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Cloud 02-13-2011 03:28 PM

parliament dissolved? constitution suspended? this is progress?

classicman 02-13-2011 03:52 PM

There is plenty more, but you may find this via Wiki worth a look ...

Self-described as "the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly,[82] a study by political scientists Tim Groseclose of UCLA and Jeff Milyo of the University of Missouri at Columbia, both of whom have written for conservative think tanks (American Enterprise Institute), advocacy groups (Federalist Society), and periodicals (The American Spectator),[83] was published in December 2005 in the Quarterly Journal of Economics. The study's stated purpose was to document the range of bias among news outlets.[84] The research concluded that of the major 20 news outlets studied "18 scored left of the average U.S. voter, with CBS Evening News, The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal, while only the Fox News "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter."

Read carefully though - the way the study was done was questioned by both left and right.


The study met with criticism from many outlets, including the Wall Street Journal,[85] and Media Matters.[86] Criticisms included:

* Different lengths of time studied per media (CBS News was studied for 12 years while the Wall Street Journal was studied for four months).
* Lack of context in quoting sources (sources quoted were automatically assumed to be supporting the article)
* Lack of balance in sources (Liberal sources such as the NAACP didn't have conservative or counter sources that could add balance)
* Flawed political positions of sources (Sources such as the NRA and RAND corporation were considered "liberal" while sources such as the American Civil Liberties Union were "conservative".)

Fair&Balanced 02-13-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 711255)
parliament dissolved? constitution suspended? this is progress?

Sure is!

The last parliamentary elections, like all for the last 30 years, were fixed for Mubarak's party, the NDP Party, with prohibitions against some opposition parties even being allowed on the ballot.

The constitution provided the legal cover for those fixed elections, as well as the other restrictions on individual rights.

In effect, the Egyptians will need to start from scratch.

Uday 02-13-2011 08:31 PM

"I think there should be more jailed journalists."

Anne Coulter might not be understand what this makes America look like. I am here now a year, I know all Americans are not like this. Other people, maybe not know.

Mubarak make Egypt look like barbarians, with torturing and "extraordinary rendition", and throwing reporters in jail. Now, Egyptian constitution suspended by the army, and reporters still in jail.

Maybe Anne Coulter should go to Egypt, see how she likes it.

Uday 02-13-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 711255)
parliament dissolved? constitution suspended? this is progress?

Egyptian constitution is not like American constitution. It only works when the army say it works. In America, constitution only works if politicians say it works.

Spexxvet 02-14-2011 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 711179)
Algeria next to take that walk?


Protests wash over Iran, Bahrain and Yemen, inspired by Arab world unrest

Happy Monkey 02-14-2011 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 711222)
One would find the LA Times, SF Chronicle to be very left, NY Times and Washington Post to be leaning left.

The Washington Post coasts on its "left" reputation from Watergate, and in comparison to the nutty Washington Times, but it is solidly "Beltway Villager" party, which has been center right for a while now.

classicman 02-14-2011 12:33 PM

Mubarak moves vast assets from European banks to Saudi Arabia

Hosni Mubarak and his family have moved a large part of their assets – guesstimated at between $20 and $70 billion - from European banks to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Republics against personal guarantees from King Abdullah and Sheik Al Nahyan to block access to outside parties.This is reported by Gulf and West European sources. Tunisian ex-ruler Zein Al Abdain Ben Ali received the same guarantee when he fled his country and received asylum in the oil kingdom.

A Swiss financial source commented: "If he had any real money in Zurich, it may be gone by now."
According to debkafile's sources, the transfers took place on Feb. 12-13. Although a weekend when European banks are closed, high-ranking officials in Riyadh had their managers hauled out of home to execute Mubarak's transfer orders without delay.
The ousted Egyptian ruler was on the phone to Saudi King Abdullah Friday, Feb. 11, immediately after his vice president Omar Suleiman went on state television to announce his resignation and handover of rule to the army. Mubarak called it a military putsch conducted under pressure from Washington. He denied he had resigned or passed any powers to the army. "I had no idea Omar Suleiman was about to read out that statement. I would never have signed it or allowed it to be published," said Mubarak.

Undertoad 02-14-2011 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 711338)
The Washington Post coasts on its "left" reputation from Watergate, and in comparison to the nutty Washington Times, but it is solidly "Beltway Villager" party, which has been center right for a while now.

And yet its righty political analyst Weigel gets "outed" as hating righties when posting on the Journolist, founded by the WaPo's own lefty whippersnapper Ezra Klein.

Happy Monkey 02-14-2011 01:35 PM

Center-righties have plenty of reason to hate the nutcases, expecially when they think they're speaking in private.

classicman 02-14-2011 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 711358)
Center-righties have plenty of reason to hate the nutcases, especially when they think they're speaking in private.

Some do it in public and get hammered repeatedly by the extremists on both sides.

Happy Monkey 02-14-2011 05:49 PM

That's why I specified "in private". I would guess that lots of center-righties would make

Originally Posted by wikipedia
negative remarks about various public figures associated with American conservatism such as Pat Buchanan, Matt Drudge, Newt Gingrich, and Rush Limbaugh

in private, but not want the shitstorm that would occur if they did so in public (see all the politicians who have had to apologize for being frank about Limbaugh over the years).

Uday 02-14-2011 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 711354)
Mubarak moves vast assets from European banks to Saudi Arabia

One more reason for throwing Mubarak in the Nile.

Stormieweather 02-14-2011 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 711255)
parliament dissolved? constitution suspended? this is progress?

Hell yes, it's progress. Throw out ALL of the corruption and start over. Media too, please.

Uday 02-14-2011 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Stormieweather (Post 711400)
Hell yes, it's progress. Throw out ALL of the corruption and start over. Media too, please.

Why the media? Freedom is starting with open communications, yes?

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