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lumberjim 01-05-2017 06:31 PM

don't have a toomah

monster 01-05-2017 08:03 PM

well I hope the results are the all clear, you deserve nothing less with all that. Or at least point to an easy fix. At least you made my ridiculously scheduled day look tame -and I wussed out of the last bit. kinda

monster 01-05-2017 08:13 PM


I've been really good the last week or so about going to bed at a "decent" time, but last night it was after 10 :(. And then.... beest woke me coming to bed. I can live with that. Then a fucking Amber Alert woke me at 2am.... I remember seeing 3:20 on the clock before I fell back asleep.... and yes, I turn them off on my phone but they magically turn back on. I use my phone for my alarm.

Up at 4, work at 5, left at 9 to come home and take beest to chemo. (meanwhile beest gets up 6:30, takes thunder boy to swim practice, drops off supplies for polo girl......

hours pass at chemo...... goalie boy picks up thunder boy, then takes him back to second practice before heading off for his own hockey game...

after 2pm, drop beest at home, cook something barely edible, shove it in to-go tubs for me and thunder boy, throw some at the slumbering beest alongside a cuppa then head back out to grab TB from swim, so go to a psych appt, then on to hockey..... we make that all on time but... I decide I'm getting pretty pooped and home is on the way from schrink to puck to decide to stop and see if beest feels up to the last leg..... as we pll in drive, TB realizes he left his bag at last stop, so plans change, I go back there to get that, beest does the hockety run.... and is still there.....

Meanwhile Goalie boy played the whole game, got a shut-out and they mercied the other team. And he's looking very dapper in his suit ;)


xoxoxoBruce 01-05-2017 08:35 PM

Uber monster. :haha:

monster 01-05-2017 08:41 PM

yes, I squeeze driving for Uber into my lunch hour

.......but only so I can kill the passengers as a little stress releaser

monster 01-05-2017 08:52 PM

...on the plus side, I have .87 of an hour of my 40 hour week left to work tomorrow. Isn't happening. (because tomorrow is the end of the weekly promos which must be done plus first week of new year is crazy busy for me and there are loads of promos and sales and which should be done) so (a) I'll get overtime pay and (b) I'll still get out decently early because I'm too expensive to keep for longer than necessary at that rate ;) time to do laundry and nag goalie boy to finish his college apps..... :lol:

xoxoxoBruce 01-05-2017 08:54 PM

You are an invaluable asset at work and at home.

monster 01-05-2017 09:02 PM

pls tell sprogs ktxbai.

Appropriate worship methods include putting clean laundry away and ensuring dirty laundry is unballed and in the fucking basket. Also, not trying to add things to schedule at T-5minutes including a (bizarre) required item.

BigV 01-05-2017 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 978681)
pls tell sprogs ktxbai.

Appropriate worship methods include putting clean laundry away and ensuring dirty laundry is unballed and in the fucking basket. Also, not trying to add things to schedule at T-5minutes including a (bizarre) required item.

Not happenin.

I hope for the best for you, but... um. nope. sorry.

You know you're awesome, we know you're awesome. Beest knows you're awesome. The sprogs ... "know" is such a *strong* word. wtf do they "know" anyhow?

Griff 01-06-2017 06:28 AM

You ladies do too much!

footfootfoot 01-06-2017 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 978681)
pls tell sprogs ktxbai.

Appropriate worship methods include putting clean laundry away and ensuring dirty laundry is unballed and in the fucking basket. Also, not trying to add things to schedule at T-5minutes including a (bizarre) required item.

Ha. I know the thing you speak precise.

"I need to bring in a shrubbery today. With a path down the middle."

monster 01-06-2017 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 978691)

"I need to bring in a shrubbery today. With a path down the middle."

totally this.

So I got to work today at 5am to find a bizarre techno disco thing happening. Partial power cut so all the refrigeration was down, alarms going off and all the fluorescent lights were flickering or flashing. I stayed for a few hours and helped pull all the stuff that wasn't yet spoiled. we put it in carts and wheeled it outside because it was only 12 degrees out. :lol: (not the eggs and lettuce, though -we kept those near the receiving door -too cold out for those!) Then I pulled the expired sales tags and left. My computers were just beeping at me, my scan guns were blind. I managed to get one computer running without interwebs so I could create a sign for the doors, had to figure out how to print on regular paper on the poster printer because all wireless down and that's how I communicate with the regular printer, but the poster printer is hard-wired :D one of those days. I need a beer already.

It's cold.

glatt 01-06-2017 10:57 AM


I bet the Russians hacked your store.

monster 01-06-2017 11:30 AM

We should probably build a wall in the parking lot and make the yoghurts pay for it.

Gravdigr 01-06-2017 11:34 AM

The electricity prolly froze up.

13 degrees here this morning.[/brr]

High of 26.[/fuckingbrr]

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