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wolf 01-01-2003 04:00 PM

Re: Re: Ummm ... Cairo ....

Originally posted by sycamore

Actually Wolf, this is the last amendment, added in 1992:

Amendment XXVII

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

Thank you syc, I stand corrected. (Sit actually. Typing while standing up is a drag.)

My bad.

wolf 01-01-2003 05:53 PM


Originally posted by God

Dont worry Wolf, I can throw a bolt of lightning around corners, through flooring, ceilings, you name it.

I guess you've had a lot of practice ...

Cairo 01-01-2003 09:53 PM

Wolf -
You are so right! Bad example on my part, but the NOW-nazis and choicers keep insisting over and over and over that it is a Constitutional Right according to the 4th Amendment so often that even I was getting brainwashed, my bad!

I forgot that it was a Judicial fiat that excluded the people...much like they are doing now by making law from the bench to prohibit free exercise of religions.

Thank you for snapping me out of that falsehood...
however, Radar is a lost cause.

Cairo 01-01-2003 10:20 PM

warch, hermit22, jaguar, and perth -

Guys, guys, guys... I meant the cum swallower definition. But ya know, if you guys would put half the focus, determination, and energy into understanding the meaning of my message that you do in deciphering what I think of Radar...
you might just learn something important to your future freedom.

Jaguar -
The only things that DO shock you are truth, reality, and common sense! LOL...

Perth -
I used the term "Dumbazz", not my husband.
It has a meaning and was purposeful.
The 'zz' spelling indicates a bore, as in putting me to sleep. A BORING Dumbass!!!

jaguar 01-02-2003 01:44 AM

Ah common sense, I was waiting for you to use that one, every idiots way of justifying their silly views, it's common sense! How could i not see that *sighs*.


My desire for the extermination of all palestinians above the age of 4, and the scattering of the remaining children throughout the adoption agencies of the western alliance nations is purely pragmatic. The 5 year olds are largely corrupted and won't forget their parents being put down to easily. The 4 and under crowd can easily be co-opted by barney, sesame street, mickey mouse and the rest of america's legions. The memory of their psychotic parents having bred them to strap a bomb to them will quickly be forgotten in a blur of pokemon and ice cream.
You are a really scary person.


It is the height of human arrogance to even believe that we can parametrically affect the weather of our planet.
Or that we could wipe out entire species, create deserts, destroy entire ecosystems or make entire tracts of land uninhabitable for thousands of years.

I'm sure to learn much about my future freedom by talking to a psychotic aircon installer who carries a bullet incase she needs to kill herself and wants to wipe out an entire population, probably to serve her own religious beliefs that she somehow denies having. Enough of your ham-fisted rubbish, join radar on the ignore list.

That Guy 01-02-2003 08:12 AM


Originally posted by Cairo
ignorant mook, MORON, Shit-for-brains, Dumbazz!!!! IDIOT! stupid piece of crap! pompus turd, hypocrit, asswipe, pinko commie, pink boy! sorry excuse for a human being, and a complete waste of my time and breath, puke, processed shit that has been infested by maggots!
So you're a 40 year-old mother? Interesting... Do your kids sound like drunken sailors with tourrete's also?
Profanity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers.

Griff 01-02-2003 08:17 AM


Originally posted by blowmeetheclown
Profanity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers.
Great, now I have mate' in my sinus cavity.

perth 01-02-2003 09:09 AM


Perth -
I used the term "Dumbazz", not my husband.
It has a meaning and was purposeful.
The 'zz' spelling indicates a bore, as in putting me to sleep. A BORING Dumbass!!!
ah. i wasnt so much concerned about who was using it, more that it was being used in the first place.


warch 01-02-2003 11:00 AM

...put half the focus,determination, and energy into understanding the meaning of my message that you do in deciphering what I think of Radar... you might just learn something important to your future freedom.

Hmm. Ya think?
Then for my benefit, could you just review that Palestinian solution one more time Ava?

jaguar 01-02-2003 04:48 PM


ignorant mook, MORON, Shit-for-brains, Dumbazz!!!! IDIOT! stupid piece of crap! pompus turd, hypocrit, asswipe, pinko commie, pink boy! sorry excuse for a human being, and a complete waste of my time and breath, puke, processed shit that has been infested by maggots!
I missed that gem somehow. It's not very often you her quasi-christian middle aged mothers talking about cum swallowing i must agree. I'm glad theres a big pond between her trailer and myself.

Cairo 01-02-2003 05:54 PM

Jaguar -
My husband IS a very scary Socialists and DemocRATS!!! He's a true American Patriot who leans to the right of the Religious right, and proud to let you know that "Red, White, and Blue don't RUN!"

You barfed out,"psychotic aircon installer who carries a bullet in case she needs to kill herself and wants to wipe out an entire population, probably to serve her own religious beliefs that she somehow denies having."
First of all, your interpretation and comprehension skills are ATROCIOUS!!!! Not to mention made-up...
Chalk it up to Socialist Schooling! Good for a fiction or sci-fi novel though!

If you can't tell the differences between my husband's posts and mine...that says it all! I've no further use for you! NEXT!

Cairo 01-02-2003 06:02 PM

Blowmee -
I'm 39...for 6 more months, I am 39!
A little friendly life advice...if you want to get the attention and on-going response from a woman, it's best NOT to add onto her age! In fact, subtracting from often gains you major kudos!
Otherwise, it's an insult and you will be ignored and alone for the rest of your life. K?

perth 01-02-2003 06:04 PM

how hard would it be for him to have his own login? i think we should have a contest. come up with a nickname for cairos husband.


Griff 01-02-2003 06:10 PM


Originally posted by perth
how hard would it be for him to have his own login? i think we should have a contest. come up with a nickname for cairos husband.


Huh? I thought she and radar...

perth 01-02-2003 06:14 PM


Originally posted by Griff
Huh? I thought she and radar...
i thought about that too. but i dont think so. but they would make a cute couple, no?


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