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Sundae 05-29-2008 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 457707)
Time to spread your wings, Sundae....?

Nah - I'm still far better off there than elsewhere.
It's less what happened and more his attitude to it that bugs me. I'll get over it.

dar512 05-29-2008 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 457698)
I have ants. Inside the house.

Get 'em every year when the weather warms up. Don't blame 'em for trying to come inside--I wouldn't want to be out there either.

Gotta spraaaaaaaaaaay!

We've had good luck with the terro boxes.

Cloud 05-29-2008 10:28 AM

thank you--I'll check them out.

footfootfoot 05-29-2008 04:27 PM

Wacked a woodchuck the other day. OK Reset the trap and caught an opposum today. I just don't feel like wacking it today, esp after I just came back from a shoot where I photographed a farmer butchering 105 chickens. I wsa really looking forward to a glass of red wine. Instead I have to either relocate the possum or wack it and dispose of the body.


HungLikeJesus 05-29-2008 04:50 PM

foot - what are you trying to catch?

P.S. I think 'wacked a woodchuck' can have a lot of interpretations.

footfootfoot 05-29-2008 09:21 PM

We get annual woodchuck infestations. I was just being sure I got all of the woodchucks before i put the trap away.

It was him or me...

Cloud 05-29-2008 09:26 PM

poor defenseless little groundhog . . .

TheMercenary 05-29-2008 09:52 PM

Can you eat ground hogs? If so I am in...

DucksNuts 05-30-2008 06:37 AM

Why did you need to kill the possum?

DanaC 05-30-2008 06:40 AM

I have to go visit a disabled children and young person's respite care home today. Normally I attend with the assessment officer, but I was unable to make it last week so ended up arranging to do a seperate visit this week. I am so not in the mood for this, Y'know? I am ready to be on holiday for a week, I need a break. Don't wanna iron clothes and make m'self look respectable, just want to chill at home with Pilau and a good book.

After that I have to meet my election agent and fill out the election expense returns. Blah.

But that's only very, very mildly irritating me.....what's mildly irritating me is that I have booked off next week as a holiday (not going anywhere just at home) but have realised there are three events I need to be at during that week :(

Sundae 05-31-2008 04:38 AM

It's not irritating me, but it weirded me out a bit.

It's my responsibility to keep the office stocked with certain items - cleaning materials, tea and coffee, biscuits for external meetings etc. My predecessor tended to order from a stationery company, but I realised even before VAT they were more expensive than a normal supermarket.

So I made the decision to accept a £5 delivery charge and order once a month. I am already saving the company money. The online account is in the company name and is paid for on the company credit card. I don't shop online myself, I only use this account for work.

The nearest supermarket that delivers is Sainbury's. Where I shop myself, the old fashioned way. Where I have a loyalty card. So I use my loyalty card to accrue points for my office spend. Nothing wrong with that.

BUT. The second time I shopped online, the helpful website came up with suggestions of what I might like to buy. Instead of cleaning products, toilet rolls, coffee it offered me cheap cuts of chicken (for the boys), scented candles and lager. Using the purchases tracked on my loyalty card over the last 10 months.

Of course I realise this is the point of the cards. You don't get something for nothing from a big company. And I'm not getting paranoid and ooooh, Big Brother! It just spooked me for a while, as if someone was looking out of my pc and recognising me.

TheMercenary 05-31-2008 07:19 AM

That's not all companies are tracking about your online buying habits.

Cicero 05-31-2008 08:44 AM

This has been irritating all week and even came up at dinner at a neighbor's last night. (I was still polite but observably quiet about it) We are not particularly close to these neighbors. I do find it insulting that LOTR tours etc..that fall under the heading of "craetive torus" can retrogress into being a racist issue. Misspelling intentional, sorry. Only living here do I find each idea narrowed down to race even if it's a fun and cool idea. If there are too many white people doing anything, even if they are international white people, the experts in their field, and asking for more participation from an international community, racism is still brought up:
(Local alt. media newspaper)

That's where I live for you. People mark it out if there are too many white people in one area. Whether the point of the whole thing is to create diversity and define what this new field is with everyone or not.

footfootfoot 05-31-2008 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 458059)
Why did you need to kill the possum?

It was him or me.

binky 06-01-2008 04:49 PM

Freakin' kids slamming the door to the backyard, right next to my computer, every freakin' five minutes. God I can't wait for Monday!

DucksNuts 06-02-2008 04:21 AM

My BBQ is out of gas, so I am cooking steak inside and now my whole bloody house feels smokey and manky.

I have the exhaust fans going and now the air con to blow it out.

Stupid steak

Sundae 06-02-2008 05:09 AM

We had steak on the menu in the pub yesterday - had the same effect. The bench I usually use to prop the door open was in use from 13.00-15.00, then as that family left and I leapt forward to use it, another family settled themselves down on it and closed the door.

Nice - you obviously enjoy sitting in a hot, smoky pub!

Stupid customers.

SteveDallas 06-02-2008 10:04 AM

binky, at least they're closing the door! mine wouldn't close the door when they come in the house if an angry, hungry grizzly bear were chasing them.

Razzmatazz13 06-02-2008 11:52 AM

I reapplied for college last week

the suspense is killing me

especially since I haven't told anyone that I've done it...

DanaC 06-02-2008 03:34 PM

*smiles* I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)

lookout123 06-03-2008 02:59 PM

I'm starting to believe that the "Trip to Hawaii" is just a collective practical joke. Everyone who has ever been here has to sign a statement telling everyone that it is heaven on earth even though they didn't really like it that much... that way they won't feel stupid about falling for the trick when everyone else they know eventually falls for it as well.

It's pretty. There's an ocean. Lots of beaches. So far absolutely nothing I haven't seen elsewhere for a lot less money... and these fuckers are just so chilled out that you can't get anything at all done here. I think I'm going to have a stroke. And I will not sign on the dotted line promising to tell everyone how fucking great the place is.

Flint 06-03-2008 03:02 PM

Dude. Get drunk.

Sure, you could get drunk anywhere, but that shouldn't prevent you from getting drunk where you are.


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 459210)
... and these fuckers are just so chilled out that you can't get anything at all done here.

THEN DON'T DO ANYTHING. Take a tip from the chilled out fuckers and CHILL THE FUCK OUT.

BigV 06-03-2008 03:43 PM

...and *run*, don't walk, away from the damn computer. Go get wet, on the outside or on the inside. Hell, I live five minutes from salt water, and I was still blown away by the natural beauty of the place.

Waiiiiit.... are you on vacation or is this a work trip? We went to Hawaii for, you know, vacation. Not having to get stuff done. Perhaps that's why our experiences have been different.

Tell ya what. I'll switch sides with you--right now. We'll play each other's team, and at the end, you decide if the "field wasn't in your faaaaavor /whine".

Ok, just kidding. I still have 6 years, 11 months, and 2 1/2 weeks to save up for the next trip. I can't sub out for you now. Sorry nancy-boy.

Sundae 06-03-2008 03:50 PM

Cleaning house.
New cat interview on Thurs lunchtime and out tomorrow night (planned months ago)

Cleaning is not my natural state of being, so already have a high state of irritation running.
The dishwasher is full. The dishes are clean. The door is open.
Cheers HM. On top of everything else I'll empty that for you shall I? We both know there is likely 1 fork in there that is mine.

Well, yes, I could leave the dish and glass I found in my room (my bad, I know) in the sink. But that would have a huge signpost over it saying, "Dishwasher Issue!" and I don't want a row.

Meh, could probably emptied it in the time it took to moan about it. But it bugs me that I rarely use things like the fridge, freezer, bin, dishwasher in this house (I do most of my cooking and eating at work now) and yet do more than my fair share of emptying, de-icing, cleaning up spills etc.

Oh and he's done such a big clothes wash (2nd this week) that I can't fit my washing on the drier - again! Sigh. Can't even say anything. His washing machine, his drier etc. I'm going to take it into work as we have airers there and as far as I know no artists are in til Thurs.

Better get back to cleaning and stop moaning.

SteveDallas 06-03-2008 08:01 PM

What's not?

DanaC 06-04-2008 07:56 AM

Despite this being my week off I have to go to a fecking public consultation event. Nowt I can do about it, as I've been working on this issue for months (a community centre which has all but been condemned is now in the firing line for closure as part of a wider redevelopment) and this is just when the event has been scheduled for. This is the difficulty with trying to book time off. Obviously if I were away I'd be unable to go, but I can't quite make myself miss this.

Mildly irritating.

monster 06-04-2008 09:53 AM

Just opened a box of Muesli I bought the other day cause I really fancied some. but it's nothing like good old Alpen, even though it looked a bit similar on the packet. It's just mixed up cornflakes, branflakes and rice crispies with the occasional oat or chip of fruit or nut thrown in. This is not real muesli, people! :(

DISAPPOINTED (oh there's another move/tv line we regularly use in this household)

TheMercenary 06-04-2008 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 459210)
I'm starting to believe that the "Trip to Hawaii" is just a collective practical joke. Everyone who has ever been here has to sign a statement telling everyone that it is heaven on earth even though they didn't really like it that much... that way they won't feel stupid about falling for the trick when everyone else they know eventually falls for it as well.

It's pretty. There's an ocean. Lots of beaches. So far absolutely nothing I haven't seen elsewhere for a lot less money... and these fuckers are just so chilled out that you can't get anything at all done here. I think I'm going to have a stroke. And I will not sign on the dotted line promising to tell everyone how fucking great the place is.

Heh, you learn that pretty quick when you live there. Everyting is on da island time bra.

You think it is bad visiting? try getting a person to come and do work at your house to fix anything. It goes something like this:

ring, ring
"hey can you come over and cut the palm frawns and coconuts down. They are falling out of the trees and are going to kill one of my kids or dogs."
"sure bra, no problem. we come friday."
"Ok, cool. Thanks, see you friday"
friday comes and goes.
weds of next week.
ring, ring
"Ummm, yea, I called last week. you were going to come last friday and cut down our palm frawns and coconuts. Remember?"
"Ahha... yea bra, no problem. we come friday"
friday comes and goes.
weds of next week.
ring, ring
"Ummm, yea, I called last week and the week before that. you said you were going to come last friday and cut down our palm frawns and coconuts. Remember? But you didn't come. You think you could make it this week?"
"Ahha... yea bra, no problem. we come friday"

rinse and repeat for about three weeks.

they never come but the neigbor is getting theirs done by some Samoan family and I just trot over and get someone else to do it.

Name anything you want done and it is the same thing. You just have to relax into it and realize you can't control anything.

DanaC 06-04-2008 12:11 PM

Monster, do you want me to freight you some Alpen over?

Sundae 06-08-2008 05:15 PM

I eat Sainsbury's Basics muesli. Costs 52p.
The most expensive ingredients in muesli are dried fruit and nuts. I pick them both out. So with a cheaper version I have the muesli I always wanted (I like raisins, the only fruit in this one). Oh, I'd have it slightly less sweet, but Alpen is sweeter.

What's bothering me today - as it does from time to time.
Bloody foreign adverts!
Badly dubbed!
If you want to sell me something, at least make a British advert.


American or European, I'm not a racialist.
I just find it patronising - like we won't notice? The man in the car ad who paints his garage (with the disappearing internal window btw) is told he'll be a Papa while the dubbing says Daddy.

The BMW ad which occasionally shows the car driving on the left, but in vistas never seen in this country, and with a UK style reg in the close ups.

The Chinese boy on the toilet, badly dubbed with a British accent when anyone can tell from the quality of the picture it's a US advert rather than UK.

The Gaviscon firefighters ad where the accents are Yorkshire and the uniforms are American.


spudcon 06-08-2008 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 460572)

American or European, I'm not a racialist.

But do you have to pee like a racialist?:3eye:

Shawnee123 06-09-2008 10:12 AM


That is all. ;)

Cloud 06-09-2008 10:16 AM

Coworkers who insist on giving you a blow-by-blow account of their entire weekend, complete with all the gossip about people you don't know and don't care about.

Cloud 06-09-2008 10:20 AM


palm frawns
is that some new kinda seafood? (scratches head)

monster 06-09-2008 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 459404)
Monster, do you want me to freight you some Alpen over?

Thanks, Dana, but I'll be OK. I used to make my own which was much nicer anyway (and no sugar or milk) I just felt cheated 'cause the packet looked like the real thing and made me want some... (I used to buy Sainsbury's too, SG, same reasons)

Shawnee123 06-10-2008 09:01 AM

Irritated at me, for not having enough sense to go to bed at a decent hour.:zzz:

HungLikeJesus 06-10-2008 09:16 AM

Shawnee, I hope you can take comfort in the fact that, no matter what time it was when you went to bed, it was two hours earlier here in Colorado.

Shawnee123 06-10-2008 09:27 AM

I take great comfort knowing that. Thanks. *wipes tear from eye*

Shawnee123 06-10-2008 09:36 AM

Another irritation: "new" cow orker. "Is this done yet?" I'm working on it. "Well, I can do it if you want, do you want me to do it?" I'm running it through the's not instant. "Is it done yet? I can do that for you." I'm trying to finish it, could you please close that student record? "Well, I have the record open want me to just do it?" No, leave it alone for a second, please.

OK, I've only been doing this job for 6 1/2 years, I"m pretty sure how it all works.'s good that she wants to learn, but when I do try to spend time with her to teach her she gets all "I know everything" flustered. It's "I want to learn" holding hands with "I know so much I'm scary."

Shawnee123 06-10-2008 11:51 AM

Oh, and fucking robotoids annoy the hell out of me.

elSicomoro 06-10-2008 01:21 PM

This fucking weather in Baltimore...currently it's 94, and even with low humidity, it still sucks!

BigV 06-10-2008 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 460956)
Shawnee, I hope you can take comfort in the fact that, no matter what time it was when you went to bed, it was two hours earlier here in Colorado.

Unlikely. It is certainly possible that a clock her bedside displayed a different value than one in Colorado, but that doesn't mean it was a different time...

HungLikeJesus 06-10-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 461079)
Unlikely. It is certainly possible that a clock her bedside displayed a different value than one in Colorado, but that doesn't mean it was a different time...

Ah, than what is time but a human construct?

BigV 06-10-2008 05:46 PM

I believe time exists independent of my awareness of it, independent of humanity's awareness of it. I know that's not a complete answer to your question, it isn't even complete by my low and ignorant standards.

I will think more about your question.

DucksNuts 06-10-2008 07:14 PM

Im going for a girls nite out with our finance company tomorrow Guys and Dolls.

I want to go to the strippers.

Sundae 06-10-2008 07:25 PM

I'd take Guys & dolls anyday!
(I was in a version of it)

Strippers never get their cocks out.
Oh! I guess they might do in Aus! Please tell?!

DucksNuts 06-10-2008 10:40 PM

Cocks do come out over here.

I have the best of both worlds now though, Guys and Dolls, then there will be a hot, horny dude waiting for me in my hotel room.

:D Woo Hoo.

Flint 06-10-2008 11:43 PM

the PERFECT hotdog buns
All I wanted was one package of brown 'n serve rolls. But standing in my way was a lady determined to find that perfect package of hotdog buns out of the whole display of identical packages of hotdog buns.

Is this it? No... What about this one? Or this one? Or this one? Or this one? Oh, wait, this is is pretty good...oh, no nevermind. Now THIS one! No, no, this one is all wrong. Maybe this one, or this one, or this one. Have I tried these back here, all the way in the back? I'll just pull 5 or 10 of these out. No, no, no, these are all wrong. Have I looked at this one yet? Oh... hold on... this one is pretty great. I think...yes. This is it! No it isn't. This one is total shit. I already looked at this one I think. But what about this one? Or this one? Or this one? Or this one?

Sundae 06-11-2008 05:10 AM

I know a guy with schizophrenia who used to do that with bread.

classicman 06-11-2008 07:41 AM

lol @ Flint - I was getting paper products and the lady in front of me did the same thing with paper plates... PAPER PLATES for goodness sakes - Maybe I should have posted this in the good deeds thread - cuz nut choking her into submission was mine for the day.

Shawnee123 06-11-2008 07:46 AM

OK, I'll take your paper plates and raise you a "leave your cart in the middle of the aisle while you wander around looking at 567 identical packages of Kraft American Cheese" and a "I need to be on my cell phone the entire time I perform all the above tricks."

Seriously, what do they talk about?

Caller: Hey whaddya doin'?
Callee: Nothing, whatchoo doin'?
Caller: I'm at the grocery store
Callee: Yeah?
Caller: Yeah
Callee: what are ya buyin'?
Caller: some milk, some eggs, maybe a frozen pizza
Callee: really?
Caller: yeah
Callee: cool
Caller: yeah


classicman 06-11-2008 08:05 AM

lol - thats sounds like my sons when they are with me. The wanna be doing ANYTHING other than what I have them doing.

aside* I took them offshore fishing.... no cell service all day ..... Ahhh the silence was deafening and absolutely wonderful at the same time.

Shawnee123 06-11-2008 08:20 AM

Did they experience withdrawal? :)

classicman 06-11-2008 09:07 AM

Bigtime! - on the way in they were both anxiously waiting for their service to return. Very comical to the adults on-board.

Sundae 06-11-2008 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 461285)
OK, I'll take your paper plates and raise you a "leave your cart in the middle of the aisle while you wander around looking at 567 identical packages of Kraft American Cheese" and a "I need to be on my cell phone the entire time I perform all the above tricks."

I'll take your Kraft American Cheese and raise you a "standing rummaging in my bag while my pushchair and two kids block the entry to the Post Office and three people are waiting to get out but there is a bloke on crutches! bending over to pick something up on the other side of me and I'll still yap into my mobile and not notice the bottleneck is my fault because no-one wants to get mad at the cripple".


Shawnee123 06-11-2008 10:11 AM


I think you win the pot on this one!

Clodfobble 06-11-2008 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123
Seriously, what do they talk about?

This is the most common cellphone conversation I hear in the grocery store.

Middle-aged man dressed in business casual clothes: "Okay, what is it called again? No, it's not here. Yes, I'm on the right aisle. Yes, I'm sure. I'm really not seeing it. I think they're out of it. Right, a blue package, yellow lettering... there's nothing like that here. *sigh* Fine, I'll go find an employee and ask them..."

HungLikeJesus 06-11-2008 11:20 AM

I was in the bathroom at work one day and there was a guy in the stall talking on his cell phone. When I walked out I turned off the light. I figure he can talk just as well in the dark.

Shawnee123 06-11-2008 11:24 AM

I find that freakishly weird.

"Whatcha doin'?"


"cool, man"

SteveDallas 06-11-2008 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 461383)
This is the most common cellphone conversation I hear in the grocery store.

Middle-aged man dressed in business casual clothes: "Okay, what is it called again? No, it's not here. Yes, I'm on the right aisle. Yes, I'm sure. I'm really not seeing it. I think they're out of it. Right, a blue package, yellow lettering... there's nothing like that here. *sigh* Fine, I'll go find an employee and ask them..."

:3eye: Mrs. Dallas and I joke about how it's impossible for either of us to get to a trip to the store without calling home. For us it's more like "They didn't have X... do you want a different brand, or nothing?" or "Y is on sale... should we stock up?" or "Did you check out yet? Good, I left something off the list . . . "

Either one of us is just as likely to use any of these as the other one.

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