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Ibby 01-04-2013 07:56 PM

What Are You Drinking Tonight?
I could have sworn there was a "what are you drinking tonight?" thread somewhere around here, but search is turning up nothing?

Well I'll kick off (this incarnation of?) this thread with:

I decided to feel classy tonight and picked up a cheapish bottle of Savory & James Amontillado. though now I have Alan Parsons Project stuck in my head and a strange urge to watch Frasier.

Also, I picked up some Smuggler's Notch Distillery vodka; ABSOLUTELY fantastic, at least as good as any top-shelf I've tried, with the added bonus of being both local and cheaper than Belvedere (my brand-of-choice when I have the money (which is practically never)). Highly recommended.

Aliantha 01-04-2013 08:33 PM

Last night I drank vodka and lemon squash.

Tonight I think I'll have wine. Probs a sav blanc, but there's something going on with rieslings over here lately, so I'm going to have to do some research. I don't usually like them because they're a bit sweet for my palate, but the last couple I've had I could have sworn were closer to a verdelho or even a Chardonnay. Anyway, it's weird. Maybe it's the weather.

jimhelm 01-05-2013 12:06 AM

Yeungling Lager.

Cans.....but I pour them into one of my new beer glasses I got for xmas.

Earlier, I had one Victory Prima Pils and one Hop Devil.

Sitting on the front porch in a post moving glow of weariness. Long day. Feels nice.

Ibby 01-05-2013 01:20 AM

whoops people reblogging posts from my "evil ex" on tumblr coming up on my dash
whoops still really raw emotional scars there
whoops her new beau emailed me last night about heavy shit when i didn't have any booze

alcohol: problem solved
#adventuresindrowningmyfeelings #donehereforthenight

(except to say that my turn-off-my-brain poison tonight is McGillicuddy's Root Beer liqueur and Smirnoff 100 proof, with Munich's Spaten Brewery's "Optimator" and Champlain Orchards' Honeycrisp Ice Cider (basically weak Applejack made in the traditional freeze-a-barrel fashion) to chase)

Sundae 01-05-2013 05:04 AM

Last night I was drinking fizzy water.
Tonight I will be drinking fizzy water.

Rinse and repeat.

Ibby 01-05-2013 09:38 PM

tonight I started out with Brewdog's Paradox Springbank
and now i'm on to Brouwerij Van Steenberge's Piraat Ale

Gravdigr 01-10-2013 03:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Not tonight, but New Year's.

I was gifted a bottle of another fine 'Kentucky Vodka'.

:greenface times infinity. Plus 9.

"Quadruple distilled, triple filtered" ain't cutting it.

If you ever get the chance, don't take it.

Attachment 42413

It ain't just me. Check out this review of Sir Robert's London Dry Gin, over at The Drunk Pirate.

Burnett's also makes a maple syrup flavored vodka, yes, that's what I said.

Sundae 01-10-2013 03:21 PM

It even looks evil somehow.
But then I have been working on horrible visualisations for alcohol...

I have drinked a can of Caffiene-Free Diet Coke tonight. Naughty.
Am going downstairs right now to gget some fizzy water. It's just tricky getting the balance right - with just one 330ml can inside me I will wake up dehydrated. With a couple of glasses of fizzy water I won't, but half a glass too many and I'll be up to the loo a couple of times, setting off a chain reaction of bad cat behaviour in the house and denying me much needed sleep.

I have some rose water to flavour it with.
I was getting tired of lemon.

Lola Bunny 01-10-2013 09:27 PM

I guess plain water is too blah for many people? I love plain old H2O. But I like it cold. I would fill up several bottles with filtered water ( we have a system at home) and leave them in the fridge. Anyways, I had a glass of fresh grapefruit juice earlier.

orthodoc 01-11-2013 01:35 AM

Plain water is fine with me. Lemon cuts the flat, metallic taste when chemo is messing with my taste buds, but otherwise plain is good. Fresh juices are the best! I love apple/pear/ginger.

Aliantha 01-11-2013 02:51 AM

Jacobs Creek Sem Chardonay for me tonight. It's very nice if I do say so, and only $7/bottle. A bargain.

Lola Bunny 01-11-2013 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 847374)
Plain water is fine with me. Lemon cuts the flat, metallic taste when chemo is messing with my taste buds, but otherwise plain is good. Fresh juices are the best! I love apple/pear/ginger.

Are you talking about fresh apple/pear/ginger juice?? How do get fresh apple, pear juice? I used to cut apples in tiny pieces and put it in a blender and blend with water or apple juice. Not fond of the slushie-ness of it. What's ginger juice? Or are you talking about ginger tea? Just wondering.

orthodoc 01-11-2013 01:06 PM

I have a juicer - not a deluxe one, but it does some juices fairly well. I use chunks of apple and pear and a slice of peeled fresh ginger, just throw it all in the hopper. It's delicious.

Lola Bunny 01-11-2013 05:43 PM

That does sound good. Gotta try that one day. One apple, one pear, a slice of ginger?

orthodoc 01-11-2013 07:12 PM

Two each of apples and pears, plus a slice of ginger (peeled, thickness to taste).
It's wonderful.

Lola Bunny 01-12-2013 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 847496)
Two each of apples and pears, plus a slice of ginger (peeled, thickness to taste).
It's wonderful.

Gotcha! Will grab some pears tomorrow. Thanks!

orthodoc 01-12-2013 10:21 AM

Do you have access to a juicer? I don't know that it'll taste the same in a blender. The texture will definitely be different with the pulp included.

Lola Bunny 01-12-2013 11:27 AM

I have a juicer. :)

Pete Zicato 01-13-2013 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 847581)
I have a juicer. :)

And she's not afraid to use it.

Sundae 01-14-2013 01:58 PM

Saturday night I had a can of Coconut water.
"But I thought coconut was on your Yuck list?" you say.
Well.... I'm not fond of it as a flavour (Thai food, coconut cake etc) but I will eat the occasional Bounty.

And I know I read somewhere that it has health benefits, so I thought I would try it.
It was lovely! The water itself was not overpowering, just a fresh taste really. There were coconut bits in, which were a little disconcerting at first, but I persuaded myself it was like drinking orange juice with bits in. Not like drinking off milk. So it was okay.

Not cheap at 59p per 330ml can (standard drinks can size) but I'll get it again sometime.

Have had very little to drink today. I'll feel it tomorrow I know.
But I only really enjoy drinks cold, and it's been SO DAMN COLD today I couldn't face it. Actually scrap that - had 3 x glasses water at school and a 500ml low calorie bottle.

Must make sure I chug some more water before bed. It'll wake me up at 04.00 but at least I'll feel good for it.

limey 01-14-2013 03:44 PM

Mr Limey and I are doing an alcohol-free month from 10 January (well, the brass band Christmas dinner was on 9th, we're so busy gigging in December that we can never find a date that works for us all til January) to Valentines' Day. I tend to turn to herbal and fruit teas as a substitute drink in the evenings. Quite often I'll let them get quite cold, and I think I enjoy the taste of them more then. Have you tried brewing a fruit tea in advance and drinking it cold/chilled, Sundae?

Sent by thought transference

Trilby 01-14-2013 03:45 PM

Canada Dry ginger ale.

for the holidays they had it with cranberry and it was soooooooo good; but I procrastinated and didn't buy a case and now I'm stuck with plain ginger ale. Or unsweetened iced tea (Tradewinds is the best IMO) and I'm now hung up on buying Home City Ice at the grocery. I love the taste, I've been eating ice for about 3 months now and they're like tiny glaciers, each one a difference shape and size and when you get to the bottom of the bag, it's snow!!!!!!

Sundae 01-14-2013 03:47 PM

I'm having Morning Detox Tea, and if I fancy a hot drink later in the day I have Nettle & Peppermint tea. Never really thought of having them chilled. I like to chug cold drinks, so a cup of cold tea wouldn't really hit the spot.

I will bear it in mind though.

I bought a couple of alcohol-free cocktails between Christmas and New Year. Grim. Sickly, sticky and nothing else to recommend them. Still (although they were fizzy) better for me than tramp juice.

limey 01-14-2013 03:49 PM

Some of the Celestial Seasonings brand are nice, but pricy for herbal tea. Plain spearmint is nice, and I like nettle too.

Sent by thought transference

Trilby 01-14-2013 04:37 PM

does milk thistle come in tea form? I know it's good for your liver.

Sundae 01-15-2013 07:53 AM

There's milk thistle in the Morning Detox, and I am taking the tablets too.
I think my liver is healing well, but I am erring on the side of caution - of course.
I got a 3 for 2 offer on the milk thistle so I'll be taking that until March at least!

I need to go to the docs for another blood test I think. Help keep me on the straight and narrow.

limey 01-15-2013 07:55 AM

Oops, I've just ordered you some from Amazon, Sundae!

Sundae 01-15-2013 07:57 AM

Oh you're so sweet.
No oops, I am getting along very well with it and I know it has a long shelf-life. I'll be grateful to receive it if it's too late to cancel and I certainly appreciate the kind thought.

Trilby 01-15-2013 08:54 AM

limey - that is so sweet of you.

you're a good egg. Even if you are a Scotch egg ;)

Sundae 01-15-2013 10:38 AM

Tricky wording there.

Limey by choice and location is a Scot. Anything referring to Limey is therefore Scots as opposed to Scotch.

But Scotch Eggs, Beef and Whisky are still correct.

It's a minefield I tell ye.

Big Sarge 01-15-2013 12:22 PM

i finished off my jameson's last night and had some cheap vodka mixed with ambien. i'm still messed up!

BigV 01-15-2013 01:04 PM

Twil indicated an interest in Bloody Marys with dinner this weekend, so I got a bottle of Vodka Of The Gods (srsly. it's adequate. I avoided the Burnett's or whatever it is called, thanks Gravdigr) and a bottle of Trader Joe's Bloody Mary Mix. Also, salt pepper lime and celery. I followed the recipe, but they were not very good. I think that I should not have let the ice stay in the drink, but strain the drink instead (like the recipe says. oops). They were watery, not very tasty.

So. No more Bloody Marys. I'll find something to do with the remaining 16 oz of mix.

xoxoxoBruce 01-15-2013 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 848057)
Tricky wording there.

Limey by choice and location is a Scot. Anything referring to Limey is therefore Scots as opposed to Scotch.

But Scotch Eggs, Beef and Whisky are still correct.

It's a minefield I tell ye.

My grandmother use to say, "You drink scotch, I'm a scoot". At least it sounded like scoot. :lol:

Spexxvet 01-15-2013 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 848116)
Twil indicated an interest in Bloody Marys with dinner this weekend, so I got a bottle of Vodka Of The Gods (srsly. it's adequate. I avoided the Burnett's or whatever it is called, thanks Gravdigr) and a bottle of Trader Joe's Bloody Mary Mix. Also, salt pepper lime and celery. I followed the recipe, but they were not very good. I think that I should not have let the ice stay in the drink, but strain the drink instead (like the recipe says. oops). They were watery, not very tasty.

So. No more Bloody Marys. I'll find something to do with the remaining 16 oz of mix.

Try Worcestershire sauce or Old Bay seasoning in the Bloody Mary.

Sundae 01-15-2013 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 848117)
My grandmother use to say, "You drink scotch, I'm a scoot". At least it sounded like scoot. :lol:

Promise you'll come to the panto next year with us. Scoot may well fit in with broad Glasgae accents.

And anyway we want to see you.
Three birds and a cock, right?

limey 01-15-2013 02:14 PM

Sundae, I apologise in advance for this ...

Or you could try a Bloody Mary the Russian way. Prepare a modest array of savoury snacks:these might be sliced dill pickles, rollmop herrings, good black bread and butter, for example. All ingredients to be chilled. Get two small shot glasses, SMALL ones. Get some very high quality tomato juice, the stuff that's so thick you can almost stand the spoon up in it and put a scant mouthful of this in each glass. Float 50ml of vodka on the top. Can you see where I might be going with this?
Breathe out, down the drink in one, take the snack item of your choice and lightly sniff it before eating it. Repeat the process after a short interval - though done right you will get a glow first time.
Note - no ice.

Sent by thought transference

xoxoxoBruce 01-15-2013 02:15 PM

But that would mean letting those TSA thugs fondle my naughty bits. :mg:

Sundae 01-15-2013 02:38 PM

Limes, I love the idea.
But I simply don't have a normal relationship with alcohol.
Your Bloody Mary would spark a craving which could only be doused by more alcohol, and the need is an accelerant.

I do love Big Tom though. Yummy with or without alcofrolics. Although when Terri and I found it in a local pub we always ended up having vodka doubles. Until Dave (her partner) came home. And when he heard we were in a pub he wanted to join us. And I kept up with him as he was catching up...

Good times. But only in parts. Life in general was pants,

limey 01-15-2013 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 848116)
...a bottle of Trader Joe's Bloody Mary Mix ...

in fact that right there is your problem. Pour it down the drain (or use it in a soup or something).

Sent by thought transference

limey 01-15-2013 02:44 PM

I had to look upBig Tom, there! As it were .... You'll be getting them Dwellars all jealous like. And yes, Brucie, come on over! It'd be a gas!

Sent by thought transference

Big Sarge 01-15-2013 04:12 PM

sundae - replace the alcohol addiction with another addiction. you could try sex or at least be an exhibitionist in the nsfw catergory

BigV 01-15-2013 09:47 PM

I second this motion.

toranokaze 01-16-2013 01:08 AM

Burden, moonshine, rum, spiced rum, monster,

Trilby 01-16-2013 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 848173)
sundae - replace the alcohol addiction with another addiction. you could try sex or at least be an exhibitionist in the nsfw catergory

yeah. That's no help at all. I recognize it's in fun, but you seriously CAN become cross addicted (I am) or substitute one harmful thing for another. Given my druthers I'd be a pillhead (no calories) but it's hard to score when you're a middle aged white woman with really good teeth. Plus, I'm used to USP certified drugs. Sex addiction is just as painful (I dated one) and exercise addiction or work addiction, while applauded by our sick society is just as destructive.

I say take up scratch-off lotto tickets. That should be safe. :D

Big Sarge 01-16-2013 01:46 PM

Getting back to the theme of this thread - I'm about to go to the liqour store. Any suggestions?

Sundae 01-16-2013 01:47 PM


Sorry, all I got.

Trilby 01-16-2013 02:13 PM

sarge----wasn't it you who took ambien and vodka the other night?

Ginger Ale. Loads of ice.

Sundae 01-16-2013 02:18 PM



NeuroTrim is a refreshing, non-carbonated drink formulated to help promote healthy weight loss in individuals who are overweight. NeuroTrim contains a special form of fibre known as Amorphophallus konjac ("LuraLean®"). Compared to other fibres, LuraLean (also called Propol) is significantly more hygroscopic (water-absorbing) and dense, both factors contributing to its effectiveness. Only LuraLean glucomannan has been proven to recover its viscosity after entering the stomach, where it expands to many times its original size. This action is essential for the effectiveness of glucomannan. Other, impure sources of glucomannan breakdown in the stomach rendering them ineffective. LuraLean is the purest form of glucomannan available and the form of glucomannan studied in clinical research. In conjunction with a calorie restricted (sensible and balanced) diet and exercise program, NeuroTrim should be consumed 30 minutes prior to each major meal.
No, I don't believe the hype.
But it's better than booze.

Tril, stop posting. I want to go to bed and read. But every time I look at New Posts you are there. And I have to respond.

Trilby 01-16-2013 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 848455)
Tril, stop posting. I want to go to bed and read. But every time I look at New Posts you are there. And I have to respond.

but I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuve you!

Good night sweetie. :)

Big Sarge 01-16-2013 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Trilby (Post 848452)
sarge----wasn't it you who took ambien and vodka the other night?

Ginger Ale. Loads of ice.

yes, I admit I'm mixing meds with alcohol. I know it is wrong, but....sometimes I need the enhanced effect to shut down my thoughts

Trilby 01-16-2013 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 848480)
yes, I admit I'm mixing meds with alcohol. I know it is wrong, but....sometimes I need the enhanced effect to shut down my thoughts

I hear that.

you know it's dangerous. I know it's dangerous.

be safe, my friend.

Lola Bunny 01-16-2013 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 848480)
yes, I admit I'm mixing meds with alcohol. I know it is wrong, but....sometimes I need the enhanced effect to shut down my thoughts

You know when I was really depress a while back, I would either have a drink or smoke a cigarette so I can fall asleep. A deep cigarette inhale would make me dizzy enough to help shut down some thoughts otherwise I'd be up forever. After a while, it has become a habit. No drinks but I would still want a cigarette before bed. Weird, huh.

BigV 01-16-2013 07:17 PM


sangria, frozen. (I'm moving stuff around the freezer to get the chicken and this was in the way. now it's in my glass, soon it will be in my belly. then it will be in the toilet. what?)

later, who knows. it depends on how good the sangria is (so far, really good).

Gravdigr 01-17-2013 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Trilby (Post 848452)
sarge----wasn't it you who took ambien and vodka the other night?

Ginger Ale. Loads of ice.


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 848480)
yes, I admit I'm mixing meds with alcohol. I know it is wrong, but....sometimes I need the enhanced effect to shut down my thoughts

I've taken Ambien a couple different times...both times the glass of water did more than the Ambien. The first time I took it, I had been awake for over 36 hours...I stared at the ceiling for four hours before getting up and saying 'Fukkit, on with the day.'

It is my experienced opinion that Ambien ain't worth shit.


Chocolatl 01-17-2013 02:11 PM

I may have mentioned this before, but I once got carded for ginger ale. The cashier was a foreign exchange student who zeroed in on the "ALE" part. I handed my ID over before I could figure out why she wanted to see it, and she became very flustered when she saw I was not yet 21. Adding to the confusion was Kitsune (then boyfriend) teasing her that ginger ale was "weak stuff."

What I'm drinking is always water, Sprite, or ginger ale. I'm boring.

Big Sarge 01-17-2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 848708)
I've taken Ambien a couple different times...both times the glass of water did more than the Ambien. The first time I took it, I had been awake for over 36 hours...I stared at the ceiling for four hours before getting up and saying 'Fukkit, on with the day.'

It is my experienced opinion that Ambien ain't worth shit.


I have to take a few drinks to get it to work. I think I built up a high tolerance for it because the Combat Stress Teams give it out like candy when you are deployed

jimhelm 01-17-2013 03:29 PM

Ooops missed a page. That was intended for Limey

footfootfoot 01-17-2013 03:47 PM

Sasanach? Isn't that an Englishman?

jimhelm 01-17-2013 04:20 PM

Yeah, limey is a brit living in Scotland. In the Gabaldon books, Jamie called Claire Sasnach. Claire was like limey.

limey 01-17-2013 04:30 PM

The point is I'm ENGLISH and living in Scotland, that's what makes me a Sassenach. The Scots are Brits too.

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