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lumberjim 11-09-2007 08:58 AM

i struggle with the utter lack of punctuation more than the caps....but it's funny if you can get the flow.

monster 11-09-2007 09:11 AM

it's the mean hurtful names bit that's so funny.

geek. cock.

ZenGum 11-09-2007 09:16 AM

It's extra funny that we started talking about it in the [ significant pause ] stupid people thread. :lol:

Normally I don't like even reading stupid flame wars. But normally they are about serious issues: abortion, middle east, etc. I'm actually finding it entertaining :corn: (in a contemptuous way) to watch people go all out crazy hammer-and-tongs over football tipping. It's hard to think of something that matters less. :lol:

monster 11-09-2007 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 405291)
It's extra funny that we started talking about it in the [ significant pause ] stupid people thread. :lol:

I assumed that was deliberate.

Can we add people who insist on spelling out jokes to the list?

ZenGum 11-09-2007 10:11 AM

No! :p

Well, deliberate or not, I still though it was funny. My post was a non-copying reply to yours saying what was extra funny.

And once more for good measure :p !

[ mutter] call me stupid in my own damn thread, mutter mutter mutter [ /mutter]

bluecuracao 11-09-2007 11:26 AM

What's even funnier is that they will never notice us talking about them here.

Ha Ha!

(WHIP, I don't mean you of course)

rkzenrage 11-09-2007 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 404985)
rkz - The way you said that, combined with the BRAINS! comment in the other thread gave me an idea for a band name: Zombies for Jesus.

What do you think?

Give it some time; it will grow on you. I like the subtler implications.

I like it already. That and Jesus Porn.

lumberjim 11-09-2007 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by bluecuracao (Post 405349)
(WHIP, I don't mean you of course)

is this your way of saying that you DO mean me?

bluecuracao 11-09-2007 01:52 PM

Only if you're a Canadian.

Is that racist?

lumberjim 11-09-2007 02:19 PM

only if you really mean ' nigger' when you say Canadian.

binky 11-09-2007 02:48 PM

I heard from a demo lady at our local grocery store that the local homeless people pool their money to buy a costco membership and then go frequent the sample booths


Sundae 11-10-2007 05:06 PM

I added W.HI.P (or however it's punctuated) to my List of Stupid People when he was insisting there was a conspiracy to prevent the two Sheffield teams EVER playing in the same league, and calling those who disagreed ignorant of their own country and the game they loved. They are both in same league this season. Meh, I am glad there's a silly flamefest over there.

Overheard on Bonfire Night - two women in the queue for the Ladies talking about potential men for one of the women. She was asking to be set up and stating her requirements. I wish I'd had a dictaphone, it was every shallow female personified, justifying herself with how hard she worked at the gym, how much care she took of herself and how expensive it was to live in London, "I mean I spent £200 just today!"

Sigh. I'm up with the sisters and all, but this woman got on my wick. May she get the shallow mate she deserves.

When I was back with HM & his bro I commented on it and laughed, "Well in ten years she'll be traded in for a newer model anyway!" Then we all realised we haven't managed the ten year mark ourselves. Stupid people.

Griff 11-11-2007 07:20 AM

I'd like to add two automotive stupid people. The clown speeding in the fog with the gray car with lights off and the human metaphor who was in the passing lane of a posted 65mph highway (as of about 2 years ago) self-righteously doing 55 with with a Bush / Cheney sticker in the window. Take in new information much?

ViennaWaits 11-11-2007 04:03 PM


The clown speeding in the fog with the gray car with lights off
This guys isn't just stupid, he's dangerous. As a school bus driver, I've seen many kids come very close to getting plowed over by these people. The scariest part is, if you were in the passenger seat and said "Shouldn't turn on your lights?" this asshole would undoubtedly say "I can see just fine."

ViennaWaits 11-11-2007 04:07 PM


"I mean I spent £200 just today!"
Adding her to your stupid people list might make you feel better, Sundae. :)

The only time I spend that kind of money in a day is if I'm paying bills or taking care of something big like a car repair or at the grocery. (IF I haven't been in a LONG time. LOL)

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