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Cicero 05-17-2008 11:40 AM

I have written the pamphlet on how to do it successfully...and without getting caugh....oh hai Steve.

I didn't know about it either. :)

DucksNuts 05-17-2008 10:42 PM

What did your daughter do?

xoxoxoBruce 05-17-2008 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 454264)
I'm now off across the street for a donut or three for breakfast.


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 454292)
I crossed the street an back successfully without injuringmyself or anyone else.


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 454332)
I'll give it another shot after I finish lunch.

A donut or three, lunch, back to the donut shop? Ha, I knew you were a cop. :haha:

skysidhe 05-17-2008 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 454128)
I had a tick on me at dinner. On my neck. I'll be skeeved for days...

eww! I'm skeeved for you.


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 454266)
chock full of lip service and the sound of phonies jumping on board...the board being painted with flowers and love but underneath it is rotten and maggoty.

That's such a jesus-y thing to say :) bless you

Aliantha 05-18-2008 12:50 AM


Ibby 05-18-2008 10:31 AM

Prom friday.
Havent asked anybody. I have two tickets, and i fear one'll go to waste.
Maybe even both. It'll suck alone.
I dont even have any clue who to ask. And even if i did know i wouldnt be able to work up the balls to ask.


SteveDallas 05-18-2008 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 454685)
What did your daughter do?

Her grades are in the crapper. The biggest reason is that she has, more than once, done an assignment and then just carried it aronud in her bag and not handed it in.

Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 454754)
Prom friday.
Havent asked anybody. I have two tickets, and i fear one'll go to waste.
Maybe even both. It'll suck alone.

If it makes you feel better, I went stag to mine. (If it makes you think, "oh shit, now I'm going to turn out like SteveDallas," then just forget I said anything.)

Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 454691)
A donut or three, lunch, back to the donut shop? Ha, I knew you were a cop. :haha:

I wasn't going back for a donut, I was just crossing the street hoping to slip and make Shawnee's day. :angel:

Clodfobble 05-18-2008 04:35 PM

In my day, all the single people went together as a group. No one "asked" anyone that they weren't already in a relationship with.

Ibby 05-18-2008 08:26 PM

Steve: I'm probably gonna end up doing that either way, but... i know me, and i know I won't really enjoy it as much if i go alone. I get all tense and jumpy and angsty and anxious at big things like that when i dont have a group/person i know i can glom onto. I'm not good at big events like that, especially not alone. I went to Frolic (winter formal) alone; i didn't enjoy it (though afterparty was kinda fun... besides the fact that i hate clubs/bars too). So I dunno.
Clod: yeah, I might end up doing that; some people here do that too, but this is really the only time, here, where people actually do anything remotely approaching romantic interaction, which means i'll feel slightly less dumb about doing it.

Aliantha 05-18-2008 08:30 PM

I went with the group of girls I hung around with and we had a great time. Much the same as with Clod, mostly only people who were already 'going out' were partners. The worst part for some people was that they asked someone out earlier in the year who they were keen on, but by the time the day came around, they couldn't stand the person. That'd suck. That was why I went with the girls instead of worrying about a date.

DanaC 05-19-2008 05:49 AM


Prom friday.
Havent asked anybody. I have two tickets, and i fear one'll go to waste.
Proms are starting to take off here now. Lot of the schools are doing them, complete with lads in tuxedoes and gals in frocks.

Personally, I prefer what we used to do over here: The Leaving Do.

Nobody had to ask anybody else. All the school leavers would turn up to the school hall/gym/available space. There'd be a disco (usually done by one of the cooler teachers) and everyone would sneak in bottles of alcohol to add to the fruit punch and cola.

Basic.....but nobody got left behind. No tickets, no picking up dates, just arrive en masse and have a party.

SteveDallas 05-22-2008 09:27 AM

I got out of bed and helped/supervised my daughter in packing her lunch & heading off to the school bus, which comes at 6:50AM (an irritiation in and of itself).

My wife & son were still asleep and I didn't have to leave for work till 8:30, so I innocently sat down and read for a few minutes.

At 7:30, the phone rang. It was my daughter, pleading for me to bring her homework, which she had left at home, to her. So I got dressed and drove it over to hand it off to her on the corner by the school. (For those keeping score at home, that's right... school starts at 7:50, the first bell is at 7:40, and the bus leaves our block at 6:50 even though we only live ~10 minutes from the school.) (For the record, I checked over her homework last night, and asked her to put it in her bag. I obviously didn't watch her closely enough to make sure she did.)

I arrived back home at about 8:00 to find my son watching TV. He said he'd like me to drive him to school. They're doing multiplication tables. He's up to the 9 x test. In order to move to the next "number" they have to pass a test where they complete 12 problems in 30 seconds. When he takes the bus, he gets there just before the bell. The teacher will let them make an extra attempt at the test in the morning if they're ready to go by the time the bell rings, so he wanted a little more time. This was fine, but a little more advance warning would have been appreciated. So I drove him to school

glatt 05-22-2008 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 455956)
They're doing multiplication tables. He's up to the 9 x test. In order to move to the next "number" they have to pass a test where they complete 12 problems in 30 seconds.

We're going through this with my daughter, except I get the feeling she has more time than that. She seems really slow at home when I quiz her. Takes her maybe 5 seconds to answer when I throw a couple numbers at her. At school, she aced all of them until she hit the 9's?, and she had to retake that one twice. She's doing the 12s today. Once the whole class passes all of them, they have an ice cream party.

Shawnee123 05-22-2008 10:02 AM

I was good at 9s because Sister French-fry (Francis) made me write them on the board like a hundred times.

My 7 year old niece was struggling with math despite her parents working with her. They got her a tutor, and she is getting A's.

dar512 05-22-2008 10:08 AM

Clone threads
There's a great passage from Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress":


“Are two types of jokes. One sort goes on being funny forever. Other sort is funny once. Second time it’s dull. This joke is second sort. Use it once, you’re a wit. Use twice, you’re a halfwit.”

“Geometrical progression?”

“Or worse. Just remember this. Don’t repeat, nor any variation. Won’t be funny.”
Clone threads are the second sort.

jinx 05-22-2008 10:24 AM

A joke is irritating you? Someone trying to lighten your mood, make you laugh, is irritating you? :rolleyes:
Are you sure its not something else?


I was good at 9s because Sister French-fry (Francis) made me write them on the board like a hundred times.
9s are easy for me because at some point, a math teacher taught me how to do them on my fingers. Shame it only works with 9s...

Shawnee123 05-22-2008 10:26 AM

Good pointage!

HungLikeJesus 05-22-2008 10:32 AM

jinx, how do you do it with your fingers?

Shawnee123 05-22-2008 10:35 AM

Humor Dictators. Heil Happy!!!!

classicman 05-22-2008 10:35 AM

I learned a way to remember them that was unique - can't write it out here, but it makes them so easy... searching for a link - not happening. It was something about subtract one from the number and then add whatever was necessary to make nine... 9x8 - one less than 8 =7 add 2 to equal nine. Hence the answer is 72. I dunno after looking at the link I prefer Jinx's method.

jinx 05-22-2008 10:37 AM

Hold you hands up in front of you side by side, start on the far left and put one finger down at a time. Putting the first finger down (X1) leaves 9 up. Putting the second finger down (X2) leaves 1 then 8 more, 3rd finger - 2 then 7 etc etc.... kwim?

dar512 05-22-2008 10:37 AM

Call it what you will. Clone threads didn't seem particularly funny even in the beginning. After the first dozen or so...

Sundae 05-22-2008 10:39 AM

S'not irritating me more than any other day, but I'm not now and have never been a fan of clone threads. Especially as interesting thread drift typical of the Cellar means I feel obliged to read them all, and usually don't get anything in return.

I'd find them much funnier if they were in a thread of their own, like Replies to the Cellar Tag Line.

Just my opinion.

Shawnee123 05-22-2008 10:44 AM

But the fact is, you don't have to read them. I find many thread types completely irritating, I won't enumerate them here...but I don't admonish the thread-makers for making the thread. I can choose to not read "Why I have 39 pairs of socks and how I wash them and what color they are and how this is relevant to world peace."

HungLikeJesus 05-22-2008 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 456014)
Hold you hands up in front of you side by side, start on the far left and put one finger down at a time. Putting the first finger down (X1) leaves 9 up. Putting the second finger down (X2) leaves 1 then 8 more, 3rd finger - 2 then 7 etc etc.... kwim?

I think I got you. But it would be more fun to see it in a video.

SteveDallas 05-22-2008 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 456024)
I can choose to not read "Why I have 39 pairs of socks and how I wash them and what color they are and how this is relevant to world peace."

I can refer you to some sock knitting sites . . . .

Cloud 05-22-2008 11:04 AM

okay, I didn't see this discussion on clone threads here before I posted my thread. sorry.

too much of a bad thing, perhaps.

Shawnee123 05-22-2008 11:10 AM

Sorry guys. I hope I didn't offend any of you. We all have a right to our opinions...but I get a little excited when expressing mine.

lumberjim 05-22-2008 11:16 AM

i hope you are all offended....cuz...fuck you.

Cloud 05-22-2008 11:18 AM

okay, yay! when and where!

oh wait . . . married. Darn!


jinx 05-22-2008 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 456017)
S'not irritating me more than any other day, but I'm not now and have never been a fan of clone threads.

I'm not a huge fan myself, I just see it as someone contributing what they like to contribute... and the intention is to be funny. There are plenty of posts and threads that are intended to piss people off, that intend to show how brilliant and superior the poster is, etc etc... and they usually aren't labeled as obviously as clone threads so they're harder to skip over.

Clodfobble 05-22-2008 01:24 PM

SteveDallas--maybe this is a dumb question, but if you have to get up to get your daughter on the bus, why not just drive her in the first place, 15 minutes before school starts? :confused:

Flint 05-22-2008 01:27 PM

I'll field this one.

The answer is because shut up, that's why.

SteveDallas 05-22-2008 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 456099)
SteveDallas--maybe this is a dumb question, but if you have to get up to get your daughter on the bus, why not just drive her in the first place, 15 minutes before school starts? :confused:

Because, apparently, she values time to socialize with her friends on the bus more than she values an extra half hour of sleep.

Flint 05-22-2008 01:40 PM

What's a socialize?

SteveDallas 05-22-2008 02:03 PM

I plan to start researching that after I figure out what "friends" are.

xoxoxoBruce 05-23-2008 01:50 AM


DucksNuts 05-23-2008 06:24 AM

You're irritating yourself?

Trilby 05-23-2008 09:22 AM

a gypsy-souled woman in black with loads of silvery jewelry and hair till tuesday.

Cicero 05-23-2008 02:16 PM

These guys.....they keep calling on the phone to get our business information....After I made inquiries about it, they gave me this web address..I called them back to let them know that they would not be able to give us a "complimentary listing" until they got their website in order.

They keep calling, 4 times this morning, and every time I have been hung up on for one reason or another. I think their website is fake, and I am not sure what they are doing with the information they are inquiring about.
Crap it's another TM on the phone now, it's a recording so I won't be able to describe why I will not do anything at all for them.

Clodfobble 05-23-2008 03:35 PM

Cic, it's just a sales scam. They put you in a "directory" of local businesses and then try to make you pay for a copy of it. When I was temping, I got calls like that all the damn time. One went so far as to blatantly lie and say I had verbally authorized the purchase, and claim they had a recording of it. They went so far as to play the recording of the call for my boss before they figured out I had said no such thing.

The magic phrase is, "Before you continue, let me tell you I am not authorized to purchase anything for this company." Works especially well with the Indian telemarketers for some reason.

Cicero 05-23-2008 06:03 PM

I know it's a scam. That's why I called them back to discuss the issue with customer service. I told them their fake website sucked, and that they don't even have the capitilization in titles right. The links don't work and it isn't even a good fake.

I gave them some information when I called, like my phone number and to not call it again. I think they will do that. I don't think they want to get a hold of me again. lol!

They were actually pissed by the time I hung up. I had too many questions and wanted to talk about it.
I'm a chatty cathy. lol!
I decided to call them and bother them. And when I was done saying all I had to say, I continued to talk and!
I don't know...maybe I'll call back some other time, when the auto dialer hits me again because they forgot to take my number out of their call stream.

I have decided to research the company every time someone calls me now. Right on the phone. I will tell the person on the other end what I have discovered in my research and keep them on the phone until I have had my fill.

I can't believe how cheesy that website is. It's sad that they are going to get someone somewhere on the line that will fall for their crap.

Sundae 05-23-2008 07:15 PM

Everything irritated me today.
I went to a local business park on the bus after verifying that the company I was visiting provided the service I needed and was open. When I got there the only man who could provide the specific service had just left. I left too, politely, but fuming until my hair started to lift from my head and crinkle.

Then I walked back to work past two - TWO - nearer businesses that provided the same service. That was my own stupidity, but no less irritating.

Then everyone at work wanted a piece of me, just as I was settling down to do something quite complex which required full concentration. They never bug me when I'm franking the post or booking tickets online, nooooooooo. Leave it til Friday when I am cross checking info between two different paper files (my predecessor loved teh paper) a spreadsheet and various word documents why doncha? And of course it was all urgent because it was Friday afternoon, when I know most of it could have either waited til Tuesday or was only urgent because they'd hung onto it.

And my wisdom tooth is making another bid for freedom and is hurting my gum, which makes me tetchy.

And it's Friday and I was working after work so no chill out & relax for Cherry and I was shanghai'd into coming into work at 09.00 tomorrow (today!) to open up for an artist who has no keys because of course I live the closest. So no lie-in for me & Diz. Well - for me - he'll wake me up at some time between 05.00 and 06.00 crying because he's sleeping alone and wants to come under the covers with me rather than be in his heated cat bed.


The pub was superb tonight. Worked an extra hour, got an extra £10. Happy with my lot so it all worked out okay. Still a bugger about tomorrow, but I might just go back to bed & read once the artist has gone. Need to be fresh for Eurovision.

Thank you for listening.

Cloud 05-25-2008 10:07 AM

you know those scrambled-up word codes they have you put in on various websites to make sure you're a RealHuman (tm) instead of a 'bot?

They are hard to read! and I can NEVER get them right the first time! arrgh!

Guess I'm just a bot after all.

Cloud 05-25-2008 03:16 PM

there's no place in my frig that I can fit an open bottle of wine in.

(and no, I can't drink a whole bottle by myself at once. Well, I could . . . )

Sundae 05-25-2008 03:17 PM

Freudian frig slip?

HungLikeJesus 05-25-2008 03:33 PM

What if you put the cap back on and lie it down?

Griff 05-25-2008 03:35 PM

We came around a corner to see the local scumbag kids riding bikes 6 abreast on our windey pot hole strewn road over a blind knoll. A few seconds later we met a teenage girl driving up behind them with her feet out the window, apparently leaving the pedals to the dick wad in the passenger seat. We were just trying to get home alive on memorial day weekend. Thankfully they don't wear helmets so some may not be breeders.

Cloud 05-25-2008 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 456834)
What if you put the cap back on and lie it down?

cap? ha!

I'm afraid it will leak.

xoxoxoBruce 05-25-2008 09:57 PM

Decant it into empty water bottles.

Cloud 05-25-2008 11:35 PM

which you are not supposed to re-use because they harbor bacteria. Are you TRYING to get me sick?

Trilby 05-26-2008 06:52 AM

assholes. Who don't read posts. That's what pissing me off.

Griff 05-26-2008 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 456966)
assholes. Who don't read posts. That's what pissing me off.

It looked like the humor bit wasn't "got" or the need to preach superceded it...

trulytasteless 05-27-2008 09:44 AM

special needs
people who whine an awful lot.
it reminds me of my 17 year old brother in a chat room.
he chats with total strangers so he can complain
and it's stupid.

Sundae 05-28-2008 06:46 PM


Just venting.

This morning, about 04.00 he woke me up. Not him specifically, but the female voice of the person downstairs with him. I dozed off, but was woken again, twice. At this point I more or less wake myself up by huffing and puffing and checking the clock - 04.30. Insupportable! On a work night?!

So I call his name down the stairs. He responds, "Yes?" and I ask if he can keep the noise down. Okay - it wasn't loud, but when I took my earplugs out prior to calling, I realised that not only were they talking in normal voices, but there was music on too. Which - although that wasn't what woke me - I also feel is unreasonable at 04.30 on a weeknight.

This morning - tired because the adreneline rush of the "confrontation" left me sleepless for another 30 mins - I get up & go downstairs. There's a note on the table for me. Expecting the apology I haven't had all the last times he's woken me up in the last 3 weeks I read it, half smiling. WE NEED TO TALK - S.

I literally had the breath knocked out of me. I sat down. I felt like I'd been punched. Sorry to be melodramatic - I feel emotions physically and this is what happened.

I got ready for work and after thinking and thinking and thinking I wrote on the same note: Sure, no problem. Obviously we can't talk til I get home from work. So reading this message - brusque, all in capitals is going to make me worry all day.

So. No call at the office. I did worry all day. I worked hard, but every third thought in my head was a worry about the huge row I was going to walk into when I got home, and how I could defend myself against claims that I was out of order. And how much of the past would be dragged into the row.

When I got home, HM was quite cheery. Housecleaning as he said he would. Asked how my day was - crummy - I replied, honestly. I didn't tell him I'd had acid reflux all day through worrying. Or that I dreaded 18.00 and had my head in my hands at various points through the day just thinking about it.

So we had our "chat". He was all about, "how can we deal with this so it suits us both?" But he also said, "I'm not going to not do this" and "I finally have a chance at a social life and I need to take it" and "This is going to happen more and more so we need to find a way around it".

I am irritated by the lack of apology, by his demeanour which would have been appropriate to someone arguing the toss, but was overly aggressive given my completely broken response and total capitulation, to the fact that even when he knew he had left a shouty note and I had responded politely pointing out it was a bad approach he STILL didn't troubel to set my mind at rest.

I know it's his house. This is why I haven't said a bloody word about the recurring disturbances (3 times I've been unable to sleep and had to call down - there's been at least another 3 I can think of immediately where he's woken me up but I've managed to sleep again).

I just hate how you reach a certain point with people and then they turn on this wall of ice. HM has been very very good to me. But on this issue he is in the right and I have obviously overstepped the mark and that is that and if I'm a good girl we'll say no more about my bad behaviour. And yet to me (and I know it's my issue) waking someone up is one of the rudest things you can do that's actually legal. It's such bloody bad manners.

Suck it up. Sigh.

Just venting, like I said.

HungLikeJesus 05-28-2008 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 457677)

Just venting.

This morning, about 04.00 he woke me up. Not him specifically, but the female voice of the person downstairs with him. I dozed off, but was woken again, twice. At this point I more or less wake myself up by huffing and puffing and checking the clock - 04.30. Insupportable! On a work night?!

So I call his name down the stairs. He responds, "Yes?" and I ask if he can keep the noise down. Okay - it wasn't loud, but when I took my earplugs out prior to calling, I realised that not only were they talking in normal voices, but there was music on too. Which - although that wasn't what woke me - I also feel is unreasonable at 04.30 on a weeknight.


Maybe you should have tried this:


Pete: It's four in the fucking morning!
Shaun: It's Saturday!
Pete: No, it's not. It's fucking Sunday. And I've got to go to fucking work in four fucking hours 'cos every other fucker in my fucking department is fucking ill! Now can you see why I'm SO FUCKING ANGRY?
Ed: Fuck, yeah!

Sundae 05-28-2008 07:00 PM

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh that has SO been in my head all day.
In fact I have it up here right now and am tempted to play that part quite loudly...

But no.
I have to get over my irritation and get along because things work better that way.

BTW, Pete's last line is one of my favourites just for the phrasing. I use the same cadence quite often, and no-one gets it. Weirdly enough.

And the front door is open - AGAIN!

Cloud 05-28-2008 08:27 PM

I have ants. Inside the house.

Get 'em every year when the weather warms up. Don't blame 'em for trying to come inside--I wouldn't want to be out there either.

Gotta spraaaaaaaaaaay!

monster 05-28-2008 08:47 PM

Time to spread your wings, Sundae....?

Griff 05-29-2008 05:29 AM

news blurb: We're gonna need booster shots for shingles because we're not being exposed to chicken pox occasionally. How convenient, it's good to be in the vacinne business.

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