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Pie 10-28-2005 12:22 PM

Poof, no mistakes to correct. Everyone else is right, *you* are wrong. Prepare to be "re-educated".

I wish Bush, Cheney and Rove were indicted.

BigV 10-28-2005 12:35 PM

I just can't do it.

ok. *sigh* They're indicted. Evidence against disappears, spin machines weave web of opposition malfeasance. Groundswell of righteous anger at the anti-patriotic attitudes of everybody that doesn't match exactly the profile of the right kind of people causes the silent majority in the middle to see that it's safer to be "one of them". The last crumbling stones of our constutional foundation are blasted away and GWB is installed as the great protector for the period of uncertainty, while terrorismists skulk in the shadows, he will lead our great nation in the righteous path of rightness. When the danger has passed, he will step down, and not until then. He will "stay the coarse".

I wish I would wake up and find this all was a bad dream.

wolf 10-28-2005 01:35 PM

You wake from a nightmare about Bush Jr. becoming President to find that you are still smack in the midst of the Clinton years. But are you awake, or are you still dreaming?

I wish the United Nations would just go away.

Elspode 10-28-2005 02:43 PM

The United Nations goes away. Suddenly, everyone has to argue it out the old fashioned way, and, discovering that they can't afford it, decides to try and bankrupt each other out of existence.

I'll let you know how it works out... :lol:

I wish that my junk would haul itself to the landfill tomorrow morning.

Tonchi 10-28-2005 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
I wish that my junk would haul itself to the landfill tomorrow morning.

It does! And that includes all your junk mail, which ends up in the landfill without you ever having to touch it. Unfortunately, included in the load were reminders carrying your Social Security number, bank account number, and the PIN to your ATM card. The bonanza is discovered by garbage pickers hired by the Russian Mafia to winnow for such info and you will be receiving statements confirming "your" purchases all over the world by next month.

I wish I owned a Jaguar convertible instead of a Saturn coupe.

dar512 10-28-2005 04:40 PM

Your wish is granted. Your new convertible .. is chock full of jaguars .. who are ripping through the ragtop. Hmmm. I wonder if you can make to the house in time?

I wish everyone would treat each other with respect.

BigV 10-28-2005 06:19 PM

wrong thread.

Oh, ok. Everyone respects each other, and for good reason, since the shoot first ask questions later expanded castle doctrine he's in my space and I *don't* have to yield state of affairs in FL has been expanded nationwide as Jeb Bush's first act as POTUS. (How many of these dang bushes are there anyway?!). Since *everybody's* packin heat, respect is rampant in the country. Unfortunately no one wants to brave the streets and our economy atrophies from fear, I mean respect. Now we have to teach those squirrels and feral cats a thing or two about "respect" to put meat on the table.

I wish I knew at 21 what I know now.

wolf 10-29-2005 01:32 AM

At the age of 21 you suddenly become full of adult knowledge, and grasp the reality of the human condition for the first time. However, since your brain is not actually done forming, your neurons overload, smoke pours out of your ears, nose, and eyesockets and you become a gibbering idiot. However, you find that with your newfound insight you are vastly more appreciative of the softness of the walls in Wolf's Palace o' Loonacity.

I wish that I had the body of a Goddess other than the Venus of Willendorf.

zippyt 10-29-2005 01:48 AM

Poof you are the venus demilo , all stone and no arms

I wish i didn't have to work this sunday

wolf 10-29-2005 01:59 AM

You go to your boss and tell him you can't work on sunday because you have to remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. Because you know he checks up on you, you head off to church for the first time in years, going to the nearest church in your neighborhood. They are a small, but welcoming sect of Snake Handlers. They insist that you handle the snakes as on your first visit you are surely especially blessed by God. God knows what the snake handler pastor does not, that you are just there to avoid working on a Sunday and you are bitten by a record 6 snakes. Just before you lose all sensation in your body and void your bowels, you realize that your workload for today would have involved addressing and mailing an envelope full of completed reports to the corporate office.

I wish all of my debt was paid off.

zippyt 10-29-2005 02:18 AM

You get this cryptic letter from a lawyer about an inhertance from this ex-crasy preson that you helped lead down the streight and narrow , said nut gets their shit togather , goes on their med , goes to school , becomes a DOT.Com millionair , has a reaction from the meds , sues the drug company for billions , WINS , dies , leaves you EVERYthing , you pay off your debt , buy all the shooty toys you could ever imagen , big house in the country with built in ranges , rally track , etc,,, then the feds break down your door and seize EVERYTHING , put you in jail for some trumped up charges , you bug out , and find out what the rubber room feels like from the inside ,
rember NO DEBT

I used to work with a guy that was a babtist minister in the way back wilds of TN , he told me that every now and then he would have parishniers come up to him and say " Brother *** , God is telling me to handle snakes "

I wish my camping truck would start and keep running !!!

Beestie 10-29-2005 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
I wish all of my debt was paid off.

As you unlock your office door to begin what was expected to be a routine shift, you are startled to see Vito, Big Dom and Rocco the Blade lounging in and about your office - Rocco holding your cactus plant precariously close to the window ledge expressing his deep concern for its welfare while Big Dom calmly peruses heretofore unseen photos of Forks past taken from unknown vantage points.

Vito calmly explains that your financial obligations have been "taken care of." Vito continues to explain that there's a certain patient whose testimony will be exceptionally detrimental to the defense of a certain individual in an upcoming trial....

I wish I had the athletic ability of Lance Armstrong.

zippyt 10-29-2005 02:49 AM

poof you can do what lance does , but strangley , you all ways seem to veer to the right , then you notice why , you gave your left nut to be like Lance ( I have NO idea which nut he lost )

I wish the folks down the way would STOP burning brush !!!!!!!

smoothmoniker 10-29-2005 12:14 PM

they do, but only long enough to gather up some rubber tires and sulfer logs.

You know how the green lantern can control the color green? I want to be like that, but have complete control over prime numbers.

Elspode 10-29-2005 05:40 PM

You have complete control over prime numbers, but you suddenly realize that you have no earthly idea why you wanted that power. The emptiness of doubt fills you to overflowing, and you sit staring vacantly into space for the rest of your natural life.

I wish I was done cleaning out the garage.

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