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infinite monkey 10-20-2011 11:54 AM

What Do You Have Mixed Feelings About Today?
I've been at this job exactly 3 years today.

It may all end tomorrow (double super secret meeting, damifino.)

I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. It's a follow-up on my blood work. It will either be something or nothing. I don't know which worries me more.

Let's see, what else?

A flash mob appeared at a campus wide meeting...pretty funny stuff.

I get to go to my brother's cottage this weekend with the whole fam damily (except the adult nieces/nephews, they're all busy I think.)

I still don't have my heat on but I'm saving money on my gas bill.

OK, what about you?

Trilby 10-20-2011 12:03 PM

i have mixed feelings about my quitting my oncologists appointments.

The weather.

My overall general health.

My lack of motivation.

My inability to do anything about the above things.

infinite monkey 10-20-2011 12:05 PM

Why are you quitting your oncologist appointments?

Trilby 10-20-2011 12:07 PM

too bloody expensive. I mean it - I will never get out from under these bills.

Never never never. I will die owing these people money even if I worked four jobs, full-time, sold drugs and won the lottery. I can't do it anymore. I can't go see her for another 200.00 for five minutes of her time. I can't. If I feel something, I'll go to my family doc. Oncologists costs big money.

I quit about a year ago when I couldn't keep up with the payments.

it's a gamble, but hey, isn't that what the free market is all about? the right to gamble with your health and self? Like Russian Roulette!

I owe every doc in this town, pretty much. it's disheartening. it's really a nightmare and I'm a lucky one.

infinite monkey 10-20-2011 12:11 PM

Oh girl. That is the crappiest thing I've heard in a long time.

But, your family doc, is in tune with your issues, no?

200 bucks. Ridiculous. :(

sexobon 10-20-2011 12:19 PM

I have mixed feelings about:
mixed drinks,
mixed vegetables,
mixed nuts (that would be you all). :p:

infinite monkey 10-20-2011 12:22 PM

You should mix it up a little bit.

What are your feelings on mixed marriage? :eek:

(Ha! Is that even a relevant term anymore? I think we progressed beyond that one!)

footfootfoot 10-20-2011 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 765608)
too bloody expensive. I mean it - I will never get out from under these bills.

Never never never. I will die owing these people money even if I worked four jobs, full-time, sold drugs and won the lottery. I can't do it anymore. I can't go see her for another 200.00 for five minutes of her time. I can't. If I feel something, I'll go to my family doc. Oncologists costs big money.

I quit about a year ago when I couldn't keep up with the payments.

it's a gamble, but hey, isn't that what the free market is all about? the right to gamble with your health and self? Like Russian Roulette!

I owe every doc in this town, pretty much. it's disheartening. it's really a nightmare and I'm a lucky one.

Tell them to go f888 themselves. What are they gonna do, put the cancer back in you? Then put a flaming bag of dogshit on their porch and ring the bell. Hide in the bushes and watch. ETA: I'm not actually a lawyer, so I'm not sure if you could get in trouble for any of this.

HungLikeJesus 10-20-2011 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 765612)

What are your feelings on mixed marriage? :eek:

(Ha! Is that even a relevant term anymore? I think we progressed beyond that one!)

You mean like a man and a woman? No, no one is doing that anymore.

Clodfobble 10-20-2011 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
Tell them to go f888 themselves. What are they gonna do, put the cancer back in you? Then put a flaming bag of dogshit on their porch and ring the bell. Hide in the bushes and watch. ETA: I'm not actually a lawyer, so I'm not sure if you could get in trouble for any of this.

My uncle had a heart attack a little over a month ago, and spent a good amount of time in ICU with no insurance and minimal income. At this point he's pretty much assuming he's going to have to declare bankruptcy, after he can actually stand long enough to get down to the courthouse. Honestly, I think he should. Is it an option for you, Bri?

Trilby 10-20-2011 02:46 PM

Bankruptcy might be an option. i wonder if I can file for myself or do I HAVE to have a lawyer? Because lawyers are as expensive as oncologists...that's kinda why I haven't filed yet. :/

does your uncle own anything? like a house or car?

Clodfobble 10-20-2011 02:57 PM

Nope. He's been teaching in China for the last several years, and it was sheer coincidence that the heart attack happened while he was in the States for 2 weeks sorting out visa paperwork for the upcoming year. He's living with my mom and still thinks he's going to make it back to China for the spring semester, but we all know that's ridiculous.

I don't know what the laws are in your state, but in Texas they can't take your home in a bankruptcy unless you own more than one.

Nirvana 10-20-2011 03:45 PM

A bankruptcy may cost you about $600 which includes the filing fee with an attorney. Find one that only does bankruptcies. {My SIL does these] 3 Dr visits >sigh< I think in most states they cannot take your home or car. Don't own more than one.

I have not been to a Dr in over a decade. They scare me...

I have mixed feelings about the spaghetti dinner I am making. Instead of pasta I am trying spaghetti squash. We will see....

footfootfoot 10-20-2011 10:29 PM

I'll post a lengthy spaghetti squash thing for you tomorrow. I have to go to sleep now.

infinite monkey 10-21-2011 07:25 AM

We've heard all about your lengthy spaghetti squash thing, foot. :lol:

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