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Queen of the Ryche 03-25-2009 04:22 PM

I got you babe.....

capnhowdy 03-25-2009 07:40 PM

Mildly irritating:
Sonny smacked that tree quite some time ago and Cher still hasn't called me. Bitch. Always knew I couldn't count on her.

Pie 03-25-2009 08:53 PM

Bank of America. Friggin' loser bankers.
P'tui! I spit on your soul!

ZenGum 03-25-2009 08:55 PM

Mildly concerning me:

I have a moderate allergy to bee stings. I carry an adrenaline inhaler to treat bronchospasm. It is out of date (I hadn't worried too much, because a doc had told me the stuff is pretty stable) so I went to a chemist to ask about getting a new one. They don't make them anymore.

I did some research as to why.

The manufacturers had cut the shelf life from 3 years to 18 months, but found they couldn't even guarantee that, so pulled the product.

In 1997.

Mine says "exp Aug 97".

Ah. Seems I have been carrying a placebo around for about a decade. Hmm.

The good thing is I also carry ventolin for mild asthma, which also treats bronchospasm, so I have a back up. But I might have to look at getting an Epi-pen.

Pie 03-25-2009 09:50 PM

Do it. Now that you know the danger, you're that much more in danger.

Wait, did that make any sense??

ZenGum 03-25-2009 09:58 PM

Err, no.

First step will be getting some ventolin which is not expired too.

dar512 03-26-2009 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Pie (Post 549483)
Bank of America. Friggin' loser bankers.
P'tui! I spit on your soul!

Cellar trivia - Did a google search of "spit on your soul". Cellar was number four with a different post. Pie's post was on the second page.

Queen of the Ryche 03-26-2009 11:57 AM

Epi-pen, yes. Never leave home without mine. And the older I get the stronger my reactions to the nasty little buggers get, so get it now. (trip to the hospital in anyphalactic shock=no fun.)

Pie 03-26-2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 549617)
Cellar trivia - Did a google search of "spit on your soul". Cellar was number four with a different post. Pie's post was on the second page.

I quoted it in the spirit of that previous post. Some things are hallowed by the passage of time. :p

henry quirk 03-27-2009 02:41 PM

i smoke

i've smoked with great dedication for YEARS

there are times when smoking a tobacco cigarette has been the only god damned thing to keep me going

i like smoking

this -- to some -- is a deplorable position to take

conventional wisdom, with all the dire warnings of health risks and whatnot, would have the average schmo steer far clear of cigarettes

to each his own

in my case: i like to smoke

now: about two weeks ago i quit cold turkey

i did so because the price of a pack is going through the roof

here, today, in the asshole of the nation (louisiana) the average price for my brand (marlboro red in the short box) is 'bout $4.15...this is up about 40 cents from what it was a couple or three weeks ago

my 'quit' was prompted by the price increase which -- according to my research -- has its roots in the cigarette companies looking to off-set the dollar increase slated to go in effect, nation-wide, april 1, 09

so: i quit -- in a manner of speaking -- in a huff

it was easy: the first 72 hours, as the nicotine left my system, i had few craving and those i did suffer were relatively mild

this is surprising since i've smoked a pack to two packs daily for over 20 years

and even now: the urges are mild

but -- in the cool analysis of the moment (nicotine-free) -- i'm going back to smoking


because i miss it...i miss the cluster of behaviors that go along with smoking...i miss the scent of it...i miss holding fire between my fingers...i miss sitting on my stoop at 2 in the morning, surrounded by darkness, with only a burning cigarette as company

i like to smoke

i'm going back to smoking because of the way it -- smoking -- is intimately intertwined with my living...for example: i write, i research, i broadcast

as writer: the act is part and parcel of the smoke...i do the two things together

as researcher: the act is part and parcel of the smoke...i do the two things together

as broadcaster: my program is called 'coffee and cigarettes with henry quirk'…'nuff said

now: some of you (rabid, anti-pleasure, ratbastards, all) will point your bony fingers at me and crow, 'addict! you're fucking addict!'

no doubt of that

i, in my defense, say my addiction to this particular vice is on par with your 'addiction' to food

that is, we can generate two lists: 'needs' and 'wants…while cigarettes may fall into the sphere of 'want' for a great many, for me the cigarette is a 'need', as fundamental to my day-to-day living as air, water, and food

my ire, my irritation, is this...

with myself: for allowing economics to intrude into a sacred, regular, event

with an industry: for allowing the anti-folk to bulldog them, the manufacturers, into a corner

with a government (comprised of power hungry sons and daughters of bitches): for over-stepping and presuming/assuming a right to dictate my manner of living or dying

with a culture: for stagnating and stultifying into 'the only good life is a safe life'

not more than 30 minutes ago: i smoked my first cigarette since march 12, 09, and, my god, my god, IT WAS GOOD!

if i quit again, when i quit again: it'll be because of a reason idiosyncratic to 'me'...certainly not because of reasons vomited up on me by the well-intentioned or agenda-ridden

certainly: the almighty dollar will not play a role in my choice

there...i'm done... --henry

Shawnee123 03-27-2009 02:51 PM

Tobacco is a dirty weed
I like it
It satisfies no normal need
I like it
It makes you thin it makes you lean
It takes the hair right off your bean
It's the worst darn stuff I've ever seen
I like it.

(My Gramps' cigarette wall holder thingy.)

glatt 03-27-2009 02:56 PM

Smoking will almost certainly shorten your life by years.

If that's what you knowingly chose, then who am I to intervene? Enjoy your life.

TheMercenary 03-27-2009 02:59 PM

I hate cigarettes, but that was a great rant Henry. Well done.

henry quirk 03-27-2009 02:59 PM


just found this...

"I do not really care whether anyone smokes or not."

"I do so myself in phases, and then give up - not for health reasons, but simply to remind myself that I can."

...i think this will be my new rationale


Tobacco is a dirty weed
I like it


It satisfies no normal need
I like it

(((it is burning happiness)))

It makes you thin it makes you lean

(((five, eight...145 pounds)))

It takes the hair right off your bean

(((i am a slick-bald gargoyle)))

It's the worst darn stuff I've ever seen
I like it


henry quirk 03-27-2009 03:00 PM

glatt and the merc: two great and tolerant souls!

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