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xoxoxoBruce 03-01-2005 12:08 PM

What's more current than the weather?
It's what we live with, work around and can't reason with, divorce or murder. :biggrin:
Today it's snow.

lookout123 03-01-2005 12:09 PM

today it is 70 and sunny. i don't have my camera with me. would you like a picture when i get home?

xoxoxoBruce 03-01-2005 01:06 PM


today it is 70 and sunny.
You poor baby. it must be so stressful. :p

lookout123 03-01-2005 02:16 PM

hey - it's nothing to laugh at. do you have any idea how much i am forced to spend on sunscreen every year? ;)

dar512 03-01-2005 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123
hey - it's nothing to laugh at. do you have any idea how much i am forced to spend on sunscreen every year? ;)

Finally found a perfect use for this: :violin:

lookout123 03-01-2005 02:34 PM

and besides - it gets tiresome eating lunch on the sidewalk year round, never getting to pull the snow chains out, i never get to use my snow shovel... and coats? forgetaboutit.

Griff 03-01-2005 02:37 PM

Nice snow day today, but I still have to drive to class tonight. An hour 40 drive in good weather...

lookout123 03-01-2005 02:41 PM

i feel you're pain griff. i am from northern illinois and i used to drive 87 miles each way to school. but at least i didn't have to live in a college town, right?

Elspode 03-01-2005 02:52 PM

So, how many inches did you Cellarites get out of the past day or so?

Ladies, you may wish to consider the topic carefully before responding.

Silent 03-01-2005 02:53 PM

That's not snow.

This is snow.

Griff 03-01-2005 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
So, how many inches did you Cellarites get out of the past day or so?

I'll take a closer look in the morning but maybe 16 inches in the last 30 hours? We got like 4 more while I was at school. I'd like to take a moment to thank the Japanese for my Nissan pickup. I had to take a long stretch of back roads because there were firemen all over the highway, but had no problems.

wolf 03-02-2005 12:39 AM

Reports vary, but the northern burbs seem to have gotten between three and six inches.

I did not get my ruler out to check. I'd guess I had to clean three or four inches off my car when I left work at midnight. It took me 45 minutes to complete what is usually a 15 minute drive.

For the most of it, thankfully, I was the only car on the road. When I was about two miles from my house some dumbass decided to tailgate me. What is with people??

At any point he could have passed me if he were that impatient. It was just me and him, and he was not a cop. It wasn't just his strict adherence to the rules of the road, either ... at the point at which he finally got the hell off my ass, he made an illegal left hand turn at a red light, at an intersection known for fatalities (it's a five-point intersection, with no visibility of the cross traffic).

jaguar 03-02-2005 01:38 AM

We got a whole inch here a few days ago....and it didn't melt for hours.

cowhead 03-02-2005 04:43 AM

uh oddly enough this winter here in Kansas jas been very very very kind only 2 ice storms and not too much god-awful cold.. the lowest it got this year was -10 which is freakin' balmy for here in january :) although I don't miss the south.. I need my seasons.. it gives a sense to the passage of time, and sometimes a challenge (given that I walk to work only about 10 blocks.. but that can be a challenge sometimes.. especially during that ice storm.. now that was fun!) real quick though when my brother and I were young and living in champaign Ill. one day (and I was in 3rd grade he was in 1st) we had a huge snow storm and it was no big deal, only about 6 inches so we walked to school.. as we did every day (it was only about a mile) well... we got there and much to our suprise the school was closed.. fortunately the janitor let us and and we called home.. damn beatnik parents :) I dunno, I had a blast walking in that much snow! moonboots rock!

cowhead 03-02-2005 04:45 AM

oh and the screwed up thing about walking.. I own 2 cars actually SUVs (by the way anyone interested in a '93 pathfinder XE?).. and haven't driven (although I LOVE to drive) since last March

Catwoman 03-02-2005 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
It's what we live with, work around...

Quite. Finally something in the 'current events' section that has a direct impact on our lives, and is both relevant and observable.

It's raining here.

Griff 03-02-2005 06:05 AM

I think I overstated the snow because of the drifting. Of course it is snowing right now.

LabRat 03-02-2005 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by cowhead
one day we had a huge snow storm we walked to school.. we got there and much to our suprise the school was closed..

HA HA!!!! I am so glad that I am not the only one who has ever done this. I lived close enough to walk to my school(s) also, and though I don't remember too many details, I do remember walking thru a snowstorm and finding I was locked out of school (um, except it was high school), only to find out it was cancelled after I finally gave up and went back home. Boy did I feel dumb.

dar512 03-02-2005 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by cowhead
oh and the screwed up thing about walking.. I own 2 cars actually SUVs (by the way anyone interested in a '93 pathfinder XE?).. and haven't driven (although I LOVE to drive) since last March

Isn't it bad to leave a car sitting that long?

wolf 03-02-2005 12:53 PM

Yeah. It hurts their feelings. They get jealous of the other cars.

wolf 03-05-2005 02:42 AM

I finally got around to extracting the snow pics from my camera ...

If you have trouble finding your car in the snow, leaving the lights on may help ...

It seemed like it wasn't going to stop

But it eventually did and there are signs that spring is just around the corner. Somewhere. Maybe lurking in a dark alley or something ...

and sometimes you don't know what you're taking a picture of until you get it out of the camera.

404Error 03-05-2005 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
and sometimes you don't know what you're taking a picture of until you get it out of the camera., um, what is it? :confused:

wolf 03-06-2005 12:36 AM

I'll let people speculate for a while before I give the answer.

If it's really making you crazy, PM me.

Griff 03-06-2005 07:13 AM

cigarette smoke?

Perry Winkle 03-06-2005 08:41 AM

Looks like the vapor trail that follows me for a few days after going out for indian food.

wolf 03-06-2005 11:18 AM

Griff wins.

xoxoxoBruce 03-06-2005 12:44 PM


and sometimes you don't know what you're taking a picture of until you get it out of the camera.
Looks like Deep Purple. ;)

FloridaDragon 03-06-2005 07:37 PM

Just had a blizzard here....well, ok. it was a dairy queen butterfinger blizzard... and we ate it in the hottub ... because it is a cool 62 degrees out there in So. FL right now...was a sunny and in the 70s earlier.... guess I better pipe down, huh?

Griff 03-06-2005 07:39 PM

Oh I don't know, we had friends over and xc skiied for two hours this afternoon. It was pretty sweet.

xoxoxoBruce 03-08-2005 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by FloridaDragon
Just had a blizzard here....well, ok. it was a dairy queen butterfinger blizzard... and we ate it in the hottub ... because it is a cool 62 degrees out there in So. FL right now...was a sunny and in the 70s earlier.... guess I better pipe down, huh?

And how far off is hurricane season? :p

404Error 03-08-2005 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by FloridaDragon
Just had a blizzard here....well, ok. it was a dairy queen butterfinger blizzard... and we ate it in the hottub ... because it is a cool 62 degrees out there in So. FL right now...was a sunny and in the 70s earlier.... guess I better pipe down, huh?

Geez FD, I hope you didn't get 'brain freeze' from eating it too fast. :yelsick:

wolf 03-09-2005 03:14 PM

We had 60 degree F temps too ... unfortunately they were immediately follwed by the 20s with extremely high winds. Oh. But I must sing the praises of the Amazing Ice Cleat Rubbers (not their real name) that I bought from QVC because the on air demo looked really, really good.

They work as well as they showed on TV. Better even, since I had a more complex task than dancing on a block of ice set at a slight incline.

The rain that fell Monday Night froze into a gigantic ice sheet on the sidewalks and parking lot on Tuesday morning and did not melt for Tuesday afternoon when I had to go to work.

The cleats dig well into the thick ice, but also provide good traction on the thin, infamous "black ice" that strikes fear into the hearts of ambulatory people everywhere.

FloridaDragon 03-09-2005 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
And how far off is hurricane season? :p

point taken :dead:

but then again, what are the ODDS of getting hit again (he says as he warily looks around waiting for the lightning bolt to strike) ??

OnyxCougar 03-10-2005 09:48 AM

Getting hit with a hurricane? In Florida?

Probably about the same as getting hit with a hurricane in North Carolina.....

BigV 03-10-2005 02:03 PM

It's Official
A drought in Seattle, and for the rest of the state as well. Who says it always rains in Seattle?

xoxoxoBruce 03-10-2005 08:59 PM

If it's yellow, let it mellow.
If it's brown, flush it down. :o

Gravdigr 12-13-2010 12:32 AM

RFN it's eighteen degrees, snowing sideways, with a howling west wind.

It ain't a fit night out for man nor beast.

Trilby 12-13-2010 03:43 AM

we got the snow but no wind. I"m a bit disappointed. I wanted a howler!

Trilby 12-13-2010 04:07 AM

wait a comes the blow-blow!!!!!

Trilby 12-13-2010 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 699806)
wait a comes the blow-blow!!!!!

Nope. Premature blow-blow.

Nothing yet.


glatt 12-13-2010 07:35 AM

I'm glad I don't live in the midwest. I'm not ready for that kind of snow. We had a dusting this morning. The grass is sort of white. The streets are wet. No complaints.

Gravdigr 06-12-2011 05:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
RFA week & a half ago. That was the roughest hour of weather I've seen in a long time.

BigV 09-12-2011 10:37 AM

Today's high is predicted to peak at 77 degrees F. If so, it will mark the end of a record setting heat wave. Yesterday was the ninth consecutive day of temperatures of 80 degrees F or higher. The previous record was six consecutive days. I'm very glad for the break. It has been miserable.

Clodfobble 09-12-2011 08:47 PM

I'm sorry, I know the "Texas is so hot" thing is totally old and busted... but seriously? We have just gotten down to the low 80s, at least in the morning/midday, for the first time in months (including overnights!) and everyone here is so relieved.

And I know, I know you guys don't really have air conditioners in homes there, so it's not a fair comparison. But on the other hand, we keep our house at 80 in the summers to save on the electric bills.

zippyt 09-12-2011 10:39 PM

Windows open , attic fan has been on , but thats Too Chillie Right now

ZenGum 09-12-2011 11:15 PM


ninth consecutive day of temperatures of 80 degrees F or higher


Wut Clod said. Still, allowing for humidity and lack of air conditioning, it's ... mildly unpleasant.


That's not a heat wave. This is a heat wave:

Adelaide, Australia
January 2009

26th – 36.6 °C (97.9 °F)
27th – 43.2 °C (109.8 °F)
28th – 45.7 °C (114.3 °F)
29th – 43.4 °C (110.1 °F)
30th – 43.1 °C (109.6 °F)
31st – 41.1 °C (106.0 °F)

1st – 40.6 °C (105.1 °F)
2nd – 38.8 °C (101.8 °F)
3rd – 36.3 °C (97.3 °F)
4th - 33.0 °C (91.4 °F)
5th - 35.6 °C (96.1 °F)
6th – 43.9 °C (111.0 °F)
7th - 41.5 °C (106.7 °F)

Sundae 10-06-2011 03:25 PM

After an Indian Summer, the weather has finally borken.
It's been humid for the last two days (which has made me sweat like a racehorse), but today was sunny, breezy and with a drop in temperature.

In the last 20 minutes the rain has begun to pound against the window.

I'm wondering if the drop in pressure is what's making me weepy.
I haven't cried without a specific trigger for a long time now.

From the sound of things it will be wellies and leggings and a vest to walk in. Then blouse and skirt and ballet shoes inside.

Mum doesn't get that wearing a jacket or coat does not help in the rain. If you are walking a mile, you can keep your head and shoulders dry with an umbrella. But arriving steaming like a faulty kettle because of an extra layer is never going to appeal.

Still, it's evocative and safe when it's chucking it down outside, esp as I know both cats are warm and dry.

BigV 10-06-2011 03:59 PM

Being dry is the key, letting your own body's moisture regulate your temperature via sweating. Rain... rain I know.

This season's weather though? WTF. Yesterday was the first snowfall of the season here, at Paradise Lodge, 80 miles to the south and about 5000 feet up from my location. I celebrated this news by clipping a couple stems of new rose blossoms from my front yard. And I have a dozen buds that will open over the course of the next week. Roses in mid October? I can't keep track anymore. But they do smell wonderful.

BrilliantDisguise 10-07-2011 08:40 AM

Beautiful sunny, cool fall day here in New Jersey. This is my favorite time of year.:)

Trilby 10-07-2011 10:42 AM

It's gonna be 80 here tomorrow.

It's really nice out - blue blue skies and gold sun showing off but, honey, 80 is too damn much for me even in October.

SamIam 10-07-2011 10:44 AM

We actually had snow here in town yesterday. It NEVER snows so early around here! Then we had a cold snap last night. I have (had) two huge tubs of flowers by my front door that I didn't think to cover. So much for them. :(

My cats took one look at the weather yesterday and haven't been outside since.

TheMercenary 10-07-2011 02:05 PM

80's here in the day, lows in the low 60's. The weather is freaking beautiful.

Gravdigr 10-07-2011 03:54 PM

80s last couple of days, with lows in the high 40s/low 50s.

It's been pretty damn nice around South Central lately.

ETA: A bit dry, though. We'll be breaking the law if'n we have a fire tonight.

Lamplighter 10-07-2011 04:24 PM

PDX has one of those dreary, damp days in between summer and the rainy season...

That doesn't start until Nov 15th at 2:45 am

HungLikeJesus 10-08-2011 09:45 AM

Last night I was out on motorcycle. Today we have a few inches of snow.

BrilliantDisguise 10-08-2011 10:41 AM

Gorgeous day here today. Currently 69, blue skies, slight breeze. Perfect!

glatt 10-08-2011 10:58 AM

Here too. Spectacular.

So why are we on the computer?

BrilliantDisguise 10-08-2011 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 761798)
Here too. Spectacular.

So why are we on the computer?

I don't know! I'm heading out later. Enjoying a cup of coffee now and listening to music. And talking to you guys.:)

zippyt 10-08-2011 11:25 AM

75 out side and in , windows open Attic fan going , AHHHHHHHH !!

Griff 10-08-2011 12:22 PM

75 sunny, low humidity, close enough to perfect

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