below the dune
Under the commander's moon
Strange bird from a different nest
Flying low not like all of the rest
God only knows where the strange bird goes when he's flying

Everybody's trying to find him
But they don't know where to start
The ornithologist lady says that he has wings on his heart

Strange bird from a different nest
Flying low not like all of the rest
If you can't catch him you can't name him
If you can't see him you can't claim him
Stay on the ground or he will shoot you down
Wings on his heart, he's a strange bird

Frequent flyer, seldom seen
High above the Caribbean
In my day I've met a few but he's the strangest bird that's true

Strange bird from a different nest
Flying low not like all of the rest
If you can't catch him you can't name him
If you can't see him you can't claim him
Stay on the ground or he will shoot you down
Wings on his heart, he's a strange bird

But he's in love with the lady of the waters
And she lives somewhere up around Cheauxvan
He's gonna circle high above her runway of love
Until she gives him her permission to land

Strange bird from a different nest
Flying low not like all of the rest
If you can't catch him you can't name him
If you can't see him you can't claim him
Stay on the ground or he will shoot you down
Wings on his heart, he's a strange bird
Watch out girl, he's a strange bird

Strange bird flying low
'Cross the Gulf of Mexico
Strange bird not like all the rest
Watch out girl he's a strange bird
Shoot you down, he's a strange bird
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a strange bird

--Strange Bird, Jimmy Buffett

infinite monkey 01-10-2013 04:49 PM

Peanut Butter Conspiracy

Lookin' back at my hard luck days
I really do have to laugh
Workin' in a dive for twenty-six dollars
Spendin' it all on draft
We were hungry hard luck heroes
Tryin' just to stay alive
So we'd go down to the corner grocery
This is how we'd survive.

Who's gonna steal the peanut butter
I'll get a can of sardines
Runnin' up and down the aisles of the Mini-Mart
Stickin' food in our jeans
We never took more than we could eat
There was plenty left on the racks
We all swore if we ever got rich
We would pay the Mini-Mart back
Yes Sir, yes Sir
We would pay the Mini-Mart back.

It was a two man operation
Had it all down on a note
Ricky would watch the big round mirror
And I'd fill up my coat
Then we'd head for the check-out aisle
With a lemon and a bottle of beer
Into the car got to make it on home
'Cause supper time is gettin' near.


I guess every good picker has had some hard times
I have had my share
It's really kinda funny to laugh at it now
But I don't wanna go back there
So every now and then when I'm in a grocery
I'll take a little but not much
'Cause you never know when the hard times will hit ya
And I don't want to lose my touch.

footfootfoot 01-13-2013 09:52 PM

Freda Payne

Now that you're gone
All that's left is a band of gold
All that's left of the dreams I hold
Is a band of gold
And the memories of what love could be
If you were still here with me

You took me from the shelter of a mother
I had never known
Or loved any other
We kissed after taking vows
But that night on our honeymoon
We stayed in separate rooms

I wait in the darkness of my lonely room
Filled with sadness, filled with gloom
Hoping soon that you'll walk
Back through that door
And love me like you tried before

Since you've been gone
All that's left is a band of gold
All that's left of the dreams I hold
Is a band of gold
And the dream of what love could be
If you were still here with me

Ooh, don't you know that I wait
in the darkness of my lonely room
Filled with sadness, filled with gloom
Hoping soon that you'll walk
Back through that door
And love me like you tried before

Since you've been gone
All that's left is a band of gold
All that's left of the dreams I hold
Is a band of gold
And the dream of what love could be
If you were still here with me

Since you've been gone
All that's left is a band of gold...

footfootfoot 01-13-2013 11:02 PM

Jean Redpath

Come all ye fair and tender girls
That flourish in your prime, prime
Beware, beware keep your garden fair
Let no man steal your thyme, thyme
Let no man steal your thyme.
For when your time it is past and gone
He’ll care no more for you, you
And every place where your time was waste
Shall spread all o’er with rue, rue
Shall spread all o’er with rue
A woman is a branchy tree
and a man a singing wind, wind
And from her branches carelessly
He takes what he can find, find
He takes what he can find.

footfootfoot 02-06-2013 09:14 AM

Galway Bay

Maybe someday, i'll go back again to Ireland
If my dear old wife would only pass away
She nearly has my heart broke with her naggin
she's got a mouth as big as galway bay

See her drinkin 16 pints of Pabst Blue Ribbon
And then she can walk home without a sway
If the sea were beer instead of salty water
She would live and die in galway bay

See her drinkin 16 pints at Padgo Murphy's
When the barman says "I think its time to go"
She doesn't try to speak to him in gaelic
But a language that the clergy do not know

On her back she has tattooed a map of Ireland
And when she takes her

xoxoxoBruce 02-06-2013 12:14 PM

............................. bath on Saturday
She rubs the sunlight soap around by Claddaugh
Just to watch the suds roll down by Galway Bay

footfootfoot 02-06-2013 12:53 PM

Thanks. I hate my wireless mouse.

infinite monkey 02-11-2013 09:47 AM

foot: trackball

Loved this on the Grammy's with Sir Elton:

The A Team
--Ed Sheeran

White lips, pale face
Breathing in snowflakes
Burnt lungs, sour taste
Light's gone, day's end
Struggling to pay rent
Long nights, strange men

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since 18
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
Cos we're just under the upperhand
And go mad for a couple of grams
And she don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
Angels to fly

Ripped gloves, raincoat
Tried to swim and stay afloat
Dry house, wet clothes
Loose change, bank notes
Weary-eyed, dry throat
Call girl, no phone

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since 18
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries

And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
Cos we're just under the upperhand
And go mad for a couple of grams
And she don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
Angels to fly
An angel will die
Covered in white
Closed eye
And hoping for a better life
This time, we'll fade out tonight
Straight down the line

infinite monkey 03-13-2013 08:43 AM

Out of My Head

Sometimes I feel
Like I am drunk behind the wheel
The wheel of possibility
However it may roll
Give it a spin
See if you can somehow factor in
You know there's always more than one way
To say exactly what you mean to say

Was I out of my head? Was I out of my mind?
How could I have ever been so blind?
I was waiting for an indication
It was hard to find
Don't matter what I say only what I do
I never mean to do bad things to you
So quiet but I finally woke up
If you're sad then its time you spoke up too

BigV 03-13-2013 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 847765)
Freda Payne

Now that you're gone
All that's left is a band of gold
All that's left of the dreams I hold
Is a band of gold
And the memories of what love could be
If you were still here with me

You took me from the shelter of a mother
I had never known
Or loved any other
We kissed after taking vows
But that night on our honeymoon
We stayed in separate rooms

I wait in the darkness of my lonely room
Filled with sadness, filled with gloom
Hoping soon that you'll walk
Back through that door
And love me like you tried before

Since you've been gone
All that's left is a band of gold
All that's left of the dreams I hold
Is a band of gold
And the dream of what love could be
If you were still here with me

Ooh, don't you know that I wait
in the darkness of my lonely room
Filled with sadness, filled with gloom
Hoping soon that you'll walk
Back through that door
And love me like you tried before

Since you've been gone
All that's left is a band of gold
All that's left of the dreams I hold
Is a band of gold
And the dream of what love could be
If you were still here with me

Since you've been gone
All that's left is a band of gold...


but not lasting sadness.

busterb 03-20-2013 08:53 PM

30 years ago, this was one of my theme songs. Jerry Lee Lewis. 39 and holding

He's out there somewhere every night
Where the music's playing loud
Doing all the 50's steps, in a 1980 crowd

The dim lights hide his millage lines
The Clairol hides the gray
And he won't mention anything
That gives his age away

Lord, he's thirty-nine and holding
Holding everything he can
From seventeen to twenty-five
He'll prove he's still a man

He's holding to a candle
And it's burning at both ends
He's thirty-nine and holding
Holding everything he can

You can bet he'll never see
Thirty-nine again
He should have turned loose long ago
But still he's hangin' it in

He still thinks that he is the man
That he used to be
He's thirty-nine and holding
And acting twenty-three

Lord, He's thirty-nine and holding
Holding everything he can
From seventeen to twenty-five
To prove he's still a man

He's holding to a candle
My God, it's burning at both ends
He's thirty-nine and holding
Holding everything he can

infinite monkey 04-02-2013 03:16 PM

Carry On

Well I woke up to the sound of silence
The cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight
And I found you with a bottle of wine
Your head in the curtains
And heart like the fourth of July

You swore and said
We are not
We are not shining stars
This I know
I never said we are

Though I've never been through hell like that
I've closed enough windows
To know you can never look back

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

Carry on, carry on

So I met up with some friends
At the edge of the night
At a bar off 75
And we talked and talked
About how our parents will die
All our neighbours and wives

But I like to think
I can cheat it all
To make up for the times I've been cheated on
And it's nice to know
When I was left for dead
I was found and now I don't roam these streets
I am not the ghost you want of me

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

My head is on fire
But my legs are fine
Cause after all they are mine
Lay your clothes down on the floor
Close the door
Hold the phone
Show me how
No one's ever gonna stop us now

Cause we are
We are shining stars
We are invincible
We are who we are
On our darkest day
When we're miles away
So we'll come
We will find our way home

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

Carry on, carry on

chrismorries 04-19-2013 02:08 AM

Wow.. that's pretty damned good. :)

Ocean's Edge 04-28-2013 10:50 AM

Give A Little Bit
Roger Hodgson

Give a little bit
Give a little bit of your love to me
Give a little bit
I'll give a little bit of my love to you

There's so much that we need to share
So send a smile and show you care

I'll give a little bit
I'll give a little bit of my life for you
So give a little bit
Give a little bit of your time to me

See the man with the lonely eyes
Take his hand, you'll be surprised

Give a little bit
Give a little bit of your love to me
I'll give a little bit of my life for you

Nows the time that we need to share
So find yourself, we're on our way back home

Going home, don't you need to feel at home?
Oh yeah, we gotta sing

infinite monkey 04-30-2013 01:31 PM

I Like Beer

In some of my songs I have casually mentioned
The fact that I like to drink beer
This little song is more to the point
Roll out the barrel and lend me your ears

I like beer. it makes me a jolly good fellow
I like beer. it helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me feel mellow (makes him feel mellow)
Whiskey’s too rough, champagne costs too much, vodka puts my mouth in gear
This little refrain should help me explain as a matter of fact I like beer
(he likes beer)

My wife often frowns when we’re out on the town
And I’m wearing a suit and a tie
She’s sipping vermouth and she thinks I’m uncouth
When I yell as the waiter goes by


Last night I dreamed that I passed from the scene
And I went to a place so sublime
Aw, the water was clear and tasted like beer
Then they turned it all into wine (awww)

I like beer. it makes me a jolly good fellow
I like beer. it helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me feel mellow (makes him feel mellow)
Whiskey’s too rough, champagne costs too much, and vodka puts my mouth in gear
Aw, this little refrain should help me explain as a matter of fact I love beer
(yes, he likes beer)

--Tom T Hall

infinite monkey 06-06-2013 10:06 AM

i need your arms around me, i need to feel your touch
i need your understanding, i need your love so much
you tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you care
but when i need you baby, you're never there

on the phone long, long distance
always through such strong resistance
first you say you're too busy
i wonder if you even miss me

never there
you're never there
you're never, ever, ever, ever there

a golden bird that flies away, a candle's fickle flame
to think i held you yesterday, your love was just a game
a golden bird that flies away, a candle's fickle flame
to think i held you yesterday, your love was just a game

you tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you care
but when i need you baby
take the time to get to know me
if you want me why can't you just show me
we're always on this roller coaster
if you want me why can't you get closer?

never there
you're never there
you're never ever ever ever there


infinite monkey 08-05-2013 01:04 PM

(Becker / Fagen)
Steely Dan

A world become one
Of salads and sun
Only a fool would say that
A boy with a plan
A natural man
Wearing a white stetson hat
Unhand that gun begone
There's no one to fire upon
If he's holding it high
He's telling a lie

I heard it was you
Talkin' 'bout a world
Where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that

The man in the street
Draggin' his feet
Don't wanna hear the bad news
Imagine your face
There in his place
Standing inside his brown shoes
You do his nine to five
Drag yourself home half alive
And there on the screen
A man with a dream

I heard it was you
Talkin' 'bout a world
Where all is free
It just couldn't be
And only a fool would say that

Anybody on the street
Has murder in his eyes
You feel no pain
And you're younger
Than you realize

Only a fool would say that

Griff 08-05-2013 01:11 PM

Try out your voice.
Big D and the Kids Table

I was talking to a young man at a party in these war days
And he asked me my thoughts
I talked about peace, fighting for the people,
he scowled then walked away
Told me my views are fucked

We screamed, we cried, the message has amplified
But they won't hear the people's voice
We scream, we cry, the message has amplified
But they won't hear the people's voice
Come on suits it's time to show us something
You know it's time for better days
Come on suits it's time to show us something
Just get your hearts out front, and prove your something

Remember being proud, remember feeling loved,
remember when leaders gave sacrifice
I believe all men don't have a price
Truth in the state of the union address
Truth in this political process
I should not have to sing for this

We screamed, we cried, the message has amplified
But they won't hear the people's voice
We scream, we cry, the message has amplified
But they won't hear the people's voice
Come on suits it's time to show us something
You know it's time for better days
Come on suits it's time to show us something
Just get your hearts out front, and prove your something
Try out your voice, now use it, now use it, we are the people
Try out your voice, now use it, now use it, we are the people
Try out your voice, now use it, now use it, we are the people
Try out your voice, try out your voice, just try out your voice
Now use it, now use it, we are the people

limegreenc 08-05-2013 11:13 PM

Up All Night To Get Lucky
"Get Lucky"
(feat. Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers)

Like the legend of the phoenix
All ends with beginnings
What keeps the planet spinning (uh)
The force of love beginning


We've come too far to give up who we are
So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars

She's up all night 'til the sun
I'm up all night to get some
She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky

We're up all night 'til the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky

We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky

The present has no ribbon
Your gift keeps on giving,
What is this I'm feeling?
If you wanna leave I'm ready (ah)

We've come too far to give up who we are
So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars

She's up all night 'til the sun
I'm up all night to get some
She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky

We're up all night 'til the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky

We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky

(We're up all night to get
We're up all night to get
We're up all night to get
We're up all night to get)

(We're up all night to get (together)
We're up all night to get (let's get funked again)
We're up all night to get funky
We're up all night to get lucky)

(We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky)

(We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky)

We've (we're up all night to get lucky)
Come too far (we're up all night to get lucky)
To give up (we're up all night to get lucky)
Who we are (we're up all night to get lucky)
So let's (we're up all night to get lucky)
Raise the bar (we're up all night to get lucky)
And our cups (we're up all night to get lucky)
To the stars (we're up all night to get lucky)

She's up all night 'til the sun
I'm up all night to get some
She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky

We're up all night 'til the sun
We're up all night to get some
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky

We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky

We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky

I've been singing this as 'Mexican Stars'

Sundae 08-28-2013 01:44 PM

For some reason I had lines from songs about London stuck in my head.

When I'm working earlies I have the radio on low to help me sleep.
I go to bed 2-3 hours before the 'rents, but I daren't wear my earplugs, in case I sleep through my 05.00 alarm.

So it's quite possible a London montage seeped into my brain.

Baker Street, fine.
London Calling, fine.
Waterloo Sunset, double fine.
Even Lily Allen's LDN (my favourite of her songs) fine.
And okay, some random ones which would never have been on the radio, mostly by Carter USM: 24 Minutes to Tulse Hill; Only Living Boy in New Cross; The Taking of Peckham et al.

And then.
And then.

What crops up in my long buried reptile mind?
Streets of London.
I've always found it poignant.
But I had to go and listen to it again.
Found a YouTube vid which made me cry til I had sore scoured eyeballs.

Because most of the images they used weren't recent.
They were the people I saw on the streets of Waterloo where I spent school holidays. Men older than Grandad was at the time, who must have fought in WWII.
Bare feet and blankets. Passed out in the afternoon sunlight because it was too cold to sleep at night. Maybe alkies, but yay or nay they were probably damaged.

Nanny wouldn't give them a penny. She said she only respected people who worked for a living. Her interpretation of the Gospel of St Matthew was that we always gave money to buskers and pavement artists. I'm not criticising her for that. You cannot give money to everyone you meet. Or food, unless you really can make bread and fishes stretch from Tower Bridge to Westminster.

It just hurt seeing familiar things with older eyes.
I couldn't have helped them then and can not now.
But looking back I was oblivious.


Have you seen the old man
In the closed-down market
Kicking up the paper,
with his worn out shoes?
In his eyes you see no pride
Hand held loosely at his side
Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind

Have you seen the old girl
Who walks the streets of London
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags?
She's no time for talking,
She just keeps right on walking
Carrying her home in two carrier bags.

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind

In the all night cafe
At a quarter past eleven,
Same old man is sitting there on his own
Looking at the world
Over the rim of his tea-cup,
Each tea last an hour
Then he wanders home alone

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind

And have you seen the old man
Outside the seaman's mission
Memory fading with
The medal ribbons that he wears.
In our winter city,
The rain cries a little pity
For one more forgotten hero
And a world that doesn't care

Undertoad 08-28-2013 02:14 PM

Sundae I would pay you to listen to Tales From Turnpike House. Even if you decided that you hated it.

Sundae 08-28-2013 03:13 PM

How much you give me?

Of course I'll listen.
And report back.
Even if I hate it, although I hope I won't.

Undertoad 08-28-2013 03:26 PM

Like £5 or so

If you prefer, you can pick it up from J, who will be in London from Saturday - Monday. (I'm so jelly... that I don't even mind using the term jelly)

Gravdigr 08-29-2013 03:56 PM

Whisky Hangover by Godsmack


So what if I never wanna be sober?
So what if I wanna be numb all the time? Yeah
I can't justify why I'd wanna go slower (knowing)
Taking my time just ain't my style, yeah

I'll walk dead or alive
I'll waste my time whenever I like
I'm feeling O.K. with my whiskey hangover

So what if you cleaned your act up so far?
So what if I'm pissin' into the wind, again?
Have you ever thought that I'm not who you are (baby)?
'Cause even when I lose, I know how to win gain and again and again and again...

So sick of you preaching all the time
Just keep your shitty advice inside

'Cause I'll walk dead or alive
I'll waste my time whenever I like
I'm feeling O.K. with my whiskey hangover
Oh yeah yeah, 'cause I'll walk dead or alive
I'll waste my time whenever I like
I'm feeling O.K. with my whiskey hangover
Oh yeah!

Oh yeah!
Let's go...

One sip ain't gonna do shit
On the second sip, I begin to admit
That the third one down is what makes me feel alright, yeah

And number four, I slam down to the floor
By five, I'm ready to fight all night
And then six, seven, eight to make me break your face sometimes!

'Cause I'll walk dead or alive
I'll waste my time whenever I like
I'm feeling O.K. with my whiskey hangover
Oh yeah yeah, 'cause I'll walk dead or alive
I'll waste my time whenever I like
I'm feeling O.K. with my whiskey hangover
I don't usually have a hangover. Hardly ever.

Gravdigr 11-06-2013 08:49 AM


She look good when she wake up in the morning
Even better than she did last night
And when she smiles at me and kisses my cheek
I'm thinking Lord I must be living right
I ain't about to say I ain't lucky
But some might say I'm a fool
The chances are I'm doing fine so far
'Cause her mama even thinks I'm cool

She gets me high as a Georgia pine
Wild as a muscadine vine
Hotter than the deep south summer time
Yeah and everybody knows she's mine

Well it might be a couple kind of like her
But rest assured brother this one's mine
I'll be right there in her back pocket
She got my name tattooed where the sun don't shine
Saw you looking when she walked with me
I don't blame you she's a hell of a girl, now
I know how you feel it ain't no big deal
I'm the luckiest man in the world

from 'Everybody Knows She's Mine' by Blackberry Smoke

Undertoad 06-25-2014 03:41 AM

The more I learn, the less I know
Could you make mine straight Absolut?
The more I fail the less I try
Ask not of me the reason why

I have always loved Lloyd Cole, who at this point in time is pretty rare. This particular trick is my favourite in his catalogue. In the second line of the song ("Sentimental Fool") he breaks the wall for one single line and talks to his bartender. Yeah and by using a brand name he makes it very personal and real, which is another trick. Stephen King does that in his books.

The song has a devastatingly heartbreaking theme.

The woman I love is not content
The life I made, it ain't what I meant
The space I'm in is filled with love
The state I'm in is pitiful
But when she calls my name
I'm almost happy, she's almost like you
Yeah when she calls my name
We're almost there, man, she's almost like you
She's almost like you

I've never been in that position. "I'm almost happy, she's almost like you." What a devastating lyric.

Gravdigr 06-25-2014 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 882569)

Well, so much for that shit. :neutral:

Bloke 06-26-2014 06:00 PM

Depeche Mode.

You wear guilt
Like shackles on your feet
Like a halo in reverse
I can feel
The discomfort in your seat
And in your head it's worse

There's a pain
A famine in your heart
An aching to be free
Can't you see
All love's luxuries
Are here for you and me

And when our worlds
They fall apart
When the walls come tumbling in
Though we may deserve it
It will be worth it

Bring your chains
Your lips of tragedy
And fall into my arms

And when our worlds
They fall apart
When the walls come tumbling in
Though we may deserve it
It will be worth it.

Gravdigr 06-27-2014 06:52 AM

♪ ♫Well I've been rained on, rode hard and put up wet♪ ♫
♪ ♫Danced with the devil 'til I'm in debt♪ ♫
♪ ♫He took all I got and there ain't much left for me♪ ♫
♪ ♫I've been knocked down, drug out and left for dead♪ ♫
♪ ♫Barely held together by a few old threads♪ ♫
♪ ♫Yeah I'm still here but there ain't much left to see♪ ♫
♪ ♫Well I'm still holding on but there ain't much left of me♪ ♫

"Ain't Much Left Of Me" by Blackberry Smoke

lumberjim 06-27-2014 09:50 PM

Said every country song ever

Gravdigr 06-28-2014 03:15 PM

There ain't nuthin' 'bout Mama, trucks, or trains in that song...

Big Sarge 07-01-2014 07:48 PM

This seems to fit the situation in Israel with the recovery of the bodies of the kidnapped children.

Gravdigr 07-02-2014 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 903186)
There ain't nuthin' 'bout Mama, trucks, or trains in that song...

...or prison, or being drunk...

Gravdigr 08-13-2014 10:38 AM

Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be

by AC/DC

Sometimes I think this woman is kinda hot
Sometimes I think this woman is sometimes not
Puts me down
Fool me around
Why she do it to me
Out for satisfaction
Any piece of action
That ain't the way it should be
She needs lovin'
Knows I'm the man
She' gotta see
Pours my beer
Licks my ear
Brings out the devil in me
Hell ain't a bad place to be

Spends my money
Drinks my booze
Stays out every night
But I got to thinkin'
Hey, just a minute
Somethin' ain't right
Disillusions and confusion
Make me wanna cry
The shame you
Playin' your games
Tellin' me those lies
Don't mind her playin' demon
As long as it's with me
If this is hell
Then let me say
It's heavenly
Hell ain't a bad place to be

Late at night
Turns down the light
Closes up on me
Opens my heart
Tears me apart
Brings out the devil in me

Hell ain't a bad place to be

Gravdigr 08-22-2014 01:45 PM

Behind Blue Eyes

by The Who

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

No one knows what it's like
To be hated
To be fated
To telling only lies

But my dreams
They aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

No one knows what it's like
To feel these feelings
Like I do
And I blame you

No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

But my dreams
They aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

When my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool

If I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
If I shiver, please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

brandon4117 09-14-2014 02:29 AM

See I've been here, for thirty-some years
Lookin' at myself in the same dirty mirror
So it ain't like I don't comprehend
Open that bottle, swallow that friend
No crime to take a little too much
Got time to drink away a few months
Got a little cocaine habit
But he says he only does it if somebody else has it
(Go do that shit, do that shit, lady)
She went vegetarian for the baby
Third trimester, I see the kid kick
She showed me outside when she gave me a cigarette
there's no way to measure it
Not every pony grows up to be a pegasus
Ya gotta let people be hypocrites
Count your blessin's and mind your business

[Chorus x2]
Stuck with yourself like the rest of us
Dirt gets done and then we back to dust
Runnin' in place
Sun in my face
Let me fly 'way
Heaven won't wait

Heaven won't wait
Let me fly 'way
Get in my way
Heaven won't wait
Let me fly 'way
Get in my way

Just tryna keep my mind on work
It's like that's the only way to love this life on Earth
It's like everyone takes number one in the race
'Cause we all keep runnin' in place

Here kitty kitty, can't train that fox
Must be drinkin' that name brand scotch
All of us cut from the same damn clothe
Some of us never cut the price tags off
She ended up on the pole
With her heels pointin' at her Jesus she used to know
Stripped her down to her naked body
We made her drown in a lake full of patriarchy
In between the pride and the misery
With the infinite supply of sympathy
Are these invisible walls that hold me
Like this goldfish bowl is the whole sea

[Chorus x2]
Stuck with yourself like the rest of us
Dirt gets done and then we back to dust
Runnin' in place
Sun in my face
Let me fly 'way
Heaven won't wait

Heaven won't wait
Let me fly 'way
Get in my way
Heaven won't wait
Let me fly 'way
Get in my way

"Like The Rest Of Us" by Atmosphere

I like several lines in the song, and some parts resonate with me more than others. Namely, the ones in bold.

DanaC 09-14-2014 05:02 AM


Gravdigr 09-14-2014 02:06 PM

How JBKlyde-esque!

brandon4117 09-14-2014 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 909653)
How JBKlyde-esque!

Sorry if this question is kind of dumb, but who might that be?

xoxoxoBruce 09-14-2014 06:33 PM

A former Cellar member who was kind of dark.

brandon4117 09-14-2014 06:42 PM

Oh alright. I see what he means by that, then.
Thanks for the clarification!

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