The Cellar

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Cloud 08-27-2009 08:51 AM

Baby names
Since both my daughters are expecting (grandbaby clouds 7 and 8), I have been collecting and considering names. Not my choice to make in the end, but I am graciously granted some input rights.

Did I tell you? (can't remember). Beautiful Daughter No. 1, who already has four girls, is now expecting a boy! Yay! But boys names are hard. We don't like common names like Daniel or Matthew, but don't want something too weird or too hard to spell.

In the lead for BD#1 are: Ander, Kai and Jace. Middle name will most likely be Javier. In the lead for BD#2 (who will not know beforehand what she's having) is, apparently, Lazarus.
Don't like that one. Kinda long (no pun intended!) (anybody else get that?) and the only nickname I can parse from it is Lazy. Anyway, for your amusement, here are some names we have collected. Not all of these are getting serious consideration.

Dario (Darius)
Tirso (family name)

monster 08-27-2009 08:54 AM

Quetzl the Pretzel....

Shawnee123 08-27-2009 08:54 AM

There are a lot of names on that list that will ensure he gets his ass kicked on a weekly basis! :lol:

I like Rhys!

monster 08-27-2009 08:58 AM

But will you like Rhys's Pieces?

Pooka 08-27-2009 08:59 AM

I love Astrid and Iona!

monster 08-27-2009 09:03 AM

Astrid always makes me thing of Pippi Longstocking -I think maybe it was the author's name? Astring Linsomethingorother

Cloud 08-27-2009 09:04 AM

As I said, many not seriously being considered.

We already have: Azalea, Cyan, Rahvin, Meilyn, Marlee, Jayden

So you can see the kinds of names which would match.

And besides, if he gets his ass kicked, he'll just grow up to be a football player; make lots of money, and keep his grammy in style in her old age.

monster 08-27-2009 09:13 AM

We're just helping with the elimination here :lol:

you have malachai on there twice, btw. I like that one. for either gender :lol:

monster 08-27-2009 09:14 AM

Cloud is cool too ;)

Cloud 08-27-2009 09:16 AM

kind of a mashup of lists from different sources. And I do have two babies named after me: Marlee (which includes my name); and Jayden Cloud. that's enough.

Lots of color names since those run in the family. Revel is kinda cool. I like Teru, too but no one else does. One set of parents does not want anything too "white" or "preppy" in order to go with a spanish last name.

So many considerations!

dar512 08-27-2009 09:19 AM

Lots of name information at this site. But I like the interactive chart that shows the popularity of a name you type in.

Undertoad 08-27-2009 09:19 AM

In my day the kid would stand no chance. First one to get his ass kicked in middle school. And, the mere fact that Gaia/Gaius made the list means that whomever added it should have zero role in name choice. ZERO ROLE. I don't care about "seriously considered", if you added it to the list you must depart.

In fact a good third of the names there are practically girl's names. Astrud Gilberto, great French chick singer. Ione Skye, chick actress. Remy, I believe is a Cognac.

I hope things have changed since then, but I doubt it. I suggest finding a man to name this child. The women are doing him a major disservice. You chicks want to be cute about it, but you have no idea. You think, oh great, let's make him unique. It's really, oh great let's give him an anchor to drag around.

Luka is acceptable, but everyone knows he lives on the second floor and quietly gets physically abused by his parents.

Give the kid half a chance, use Dar's wizard and pick something in the top 500 for the last 10 years. And it has to be blue. If the name's blue, it's coo'. If the name's pink, it stinks.

Shawnee123 08-27-2009 09:24 AM

Luka also sells pizza.

monster 08-27-2009 09:25 AM

I think undertoad would be a great name for a child. Especially a girl.

The kids with the boring names would get picked on at my kids' school, if they weren't all so busy spreading love and peace.

Cloud 08-27-2009 09:26 AM

Ugh. No top names! Boys names are all the same.

Yeah, I get the point, really. And these kids have fathers who must choose and agree to the name, (and I don't even get veto power) so we'll see.

Shawnee123 08-27-2009 09:27 AM

Jace sounds like you're doing my imitation of a Charo. (jace=yes)

monster 08-27-2009 09:27 AM


monster 08-27-2009 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 590481)
Ugh. No top names! Boys names are all the same.

You do know that Jayden is now one of the most popular names? :lol:

monster 08-27-2009 09:29 AM

there's a boy in Thor's grade called Garnet. That's pretty cool.

monster 08-27-2009 09:31 AM

Beetlegeuse would be interesting....

oh dear, you've got me started...... (I love names)

monster 08-27-2009 09:34 AM

Rhythm begs the question "Is that what method your parents were using?

Condom would be a great manly-sounding name if it wasn't for.....well, you know

Pill would be a great girl's name. Oh she's a pill!

monster 08-27-2009 09:37 AM

someone else can post now. rly.

(For a moment there I misread Dax as Drax. Next I'll be suggesting Dat--yss. MUST. LEAVE. THREAD. )

Shawnee123 08-27-2009 09:41 AM

How about Flash?

monster 08-27-2009 09:53 AM

let's hope he doesn't suffer from occupational nominative determinism

Cloud 08-27-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 590484)
You do know that Jayden is now one of the most popular names? :lol:

Yes, I know. And I predict Jace will be popular, too. They're on the cusp!

Rhythym is horrible. I can't even spell it.

monster 08-27-2009 09:56 AM

Cellar would be such a cooool name.....

(basement would be the redneck version)

Cloud 08-27-2009 09:58 AM

Not sure if I mentioned this (and a search failed to bring it up); but one of my cow orker's just got a grandkid named Stormy Dae.

Stripper name!

xoxoxoBruce 08-27-2009 10:16 AM

A boy named Sue. :thumbsdn:

Probably end up a lawyer.

monster 08-27-2009 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 590500)
A boy named Sue. :thumbsdn:

Probably end up a lawyer.

or a native american.


dar512 08-27-2009 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 590484)
You do know that Jayden is now one of the most popular names? :lol:

#11 for boys # 176 for girls

Pie 08-27-2009 11:39 AM

Where's Radar? I'm waiting for his rant on nonstandard baby names.

I like Jasper for a boy. A little old-fashioned, but not terribly common.

Clodfobble 08-27-2009 01:01 PM

Oh man, Pagan is a really bad idea. I promise. I mean, besides the fact that you've just guaranteed he'll rebel by becoming a rigid fundamentalist, all through his youth he is going to be quietly discriminated against by those same fundamentalists. Can you just imagine, say, his third grade teacher muttering to herself in disgust, "Well I never..." and suddenly his papers just aren't getting the same grades they were the year before? Your child's name is no place for a political statement.

ZenGum 08-27-2009 09:52 PM

What UT said. Really.

morethanpretty 08-27-2009 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 590456)
In the lead for BD#1 are: Ander, Kai and Jace. Middle name will most likely be Javier. In the lead for BD#2 (who will not know beforehand what she's having) is, apparently, Lazarus.
Don't like that one. Kinda long (no pun intended!) (anybody else get that?) and the only nickname I can parse from it is Lazy. Anyway, for your amusement, here are some names we have collected. Not all of these are getting serious consideration.

Out of the "lead" names I like Ander only. I dislike names with only one syllable. If you want to shorted in to one, fine, but it should have atleast two for formal reasons.

Your list:
Aislinn - how is the pronounced? ahs-linn or ase-linn? doesn't matter, too girly.
Astrid - no, ugly. again is it ah-strid or ae-strid?
Canyon - I like
Cloud - you already have a g-kid with that in their name
Crimson - I like
Darby - no
Delyth - too girly
Echo - girl name
Gaia/Gaius -no
Guthrie -fuck no
Halcyon -what? i thought y'all wanted easy spellings. maybe i'm just a poor reader, but that is another iffy pronunciation.
Iona - girly
Mab/Maeve - only 1 syllable, no
Meru - its ok
Rhythm - no
Auryn - what?
Xanthe - i like, but its only 1 syllable, so not for a first name
Thea - 1 syllable, no
Revel - its ok
Celedon - really? you serious? no
Cerulean - i like, but might be too girly
Dresdan - sounds like an alien sci-fi book or something. Its OK
Rhys - you know why not
Eris - girly
Silvio - its ok
Declan - its ok
Luka - no, i see a starving eastern european kid with that name
Quetzl - i like it, but it would be hard to spell for some (mainly idiots).
Pagan - no, reasons clod stated
Rune - no, too paganish, and 1 syllable
Beran/Beren - too close to barren (as in unable to produce)
Blaise/Blaze - 1 syllable
Dario (Darius) - i like Darius, and Dario is an acceptable nick-name
Danilo - i like it
Dermell - no
Harper - its ok
Sterling - just don't like it for a name
Silver - same as Sterling
Teru - no
Rio - no, think about it, do you really want to name a boy "river." there will be enuf pee related incidents. you don't need a self-fulling prophecy like this.
Indigo/Inigo/Vigo - Indigo is ok
Ander - i like
Beckett - too much like a last name
Blake - no
Dashiel - i like it
Dayo - i like it
Dax - no
Drake - no
Gian - how do you pronounce?
Flynn - no, its a last name
Jace - no
Jett - no
Kal - no
Lucian - I kinda like it but it sounds like an evil character.
Mac - no
Malachai/Chai/Kai - I like Malachai, but still sounds like an evil character.
Remy - no
Tirso (family name) - that one is interesting
Tru - no
Ty - no
Val - no
Zeke - Only if you go with Ezekiel as the real name
Zuma - kinda girly

Well, thats my opinion for ya. I also like the boy name Elijah, but it didn't make your list. :(

monster 08-27-2009 10:58 PM

Zen, do you have a "regular" or an "alternative" name?

ZenGum 08-27-2009 11:11 PM

Alternative when I was young, but getting a little commonplace now.

Hearing it mangled by teachers was bad enough, but it also made an easy target for teasing.

morethanpretty 08-27-2009 11:24 PM

I hate my plain name. Wish I had an "alternative" one. I was teased for plenty of other things, even if I were teased for my name it would be worth it because it would be unique.

ZenGum 08-27-2009 11:42 PM

Wanna be teased for your name?

Ok. Anything to oblige a lady.


monster 08-28-2009 01:25 PM

I think the list includes girly names because the sex of one of the babies is not yet known.

Pie 08-28-2009 02:14 PM

I never minded having a non-common name; I just wish it was more mellifluous.

And.... I spelled that right the first time! Go me!

Cloud 08-28-2009 02:27 PM

Thanks MTP--I tend to agree with most of them. That list is more of a brainstorming list, not all of them are under serious consideration. And yeah, one of the kids doesn't know the sex yet, so we are listing both boys and girls names.

Now the front runner seems to be "Orion" for the boy.

Who the hell knows.

Oh, and my name only has one syllable. In fact, my first and last name each have only one syllable--lots of people remember it easily.

monster 08-28-2009 02:57 PM

I misread that as Onion. Next!

monster 08-28-2009 02:58 PM

Thor only has one syllable -believe me he doesn't need two!

Thea and Xanthe I would pronounce both with two syllables.

Shawnee123 08-28-2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 590887)
I misread that as Onion. Next!

Why not? Gwyneth named a damn child Apple.

How about B. Russell Sprout? Artie Choke? Chopin Broccoli?

Cloud 08-28-2009 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 590889)
Thor only has one syllable -believe me he doesn't need two!

Thea and Xanthe I would pronounce both with two syllables.

I caught that too--Thea def has two syllables, Xanthe I'm not sure about.

monster 08-28-2009 03:12 PM

Broccoli would work with a Latin last name, I think.....

Actually I liked Onion. Rhymes with Bunion, though.

Shawnee123 08-28-2009 03:14 PM

Rhythm Onion Bunion. Call him Rob.

monster 08-28-2009 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 590894)
Xanthe I'm not sure about.

concencus here is two.

although round here it's quite popular with African Americans (who generally are not "fair-haired" -which is what it means) -and they usually pronounce it Ex-an-thay

monster 08-28-2009 03:21 PM

Going back to color names, what about Turquoise? and Garnet could be considered a color too.


Shawnee123 08-28-2009 03:23 PM



Mauve (and then there's Mauve, and then there's Mauve, that old compromisin' enterprisin' anything but tranquilizin' Right on Mauve!)

classicman 08-28-2009 03:25 PM


Thats what everyone is gonna end up callin him anyway

Shawnee123 08-28-2009 03:27 PM

How about a name that expresses his individuality yet asserts his masculinity, like Pinky Bruno?

monster 08-28-2009 03:30 PM


monster 08-28-2009 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 590905)

Thats what everyone is gonna end up callin him anyway


monster 08-28-2009 03:34 PM



Clodfobble 08-28-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by monster

Hey, I cook with that!

Shawnee123 08-28-2009 03:38 PM



Mustard Seed


Undertoad 08-28-2009 03:42 PM


Cloud 08-28-2009 03:43 PM

now y'all are just being silly!

Oh, wait . . .

forgot where I was for a sec!

monster 08-28-2009 03:49 PM

I wasn't being silly. much.

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