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SamIam 12-04-2011 09:37 PM

Look what secret Santa sent me!
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My secret Santa sent cash as in actual, real money. Santa told me to put it toward the laptop I'm saving for, so I guess when I get my new laptop, I'll have to post a pic of it too. Meanwhile:

Undertoad 12-04-2011 09:46 PM

it is a beautiful thing

Lola Bunny 12-04-2011 09:49 PM

OMG! hehehehe....gotta love that Santa. :D Except I would've folded those bills into something, like a shirt, pants, boat, heart, ring, etc. Would've made it more interesting, eh?

zippyt 12-04-2011 09:58 PM


classicman 12-04-2011 10:06 PM

Holy crap! Thats a LOTTA CASH!

Way to go SS!

glatt 12-05-2011 07:42 AM

Nice, SamIam!

infinite monkey 12-05-2011 08:02 AM

If'n I'd'a known a Rockefeller was participating...!!!!!

Sheldonrs 12-05-2011 09:59 AM

From now on when some guy leaves money on MY nightstand, I'm going to call it "Secret Santa" money too! ;-)

Sundae 12-05-2011 10:15 AM

I'm so happy for you Sam. Your SS knew what you really needed and provided it.
That is a most excellent choice.

SamIam 12-05-2011 10:33 AM

Thanks to a little help from SS and all the extra hours I put in at the Bates, I am going to get my laptop this week. I just have to wait until the weather clears, since I am driving all the way to Farmington to pick it up at the Best Buy there. I'm with Bruce. I refuse to buy a laptop from the local Wally World.

wolf 12-05-2011 11:15 AM

Fantastic! Great visit from Santa!!

Nirvana 12-05-2011 08:28 PM

Aw Sam that is fab! :thumb:

BrianR 12-06-2011 10:06 AM

My gify arrived. I will open it later and post pics for all to see and admire!

footfootfoot 12-06-2011 03:30 PM

holy cats, Sam, what a haul!

Sundae 12-07-2011 11:47 AM

I had a Secret un-Santa present yesterday.
I knew roughly what it was a soon as I checked my post - an envelope from America branded Make A Wish. It was either from Sheldon or a really bizarre coincidence.

I checked with Shel just in case and was given permission to open.

I was so exceited - all girly and squealy because I didn 't expect anything. In fact I'd been pouty because someone else here got Sheldon as their Secret Santa.

He didn't disappoint.
I haven't taken pictures yet, but I will post them when I do.
I got a card with a fairy-lit cactus - of course.
A Make a Wish calendar, which made me quite sniffly as it has photos of the children they have helped, what their illness is and what they did for them. A keyring - which is really classy and went on my keys today.

But most special of all, Sheldon made a donation in my name to the Make A Wish Foundation, and the certificate was enclosed. I've helped children in dreadful circumstances for Christmas. Or rather Sheldon has done so through his own generosity.

Thanks Sheldon, for thinking of me and of course thinking of the charity.
You're good folks.

Sheldonrs 12-07-2011 02:05 PM

So are you Sundae. :-)

BigV 12-09-2011 12:41 PM

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Secret Santa's Secret Helper delivered this package to me the other day:

richlevy 12-09-2011 07:27 PM

I received my Secret Santa gift today. Thank you! I will post a picture this weekend.

zippyt 12-09-2011 09:14 PM

SS gift landed for me as well , i'll get a Pic or so together soon

anonymous 12-12-2011 08:28 PM

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I believe most of this belongs here. Perhaps Sarge would like to explain when he gets his computer working.

Lola Bunny 12-12-2011 10:28 PM

Uh...dudes, where are the pix of your gifts?!!? And a pix of the box doesn't count. Well, I just got my gift today! :D I am tired so I'm going to bed now. I will squeeze some time tomorrow to take pictures and thank my Santa. By the way, I guessed who's my Santa. ;) Will tell how tomorrow too. :D

Sheldonrs 12-13-2011 07:43 AM

My secret santa recipient FINALLY got the package! I am SOOOO freakin' happy now! And it only took 3 weeks to get there!!!

limey 12-13-2011 10:07 AM

Look what [not so] Secret Santa sent me!
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As international post and my Secret Santa himself have given away the Secret, I'll let you in on a secret that I've discovered. Sheldon has a huge package, as you can see from this pic, it is well over 12"!
I've lost the post about how to put text between your pics, so
Pic 1 - my what a Big Package!
Pic 2 - the contents, intriguing parcels both big and small, and a calendar with a clue!
Pic 3 - the small parcels contained lovely earrings, lavender sachets (and I didn't tell Santa that lavender bags are a Big Hit with me!), a key ring to make me smile
Pic 4 - all sorts of Arizonan foodstuffs to make my Christmas have a Splendid Southern Twang.
Thank you SO MUCH to my very Special Secret Santa - this was a fantastic gift to receive!!

Sundae 12-13-2011 10:13 AM

Oh gorgeous!
I knew you were Shel's recipient a while back (no, I offered no suggestions, that is all his own exquisite work!)

Without a shred of envy, lucky you :)
What a bonanza.
Foreign food is always exciting.

Sheldonrs 12-13-2011 10:18 AM

That's weird. All I sent was a pair of socks. hehehe

I'm glad you liked it! And glad it got there!!! :-)

Sundae 12-13-2011 10:40 AM

Limes just Made A Wish.
Like yours about Matt Damon. Except hers came true.

limey 12-13-2011 10:42 AM

I might bring some of the nosh to Glasgow next weeKKK, for a midnite feast!

Sundae 12-13-2011 10:44 AM

I'll bring the Crabbie's Ginger Beer in that case!

skysidhe 12-13-2011 11:09 AM

I like that card limey.

Sundae 12-13-2011 11:15 AM

I got fairy lights on a cactus.
Sheldon's a good Jewish boy.

Sheldonrs 12-13-2011 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 779942)
I got fairy lights on a cactus.
Sheldon's a good Jewish boy.

Jewish in name only.

Good depends on who you ask

Boy? I turned 51 yesterday. How long before i get to be a man?!!!


limey 12-13-2011 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Sheldonrs (Post 779954)
Jewish in name only.

Good depends on who you ask

Boy? I turned 51 yesterday. How long before i get a man?!!!



Sheldonrs 12-13-2011 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 779962)

That question is easy. (like me)

Usually each weekend. ;)

Nirvana 12-13-2011 01:22 PM

crap someone else was quicker...

Big Sarge 12-14-2011 06:28 PM

Well ya'll have seen one picture that Lola unny posted for me. I have so much more to post when I get back from Oxford. So many of you pitched in to make this such a special Christmas for me. You are so sweet. I'll even admit I cried reading the cards and opening the packages. The Panda theme just topped it all off and it has really touchedme when I found out whose idea it was.

I'll take some proper pictures with everything displayed properly soon. I feel so rich because I have friends who care about me & my kids

classicman 12-15-2011 01:10 PM

Dunno if its a SS gift or not, I know its not but I still wanted to post here...

I GOT FUDGE! Yep the universally famous fudge made with the super secret recipe from momwolf.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Wolf! :hug:

wolf 12-15-2011 01:17 PM

Just happened to have some handy, not an SS ... man, that got there fast! I mailed it yesterday afternoon.

Actually, I could have driven it to your house in less time than I spent in the line at the post office. Line out the door, and only two drones working. And then there was my having filled out the wrong paperwork on one of the things I was sending out.

classicman 12-15-2011 03:01 PM

Well know that your fudge is ALWAYS very appreciated. The butterscotch was simply outstanding.
Imma try and make it next week. Gonna go Monday and buy all the secret required ingredients. :)

Sheldonrs 12-15-2011 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 780566)
Well know that your fudge is ALWAYS very appreciated. The butterscotch was simply outstanding.
Imma try and make it next week. Gonna go Monday and buy all the secret required ingredients. :)

Nice to know that you like his fudge. Need any help packing it? ;-)

classicman 12-15-2011 04:38 PM

Her. Her fudge. Me no likey the he... I'm leaving that in your more than capable hands.

Sheldonrs 12-15-2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 780597)
Her. Her fudge. Me no likey the he... I'm leaving that in your more than capable hands.

Her fudge, his fudge. It's all the same from behind. lol!

Lola Bunny 12-16-2011 08:13 AM

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Thank you Santa Sam for the gift! :D I got a pretty necklace with matching earrings. With them is a cute pen where the penguin lights up when the tip is pressed. :D There was no return address but by looking at the handwriting and little cat hairs on the box (:lol:), Santa is a female who has a cat. Since there was no list of participants, that didn't narrow it down too much. Then I thought of checking the postage to see where the box came from. That's how I knew Santa is Sam. :D

limey 12-16-2011 08:40 AM

Really pretty!

limey 12-16-2011 09:26 AM

No. Wait! This can't be right ....
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I got another Secret Santa parcel today. But when I opened it, I saw it had two parcels inside, and they are destined for Dwellars other than me ...
I am honoured to be part of the supply chain ... :santa:

Sheldonrs 12-16-2011 09:47 AM

Limey is Secret Santa's little helper. :-)

Nirvana 12-16-2011 10:25 AM

Wow! Did I make out or what?
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SS arrived today with fabulous handmade half gloves and scarf, hand lotion, a beautiful bookmark calendar, yummy :drool: chocolate bars and some serious eye candy as the card. I am overwhelmed at the handmade items they are beautiful! Thank you. :hearts: I would have waited til xmas but US customs is notorious for pilfering thru items and when I saw it was an international SS ..

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aww who am I kidding I could not wait! ;) Thank you so much SS! :santa:

Sheldonrs 12-17-2011 10:25 AM

:-) I got booty!
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Of the yummy, edible kind! (I guess that doesn't really narrow it down for me)

I got yummy food-type goodies from another Starbucks fan! :-)

Thank you no-longer-secret Santa! :-)!!!!!!!

fargon 12-17-2011 12:09 PM

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This is what Santa sent me, the fudge in the tin is wonderful!

Sundae 12-17-2011 01:32 PM

Oh! Oh! Oh!
My black hair makes me Nessa.

Another reason why I can't wait for this time tomorrow.
I'll be waiting for the taxi to take me to the station. Yay.

classicman 12-19-2011 09:51 AM

Well although it appears that my surprise from Scotland is somewhere else, perhaps with banana lady... I did receive a beautiful card from CO. Put a smile on my otherwise depressed face. Thanks! :)

SamIam 12-19-2011 11:36 AM

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Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 780764)
Thank you Santa Sam for the gift! :D I got a pretty necklace with matching earrings. With them is a cute pen where the penguin lights up when the tip is pressed. :D There was no return address but by looking at the handwriting and little cat hairs on the box (:lol:), Santa is a female who has a cat. Since there was no list of participants, that didn't narrow it down too much. Then I thought of checking the postage to see where the box came from. That's how I knew Santa is Sam. :D

Busted! I was afraid the postmark would give me away, and I was right! And sorry about the kitty hairs. :blush: They get on everything!

My secret Santa sent me a second gift - yummy! I also am pretty sure who my secret Santa is by the postmark. Santa tried to disguise it with an Alaska zip code (LOL), but the P.O. firmly stamped over that with a Mississippi location. Guess I'm going to have to be nice for a while in the politics forum. ;)

Oh, and I loved the Christmas greeting that came with it:

Lola Bunny 12-19-2011 11:45 AM

Oh, I recognize that holiday wish. I know who your Secret Santa is, Sam. :D

Clodfobble 12-19-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by SamIam
I also am pretty sure who my secret Santa is by the postmark. Santa tried to disguise it with an Alaska zip code (LOL), but the P.O. firmly stamped over that with a Mississippi location. Guess I'm going to have to be nice for a while in the politics forum.

If I am picking your implication correctly... it may interest you to know that TheMercenary did not participate in Secret Santa this year, nor does he live in Mississippi. :)

SamIam 12-19-2011 02:57 PM

Well so much for MY powers of detection. :blush:

Then my secret Santa must be busterb? Or Big Sarge?

Lola Bunny 12-19-2011 06:39 PM

Well, it's not Sarge. ;)

DanaC 12-20-2011 05:29 PM

I just want to say thankyou to Secret Santa, whoever they are for thinking of me. What a lovely surprise. I hadn't put my name in the hat this year, so it was totally unexpected.

Limey couriered it from Arran along with Sundae's, and it was really lovely. I believe Limey has pics on her camera :)

I am currently munching tootsie rolls! They briefly made an appearance in penny sweet trays when I was little. They were my favourites, and then they disappeared and I haven't seen them in decades.

Thanks Santa!

Big Sarge 12-20-2011 10:50 PM

sam - it wasn't me. btw, i love the card you sent me.

ZenGum 12-20-2011 11:51 PM

I didn't go in this, but the thought of Merc being randomly chosen as SamIam's Secret Santa packs me up. :lol:

Big Sarge 12-21-2011 09:35 AM

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Here's some of my Secret Santa Cards you have sent me. Thank you so much. It really has meant a great deal to me!! They are proudly displayed with my buffalo scrotum and leg irons.

Sheldonrs 12-21-2011 11:06 AM

Love the cuff links. ;-)

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