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Tornado 05-07-2004 11:36 AM

Paul Freeman SUCKS!
(Both the following actors are appearing in a movie together about a golf legend)

I was quite astonished to read a nice little tidbit on another gossip site which states that Paul Freeman has allegedly "slammed" James Caviezel, calling him an "awful man" and...get ready for this...a "bad actor". Here is what he is supposed to have (barked? Mooed?):

"He's an awful man, he's not actually that good an actor either. He hated the fact my character had all these funny lines and his didn't. I'd have to undercut him, pull him down a peg or two, and he was having to bite his tongue, I loved it...The other thing - which frustrated everyone, not just me - was his reluctance to play a bad shot, even if he'd been instructed to make a mistake he'd always make sure he hit it right first, just to show he could. Silly man!"

What? You "loved it"? How old are you, Paul? Are you still in highschool? You actually take PLEASURE in this sort of thing? Or perhaps it's the other extreme...perhaps you're simply one of these OVER-THE-HILL smart alecs who purposely annoy the hell out of people just so you can attempt to feel better about your pathetic existance.

Are you suggesting that because your character "had all these funny lines" that your character is any more important? Or necessary? Is your character's "funny lines" the only thing making this movie worth viewing?

How absolutely idiotic are you to actually call Caviezel a "bad actor"? To be completely honest, before I came across this article, I HAD NO FREAKING CLUE WHO YOU WERE! Paul Freeman? Who the hell is THAT? In the article's title, just the last name was stated, and I instantly thought, "MORGAN Freeman said this about Caviezel? Nooooo, Morgan would never say such ridiculous things...MORGAN HAS CLASS! I took the liberty of conducting a search to see what movies PAUL Freeman was in, and BOY OH BOY, was I "impressed"! Let's list a few of these "blockbusters", shall we?:

- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (speaks for itself. Good choice, Paul...were you behind in your rent & credit card payments?)
- Aces: Iron Eagle III (Ah, desperate times...don't you love it when sequels are made for movies that SUCK?? Just another nail in your career's coffin, Pauly)
- Perry Mason: The Case of the Desperate Deception (No, I've nothing against Perry Mason OR Raymond Burr...but seems as though you, Pauly, are in quite a few of these TV gigs for such a top-notch, wonderful, oh-so-talentedm bonified "star" who's supposedly got people like James Caviezel in total awe. *Muffled laughter*)

Anyone else care to laugh? Do a search for Pauly's list of "awesome" projects. To be totally honest, besides Indiana Jones, I had NO CLUE the other flicks even existed. But I'm sure I didn't miss much. Oh, and if some of them are indeed worth watching, my sympathies to the unfortunate actors who had the obvious displeasure of having to work with the complete and utter IGNORANCE that is Paul Freeman. I'm sure they all deserved pay hikes for just having to suffer in his mere presence.

As for James Caviezel, well, let's put it this way: Paul, the next time you plan on barking about another actor claiming they have no talent, make damn sure they actually DON'T. That goes for having the audacity to call him an "awful man". If you'd care to see a talentless, ignorant human being, LOOK IN THE MIRROR. You ain't got NOTHING on Caviezel, honey. Not because he's half your age, WAY better-known, WAY more talented, and has a bright future...but because he's a GOOD MAN. He will ALWAYS out-do you simply because of that. Even if he wasn't a super-talented actor, he'd still be TWICE as good a man as you'll EVER BE.

And by the way...he "bit his tongue" because he's got something called dignity. And I'm willing to bet he didn't see any point in risking that just to put the likes of YOU in their place. Now that's class. Paul, if you're lucky, you might actually get some before you're too old to care. And let's face it: the clock IS ticking. There's only one awful man here, sweets...and it's NOT James Caviezel.

Griff 05-07-2004 11:51 AM

Welcome to the cellar James! ;)

Happy Monkey 05-07-2004 11:54 AM

Huh. Unfortunately, I suspect I'll never see Bobby Jones, Stroke of Genius, so I probably won't be able to compare their relative ability.

elSicomoro 05-07-2004 11:56 AM

Am I the only person that thinks Jim Caviezel has fucked up his career by playing JC?

DanaC 05-07-2004 12:32 PM

Haha. Hallo Tornado, nice to see your first post matches your name :D
Well I have no clue who Paul Freeman is ( other than the clues in your post).....dont really have much if a clue bout the other fella eitehr.....Freeman sounds like a bit of a prat

Clodfobble 05-07-2004 02:57 PM

Am I the only person that thinks Jim Caviezel has fucked up his career by playing JC?

I thought so previously, but he may have saved it by doing another movie so quickly, getting him out of the role in people's minds. Of course, if this stupid-looking golf movie doesn't lead into a third one that actually does well, I'd still say his career is probably over.

Griff 05-07-2004 03:21 PM

If Adam Sandler or Chevy Chase isn't in it, I'm not watching any golf flic.

dar512 05-07-2004 03:36 PM


Originally posted by sycamore
Am I the only person that thinks Jim Caviezel has fucked up his career by playing JC?
Why? Do you want him to fail because he played Jesus?

Time tells in stuff like this. I don't think "The Passion" allowed him to show much range.

elSicomoro 05-07-2004 04:24 PM

I dunno...religious stuff doesn't sit well in 2004 almost seems like you're blackballing yourself. Or condemning yourself forever to indie films.

DanaC 05-07-2004 04:27 PM


I don't think "The Passion" allowed him to show much range.
Am I the only one that finds that funny?

Tornado 05-07-2004 07:24 PM

Oh, uh...*blushing*...heh...hi, everyone.

Do forgive the obvious furor of my (very first!) post on here. Ironically, I'm a very easygoing person...but goooooood LAWD, that article just boiled my blood. Not just because I am a Caviezel fan, but because this Freeman idiot just simply had a lot of nerve saying the garbage he did. You can almost SEE the bitterness in his words; this guy's slowly turning into a misanthrope, me thinks. No one says crap like that unless they've some deep-rooted hate for God-knows-what.

And myself, I've always despised it when people say things they have no right (or reason) to say, just to spite someone. I hate seeing it happen to my family, my friends, my co-workers...or anyone else I admire. Now, granted, I'm quite sure James Caviezel doesn't need anyone to defend him...he's a big boy, I'm sure he can take critisizm just as well as the next guy. But people still have opinions, and I'm no exception. Douchebag Freeman said something I didn't particularly like. And I simply expressed my disapproval. This idiot went from someone I'd never heard someone I don't or never WILL like. First impressions, Pauly! Tsk tsk tsk. (Oddly enough, I've always liked British actors; this guy is the black sheep, now! Ba-a-a-h, Freeman! Have you any wool?)

To the person who said Caviezel may have fucked up his career by taking the Jesus role...on the whole I don't think he did. He believed in the role, and went for it (almost surely knowing there'd be controversy); that he accepted the role & didn't pussy out clearly shows his dedication as an actor. I think this movie definately secured his place as a bonified star. He made the right decision in doing this movie. Also, I think he knows that there will always be bubbleheads who'll condemn him as an "anti-Semite" (and every person who calls "Passion" anti-Semitic is full of apeshit)...he was prepared for it, no doubt about it. If anything, he can be proud of himself for not allowing said bubbleheads to influence his decision in making the movie. So, no...he did not fuck up his career, IMO.

Aaaah, okay. Nice to have all that out of my system.

I hereby declare Paul Freeman, Mr "Mighty Morphin" himself, to be a no good, bitter, ignorant, smart-assed, big-mouthed loser with an exceedingly small penis.

DanaC 05-07-2004 07:39 PM


Pauly! Tsk tsk tsk. (Oddly enough, I've always liked British actors; this guy is the black sheep, now! Ba-a-a-h, Freeman! Have you any wool?)
You are starting to frighten me:worried:

DanaC 05-07-2004 07:46 PM

So having established that you are a rabid Caviezel fan who is clearly to be considered armed and dangerous if such personage is ever insulted/taunted/railed at.......what else you into? .....Or perhaps I should rephrase that....What else interests you? :)

Clodfobble 05-07-2004 08:15 PM

To the person who said Caviezel may have fucked up his career by taking the Jesus role...on the whole I don't think he did. He believed in the role, and went for it (almost surely knowing there'd be controversy); that he accepted the role & didn't pussy out clearly shows his dedication as an actor. I think this movie definately secured his place as a bonified star. He made the right decision in doing this movie. Also, I think he knows that there will always be bubbleheads who'll condemn him as an "anti-Semite" (and every person who calls "Passion" anti-Semitic is full of apeshit)...he was prepared for it, no doubt about it. If anything, he can be proud of himself for not allowing said bubbleheads to influence his decision in making the movie. So, no...he did not fuck up his career, IMO.

I think you misunderstand why I think he may have fucked up his career. It has nothing to do with the possibility of people "blackballing" him over the subject of the movie. Working actors take roles whenever they can get them, and inside the industry they understand that. The problem is typecasting in the public's eye--people will never be able to think of him as just Jim Caviezel the Actor, they will think of him as That Guy Who Played Jesus, and as such no director will want him in their movie that's not about Jesus. It's the same reason why Christopher Reeve got so few roles, despite being a brilliant actor.

wolf 05-08-2004 12:01 AM

I think the overall boxoffice on The Passion will smooth over a lot of those potential blackball type issues.

Happy Monkey 05-08-2004 07:01 AM


Originally posted by Tornado
Not just because I am a Caviezel fan, but because this Freeman idiot just simply had a lot of nerve saying the garbage he did. You can almost SEE the bitterness in his words; this guy's slowly turning into a misanthrope, me thinks.
Had you ever heard of this guy before you read this article?

xoxoxoBruce 05-08-2004 02:44 PM


Originally posted by Griff
Welcome to the cellar James! ;)
Well, I thought it was funny as hell.:haha:

Tornado 05-08-2004 09:27 PM


Originally posted by Clodfobble
I think you misunderstand why I think he may have fucked up his career. It has nothing to do with the possibility of people "blackballing" him over the subject of the movie. Working actors take roles whenever they can get them, and inside the industry they understand that. The problem is typecasting in the public's eye--people will never be able to think of him as just Jim Caviezel the Actor, they will think of him as That Guy Who Played Jesus, and as such no director will want him in their movie that's not about Jesus. It's the same reason why Christopher Reeve got so few roles, despite being a brilliant actor.
Yes, you're right, I did misunderstand you. I guess I just assumed that the controversy of the film outweighed the risk of him being typecast.

Infact, I had read a review on the movie that suspected Caviezel might have risked being typecast as Jesus. This was further played on by all the added oddities surrounding him & the his initials JC, the fact he got hit by lightning, blah blah blah.

I don't imagine he'll be blackballed the same as, say, Norman Bates in "Psycho"...but there's always that potential, I guess. Anyway, his true fans won't give a rat's ass :cool:

Other than that, I'm not actually obsessed or I said before, the article just boiled my blood. And no, I'd no idea who Paul Freeman was before I'd read the article. Now I know he's an asshole with a big mouth. As for me, I'm 26 & from *GASP* Canada. Annnnd...the "welcome to the board James" comment actually would have been funnier...if I was a guy :D

Nice to meet you all. And, again, thanks for letting me rant.

DanaC 05-08-2004 09:30 PM

You rant away hun. *passes Tornado a joint* aint nobody here but us chickens :joint:

dar512 05-08-2004 11:31 PM


Originally posted by sycamore
I dunno...religious stuff doesn't sit well in 2004 almost seems like you're blackballing yourself. Or condemning yourself forever to indie films.
Sometimes doing a good thing and doing the "smart" thing are not the same thing.

Then again maybe he'll get credit for having the balls to risk it.

There's certainly a lot of anti-Christian attitude in some places (um here for instance). Doing anything that promotes Christianity or labels you a Christian can open you for pot shots. So I give him credit for that at least.

As to his acting, I'll wait to see him in other stuff before making any guesses as to how far he'll go.

Oh, and just to stir the pot a bit. I looked up this Freeman guy in imdb. He was the sleazy archaeologist in Raiders of the Lost Ark. I thought he did well with that part. I realize that doesn't speak to his personality.

DanaC 05-09-2004 08:52 AM


There's certainly a lot of anti-Christian attitude in some places (um here for instance). anti christianity here....lot of anti religion in all its forms tho :P

Troubleshooter 05-09-2004 12:30 PM

Re: Re: Ker-HEE HEE HEE!

Originally posted by Happy Monkey
Had you ever heard of this guy before you read this article?
Count of Monte Cristo

Happy Monkey 05-09-2004 05:40 PM

I meant Paul Freeman. I was wondeing why it mattered what he thought of Jim Caviezel.

Tornado 05-09-2004 09:25 PM


Originally posted by dar512

There's certainly a lot of anti-Christian attitude in some places (um here for instance). Doing anything that promotes Christianity or labels you a Christian can open you for pot shots.

Christians certainly get picked on, but many of them don't make it very easy for themselves; not only am I Christian, I am a born-again Christian...and can't for the life of me stand fanatical Christians. Bible thumpers, the ones who knock on the door at 8 am, the ones downtown yelling in the streets. I go by God, no questions asked...but I also know there are scores of people who don't, and I'd never, ever try to friggen convert anyone...the same as I expect no one to try to convert me. Sure, you may not agree with many of the belief systems that people practice...but that's their right.

In some cases, people bash Christians just because it seems "hip" (teenagers are good at this; they condemn things they hardly understand just because it's the "in" thing to which case I just laugh & pray for their unfortunate parents).

Troubleshooter 05-09-2004 09:39 PM


Originally posted by Tornado
Bible thumpers, the ones who knock on the door at 8 am, the ones downtown yelling in the streets.
We have a crew here at SLU in La. that show up once a semester. They appear to be some pentacostal variant. They stand in the student union and yell at students about how they are going to hell for getting an education.


dar512 05-09-2004 10:10 PM


Originally posted by Tornado

Bible thumpers, the ones who knock on the door at 8 am, the ones downtown yelling in the streets.

I understand their motivation. But the effect they obtain is not what they want.

I'm of a mind that the best advocacy for Christianity is just living your life as a Christian.

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