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Urbane Guerrilla 01-07-2010 12:59 AM

Well reasoned? And you believe you have reason, one single reason, to apply that to your spewings? You're in worse shape than even I thought. You haven't even noticed the deafening silence coming from the rest of the Cellar, have you? Call that good presence of mind? I shan't.

You just can't make me feel bad for getting it right about Obama where you didn't, Paulie, so I'm not going to be influenced by what satisfies you as thinking. I shall think for myself, and you get nil input, owing to the quality of thought prevalent in your writings. As disconnected from mankind as you are, deep down, you have no business at all in anything to do with politics. You not only have zero people skills, you cannot even conceive they might be necessary. Comes of your narcissistic personality disorder, which is daily evidenced whenever you write.

Remember who got 63 votes when it counted, including his own. And that the winner in the field pulled in over 32,000.

Radar 01-07-2010 09:27 AM

That statement proves how little you know about politics.

I got 66 Libertarian votes during the primary or 100% of the votes of Libertarians voting in the primary election.

This is merely the election to see whose names will appear on the ballot during the general election....dumbass.

In the general election the votes broke down like this...

Maxine Waters (Dem)
82,498 Votes
83.8 %

Gordon Michael Mego (AI)
8,343 Votes
8.5 %

Paul T. Ireland (Libertarian)
7,665 Votes
7.7 %

Here's a little information about California's 35th district. It's among the safest districts in the United States for the Democratic Party. It has a higher percentage of registered Democrats than any other district.

I ran in a highly gerrymandered district (racially and along party lines) where I knew I had no chance of winning the election. I had no plans on actually winning. Yet, I got a higher percentage of votes than any other Libertarian to run in the district in a 3-way race at any point since the district was created before or since.

I got the 2nd highest percentage for any third-party candidate, behind Gordon Mego. Mr. Mego got more votes than me because the Republican Party vote was split, and he's an anti-abortion, mix church and state, the war in Iraq is just fine, whacko so he got more of the Republican vote.

I did very well in the election considering I didn't spend a penny of my own money and only about $1500 of money donated to my campaign while doing most of the work myself.

My very successful vote totals had nothing to do with a lack of people skills. In fact, they prove the opposite.

Thanks for once again showing us all that you have no clue what you're talking about and no sanity, intellect, or honor to speak of along with your ever present transference attempts to foist your narcissistic personality disorder onto me.

classicman 01-07-2010 11:13 AM

From one of your Libertarian "friends". . .


My favorite Ireland quotes:

"You have been over it 15 times, and each and every time, I've proven you wrong. When will you get it through your head?"

"You're a sleazy, slimey, worthless, scumbag who is worth less than a ton of dead rats in a tampon factory"

"Nothing inside the body of a person has any rights. Not even if it were a fully sentient being capable of communication begging to be allowed to live. [...] Until the moment the fetus is removed from the womb, it is has no more human rights than a brick."
You got a way with words Radar. I lol'd, I especially like the second one.

Radar 01-07-2010 02:43 PM

Those were written to a couple of the Republicans who worked to gut the libertarian party platform, chased away a lot of activist who had spent decades building the party, and tried to turn the Libertarian Party into the Republitarian Party. Namely Bruce Cohen & a pseudo-intellectual douchebag who fits the same description named Brian Holtz. They basically worked to toss out all of the libertarian principles from the libertarian party.

The one you like was directed at Bruce and I stole the line from the movie "Top Secret" with Val Kilmer.

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