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LabRat 01-22-2008 10:18 AM

Hemmorhoids (piles)
OK, did a search and apparently no one has brought this up before.

Red went hunting a few weeks ago, and apparently the prolonged sitting on the ground along with other factors has given him a raging case of the 'roids. He is at his wits end, and needs some advice from the collective here. Fortunately I never have had them, so I am of no help.

He saw his internist last week, who said do lots of short warm baths (doing that), use Prep H and Tucks (doing that), and add more fiber and water to his diet (check). Web searches recommend the same things.... He also started taking an herbal supplement that his friend who sells them recommended for blood vessel health/repair.

He's not getting any better and we were hoping someone here had some ideas. Please.

PM me if you don't want to be associated with this thread, your secret is safe with us :)

Thanks in advance. LR and Red

glatt 01-22-2008 11:21 AM

I had a similar but is sounds like a milder problem back in my 20's. I was in college, and the dorm floors were co-ed, as were the bathrooms. I never felt comfortable doing my business in those co-ed bathrooms, and as a result I would hold it too long. This meant I always ended up needing to pass a brick. One day, I had swelling "down there." I know. TMI.

I checked out a book from the college library that was all about hemorrhoids and why they form and what to do about them. Awesome that they had one. Unfortunately, the book didn't really have any good answers for the short term about how to get rid of them. The one thing in addition to what you are doing that the book mentioned, and that worked somewhat for me, was pushing gently on the swollen tissue (with TP) to get the blood out of it, and put it back where it belongs. Might work for you, might not.

After a while, (couple weeks?) things healed, but I made a real effort to fix the long term habits that I had formed that were the underlying cause of the problems.

1. Most important, don't ever hold it. If you have to go, go. The longer you hold it, the more it will hurt when it comes out, because the more the large intestine will dry it out. This was the most difficult change to make, because for years I had been holding it all day in school because I didn't want to use the public school bathrooms. Then the same in college. It was a bad habit. Follow the lead of your kids. When they need to go, they need to go right now. They are smarter than you. They listen to their bodies. You should do what they do. This may be the hardest change, because it means actually paying attention to the signals that you have probably been suppressing for years.

2. Don't push to get it to come out. It's supposed to be about as effortless as swallowing is. Just relax and allow nature to do its job. Don't push. Remember what happened to Elvis when he pushed.

3. If you think you have to push, do it as little as possible, and don't hold your breath while pushing. Both pushing and holding your breath while pushing increase the blood pressure in the tissue surrounding your anus, and the blood isn't able to vacate the anus like it's supposed to while the anus stretches to let the poop out. This is important. The blood needs to vacate the anus tissue so it can stretch properly. If it doesn't, something has to give. And it will hurt. So relax and breathe. Just let it happen.

4. Try to get into a regular routine of going to the bathroom each day at the same time, it will make it easier for your body to do what it has to do if it has a routine, and will make it easier for you to recognize the signals your body is sending you if they come the same time every day.

5. Eat lots of fiber each and every day. The fiber traps water and the large intestine can't wring the water out of the fiber. It keeps things soft. In this case, soft is your friend.

6. Drink more water. Same reason.

7. Get exercise. (All this stuff is sounding very familiar isn't it? Why is it always "eat healthy and exercise?") If you exercise more, the arteries will be more flexible and the tissue surrounding the anus will be able to stretch more easily.

Basically, the trouble is that even when you implement all of these things, none of them will instantly fix the immediate problem facing you, it will take time. The real benefit is that these steps will keep the problem from happening again once you are healed. I followed these steps (not so much the exercise one) and I haven't had this problem since my 20's and I'm as regular as clockwork now.

Cloud 01-22-2008 11:31 AM

If he's only been doing the routine for a week, you have to give it time.

I really can't add to the comprehensive list glatt gave, other than to say sitz baths help a LOT. Aveeno oatmeal baths are also very soothing.l Wash with soap and water after every evacuation, and gently push them back inside.

Sheldonrs 01-22-2008 11:31 AM

Do what I do. Put a sandpaper condom on a male partner and let him sand those suckers away. :-)

(Try reading that without rising a little off your chair) lol!!!

ZenGum 01-22-2008 11:38 AM

Thread title: Hemmorhoids (piles)

Last post: Sheldon

I fear to look, yet, I cannot keep away ...

BigV 01-22-2008 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 426378)
Thread title: Hemmorhoids (piles)

Last post: Sheldon

I fear to look, yet, I cannot keep away ...

You didn't expect him to post in the Shemmorhoids thread, now did you?

Big Red 01-22-2008 03:12 PM

Thanks folks for the advice I am 35 years and sitting on a doughnut for the first time in my life that sucks I don’t think the deer was worth it now! I just ordered a bottle of Hem Relief from a gentlemen in Colorado that specializes in Herbal medicine out of last resort lets all cross your fingers that it works or my ass is going to continue to hurt and Labrat is going too pissed at me for wasting the money.

Oh by the way sheldon you can keep the sand paper condom (Ouch)

Sheldonrs 01-22-2008 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Big Red (Post 426396)
Oh by the way sheldon you can keep the sand paper condom (Ouch)

Straight people! Always afraid to try new things. lol!!!

wolf 01-22-2008 04:02 PM

I spent some time on the doughnut as well, thought I was suffering (literally) from some kind of horrible ass cancer until I went to the doctor.

I had an external thrombosed 'roid (don't look it up online, its not goatse-nasty, but it's not pretty), and he splayed me over an exam table and surgically excised it. I had some discomfort after the pain meds wore off, but nothing like before! Of course, his bedside manner could have used a little help. As he was down there with a scalpel, he yelled out enthusiastically, "Congratulations, it's a boy!"

Which, incidentally, I admit was hysterical, and broke the tension like you wouldn't believe. Well, maybe increased the tension, because he was still hovering around my ass with a sharp, pointy object at the time.

I had tried some homepathic stuff (ingested, not topical), but I don't think it did much, if anything. Surgery worked great, though. Haven't had a significant flare-up since.

Aliantha 01-22-2008 04:24 PM

I've known people to have them surgically removed. Seems to be a good solution if nothing else works.

I get flare ups every now and then ever since I first got them giving birth. I tell you, the side effects of pregnancy are a bitch! I usually just eat lots of fibre and drink lots of water (as per previous instructions) and they go away fairly quickly.

kerosene 01-22-2008 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Big Red (Post 426396)
Thanks folks for the advice I am 35 years and sitting on a doughnut for the first time in my life that sucks I don’t think the deer was worth it now! I just ordered a bottle of Hem Relief from a gentlemen in Colorado that specializes in Herbal medicine out of last resort lets all cross your fingers that it works or my ass is going to continue to hurt and Labrat is going too pissed at me for wasting the money.

Oh by the way sheldon you can keep the sand paper condom (Ouch)

ouch! I am sorry, Red. :( Hopefully the Colorado thingy will work. I know someone who has them. I shall have to ask how he copes/coped.

lumberjim 01-22-2008 07:07 PM

i just remarked to jinx last night, that it is one of the great ironies in my life that as i develop an appreciation for spicy foods, my bunghole is developing an intolerance of them. it's just not worth it to me. too much greasy food, too much hot peppers, too much wheat, and i'm assholecentric for days. bigred, eat better when you get on the other side of this.

HungLikeJesus 01-23-2008 09:59 AM

Ah, now I understand where he got his user name.

Cloud 01-23-2008 10:55 AM

I've wanted one of these for a while. Bet that would, um, eliminate the problem! Nature's Platform


shina 01-23-2008 02:28 PM

I heard eating apples reduces them. Worth a shot.

monster 01-23-2008 08:45 PM

I heard followers of :fsm: never get them.

HungLikeJesus 01-23-2008 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 426584)
Ah, now I understand where he got his user name.

Big Red, that is.

lumberjim 01-23-2008 09:39 PM this and pause it.....let it load up to 4:00 in.....then start it.....

sorry...i looked for this clip for like a half an hour. this is the best i could find.

LabRat 01-24-2008 09:12 AM


I'll make sure to ask him what he did when he hung out on his grandparents farm as a kid...

DanaC 01-24-2008 06:57 PM

Ick. I get them every so often (like once every couple of years) have done since I was about 23. Freaked me out the first time (like Wolf, I thought it was something serious). They don't seem to last long when they come up and I suspect they are to do with diet.

Cloud 01-24-2008 07:00 PM

I think all mothers are pretty familiar with them, being a common side effect of pregnancy. No fun, though.

Extra cleanliness helps. I love a clean asshole.

In more ways than one. :p

jinx 01-24-2008 08:36 PM

Uh, no, I made it thru 2 pregnancies without issue. My sister came thru hers unscathed as well. I haven't asked anyone else...

monster 01-24-2008 08:52 PM

3 sprogs, no piles. stretchmarks to rival a British road map.

Cloud 01-24-2008 09:05 PM

well you guys are lucky then, but it is a common side effect of pregnancy. really.

monster 01-24-2008 09:10 PM

oh yes. I'm happy to have missed that. no morning sickness either. :D

Cloud 01-24-2008 10:47 PM

is a sprog a child? or does it mean "baby?"

. . . or maybe wildrazorbackhog?

DanaC 01-25-2008 03:26 AM

'sprog' means baby or young child.


I made it thru 2 pregnancies without issue.
*chuckles* taken out of context that sounds like you managed to have two pregnancies but no children.

BigV 01-25-2008 05:06 PM

hm. To me it sounds more like she's been the virgin mary. twice.

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