The Cellar

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Aliantha 06-02-2009 04:17 PM

Can we raise one thousand pounds?
It seems to me that one of our very favourite members is in a tough spot. I was thinking that collectively, we might be able to raise the funds to help with a deposit.

What do you all say?

I'll pledge $100AUD.

Maybe UT can let us make deposits to the tip jar or something as a collection point.

Anyway, it was just a thought.

Aliantha 06-02-2009 04:48 PM

FYI - that's just over $1500 USD.

DanaC 06-02-2009 05:07 PM

I'm in for a small pledge. If someone's organising it.

Aliantha 06-02-2009 05:12 PM

I'm hoping UT can help out. If not, I'll be happy to organise something. I can PM my bank details for direct deposit or I think probably use my paypal account somehow. Just not sure how to do that right now.

DanaC 06-02-2009 05:13 PM

Dwellar power!

Sheldonrs 06-02-2009 05:24 PM

I can pitch in after my next paycheck on the 12th. Just let me know how.

Undertoad 06-02-2009 06:15 PM

I can surely use the tip jar to put things together if people want. Specify your pledge.

Aliantha 06-02-2009 06:24 PM


I've chipped in the amount I pledged, plus a little for you too UT. :)

Thanks for your accommodation. This will make it a lot easier for all of us.

DanaC 06-02-2009 06:29 PM

Mine'll have to wait til payday (15th) but I'll PM Toad with details when its done.

Elspode 06-02-2009 06:35 PM

I'll do what I can. Things are very tight right now what with having two kids getting married, a graduation, and Festival all happening within a month's time. Is there a deadline on this?

Aliantha 06-02-2009 06:39 PM

I don't think there needs to be a deadline in particular, but it seems that it'd be good to expidite the situation somewhat.

I guess if those who wish to contribute can do so over the next couple of weeks, say by the 20th of June and then UT can give us a total?

It doesn't matter if we can't raise the whole amount. Any amount will be better than what she has currently, and might take the pressure off her family a bit and therefor her.

Undertoad 06-02-2009 06:45 PM

Be sure to specify that it's for SG when you pledge. I will keep track and send it along at the 20th.

ZenGum 06-03-2009 01:36 AM

For the confused, check
for the full story.

Trilby 06-03-2009 05:43 AM

thanks, Zen.

Undertoad 06-03-2009 08:13 AM

SG is politely declining, in a PM to me.

"Is this because of what I wrote about moving out? Tell people not to worry."

I don't want to post much of the PM -- I will ask SG to say more in this thread.

Aliantha 06-03-2009 06:18 PM

I thought this might happen.

I'd like what I've donated to be forwarded to Cherry anyway. If she doesn't use it to move out, she can treat herself to something girly with it. Maybe a massage or a facial or something.

I think she needs it and besides, it'll replace the Christmas gift that went awry somewhere between here and there.

capnhowdy 06-03-2009 06:21 PM

We are lucky to have such wonderful folks here. I love this place.

Undertoad 06-03-2009 06:54 PM

OK, SG previously gave me permission to quote more from her PM.


Originally Posted by SG
Is this because of what I wrote about moving out? Tell people not to worry. The issue there is my fear of being alone, my (perhaps exaggerated) fear of abandmonent and the worry that if I do move I will immediately slide back into hell. On the flip side is the fact my Mum, who I do really love, can be horrible to live with at times. And this is one of those times! We'll sort it out somehow. I'd rather tough it out here for another few months and see if the council can come up with something for me. It will give me the time I need to get me head together anyway.

So thank you very much for the thought - and thank anyone who suggested it to you - but I can't in all conscience accept a helping hand in anything but the usual Cellar way - people who read and listen and understand. And I know you know that's priceless.

You wouldn't want me to spend it on hair dye and pizzas would you ;)

DanaC 06-03-2009 07:06 PM

*smiles* she's a cool chick. Staying her hand might be the right thing to do just now.

And of course we'd want you to spend it on hair dye....your hairstyles add colour to all our lives!

classicman 06-03-2009 08:12 PM

Good for you SG! I think that is a very wise decision.

monster 06-03-2009 08:26 PM

agreed. next time you feel weak and not in control, come back here and just read what you wrote and see how strong you are.

Sundae 06-04-2009 09:30 AM

I want to say I am really flattered and touched that you would have thought of this.
Thank you so much.

What I wrote to UT (before I realised this thread existed) was the truth - my problem isn't so much money at the moment, as all the things I am trying to deal with at once. Namely, depression, being an adult living at home, family conflict, sobriety/ cravings and weight loss. I get overwhelmed sometimes. Money would help of course, but on ly in the way it would help every single other person in the Cellar.

Thanks again, you're an amazing group of people.

xoxoxoBruce 06-04-2009 11:50 AM

On the up side, if it weren't for the "being an adult living at home, family conflict, sobriety/ cravings and weight loss", you'd be dealing with depression all the time.

Seriously, your pictures and descriptions of your activities shows that life is not all bad. Yes?

Sundae 06-04-2009 12:43 PM

Oh it's not all bad at all.
Today isn't a very good day, but I certainly had one on Monday, and hope that I might have again tomorrow.

Mum & Dad go away at the end of June, which allows me to test the water as to how I cope on my own.

Queen of the Ryche 06-04-2009 03:22 PM

Good on you Cherry. You are a lovely lovely lady in spite of all you deal with on a daily basis. If I could be half as strong as you.......maybe I'll go dye my hair and see if it helps......or a walk in the countryside......hang in there beautiful!!!

TheMercenary 06-07-2009 09:26 PM

I would be glad to donate if SG ever needed it. Let me know how I can help her.

PM if you want. Good luck SG, don't be afraid to ask for help.

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